It’s raining
This week was an okay week. I find myself getting tired of exercising and counting points.  I’m currently struggling with the fact that while I weigh less, I get less points to consume each day.  But I’m also starting to run longer distances, so the struggle is real.  I just felt hungry this week.  I ate some bigger lunches and unfortunately, the hello fresh meals we have been receiving have between 17 to 22 points in them.  I only get 31 points in a day, so it’s hard when I say, eat Skyline for lunch and then want to eat something other than vegetables for lunch.
I had a snack this Saturday that I didn’t track.  I made myself a beautiful mixture of doritos, Cheetos, and funyons.  I don’t feel that guilty for eating that because I felt like I just HAD to have something that was junk food that day.  But I kept my mini binge to just Saturday night…even though all the leftovers are still in the basement.  Well, I assume they are.  Andy might have eaten them all by this point.
The honeymoon phase of my running group is kinda over too.  We only did four miles last Saturday (I know there is a science behind dropping back in miles, but I kinda wanted to go further.)  We had some new people join this week, which I think is semi weird because I think we are on week four at this point.
I might have just been in a bad mood, but people were getting on my nerves.  I got tired of standing around wait to be dismissed to the trail. One new guy was almost run over by a bike because he was on the left side of the trail (after being told to move over.  Does this guy not drive?  Does he drive on the left side of the road?)  One guy made an off color joke and it offended another woman.  Unfortunately, I was between them during this exchange, so I got experience that.  The guy felt really awful and kept apologizing (I think it was the classic example of putting your foot in your mouth).  The woman forgave him, but you could tell it was still bugging her.
This just bummed me out. It doesn’t help that it happened in the beginning of the run, so I got to deal with it for the next four miles. I run to get all zen and shit. And I got stuck between a conflict/tense situation.  Enlightened moment—this is probably why I wanted junk food that evening.
I got my run in today and tomorrow is weight watchers meeting.  I hope I hit the 20 pound lost mark!
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Shopping within your own closet
I can now fit into a pair of jeans I haven’t been able to wear in a year.
It’s a great feeling.
As most girls who fluctuate in weight, my closet is a host of sizes.  I think the smallest is a size 6 pair of pants and the biggest is size 16 pair of shorts I had to buy last summer.
I considered going shopping to buy some new jeans, but decided to just shop within my own closet and I was so happy that the jeans fit again.  I buy expensive premium jeans—I can’t help it.  It’s my thing.  I justify it with the fact that I wear jeans to work and the premium jeans seem to last much longer.
I’ve lost almost 20 pounds and while I feel like I still have long journey to my goal weight, this is a great feeling.  Sometimes we focus so much on the end goal that we forget to celebrate the little wins.
Like the fact that I ate a donut last week and it didn’t set off a free for fall.
Or I ate at skyline chili this week and I made it work within my eating plan.
Or that running four miles feels like nothing now.
 There is beauty in moderation.
Enjoy the process and the results will come.
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This is getting easier…
When I started half marathon training and received the training schedule, I was shocked how little we run.  For some reason, before I started, I thought we would be running 5 or 10 miles every couple of days.  The way this program is set up, we run 3-4 miles 3 times a week and have one long run on Saturdays.  We also never run 13.1 miles.  I must believe that the people who developed this program know what they are doing. And I’m following it.
But, it’s getting easier. If you have told me last year that I would be running 5 miles and enjoying myself, I would have laughed. There have been times in my life I could run 5 miles at a time, but I can’t say I ever REALLY enjoyed it.  I enjoyed that I could run that distance, but for the most part I always exercised because I wanted to lose weight or maintain my weight.  
Now, I can honestly say I enjoy running.  It calms me down.  If I have a rough day at work and I go for a run, I can leave that anxiety at work.  I don’t sit and think about things over and over like I used to.  I don’t dwell on things as much. When someone insults me or hurts my feelings, it’s easier to say to myself, “she’s a bitch and that’s her problem, not mine.”  
Not every run is great. Sometimes it’s too dark. Sometimes I get stuck next to someone during running group who annoys me or talks too much.  Sometimes, it’s too windy and I feel like I’m going in slow motion.
But now I look forward to my Saturday and Wednesday morning group. People talk to me and are encouraging.  It’s nice to be surrounded by people who have the same goal.  It’s nice to be around people who are positive.
It’s gonna be a great week.
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Friday...the 13th.  Dun Dun DUN
It’s Friday the 13th.  I struggle to find topics for Friday because it’s winter in Ohio and all I really do is workout and read Harry Potter.  I mean, who DOESN’T want to read about that?
Since I don’t really enjoy grocery shopping and cooking in general, my husband and I subscribed to Hello Fresh, which was FANTASTIC.  Meals get delivered to your house (we set up a subscription for three meals a week for two people), with all ingredients included (minus oil, butter, and salt). We got shrimp tacos, chicken and vegetables, and burgers, (but, like, fancy burgers.)  The only downside is that I don’t think the meals are REALLY all that healthy (they have a lot of WW points), but at least I don’t have to drive my lazy/cooking hating ass to store.
I also subscribed to a (I think) quarterly subscription to FITFABFUN.  It’s a quarterly box with full size bottles of beauty stuff and fitness stuff.  I got in this box a coloring book, coloring pencils, hair oil, nail polish, lip gloss, an eye shadow palette (which kinda looks like a knock off of the Urban decay NAKED palette I have), a blanket scarf (SO COZY), coffee cup, exfoliating spray, and probably some other shit I can’t remember right now.  I just love getting stuff in the mail!  The blanket scarf was the coolest thing in the box.
Tomorrow is our second long run of my MIT training.  We are supposed to go 5 miles.  But we are also supposed to get an ice storm.  I think the reports now say that it’s supposed to hit south of Columbus, so I hope we get to run tomorrow.  Plus, I bought some really cool under armor exercise clothes and I want to give them a spin. J
 See you Monday!
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It’s Monday
Ah yes, the long waited Monday fitness post.  For the appromoxiate 0.0 people that are reading this as of right now.
This Saturday was the kick off of my half marathon training.  We ran 4 miles in sub zero tempatures and it was actually not that bad.  The worst part was being on the contast look out for icy patches and the first mile I just trying to get used to the cold.  Everyone in my pace group was really nice and friendly and I’m excited to start this adventure.  
One of the main pieces of advice from this program is that we have to make sure we get our miles in during the week: you can show up and just do the long runs on Saturday, but someone will probably be picking you off the trail week 8.  I ran Monday (3 miles), Wednesday (3 Miles), Friday (2 miles), and Saturday (4 miles) for a total of 12 miles.
I don’t think Sarah a year ago would be brave enough to deal with the weather last year.  Here’s to being a badass.  *Cheers*
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Happy Friday!
As promised...a Friday update.  I want to keep the theme of Monday--health post, Friday-fun post.  Since it’s still the beginning of the year and I’m still getting into the groove of life aka going back to work, exercising, not eating Christmas cooks for dinner, etc, I’m just going to rock a list for this post.
Since everyone seems to just want to shit all over 2016, I’m going to list 10 positive things that happened to me in 2016:
1. My husband and I bought a house!  We have moved to different apartments/condos every year since we moved to Columbus, so it’s great that we finally have a place to call home and I love the fact that I know I don’t have to move my shit again.  I plan to die in this house.
2. My nephew Jack was born!  He is adorable and he has brown eyes, just like me.  Plus, he farts on people and gives zero fucks about it.  Go baby Jack.
3. I started NoBoundaries training (the local couch to 5K running program).  It really taught me how to run properly and I credit it with getting me out of an exercise/life slump.  I did the program twice in 2016 and it’s the reason I felt confident to take on the half marathon training.
4. I started reading the Harry Potter series.  Harry Potter was popular around the time I was in High school, so I never read them.  I really enjoy them and I enjoy the fact that I can read at a fifth grade reading level.  Like a boss.
5. I eat at home/cook more.  Obviously, it saves money and calories.  Go me.  I can say I don’t enjoy cooking all that much, but I definitely hate it less now.
6. I discovered I enjoyed Yoga.  I found a great place in Westerville and I have found some great apps too.  It complements my running well and really helps me when I’m sore or tight.
7. I drank alcohol less.  I’m not sober Sally, but I have noticed that alcohol affects my body and mind in a way that doesn’t serve me or my goals.  I plan on cutting back even more in 2017
8. I drank one gallon of water a day.  This really helped me when exercising and made my skin dope as hell. I can tell when I’m dehydrated now, which sucks.  I also made many a trips to the bathroom and basically kept the toilet paper/hand soap/paper towel companies in business this year.
9.  I figured out what I truly enjoy.  I tried to be a “go with the flow” kind of gal, but that just left me unhappy most of the time.  While I’m not a diva, I have found that if I do things I truly enjoy and skip things that I don’t, I’m overall happier person.  (like, within reason. There are some things you just can’t get out of. Trust me, I’ve tried.)
10.  I need my “me” time.  I’m an introvert pretending to be an extrovert.  I like people, but they drain me.  I need time to myself in order to recharge and maintain my calm.  I assume most people aren’t like this, but most people think I’m a weirdo because I like to shop and go to movies by myself. Whatever. Haters gonna hate.
My first official MIT training session is tomorrow! Update on Monday!
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An introduction
Firstly...It just took me about six tries to make this blog and I had verify I wasn’t a robot about 30 million times.  Ugh.  
I think every great blog should start off with an introduction.  Gotta know what you are about to get into, ya know?
I am a 31 married woman living in Columbus, Ohio.  (insert OSU football reference here)
I am running a half marathon in late April.  This is a one bullet point of my overly complicated New Year’s resolution, which I will be explaining to you shortly.
I am not a natural athlete.  I am one of those people who naturally likes to attach themselves to a couch and eat simple carbs while watching the OWN network for hours.
However, I also dislike being overweight, looking semi blah in clothes, and feeling like shit.  SO CONFLICTED.
During this past year, I participated in two running groups that are basically “coach to 5K” programs.  I found, once I had a solid basis, I do in fact enjoy running outside.  Since I have outgrown the couch to 5K program, I joined the half marathon training program in my city.
Which leads me to my overly complicated NY resolutions I spoke about earlier:
Sarah’s overly complicated NY resolution (SOCNYR)
 Run one 5K a month--I stole this resolution from another runner.  I just think it’s great since you less likely to give up if you know you have another race coming up.  I already registered for my upcoming races through April, and since I already paid for that shit, I AM GOING.
Run the half marathon--this seems like a given since I already paid for the training and the race itself.  But I would still like to get credit for running it.
Work the WW program--I’m not setting a weight loss goal, rather an overall wellness goal.  I love the new WW program and I found a meeting I really enjoy.  I say “work” the program vs. “do” the program because to me “doing the program” is just showing up to meetings and pretending to track points. Working the program is really doing the program and realizing there may be times where you fall off the wagon.  I have finally realized you can not out exercise a bad diet.  Nor do I particularly enjoy working out after eating terribly.  Only took about 15 years of life to realize that.
Post in this blog twice a week--my current plan is to post twice a week (Monday and Friday).  Monday will be a fitness/diet update and Friday will be a life/funny post.  Because people who just talk about their diet/fitness routine can start to be hella boring to me. 
Happy 2017!  I hope you enjoy reading about my journey :)
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