mospoeteek-blog · 6 years
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I had little or nothing, I wasn't perfect, As a matter of fact, I am wired by countless flaws. Flaws that depicts a detestable picture of me. Flaws that my selfish ego denies, But leaves me on the corridors of my thoughts isolated, rejected, and filthy. As unclean and disgusting as I can be, you have ignored the mockery trumpet of shame, picking me up daily from my dirt and cleaning me up into the image of that Man that you are proud of. You have sacrificed your portion just for my satisfaction. You Beauty, Self adornment and pride you have selflessly given away just for my glorification. It is me written in all of your actions For me you are always there, my AIR in personification. I walked into an elevator moving up floors the day I met you. I saw a Jewel in this mine. One not to flashy but special, simple and BEAUTIFUL. That Jewel radiating colours. Colours that weaves into an amazing fabric. A fabric of LIFE, of COMELINESS, of LOVE. I made the best choice picking up this Jewel because, ever since I did, My Life has appreciated in value. You are that mortar, that has plastered all my cracks, making Ma walls perfect. The pillar that supports, and turns my instability into Balance. The Cologne that dresses me with sweet smelling and pleasant fragrance. The Jewel that adorns my garment in elegance, giving me an aura of Grace. You are my access to favor, My Mother, My Brown Shuga, My Best Friend, My Completion, My Son's Mum, My Hustle Partner, My Life's Garden You are the Centre of my world. I LOVE YOU. Yours Truly MOS...
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mospoeteek-blog · 6 years
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In Him I am well Pleased... #Super_Boy #Mummy'sMan #Papa'sSouljah #Ethan
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mospoeteek-blog · 6 years
My wardrobe will just look amazing with all of these
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New Nike “City” Edition jersey. Pt.1.
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