mortalmenagerie · 5 years
Questions about Villainous Muses...
(Full disclosure. The mun of this blog roleplays an unapologetically evil muse. Have some questions related to other role-play baddies.)
1. What would it have taken to prevent your muse from becoming a villain?
2. Despite their villainy, does your muses subscribe to some sort of ethical/honor code that guides their behavior?
3. When was the last time your muse cried for someone else’s sake? 
4. Are there any ethical/moral lines your muse will not cross? 
5. Mun, you could have spent the time and effort you dedicate to your museIf roleplaying as a hero. Why did you decide to roleplay as a villain? 
6. If questioned about their evil behavior, what excuse would your muse give to justify it?
7. Does your muse have the potential to be a loving parent? The question addresses their ability to feel a child’s emotional needs, not the muse’s ability to physically procreate. 
8. If your muse could feel the emotional pain of the people they hurt, would this deter their villainous behavior?
9. What punishment does the mun think would be justifiable for the muse? 
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mortalmenagerie · 5 years
Send 😘 if you ship our muses romantically.
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mortalmenagerie · 5 years
Pros to ship with me
Our ship is probably gonna be rly cute
Cons to ship with me
I’ll talk about it all the time
I’ll give you what ifs and how woulds all the time
I will think of AUs and share
I will make playlists of them a lot
It will always have pain and tears
Probably will have to ask for 983454858645794 threads
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mortalmenagerie · 5 years
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French girls working at an army boot repair shop, Calais, 24 June 1918.
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mortalmenagerie · 5 years
haunted starters
“I swear there was someone there…” “Very funny! What’s next? The phone starts ringing while the cords not in?” “I had a dream last night, only it was so vivid I could have sworn I was awake. In it I was killing you. I didn’t want to… but I couldn’t stop myself.” “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” “Wherever I look I keep seeing these eyes staring back at me…” “Did you not hear that?! They’re whispering your name!” “Don’t move, be quiet. There’s someone in the bed with us… Don’t wake it.” [ text ] Don’t open the door when you hear knocking. It looks and sounds like me, but it’s not me! “I got the strangest phone call last night and I haven’t been able to get it out of my head.“ “Something is going to happen to you and you’ll never be the same again.” [ text ] Run! “You can see me? But you’re just a mere mortal… Interesting.” “You were talking in your sleep last night… and something responded.” “You know I don’t buy into that whole ghost thing, but this is starting to freak me out.” “You think I’m going to believe you didn’t just write this note yourself to scare me?” “Oh no, I’m not going to kill you… You’re going to kill yourself and I’m going to watch.” “When I peeked into your room last night… I saw someone sitting on the end of your bed.” “This was a bad idea… I’m beginning to think there’s more to those stories, after all.” “Stop it! That’s not even a language and I’m to believe you’re possessed or something? It’s not funny!” “Nice costume.” [ text ] Someone just opened your front door and sneaked inside… Get out! “If you weren’t singing… then who was?” “You’re dead! I was there at your funeral!” “Please don’t be scared. I’m still the same person… dead or not.”
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mortalmenagerie · 5 years
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mortalmenagerie · 5 years
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Sushi Art by Mikyoui00 on Instagram
Follow So Super Awesome on Instagram
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mortalmenagerie · 5 years
“I want to be magic. I want to touch the heart of the world and make it smile. I want to be a friend of elves and live in a tree. Or under a hill. I want to marry a moonbeam and hear the stars sing. I don’t want to pretend at magic anymore. I want to be magic.”
— Charles de Lint (via asundrop)
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mortalmenagerie · 5 years
triggering  /  nsfw   may  be  present ,   these  are  taken  from  varying  films.
“  With this candle… I will set your mother on fire. ”
“  Your cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine.  ”
“  With this ring, I ask you to be mine. ”
“  Please, there’s been a mistake. I’m not dead.   ”
“  If I touch a burning candle, I can feel no pain.  ”
“  If you cut me with a knife, it’s still the same. ”
“  I know her heart is beating, and I know that I am dead. ”
“  Isn’t the view beautiful? It takes my breath away.  ”
“  I’ve spent so long in the darkness, I’d almost forgotten how beautiful the moonlight is. ”
“  I feel my heart is aching, though it doesn’t beat it’s breaking. ”
“  Yet the pain here that I feel…try and tell me it’s not real. ”
“  I know that I am dead. It seems that I still have some tears to shed. ”
“  I was a bride. My dreams were taken from me.  ”
“  This wedding cannot take place until he is properly prepared!  ”
“  What are you doing here at this hour? You should be at home, prostrate with grief!  ”
“  What a story it is. A tragic tale of romance, passion, and a murder most foul! ”
“  Why go up there when people are dying to get down here? ”
“  This would stop his heart forever. Only then would he be free to give it to you. ”
“  If I hadn’t just been sitting in it, I would say that you’ve lost your mind! ”
“ You don’t know me, but I used to live in your dead mother.. ”
“ Be gone, ye demons from Hell! Back to the void from whence you came! ”
“ We must abide by their rules! We are amongst the living.  ”
“ Let’s turn on the juice and see what shakes loose. ”
“  Hey, these aren’t my rules! Come to think of it, I don’t have any rules!  ”
“  Uh, I think, uh, they’ve had enough “exorcise” for tonight. ”
“  Not so fast, round boy. We’re gonna have some laughs! ”
“  And that, is why I won’t do two shows a night anymore babe, I won’t.  ”
“ My whole life is a darkroom.  ”
“ Don’t mind her. She’s still upset that someone dropped a house on her sister. ”
“ I will go insane and I will take you with me! ”
“ I will live with you in this hellhole, but I must express myself.  ”
“ Uh, what I meant is, can you be scary? ”
“ Oh! I didn’t know you were asking me. Can I be scary?  ”
“  I don’t think we survived that crash.  ”
“  Please, they’re dead. It’s a little late to be neurotic. ”
“ Well, how is it you see us and nobody else can?  ”
“  Well, I’ve read through that handbook for the recently deceased.  ”
“ It says: ‘live people ignore the strange and unusual. I, myself, am strange and unusual.  ”
“ I, myself, am strange and unusual.  ”
“  I mean they’re gone, split, out of here, afterlife kids, deceased-ahh. ”
“ I was just wondering could you help me get out of here?  ”
“ Are you gross under there? Are you Night of the Living Dead under there? ”
“ You know, if I had seen a ghost at your age I would have been scared out of my wits.  ”
“  You must believe me. it was a horseman, a dead one. Head less.  ”
“  I think you have no heart. And I had a mind once to give you mine. ”
“ Villainy wears many masks, none so dangerous as the mask of virtue. ”
“ I have shed my tears for [ name ], and yet my heart is not broken.  ”
“  Their heads were not found severed. Their heads were not found at all. ”
“ He’s on the rampage, cutting off heads where he finds them. ”
“  That’s the problem; He was dead to begin with.  ”
“  What happened to you? Where are your parents?  ”
“  It’s not heaven he’s from! It’s straight from the stinking flames of hell!  ”
“ The power of Satan is in him; I can feel it. Can’t you? ”
“ He has been sent first to tempt you. But it’s not too late. ”
“ Sweetheart, you can’t buy the necessities of life with cookies. ”
“  You see, before he came down here, it never snowed. ”
“  If he weren’t up there now, I don’t think it would be snowing. ”
“ I don’t love you anymore. I just want you to go, okay? Just go. ”
“  Are you serious? I’m gonna lose you to that? He isn’t even human.. ”
“  Trust me, dearie, it’s gonna take a lot more than ale to wash that taste out.  ”
“ We could have a life, us two. ”
“  Maybe not like I dreamed. Maybe not like you remember. But we could get by.  ”
“ In these once familiar streets I feel… shadows… everywhere.  ”
“ You have a room over the shop, don’t you?  ”
“  Haven’t been there in years. People think it’s haunted. ”
“ You see, years ago, something happened up there. Something not very nice. ”
“ I tried to stop her, but she wouldn’t listen to me.  ”
“  If I see your face again on this street, you’ll rue the day you were born. ”
“  You’ll kill me, boy? Well here I stand! ”
“  You’re barking mad! Killing a man what done ya no harm! ”
“ Don’t worry no one’ll recognize you. You’re safe now.  ”
“ I’ve never had dreams. Only nightmares.  ”
“ I won’t slay anything. I don’t slay, so put it out of your mind.  ”
“ Have you any idea why a raven is like a writing desk? ”
“ Some says you survive it, you need to be as mad as a hatter.   ”
“  There is a place, like no place on Earth. A land full of wonder, mystery and danger. ”
“  Why is it you’re always too small or too tall?  ”
“ You used to be much more… muchier. You’ve lost your muchness.  ”
“ It looks like you’ve run afoul of something with wicked claws… ”
“  What if it were agreed that “proper” meant wearing a codfish on your head?   ”
“ Do you know what I’ve always dreaded?  ”
“  I’d rather you didn’t. I’ll be fine as soon as I wake up.  ”
“  If you’re hiding her, you will lose your heads.  ”
“ I don’t care! He wouldn’t be there if it weren’t for me!  ”
“ I’ve been shrunk, stretched, scratched, and stuffed into a teapot.  ”
“  So, I’ve come to you hoping you might understand what it’s like. ”
“ There are questions I have to answer, things I have to do. ”
“  You two remind me of some funny boys I met in a dream. ”
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mortalmenagerie · 5 years
Ok, I’m not a big fan of these kinds of posts, but lately, I’m becoming more and more disheartened so I need to know if you’re out there. 
Please reblog this post if you are willing to write with ‘un-shippable’ muses. 
I’m talking about those muses who are perhaps elderly, who are married/taken and not liable to affairs, muses who are asexual/aromantic, or even just muses whose muns don’t really want to ship. 
While I’m always happy that anyone would want to write with me, sadly, over time I have realised that my older/married/ace muses are very rarely (virtually never) requested. So please share this on your blog so that people know they can throw their muses at you who are not going to wind up in ships or with smut threads. 
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mortalmenagerie · 5 years
I’m a sucker for characters who see troubled kids in dangerous situations and basically go “they need parents, guess that’s me now”
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mortalmenagerie · 5 years
Symbol meme starters.
Send one for my muse’s reaction! Feel free to alter context, switch muse’s positions, etc, as necessary. Contains some mild NSFW.
(chest) - for your muse to press a hand against my muse’s chest (hair) - for your muse to bury their face in my muse’s hair (backhand) - for your muse to backhand my muse (jaw) - for your muse to grip my muse’s jaw in one hand (lap) - for your muse to sit in my muse’s lap (whisper) - for your muse to whisper in my muse’s ear (bottom) - for your muse to rest a hand on my muse’s ass (or slap it) (undress) - for your muse to undress mine (may not be nsfw!) (pin) - for your muse to pin mine to a specified surface  (yank) - for your muse to yank mine out of the way of danger (bite) - for your muse to bite mine (palm) - for your muse to clap a hand over my muse’s mouth (throw) - for your muse to physically throw mine (piggyback) - for your muse to leap onto my muse’s back for a piggyback ride (nourish) - for your muse to provide my muse with food or drink (secret) - for your muse to reveal a secret to mine (specify the secret!) (discover) - for your muse to discover information about mine that they shouldn’t know (rescue) - for your muse to rescue mine from danger (promise) - for your muse to make mine a promise, whether they intend to keep it or not (lie) - for your muse to lie to mine (specify the lie) (confess) - for your muse to make a confession of truth to mine (command) - for your muse to give my muse an order or instruction, which may or may not be followed (hide) - for your muse to hide somewhere with my muse (sleep) - for your muse to fall asleep on mine (misc) - create your own/sender specifies! useful if something here gives you an idea that isn’t otherwise written.
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mortalmenagerie · 5 years
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mortalmenagerie · 5 years
don’t ship with me bc I will worship our ship and love on it every other second and when I’m not doing replies I will reblog things to fill our otp tag and I will message you lil things to reply to and cute headcanons and spine crippling anGST DONT DO IT I WARNED YOU
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mortalmenagerie · 5 years
2hr makeout session ft inappropriate touching sounds so good rn
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mortalmenagerie · 5 years
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mortalmenagerie · 5 years
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Edwardian evening gown
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