moony-toonss · 5 months
Simply Having "a Wonderful" Christmastime
I’ve always thought Christmas was the worst holiday.
It never resonated with me.
It never made sense to me.
The cold, depressing winter it happens in
Makes it feel like it shouldn’t be happy.
If people wanted Christmas to be happy,
It should’ve been in Summer.
Or spring.
Anything but the god forsaken winter.
Life seems to slow down in the winter,
Is that why they say we should celebrate?
Or should we cherish the moments with our loved ones
Before it’s too late.
Buying gifts for them won’t slow down their life.
It’s money wasted on things they’ll use all but once.
Life is short, and companies
Decide to make money by turning the saddest season of all
Into a Mariah Carey love fest.
They believe that money can buy happiness,
And that simply isn’t true.
Happiness comes from within,
Money has nothing to do with it.
Well, it may have a bit to do
With our happiness.
But that’s our economy.
People find happiness in vapes,
And candy,
But people, and literature, and movies
Can make you feel that way too.
Happiness isn’t limited to physical objects.
A smile from a stranger could make someone’s day.
Holding the door open,
A hug from a sibling.
These things mean more
Than some silly toy you buy at Target.
But to kids, those toys do bring happiness.
In return, their smiles fill us up.
We buy the toy for them, but we don’t
Pay attention to the toy.
We watch their reaction.
We smile when they smile.
If they’re happy,
So are we. 
Christmas is for the kids,
But the adults are repaid with the 
Pure joy from the kids.
I guess that’s what Christmas is to me.
I’d much rather get a gift of a smile
Than a silly little toy.
A smile, I can remember forever.
Toys can break.
Memories can’t.
MM, 2023
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