moonaaluna · 3 years
if you like to talk to yourself do you think ghosts think you’re talking to them? like yeah, your answers to their questions may a little off, but at least someone isn’t talking to them in terror in the middle of the night. its the first time theyve had a conversation in ages.
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moonaaluna · 4 years
“A good story is a dream shared by the author and the reader. Anything that wakes the reader from the dream is a mortal sin.”
— Victor J. Banis
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moonaaluna · 4 years
Im a bit sick and stuffy and its hard to breathe right now, but last night after waking up to being extra sutuffed i had the most peculiar dream... its the type that makes it difficult to tell if its real or not.... I can’t remember the whole thing.... basically i was in the woods and was building a fire on a rock cliff formation. I look aroundand find a couple cigarette lighters and about three packs of cigarettes. Now, im 15 so i don’t smoke, so i lit the fire and as it started to get dark I decided it wouldbe interesting to try one, even though my parents would most definitely murder me if i found out. So i light it and its gone pretty quickly. I smoke two more before stashing the packs and lighters in mybackpack and running to the house. Lateron i go to the stable to fing the goats are getting out, and some of them a freaking out and looking for hiding places. I was corralling some into the stable when dad comes up to me and says “dont go ofer to the pool behind the house. Something has been killing turkeys, and it left some naked ones in the pool. Hurry and put thegoats up, and dont let it catch you.” So i hurry and work on getting the goats in the pen. One of them had crawled under some net and i had to pull it out. Another one had run ito some woods, and i had to carry the terrified goat to the stable. When im done, i sit down and smoke about four more cigarettes in the barn before the dream ends.
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moonaaluna · 4 years
so about 5 years ago i had the urge to cut my little pinkie toe off. i went into the living room and started looking for a poket knife in the drawer. i didn’t find one and i still have my pinkie toe. but now i know that it would probably be easier to use a kitchen knife instead
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moonaaluna · 4 years
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but mood tho
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moonaaluna · 4 years
bruh im tired. help
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moonaaluna · 4 years
Reposted - all of the art from the annotated edition
Fitz shows Sophie Lumeria:
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Sophie is juged by Bronte (this happens all the time, but specifically the Foxfire entrance): LOVE ALL DAY EVERY DAY IT’S MY NEW PFP I LOVE BRONTE SO MUCH (He’s actually good looking tho i’m just sayin’)
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Sophie goes to Atlantis:
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Sophie leaves her human family:
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Sophie meets Dex:
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Sophie meets Keefe:
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Sophie saves Iggy:
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Ultimate Splotching Match:
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Sophie hangs out with Biana: LOOK AT THIS QUEEN
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Sophie finished midterms: LIVE FOR THE ADORABLE RUEWEN-FOSTER MOMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!
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Sophie finds Elmentine:
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Sophie and Alden in front of Terik’s castle:
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Sophie bottles Everblaze:
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Sophie and Dex find out they’re in Paris:
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Tag List:
@bronte-deserves-better​ @councillor-bronte-is-best-boy​ @lesbilynnette​ @an-absolute-travesty​ @bookwyrminspiration​​ @linhamon-roll​​ @mallowmeltz​​ @krispykreeme​​ @ultralazycreatorfan​
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moonaaluna · 4 years
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moonaaluna · 4 years
imma change my name to bitch and i dare you to call me that
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moonaaluna · 4 years
“books are dangerous; they can show you your darkest fears by luring you in with your sweetest dreams”
— @thatsmartidiot24 and i
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moonaaluna · 4 years
If Percy Jackson rated the Greek Gods:
Zeus: 4/10 has tried to kill me several times but did make Thalia and my bro Jason
Hera: -10/10 erased my memories and hates my girlfriend
Poseidon: 100/10 that’s my pabby
Demeter: 7/10 seems pretty chill, wanted me to eat cereal so she cares about my nutritional well-being I guess
Ares: 0/10 tried to fight me when I was 12 very aggressive
Athena: 6/10 can be helpful but also very scary when you date her daughter
Apollo: 5/10 very self-absorbed but has calmed down since he got acne
Artemis: 7/10 very cool but tried to take away Annabeth
Hephaestus: 8/10 helped us out but also sent us into an active volcano so mixed feelings
Aphrodite: 6/10 said she was going to make sure my love life was interesting and oh boy did she deliver. I do like Piper though so she gets points for that
Hermes: 9/10 awesome, hasn’t even tried to kill me once, sent me to Paris on a date, has dope snakes
Dionysus: 2/10 can get a better score when he learns my name
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moonaaluna · 4 years
Lol i need to start writing my dreams again
“Writing - the act of one person giving a piece of their soul to another.”
— J. Spredemann
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moonaaluna · 4 years
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He came for their whole LIVES asfjsjsksk
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moonaaluna · 4 years
“Books are a uniquely portable magic.”
— Stephen King
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moonaaluna · 4 years
What the actual fuck is wrong with not only my brain, but also the rest of me because ouch i have a headache and my body does not crave the sleep it needs at 1:28 am
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moonaaluna · 4 years
B a c k p a i n
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moonaaluna · 4 years
Me, on my death bed, wheezing my final word: b r u h...
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