monacas-questioning · 3 years
『A promo, perhaps?』
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“Goodness… it seems that I may have been a little late to places like these.”
A young maid sighs to herself, carefully inspecting her surroundings. Where she was is… new to her. She doesn’t believe that she has been here before either. However, she can already visualise a few ways to clean up around the place to make it look a little more presentable to other people who may join sooner or later. She was told that a few of her friends were here as well, so that’s partially the reason why she’s making the decision to be present. It doesn’t take the maid long to notice that someone else is standing with her!
She is quick to gently brush herself off, turning her to attention to whomever wants to have a small chat with her,
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“Ah! My apologies. I did not notice you there.” She remarks, giving a small bow on behalf of the apology along with some respect. “I am Kirumi Tojo, the Ultimate Maid. Please, do let me know if you require my assistance with anything. I will try my best to fulfil the request.” She states gently, “Do pardon me randomly appearing out of no where as well. Perhaps I could know about one’s self as well while i’m here?” Kirumi suggests, if she doesn’t know the person already.
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monacas-questioning · 3 years
“Hey, hey! A promotion for me?”
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“Aaaall right! Lets get this show on the rode!” A man energetically states, his hands being happily placed behind his head. It didn’t take him long to get the camera working considering the type of skills that he has. He doesn’t waste any time introducing himself either, “Name’s Kazuichi Souda! I’m the Ultimate Mechanic. Nice to meet ya.” He says, a smile being plastered upon his face, “I heard that a few interesting things go on in a place like this, so obviously I wanted to check it out. Also heard that a few of my classmates are here too, so I suppose that’s another factor for wanting to come here.”
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“Heheheh… m-maybe i’ll be able to see Miss Sonia too..! It’s been a while since i’ve talked to her..” Souda giggles light-heartedly to himself, before snapping back into reality, “ Uh- anyway! I hope I won’t regret this decision. Let’s try to be friends, yeah?”
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monacas-questioning · 3 years
How about Big sis Junko's sister, Mukuro?
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“Hmm... Monaca isn’t sure! She hasn’t met Mukuro before... I only have heard a few things here and there about her. She’s the Ultimate Soldier, and Big Sis Junko had killed her in a killing game to spread out her despair... doesn’t she like, not really show emotions either? Monaca isn’t sure, but she wouldn’t mind meeting Mukuro.”
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monacas-questioning · 3 years
Fine. You are now adopted by the Ultimate Mage/Magician Himiko Yumeno :D (better?)
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“...I don’t even know who that is. Monaca would prefer if she didn’t get adopted by anyone! I don’t need someone to look after me, or be my ‘guardian’ or whatever. I am perfectly capable of looking after myself! I’ve been doing that for quite some time now.”
She huffs.
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monacas-questioning · 3 years
Don't worry. Nagito isn't THAT bad plus, Nagito is friends with some people you might like.
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“I! Don’t! Care! His! Friends! Are! Probably! Losers!” She wails, her fists banging on her arm-rests of her wheelchair, “He! Barely! Knows! How! To! Take! Care! Of! Himself! Let! Alone! A! Child!” Monaca states, “Monaca! Doesn’t! Like! Him! Because! Of! All! The! Rude! Things! He! Says! About! Big! Sis! Junko! As! Well!”
Despite knowing full-well that Junko just used her for her plans for despair, she still thinks of Junko as someone who cared for her for the first time. 
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monacas-questioning · 3 years
You are now adopted by Nagito Komaeda (all of them) :D
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“Ehhh-?? Nooo!” She shakes her head, not really liking the information being told. ..Even though it’s just a joke most likely, “Monaca! Doesn’t! Want! To! Be! Adopted! By! A! Freak! Like! Him!” She whines, 
“He’s! Annoying! And! Too! Obsessed! With! Hope! It’s! Weird!”
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monacas-questioning · 3 years
Thank god. She really didn’t want to get into detail for why she needed a ‘guardian’ or a ‘adult’ around. However, she does listen to the anthropologist answer her questions, a small nod coming from her as he explains.
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“I see, I see! I suppose that’s understandable.” She agrees, thinking lightly to herself at the offer. Would she really want to help this random person with his anthropology? ...Perhaps. Maybe she can learn a thing or two from him herself, which can definitely head towards an advantage of hers of some sort. It takes her a moment before she speaks up her answer, “Monaca wouldn’t mind helping out! I suppose it’s also to slightly make-up with the bad start. Though, may I ask? How come you’re trying to ‘collect as much data as you can these days’? Are you working on a project or something?”
I wonder, what is a child like you doing here?
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“Eh? Is it not usual for a child to be around in these places?” She questions, a confused expression concerning her face. Great, another adult. Or... at least someone who’s older than her. She isn’t sure the age of this one. It’s a little confusing with majority of his face being covered, along with his lanky body. Whatever, it isn’t important for the most part.
“Monaca’s doing just fine if you’re wondering. But who are you? I don’t think i’ve ever seen you before.”
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monacas-questioning · 3 years
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“I’m just saying that some of us are capable to function by ourselves! Monaca doesn’t need anyone to worry about her, so she finds it useless when one tries to find out what’s going on!” She’s quick to switch up her attitude to more happier expression. She can tell that he was starting to get annoyed with her, and she doesn’t exactly want that impression stuck on her. Or well, even more stuck on her,
“How long have you been studying anthropology for? I take it that you’ve been doing that for quite some time now... mind telling Monaca your favourite thing about it?” She questions.
I wonder, what is a child like you doing here?
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“Eh? Is it not usual for a child to be around in these places?” She questions, a confused expression concerning her face. Great, another adult. Or... at least someone who’s older than her. She isn’t sure the age of this one. It’s a little confusing with majority of his face being covered, along with his lanky body. Whatever, it isn’t important for the most part.
“Monaca’s doing just fine if you’re wondering. But who are you? I don’t think i’ve ever seen you before.”
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monacas-questioning · 3 years
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“I still don’t see the point of ‘concern’ with asking. You can see, can’t you?” She questions, though it was more of a sarcastic response more than anything. Monaca looks over to the side a bit, before back to the anthropologist, scanning him just a tad.
“I just talk like that sometimes. It’s just how Monaca was raised.” She shrugs a little bit, raising a slight brow at the other introducing himself. ..Yeah, she has never heard that name before. “Well.. yes. Monaca’s name is Monaca. I was known as the Lil’ Ultimate Homeroom while I was in elementary school. ...Your talent studies people or something, right? Monaca has only heard a little bit on ‘anthropology’, so Monaca is mostly just taking a wild guess here.”
I wonder, what is a child like you doing here?
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“Eh? Is it not usual for a child to be around in these places?” She questions, a confused expression concerning her face. Great, another adult. Or... at least someone who’s older than her. She isn’t sure the age of this one. It’s a little confusing with majority of his face being covered, along with his lanky body. Whatever, it isn’t important for the most part.
“Monaca’s doing just fine if you’re wondering. But who are you? I don’t think i’ve ever seen you before.”
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monacas-questioning · 3 years
I wonder, what is a child like you doing here?
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“Eh? Is it not usual for a child to be around in these places?” She questions, a confused expression concerning her face. Great, another adult. Or... at least someone who’s older than her. She isn’t sure the age of this one. It’s a little confusing with majority of his face being covered, along with his lanky body. Whatever, it isn’t important for the most part.
“Monaca’s doing just fine if you’re wondering. But who are you? I don’t think i’ve ever seen you before.”
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monacas-questioning · 3 years
There appears to be a rather… interesting individual standing by his lonesome. It looks like he’s merely taking a glance around, a slightly curious expression being plastered upon his face. This place must be unfamiliar to them, huh? It doesn’t take too long for said individual to notice that someone was standing along him… he’s quick to speak up, addressing the situation that surrounds the both of them,
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“Oh- my apologies! I didn’t see you standing there.” He sheepishly states, his hand rubbing slightly at his arm. …He stays silent for a few seconds, feeling that the atmosphere has gotten a bit awkward. So, why not introduce himself? Hopefully there will be new people he can befriend. Or perhaps there will be his friends that he can speak to again. Who knows,
“My name is K1-B0, by the way! But please, I would prefer it if you addressed me as ‘Kiibo’. I’m the Ultimate Robot too! …Though, please do not let that make you think lower of me. I may have the appearance of a robot, but I am just like any other human that’s out there in this world! I do hope that we can get along.” He offers a small smile in return.
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monacas-questioning · 4 years
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“Woah-!” She wasn’t expecting for a whole robot to jump out from behind Iruma. That sure is an.. interesting looking robot. It takes Monaca a moment to gather herself from seeing Pixel, mostly due to how.. odd she looks. She never has seen a design like this, if she’s going to be honest. But, her surprise soon gets shaken off at the question, where she looks more annoyed than anything,
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“Monaca doesn’t need a guardian! Monaca is perfectly fine on her own! I may be in a wheelchair, but I can still do everyday things!” She huffs, before quickly changing the topic, “Why don’t you have any arms?
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“Huuuh… This place is surely… a lot different from what Monaca is used to, she supposes..”
The small girl in her wheelchair ponders to herself, her finger lighting tapping at her face as she takes a quick glance around. It doesn’t take long for her hand to droop back down to the arm rest, a sincere frown forming upon her face. How disappointing! She was hoping for new people to bothe- I mean, to meet. However, that built-up boredom surely fades as soon as she faces whomever she notices being quite near her, where she places her friendly facade back on, waving to said person.
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“Oh, look at that! There are other people here!” She cheers, “Oh-! Before Monaca gets too excited, she supposes she should introduce herself.” Monaca fixes her posture in her wheelchair, clearing her throat just a tad before continuing to speak, 
“Monaca is called Monaca! Monaca’s a Mage in the Warriors of Hope. But, the Warriors of Hope isn’t important anymore, so let’s just skip over that. I was known as Li'l Ultimate Homeroom while I was in elementary school. You might think there are no Ultimates and Commons in a class like Homeroom, but there are! For me, my skill isn’t really about uniting people, it’s about getting them all to help me. Believe it or not, I bring together a lot of wonderful people… It would be nice if you could be a wonderful person for Monaca, too…” She asks the last part in a pitiful tone, before putting up her cheerful tone once more,
“Anyway! It’s nice to meet you.” Even though she may seem friendly, something seems a little odd about Monaca.. eh, it’s probably nothing.
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monacas-questioning · 4 years
Fuck.. It's really her god damn :Worried:
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“N’aww, ‘nonnie looks worried! Don’t worry, Monaca won’t hurt you! Monaca would never dream of anything like that! All Monaca wants is a nice time here!”
That... partially might be true.
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monacas-questioning · 4 years
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This person... she reminds Monaca of a certain someone, though she can’t really place her finger on it. Junko had never told Monaca she had a sister, so it’s a little confusing for the girl. However, she’s quick to brush that off for the mean time, placing back on her happy-go-lucky attitude, “You remind Monaca of someone! Though, she isn’t sure of who...” She taps her chin, 
“Anyway! How come you have a Monokuma eye on your shirt?”
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“Huuuh… This place is surely… a lot different from what Monaca is used to, she supposes..”
The small girl in her wheelchair ponders to herself, her finger lighting tapping at her face as she takes a quick glance around. It doesn’t take long for her hand to droop back down to the arm rest, a sincere frown forming upon her face. How disappointing! She was hoping for new people to bothe- I mean, to meet. However, that built-up boredom surely fades as soon as she faces whomever she notices being quite near her, where she places her friendly facade back on, waving to said person.
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“Oh, look at that! There are other people here!” She cheers, “Oh-! Before Monaca gets too excited, she supposes she should introduce herself.” Monaca fixes her posture in her wheelchair, clearing her throat just a tad before continuing to speak, 
“Monaca is called Monaca! Monaca’s a Mage in the Warriors of Hope. But, the Warriors of Hope isn’t important anymore, so let’s just skip over that. I was known as Li'l Ultimate Homeroom while I was in elementary school. You might think there are no Ultimates and Commons in a class like Homeroom, but there are! For me, my skill isn’t really about uniting people, it’s about getting them all to help me. Believe it or not, I bring together a lot of wonderful people… It would be nice if you could be a wonderful person for Monaca, too…” She asks the last part in a pitiful tone, before putting up her cheerful tone once more,
“Anyway! It’s nice to meet you.” Even though she may seem friendly, something seems a little odd about Monaca.. eh, it’s probably nothing.
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monacas-questioning · 4 years
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“Hehehe! Monaca’s delighted to know that then!”
She’s glad to see someone be respectful towards her. It’s rather hard getting that as a child! She simply smiles towards the other, her fingers pressed together as she does so. “You look rather important! What’s with that little medal thingy on your clothing?” She points to the other’s upper left chest, being rather curious.
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“Huuuh… This place is surely… a lot different from what Monaca is used to, she supposes..”
The small girl in her wheelchair ponders to herself, her finger lighting tapping at her face as she takes a quick glance around. It doesn’t take long for her hand to droop back down to the arm rest, a sincere frown forming upon her face. How disappointing! She was hoping for new people to bothe- I mean, to meet. However, that built-up boredom surely fades as soon as she faces whomever she notices being quite near her, where she places her friendly facade back on, waving to said person.
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“Oh, look at that! There are other people here!” She cheers, “Oh-! Before Monaca gets too excited, she supposes she should introduce herself.” Monaca fixes her posture in her wheelchair, clearing her throat just a tad before continuing to speak, 
“Monaca is called Monaca! Monaca’s a Mage in the Warriors of Hope. But, the Warriors of Hope isn’t important anymore, so let’s just skip over that. I was known as Li'l Ultimate Homeroom while I was in elementary school. You might think there are no Ultimates and Commons in a class like Homeroom, but there are! For me, my skill isn’t really about uniting people, it’s about getting them all to help me. Believe it or not, I bring together a lot of wonderful people… It would be nice if you could be a wonderful person for Monaca, too…” She asks the last part in a pitiful tone, before putting up her cheerful tone once more,
“Anyway! It’s nice to meet you.” Even though she may seem friendly, something seems a little odd about Monaca.. eh, it’s probably nothing.
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monacas-questioning · 4 years
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“The Ultimate Inventor?”
Oh, that talent sounds good. Probably not a good thing to mention to her, knowing how she’s going with building certain machines and whatnot. But, Miu doesn’t know that for now, at least. Monaca tilts her head a bit at the inventor’s slight nervousness, not exactly sure why she’s glancing around. That is, until she heard the mention of her parents. Monaca pauses for a moment, before placing back on her happy-go-lucky facade,
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“Mom and dad don’t matter. And Monaca’s not lost, she knows where she’s going.” She hums, though soon noticing the... pigtails? What’s that about? She’s a bit quick to point them out, a brow raising as she speaks up, “Erm.. what are those about? Is someone behind you?”
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“Huuuh… This place is surely… a lot different from what Monaca is used to, she supposes..”
The small girl in her wheelchair ponders to herself, her finger lighting tapping at her face as she takes a quick glance around. It doesn’t take long for her hand to droop back down to the arm rest, a sincere frown forming upon her face. How disappointing! She was hoping for new people to bothe- I mean, to meet. However, that built-up boredom surely fades as soon as she faces whomever she notices being quite near her, where she places her friendly facade back on, waving to said person.
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“Oh, look at that! There are other people here!” She cheers, “Oh-! Before Monaca gets too excited, she supposes she should introduce herself.” Monaca fixes her posture in her wheelchair, clearing her throat just a tad before continuing to speak, 
“Monaca is called Monaca! Monaca’s a Mage in the Warriors of Hope. But, the Warriors of Hope isn’t important anymore, so let’s just skip over that. I was known as Li'l Ultimate Homeroom while I was in elementary school. You might think there are no Ultimates and Commons in a class like Homeroom, but there are! For me, my skill isn’t really about uniting people, it’s about getting them all to help me. Believe it or not, I bring together a lot of wonderful people… It would be nice if you could be a wonderful person for Monaca, too…” She asks the last part in a pitiful tone, before putting up her cheerful tone once more,
“Anyway! It’s nice to meet you.” Even though she may seem friendly, something seems a little odd about Monaca.. eh, it’s probably nothing.
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monacas-questioning · 4 years
Oh! Now this person seems lovely to be around. At least, that’s what Monaca thinks. Positive attitudes are always a big yes for her! She nods softly, her fingers pressing against each other as she offers the same smile to the artist.
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“Hehehe! Monaca’s glad to know that then!” She beams, “You’re the Ultimate Artist? Monaca used to have a friend that had a similar talent to yours, but Monaca doesn’t talk to him anymore. It’s a shame, I could’ve introduced you to him. But! Your talent sounds cool! What type of art things do you do?”
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“Huuuh… This place is surely… a lot different from what Monaca is used to, she supposes..”
The small girl in her wheelchair ponders to herself, her finger lighting tapping at her face as she takes a quick glance around. It doesn’t take long for her hand to droop back down to the arm rest, a sincere frown forming upon her face. How disappointing! She was hoping for new people to bothe- I mean, to meet. However, that built-up boredom surely fades as soon as she faces whomever she notices being quite near her, where she places her friendly facade back on, waving to said person.
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“Oh, look at that! There are other people here!” She cheers, “Oh-! Before Monaca gets too excited, she supposes she should introduce herself.” Monaca fixes her posture in her wheelchair, clearing her throat just a tad before continuing to speak, 
“Monaca is called Monaca! Monaca’s a Mage in the Warriors of Hope. But, the Warriors of Hope isn’t important anymore, so let’s just skip over that. I was known as Li'l Ultimate Homeroom while I was in elementary school. You might think there are no Ultimates and Commons in a class like Homeroom, but there are! For me, my skill isn’t really about uniting people, it’s about getting them all to help me. Believe it or not, I bring together a lot of wonderful people… It would be nice if you could be a wonderful person for Monaca, too…” She asks the last part in a pitiful tone, before putting up her cheerful tone once more,
“Anyway! It’s nice to meet you.” Even though she may seem friendly, something seems a little odd about Monaca.. eh, it’s probably nothing.
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