model-jet-tf-ocs · 6 years
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model-jet-tf-ocs · 6 years
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SR-71 Blackbird and A-12 Drone Carrier
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model-jet-tf-ocs · 6 years
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model-jet-tf-ocs · 6 years
“It’s not a bad thing if you touch there. And if your are in love with someone letting them touch you is one of the ways you express that love.” SnowMoth said, choosing to use love as an example, being as how Arianna might not understand lust. “It’s how organic beings produce young.”
Snow play
Young Arianna was a runaway. One late night, the young feabot climed into the bed of an old beat up pick up truck and fell asleep. She continued to sleep as the truck drove far, heading to a farm in Canada. Arianna has no idea the truck is moving, just as she has no idea of what she truly is. The girl believes herself to be a human freak.
Shivering, the girl wakes up only to find herself in a completely new location, parked in a dark barn. As quietly as she could, she tried to climb out. Unfortunately with a loud yelp, she fell and landed on the ground.
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model-jet-tf-ocs · 6 years
SnowMoth blushed harder and gave a deep sigh. “The reason you’d pleasure yourself is if you don’t have a partner to do it for you. You’d usually touch between your legs, up near your hip joints....” She explained with out using the colourful language that would further embarrass her and Arianna.
Snow play
Young Arianna was a runaway. One late night, the young feabot climed into the bed of an old beat up pick up truck and fell asleep. She continued to sleep as the truck drove far, heading to a farm in Canada. Arianna has no idea the truck is moving, just as she has no idea of what she truly is. The girl believes herself to be a human freak.
Shivering, the girl wakes up only to find herself in a completely new location, parked in a dark barn. As quietly as she could, she tried to climb out. Unfortunately with a loud yelp, she fell and landed on the ground.
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model-jet-tf-ocs · 6 years
SnowMoth blushed hard and looked away. “Uh.... well... Self servicing is...is when a bot.... touches them self...to...to pleasure them self..” She said before hiding her face in her servos.
Snow play
Young Arianna was a runaway. One late night, the young feabot climed into the bed of an old beat up pick up truck and fell asleep. She continued to sleep as the truck drove far, heading to a farm in Canada. Arianna has no idea the truck is moving, just as she has no idea of what she truly is. The girl believes herself to be a human freak.
Shivering, the girl wakes up only to find herself in a completely new location, parked in a dark barn. As quietly as she could, she tried to climb out. Unfortunately with a loud yelp, she fell and landed on the ground.
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model-jet-tf-ocs · 6 years
“It’s understandable that organic food would hurt when you ate it. why didn’t I think about that?” He muttered that lat part to herself. She physically froze when Arianna asked what she was doing. “I was...... um.... uh....” She was very nervous, feeling awkward. “I was....self servicing.....” She said timidly.
Snow play
Young Arianna was a runaway. One late night, the young feabot climed into the bed of an old beat up pick up truck and fell asleep. She continued to sleep as the truck drove far, heading to a farm in Canada. Arianna has no idea the truck is moving, just as she has no idea of what she truly is. The girl believes herself to be a human freak.
Shivering, the girl wakes up only to find herself in a completely new location, parked in a dark barn. As quietly as she could, she tried to climb out. Unfortunately with a loud yelp, she fell and landed on the ground.
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model-jet-tf-ocs · 6 years
SnowMoth gasped when Arianna entered. She was in the middle of some ‘private time’ when the young fanboy entered. She quickly closed her legs and hid her wet servo behind her back. The inside of the barn was rather warm thanks to SnowMoth’s previous actions. “Arianna! Um... Good morning. I thought you’d have taken longer to eat breakfast...”
Snow play
Young Arianna was a runaway. One late night, the young feabot climed into the bed of an old beat up pick up truck and fell asleep. She continued to sleep as the truck drove far, heading to a farm in Canada. Arianna has no idea the truck is moving, just as she has no idea of what she truly is. The girl believes herself to be a human freak.
Shivering, the girl wakes up only to find herself in a completely new location, parked in a dark barn. As quietly as she could, she tried to climb out. Unfortunately with a loud yelp, she fell and landed on the ground.
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model-jet-tf-ocs · 6 years
SnowMoth smiled softly at Arianna. “I promise on the All Spark that they won’t hurt you.” She said, kneeling down at the front door and setting the fanboy down on the welcome mat. “After breakfast tomorrow, you can come out and say good morning to me. I should be up by then.” She then stands at her full height. “Rest well, Arianna.” She then walked back to the barn, crawling in and closing the doors.
Snow play
Young Arianna was a runaway. One late night, the young feabot climed into the bed of an old beat up pick up truck and fell asleep. She continued to sleep as the truck drove far, heading to a farm in Canada. Arianna has no idea the truck is moving, just as she has no idea of what she truly is. The girl believes herself to be a human freak.
Shivering, the girl wakes up only to find herself in a completely new location, parked in a dark barn. As quietly as she could, she tried to climb out. Unfortunately with a loud yelp, she fell and landed on the ground.
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model-jet-tf-ocs · 6 years
“It’s too cold in the barn and energon is scarce in this area. The barn has no warmth. You’d surely catch a cold if you stayed in the barn with me.” She said, lifting Arianna and holding her against her chest. Despite having been out in the cold, SnowMoth’s chest was pleasantly warm. Being a jet, her body naturally exerted more heat then a ground vehicle would. “Besides, you can trust Pierre. Him and his wife are the sweetest humans I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. And they have been in love with each other and loyal to their marriage for around fifty-five years.” She said as she walked toward the house.
Snow play
Young Arianna was a runaway. One late night, the young feabot climed into the bed of an old beat up pick up truck and fell asleep. She continued to sleep as the truck drove far, heading to a farm in Canada. Arianna has no idea the truck is moving, just as she has no idea of what she truly is. The girl believes herself to be a human freak.
Shivering, the girl wakes up only to find herself in a completely new location, parked in a dark barn. As quietly as she could, she tried to climb out. Unfortunately with a loud yelp, she fell and landed on the ground.
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model-jet-tf-ocs · 6 years
SnowMoth blushed lightly at Arianna’s slip-of-the-tongue. She didn’t mind if Arianna called her mom. There was once a time when she wanted to be a mother but fate had other plans for her and a sparkling wasn’t one of them. When she heard Arianna speak again, SnowMoth looked over the wall that the faebot had worked on and smiled brightly. “It’s perfect.” She said and softly patted Arianna’s head. 
The wind soon picked up and SnowMoth looked into the distance. “Looks like a blizzard is on it’s way. Best to head back. You should head to the house, it’s warmer in there then in the barn.” She said, looking back at Arianna.
Snow play
Young Arianna was a runaway. One late night, the young feabot climed into the bed of an old beat up pick up truck and fell asleep. She continued to sleep as the truck drove far, heading to a farm in Canada. Arianna has no idea the truck is moving, just as she has no idea of what she truly is. The girl believes herself to be a human freak.
Shivering, the girl wakes up only to find herself in a completely new location, parked in a dark barn. As quietly as she could, she tried to climb out. Unfortunately with a loud yelp, she fell and landed on the ground.
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model-jet-tf-ocs · 6 years
SnowMoth follows Arianna and kneels next to the mound that she had started with. “The way I make forts is by first establishing the outer wall. There’s not much snow right now so it’ll have to start as a small wall first.” She explained, shaping the mound until it looked like an actual flat wall. Compared to Arianna’s size, the wall was quite large, but to SnowMoth, the wall was rather small. “I can build it taller tomorrow after it snows a little more and this foundation is solidified. Do you think you could add some windows for me?” She asked politely, starting on the second wall. “You can also add a door for yourself too.”
Snow play
Young Arianna was a runaway. One late night, the young feabot climed into the bed of an old beat up pick up truck and fell asleep. She continued to sleep as the truck drove far, heading to a farm in Canada. Arianna has no idea the truck is moving, just as she has no idea of what she truly is. The girl believes herself to be a human freak.
Shivering, the girl wakes up only to find herself in a completely new location, parked in a dark barn. As quietly as she could, she tried to climb out. Unfortunately with a loud yelp, she fell and landed on the ground.
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model-jet-tf-ocs · 6 years
SnowMoth smiled widely. “He’s so adorable! We did such a good job!” She said and sat on the ground. She then looks over at her incomplete snow fort. “Hey want to help me build my snow fort?” She asked, looking at Arianna. 
Snow play
Young Arianna was a runaway. One late night, the young feabot climed into the bed of an old beat up pick up truck and fell asleep. She continued to sleep as the truck drove far, heading to a farm in Canada. Arianna has no idea the truck is moving, just as she has no idea of what she truly is. The girl believes herself to be a human freak.
Shivering, the girl wakes up only to find herself in a completely new location, parked in a dark barn. As quietly as she could, she tried to climb out. Unfortunately with a loud yelp, she fell and landed on the ground.
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model-jet-tf-ocs · 6 years
SnowMoth looked around and spotted a tree not far from where they were. “There’s a tree. I’ll get some sticks. You can work on the mouth.” She said and smiled warmly. She stood up once more and walked to the tree. She examined the branches and plucked two perfect sticks from it. She then returned and carefully pushed the sticks into place.
Snow play
Young Arianna was a runaway. One late night, the young feabot climed into the bed of an old beat up pick up truck and fell asleep. She continued to sleep as the truck drove far, heading to a farm in Canada. Arianna has no idea the truck is moving, just as she has no idea of what she truly is. The girl believes herself to be a human freak.
Shivering, the girl wakes up only to find herself in a completely new location, parked in a dark barn. As quietly as she could, she tried to climb out. Unfortunately with a loud yelp, she fell and landed on the ground.
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model-jet-tf-ocs · 6 years
SnowMoth smiled widely and knelt down to get a closer look. “It’s so cute! But it almost seems like it’s missing something.” She said before digging into the snow away from the unfinished snowman. She managed to reach the dirt under the snow, the raw earth was as solid as it could be. She dug out two circles and formed two spheres with the hard earth. She then placed them in the spots where the snowman’s eyes would have been. “Better but still not done.” She smiled at Arianna. “What else could we add?”
Snow play
Young Arianna was a runaway. One late night, the young feabot climed into the bed of an old beat up pick up truck and fell asleep. She continued to sleep as the truck drove far, heading to a farm in Canada. Arianna has no idea the truck is moving, just as she has no idea of what she truly is. The girl believes herself to be a human freak.
Shivering, the girl wakes up only to find herself in a completely new location, parked in a dark barn. As quietly as she could, she tried to climb out. Unfortunately with a loud yelp, she fell and landed on the ground.
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model-jet-tf-ocs · 6 years
SnowMoth looked back and giggled warmly. “Sure, if you can handle the cold.” She said jokingly. Now, at her full height, it was clear to see that SnowMoth’s wings naturally hung downward, making her look much like a white moth. Her wings even had a little wiggle as she moved around. She knelt down in the snow and started to pile the fluffy material, probably to make a fort.
Snow play
Young Arianna was a runaway. One late night, the young feabot climed into the bed of an old beat up pick up truck and fell asleep. She continued to sleep as the truck drove far, heading to a farm in Canada. Arianna has no idea the truck is moving, just as she has no idea of what she truly is. The girl believes herself to be a human freak.
Shivering, the girl wakes up only to find herself in a completely new location, parked in a dark barn. As quietly as she could, she tried to climb out. Unfortunately with a loud yelp, she fell and landed on the ground.
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model-jet-tf-ocs · 6 years
It took a while of delicate mending but soon, SnowMoth had fixed Arianna’s wounds to the best of her ability. “It’s not perfect but it’ll help your body fix itself more easily.” She then set Arianna down and smiled softly. SnowMoth then looked to Pierre. “How’s the snow outside?”
Pierre smirked at her. “It’s perfect for making forts, my dear SnowMoth.” He then draped a blanket around Arianna. The patch job took long enough for the old human to scoot back to his house to fetch something warm for the faebot. 
“Oh lovely!~” SnowMoth said and carefully crawled out of the barn. “You know where to find me, Pierre.” She called back as she headed for the pure white, untouched fields of snow. 
Snow play
Young Arianna was a runaway. One late night, the young feabot climed into the bed of an old beat up pick up truck and fell asleep. She continued to sleep as the truck drove far, heading to a farm in Canada. Arianna has no idea the truck is moving, just as she has no idea of what she truly is. The girl believes herself to be a human freak.
Shivering, the girl wakes up only to find herself in a completely new location, parked in a dark barn. As quietly as she could, she tried to climb out. Unfortunately with a loud yelp, she fell and landed on the ground.
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