mjsthrillernp · 13 hours
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my sweet boy
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mjsthrillernp · 19 hours
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Tom Hiddleston - Emmy Quickie / The Wrap (2016).
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mjsthrillernp · 19 hours
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AI generated stuff
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mjsthrillernp · 1 day
Last random one of the weekend 💚
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Loki as a child watching Thor play with his friends
Frigga: Go on and play with them darling, we can finish your lesson another time
Loki: I would but I don't know what to say to them. I don't think they like me very much
Frigga: I'm sure they like you. Just go over there and be nice to them. Remember to be yourself
Loki: Which would you prefer, mother? I cannot be nice and be myself
Frigga sighs deeply and rubs her temples
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I think this was originally from How I Met Your Mother but I tweaked it a little
I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
@soubi001 @mochie85 @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @animnerd @cabingrlandrandomcrap @icytrickster17 @lokisgoodgirl @mischief2sarawr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @mjsthrillernp @holdmytesseract @lulubelle814 @goblingirlsarah @alexakeyloveloki @siconetribal @lokidokieokie @kneelingformyloki @jiyascepter @eleniblue @loreniscrying @muddyorbsblr @alyeskathewave @loz-3 @firedrakegirl @javagirl328 @princess-ofthe-pages @morally-grey-variant @soulpiercing @km-ffluv
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mjsthrillernp · 1 day
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Seven: Fever When She Holds Me
You've allowed yourself to be insulted for the last time, but the winds shift in a dangerous direction when Loki suddenly collapses at your feet, subdued by a high fever.
CHAPTER WARNINGS: descriptions of illness, fever dreams, no smut but the beginnings of lust begin to form in Reader's head (at last!), is the Florence Nightingale Effect a warning?
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Two days went by, and you were alone. 
You figured Loki was cooling off at the lagoon as he seemed fond of doing, but when you went to find him the next day, he wasn’t there. Perhaps he’d gone into the cave behind the falls to be rid of you while he came down off his high horse? 
Fine by you.
Twenty-four hours after your fight, and your shelter was forming, more than half-erect now. You still needed to build the other side of the floor that connected the two palms supporting it, but even at half-size, it was enough room for you to stretch out and roll over, finally being able to sleep off the ground. That was the first night you chose to stay off the sand. 
Without Loki, it was a mess to put the still-dampened parachute fabric up, but with a little ingenuity, the ‘roof’ of the forming bungalow was assembled and up just in time for another tropical depression to strike the island late morning on the second day after Loki’s abandonment. As you huddled under the shelter and waited out the rain, he was all that was on your mind. Your thoughts wavered from annoyance to loathing to worry and back again. 
Fortunately, it was not as intense or destructive as the previous, and it was over before mid-afternoon. Despite being soaked, the parachute didn’t let any of the rain fall through. A success! 
It’s a good thing Loki came up with the idea, you thought, the slightest hint of regret creeping into your mind. Wait’ll he sees when he crawls out from under whatever rock I chased him behind.
He didn’t appear at the fire that evening, nor did he fetch water the next morning as was his daily chore. When you did so yourself, mumbling bitterly about using a knee scrape as an excuse to be lazy, you arrived at the lagoon and immediately felt like something was off. It was as if he was supposed to be herer, but he wasn’t. Either that, or he was deliberately hiding from you. 
And I don't even have a volleyball to replace him with!
Embarrassingly, you started to miss him. 
“LOKI??” you shrieked, throwing your chin up and getting your voice to echo carelessly throughout the lagoon. “Where are you? This isn’t funny!! What if a plane comes?”
Nothing for several minutes. “This isn’t a game! Stop being a bitch and--”
You stopped yourself. Insults weren’t going to bring him out of hiding any faster than flattery. 
“The shelter’s almost done!” you offered. “Come back and have some mango...please?”
You cringed. Please? After he ditched YOU for daring to stand up for yourself against his machismo Andrew Tate-levels of bullshit? He didn’t deserve the courtesy. 
“You know what? Fine! I give up on you, Loki! Have your island! Have your whores who never care about you! I’m going home.” 
Just as you turned away, a rock shifted from somewhere behind you.
If there were any chance another man was on the island, you would have suspected it was he instead of Loki based on how the quiet, coo of a call sounded to you. It was weak, helpless, shaky, and sounded further away than it was. 
Alas, it was Loki when you turned, but the sight of him made you gasp loudly. He was stumbling around the edge of the water, whiter than any natural skin color you’d ever seen, the veins underneath blue and lacing webs up his chest and neck. His eyes glowed red. He was sweating profusely, and yet when you dashed to his side and laid a hand on his chest, it was ice-cold. 
You knew Loki was half frost giant. You’d just never seen any of the evidence for it. The creeping blue lightning bolts spreading out over his belly and the blood-red eyes gave Loki the appearance of a ghost to you, some malevolent spirit with the intent to frighten you off. 
“Loki?” you said, your frantic voice laced with worry. “What’s wrong with you?”
Loki looked into your eyes, and his mouth fell open, a small bead of dribble on the corner of his lip.
“Oh god, Loki, you’re sick!” you exclaimed. 
His eyelids drooped. “And you’re gorgeous…”
You almost dropped him. “I’m sorry?”
Loki was grinning at you, drunk on whatever virus was surging through his body. “I love you. Always have.” 
That was when his legs gave and his consciousness failed. His dense body toppled over onto yours, sending you falling to the sand.
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It took you nearly the entire day to drag Loki back to the beach. Falling in and out of feverish stupor, at points he was capable of walking with support, others he fell right over if the wind blew. Still, his weight against yours was a massive disadvantage, and your entire body throbbed with ache by the time you managed to haul his body underneath the shelter. There was no way you were going to be able to lug him up the ramshackle bamboo ladder you made. 
Loki’s flames were out, and he was in no condition to perform magic. Thus, you only had a little bit of clean water until you could manage to build a fire the mortal way. You moved the sand around enough to form a small bed in the ground his size. Once you eased him into it, you scrambled to reach for your navy skirt, ripping it at the seams with your teeth until you unraveled it into a medium-sized cloth rectangle. 
“This is the closest to a blanket we’ve got, Lokes,” you said, draping it over his chest.. He didn’t react. His head lolled slowly from side to side as his mind drifted between realms. 
“What happened? How does a God get sick?” you mumbled, briefly looking over his body until the scrape caught your eye. The one you’d technically given him. It was puffy, purple, and infected. “So that’s it.” Apparently Asgardians could withstand, torture, mutilation, takeovers, and everything in between, but sepsis was too much. 
Oh god, you thought, sepsis is bad news without medicine…
You weren’t inclined toward the medical field, but you did see a few episodes of Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman. This had to mean that you were qualified enough to give that diagnosis, given that you were the only one on the island with their immune system intact. 
“Surely you’ve got some kind of Asgardian organ that fights off foreign viruses,” you whispered to the air above Loki’s shaking body. “You can’t let a human disease end the Great Loki, who nearly took over Earth with an army from the sky…”
You hadn’t realized that you were working up tears, so when you blinked, and several beads of sorrow fell down your sunburned cheeks at once, it surprised you. Now wasn’t the time. You had to do everything you could to rescue him. You dabbed the sweat from his forehead with the corner of your parachute dress. It was a Sisyphean task, as the moisture was replaced only minutes later. 
The heat of the day passed with agonizing length. An attempt to feed bits of coconut to Loki ended up with a single swallowed morsel. You sacrificed the last of your drinking water on him, and this seemed to at least sooth his dry, raspy throat. 
“I love you…I always have…”
As Loki slept and languished in delusion, you had plenty of time to watch over him and think. Once in a while, just to break the silence, you spoke your thoughts out loud. The sweltering tropical air was your diary for as long as Loki was too ill to sense the world. Your feelings flew off into the sunset. Even if Loki was feeling terrible, you admittedly felt calmer after expressing everything to yourself while you waited for a sign. 
“You’re just hallucinating,” you said, monologuing in Loki’s direction. “You didn’t mean it.” 
There was something beautiful in the way he looked, even in sickness. You felt ashamed just thinking about it that way, but who would ever know you had? 
Evidently, when he was ill, he lost control of what form he took: Asgardian or Jotunn. His skin occasionally flashed patches of baby blue. His hair sheened from root to tip. Once in a while, instead of a nonsense word or a flat note, he’d muttered something in another language, his plump, blue lips barely touching as he let the words out like a weak prayer.
“Then again…maybe this fever is removing your filter, and you’re finally speaking your mind,” you suggested. “But that would mean…”
What a dumb idea! Every sitcom did it: the bitching co-workers learning that there was sexual tension between them the whole time (before getting married in the penultimate season finale and having a baby in the series finale). That kind of thing didn’t happen in the real world. 
Then again, as the personal assistant to a reformed supervillain, perhaps your case was unique.
Was it possible that Loki had gone around with mindless one night stands this whole time to make you jealous and more liable to make a move? How many romcoms HAD Thor shown him during his first two years as a citizen of Earth? Why wouldn’t he just say something? And what had you done to make him change his mind about you? 
Loki, are you really in love with me?
In his fever dream, Loki responded with, “My brother Thor’s a filthy whore…”
On second thought, he’s definitely deluded. 
There was no doubt, you couldn’t afford to lose your head and get some ga-ga crush on him, especially as he lay possibly dying. You tried to suppress your ideas as the day faded into night. Without any fire, it was pitch-black, the moon only a sliver in the sky. You only left his side to go get a mango from the dwindled stockpile. You wanted him to try and eat, so you used your fingers to mash up some of the pulp in a coconut shell and spoon it behind his lips. To your excitement, he received a few of the sweet orange lumps and swallowed them. It was all you could do to hope that it would make a difference. 
“Loki, you need to use all your strength to fight this off. I know you can,” you prayed. “Your biology is different. You’ve just got to stay here…”
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As long as Loki breathed, you remained awake and at his side. You didn’t sleep. Sometime in the night, the rain started again, heavy and slow-moving. The parachute and palm fronds above, as well as the bamboo floorboard, protected both of you from the elements. For hours without pause, you tortured yourself by going over each row you had with Loki throughout your relationship, and how much of a squawking chicken you sounded to yourself upon further reflection. 
The first few weeks of your job were a blur to you now. You were just excited to be there and around the actual Avengers. Everything was about fitting in and starting your main task of making Loki look like a saint at all times. He wasn’t making it easy, choosing to pay you attention at the worst times and relishing in your annoyance. 
One incident stood out, about five weeks into your tenure. You were having lunch in one of the administrative break rooms in Stark Tower, having a sweet conversation with Bucky Barnes over General Tsao’s chicken. Of course, Loki had to saunter in and immediately begin his juvenile taunting. 
“So, you already found someone’s cock to sit on, I see,” he said, mockingly cheerful, crossing the room with a skip in his step. “Nice of you to step up, Soldier.” 
Bucky had turned red and looked down. “Don’t trigger him, Loki,” you warned before putting a comforting hand over Bucky’s, “Tune him out. I always do.” 
“Don’t fucking talk to her like that!” Bucky shot to his feet defensively, his metallic arm posed to strike. 
“Bucky!” you yelled. “Please!”
Loki only chuckled at seeing him irritated. He grabbed an apple from a bowl by the sink, taking a big fat bite before slowly taking his leave. He’d only said a few words and spent about forty-five seconds in the room, but the effect he left behind drained your energy almost immediately. It was that day that you specifically told yourself that you would be constantly on your guard around Loki. He was not trustworthy, and he had the humor of a perpetually-drunk college frat boy. 
Now you were doing everything you could to save his life, sitting under a shitty shelter on an uncharted atoll in the South Pacific with him. Even without superpowers, just being in the periphery of the Avengers team was enough to see you to the most ridiculous places. 
Loki moaned. You leaned in, dabbing at his brow with the skirt fabric. “T…Thor…Moth…ther….”
“Shhhh,” you whispered, “they’re fine. Rest and get better.”
“I’ve…gone too far…” Loki groaned lowly, his dry voice filled with regret. “Lost…chance…”
Was he talking about you again? Or something else? But Loki didn’t say more, only uttering the occasional unintelligible mumble for the rest of the evening. 
The rain broke just before dawn, and just as the rolling orange light hit the tops of the twin palms above you, you couldn’t hold out anymore. You fell asleep at Loki’s side, exhausting the last of your hope as your eyelids fell. 
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TAGLIST: @anukulee @jiyascepter @wolfsmom1 @cakesandtom @holdmytesseract @simplyholl @lokisgoodgirl @mjsthrillernp @meowmeow-motherfucker @foxherder @letstalkaboutshtuffff @ladymischief11 @libby-bibby @javagirl328 @crimson25 @lcolumbia1988 @gruftiela @mochie85 @huntress-artemiss @loz-3 @kikster606 @muddyorbsblr @sheris532 @lokischambermaid @kneelingformyloki
@soulpiercing @goddessgirl43 @canigetanap @theoneandonlythorn @forleiasake @eleniblue @knight-of-the-doctor @goblingirlsarah @clusterfuck-meup @mischief2sarawr @cabingrlandrandomcrap @kats72 @glitchquake @zippythewondersquirrel @ameliariddle @alexakeyloveloki @lovingchoices14 @lokidokieokie @littlegodslut
@casifer391 @free-llama-arcade @alucardsdaddyissues @pest-ill-ence @elviswifesworld @mynameiskelly @xxinvisiblexx @luphelia @hyunsuksswife
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mjsthrillernp · 1 day
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Prompt "Oh you've got it bad, don't you" for @lokiusbingo
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Also based on this meme
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mjsthrillernp · 1 day
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mjsthrillernp · 1 day
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Mermay Lokius 💚🧡
Hey guys, I'm back! Sorry for disappearing again, I was taking exams and had no energy left to draw🥲
But now I’m with you and completely free!!! I've been waiting for the holidays for so long😭
The challenge was already over but I couldn't quit this version of Loki🥺
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mjsthrillernp · 1 day
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Comms wip for dakimakura. :))
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mjsthrillernp · 1 day
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mjsthrillernp · 1 day
The BBC and Prime Video have announced further cast joining Tom Hiddleston in The Night Manager, which was recently announced to return for two new series. Made by the award-winning London and LA-based independent studio The Ink Factory (The Pigeon Tunnel, The Little Drummer Girl) in association with Character 7, Demarest Films and 127 Wall, and in co-production with Spanish partner Nostromo Pictures, series two will star Diego Calva (Babylon, Narcos: Mexico) and Emmy Award nominee Camila Morrone (Daisy Jones & The Six) alongside Indira Varma (Obsession, Obi-Wan Kenobi), Paul Chahidi (Wicked Little Letters, The Serpent Queen), and Hayley Squires (Adult Material, Beau Is Afraid).
The new series of The Night Manager will premiere on BBC One and BBC iPlayer in the UK, and, outside of the UK, globally on Prime Video, in a deal negotiated by FIFTH SEASON, which is handling global distribution of the series.
Inspired by the characters in John le Carré’s best-selling novel, the upcoming second series will once again be written by show creator David Farr and will be helmed by BAFTA winning director Georgi Banks-Davies (I Hate Suzie, Paper Girls). Tom Hiddleston (Loki, The Essex Serpent) reprises his celebrated role as Jonathan Pine, eight years after the explosive finale of series one.
Series two director Georgi Banks-Davies says: “I wrote my dream list of actors to join The Night Manager, and I can’t quite believe that I am now welcoming that list of talent to the show. What an incredible cast joining the brilliant Tom Hiddleston for this next chapter… I cannot wait to get them in front of the camera now and see the magic come to life.”
The acclaimed first series of The Night Manager was nominated for more than 30 awards and won multiple BAFTAs, Emmy Awards, and Golden Globes – including Best Actor for Tom Hiddleston. Commissioned by the BBC, in the UK it was watched by more than 10 million viewers, making it one of 2016’s most watched TV shows.
The Night Manager series two is created and executive produced by David Farr, based on the characters created by John le Carré. Further executive producers include lead non-writing EP Stephen Garrett for Character 7, Georgi Banks-Davies, Hugh Laurie, and Tom Hiddleston; Joe Tsai and Arthur Wang for 127 Wall; Stephen and Simon Cornwell, Michele Wolkoff, and Tessa Inkelaar for The Ink Factory; Adrián Guerra for Nostromo Pictures; William D. Johnson for Demarest Films, Nick Cornwell, Susanne Bier, Chris Rice for FIFTH SEASON and Gaynor Holmes for the BBC. The series is produced by The Ink Factory in association with Character 7, Demarest Films and 127 Wall, and in co-production with Nostromo Pictures.
The Night Manager series one is available to stream on BBC iPlayer.
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mjsthrillernp · 2 days
Today's randomness... enjoy 💚
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Vision: What does the phrase 'take out' refer to?
Bucky: It's when you go on a date
Thor: I thought it was when you got your food to go?
Loki: *sighs* It is clearly when you kill someone
Vision: This was not particularly helpful
Tony: Actually... they're all right
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
@soubi001 @mochie85 @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @animnerd @cabingrlandrandomcrap @icytrickster17 @lokisgoodgirl @mischief2sarawr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @mjsthrillernp @holdmytesseract @lulubelle814 @goblingirlsarah @alexakeyloveloki @siconetribal @lokidokieokie @kneelingformyloki @jiyascepter @eleniblue @loreniscrying @muddyorbsblr @alyeskathewave @loz-3 @firedrakegirl @javagirl328 @princess-ofthe-pages @morally-grey-variant @soulpiercing @km-ffluv
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mjsthrillernp · 2 days
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AI generated stuff
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mjsthrillernp · 2 days
Talk to Me (Part 3)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 4 (in progress)
Pairing: Loki x female reader (Y/N)
Summary: Your mind is racing in too many directions and you have no answers. Are your nightmares are returning? Will Loki pull away now that you saw his Jotun form? Will you ever get the courage to tell him you love him?
Meanwhile, Loki battles with similar concerns. What can he do to ensure you feel safe and keep away your nightmares? How will he explain his Jotun form to you without you thinking he's a monster? Will you ever love him the way he loves you?
Warnings: anxiety, feeling of being alone, fear of running a friendship, Loki being insecure about being a frost giant... soooo much angst I'm sorry lol
A/N: Don't worry, Part 4 is the last part and I'm going to post it a day or so after I post this so you won't have to wait too long 💚
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His smile vanishes and he immediately shifts back into his Asgardian form, pulling his fingers free from your other hand. "I'm sorry," he says nervously as he gets up and walks away from you.
"For what?" you ask getting up but he ignores you. "Wait, Loki," you call as he heads towards his bedroom and pauses under the door frame. You walk towards him and say, "Please don't do that. Don't shut me out." You slip your hand into his and he looks at you. "You promised you would talk to me, remember?"
He sighs, "I did promise that, didn't I?"
You nod and try to smile, hoping he will open up to you. You are always worried Loki will retreat behind the walls you've worked so hard to break down.
A small smile tugs at his lips and he says, "I don't know what I did to deserve such a fiercely devoted friend."
You shrug and hold your forced smile as you feel a twinge of pain in your chest when he refers to you simply as his friend.
"We will talk in the morning, I promise," he says as he moves to pull you into a hug. "You need to rest."
You nod and let go of his hand, turning towards the living area. Your heart sinks and you feel a wave of a guilt and concern when you see the state of the couch for the first time. The blanket Loki had given you is in a pile on the floor but you can see several large holes burned into it. The fabric of the cushions are singed far worse than you thought and the wall behind the couch is lightly coated in ash and smoke.
"I didn't realize it was this bad," you say in a stunned voice. You cover your mouth in shock as you realize how close you had come to making your nightmare a reality. Looking at Loki, you lower your hand, "I'm so sorry." You begin the fight to hold back the tears that swiftly push their way to the surface.
"You have nothing to be sorry about," he puts his arms around you, turning you away from the couch. "It is just a piece of furniture," he waves one hand towards the couch. With a light green glow, the blanket vanishes from sight, both the couch and wall return to their previous, un-burnt state. Loki rubs your back in a soothing manner and you lift your head to look up at him. A single tear escapes and he wipes it away before you can hide it from him. "The important thing is that you are okay," he tells you with a caring look.
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Loki offers to walk you back to your room and you quickly agree, still feeling the lingering nervousness from your panic attack and nightmare, you are not ready to be alone yet.
As you walk down the hall quietly, his fingers brush against the back of your hand lightly. You want to take his hand but you are unsure how he will react. Would he squeeze your hand as your ever supportive friend then let go as he had done many times before? Would he pull away from you with the forced, polite smile you've seen him use in dozens of interviews? He still seems a bit distant after you had seen his Jotun form, what if he didn't want to be close to you now?
Loki looks down at how closely your hands are and wishes he could reach out for yours. He tries to picture the smile that would light up your face if he was to take your hand and bring it to his lips, kissing your soft skin lightly.
When you reach your door, you pause briefly before opening it.
"What's wrong?" he asks.
"I'm afraid to go back to sleep," you admit. "I haven't been in so long but I just... what if it happens again? What if the nightmares are coming back? I don't want to go back to the way it was."
"I'm sure it was just a one time thing. You were over tired from your mission and we both know you have been under a lot of stress lately," Loki tries to reassure you but he can tell it does nothing to ease your fear. He understands better than anyone in the Tower how your nightmares had affected you.
You would stay awake for days at a time when he first met you, fearful that if you closed your eyes for even a second the dreams would return. Loki had helped you discover that your nightmares were triggered by your anxiety, stress and exhaustion. Unfortunately, this meant the more tired or worried you were, the more likely it would be that your sleep would be interrupted.
"Last time they started it was just like this," you tell him. You begin to fear that you were wrong to think your issues sleeping were truly behind you.
Loki is quiet for a moment, one of his hands settles on your lower back gently and he moves it up and down slowly while he thinks. "Would you feel more comfortable if I stayed?" he offers for the first time since your nightmares subsided months ago.
"Yes," you answer without thinking. "I mean... if you don't mind, I know my couch isn't really that great. You're way too tall for it," you hold back a smile remembering the last time Loki feel asleep there, his long legs hanging off the end of what was more of a love seat than a couch.
Loki takes a step towards you, his fingers touching your chin to gently raise your eyes to meet his, "Have you ever known me to offer to do something if i didn't want to do it?"
"No," you smile, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks at how close he is standing to you. You hope he doesn't notice but the way his eyes flicker to your cheeks you know he did.
You open your door and he takes your hand as if it was the most natural thing he has ever done. It is hard to focus on anything other than the feeling of his thumb running slowly along your knuckles. You follow him into your apartment without another word.
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You tell him you will find him an extra pillow but as soon as the words leave your lips he smirks and you remember who you are talking to. "Don't worry, I've got them," he responds as he conjures a pillow and blanket to place on the couch.
"Right," you smile awkwardly. You wait a moment but when he sits on the couch you realize he isn't planning on giving you a hug before you leave him for the night. You always need just one more hug but you can't bring yourself to ask for one right now.
"Sleep well, Y/N," he tells you.
"Goodnight Loki," you lift your hand to give him a small wave before disappearing into your room.
You lay on your bed and pull the sheets tightly around yourself but you couldn't feel any more awake. The second you close your eyes, your heart races as the faded memories of your nightmare flash across your mind. You open them quickly and look up at the bare ceiling with a groan. You try to push aside your fear that the nightmares are returning, hoping that Loki is right.
Loki... your thoughts stray to the God curled up in your living room. Why had he been so upset when you saw his Jotun form? That's who he truly is, isn't it? He shouldn't be ashamed of that or try to hide it from everyone, you think. But even if he doesn't want the whole world to see him, that shouldn't include you, should it? You weren't just anyone, you were his friend, his best friend. The person he had promised to share everything with. Maybe you aren't as close as you think, maybe that is a part of himself he will never share with you. Or maybe he is waiting to share it with someone he loves and trusts but that person isn't you, you think as you roll over, clinging to your pillow.
Loki conjures a book and lays on your couch with one arm behind his head. He is comfortable enough with his legs bent to fit better on the small piece of furniture but he feels as if something is missing. He realizes he is missing how it felt to have his arms around you, he hadn't hugged you goodnight as he typically would and it left a hollow feeling in his chest. He didn't want to add any more fuel to your already fearful mind and he is unsure how you will truly feel about his Jotun form once you are more rested and able to absorb what you saw.
He closes his book and places it on your coffee table, knowing he will be unable to focus on reading tonight. He is too angry with himself for slipping and revealing his Jotun form. Loki wants nothing more than to have you feel comfortable with him, how could have risked everything like that? How could he have been so stupid and reckless? You were at your most vulnerable and you needed him but he turned into a monster, he scolds himself. What if the sight of him had scared you? You could have hurt yourself with your powers and he knows he would never have been able to forgive himself for that.
He looks up, his attention pulled towards the sound of your bedroom door opening. Sitting up, Loki asks, "Are you okay?"
You shrug and put your arms around yourself. You aren't sure how to explain to Loki how lonely and anxious you feel.
"Do you want to sit out here with me for a bit?" he asks, patting the cushion next to him invitingly.
You nod and sit next to him, he moves the blanket to cover both of your laps and he puts his arm around your shoulders. Instantly, you feel some of the tension begin to leave your body as you relax a bit. "I know I need to sleep but I just can't," you tell him. "It's like my mind won't shut off. I feel bad keeping you awake like this, I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry," he tells you sincerely. "You stayed awake with me plenty of times when we were working through my nightmares. You are the only reason I am able to sleep now," he reminds you. "What kind of friend would I be if I didn't do the same for you?"
"Thank you Loki," you look up at him with a small, forced smile.
"That is not all that is wrong though, is it?" he asks but you shake your head. "I know you Y/N," he touches your cheek. "I know there is something aren't saying."
You look down, fidgeting with your fingers, you can't help but hate and love how well he knows you. You know you need to tell him something or he will keep asking what is wrong. How are you supposed to tell him your smile faltered because you dislike being reminded that you are nothing more than his friend?
"I was wondering..." you pause as your mind tries to work quickly, "Since neither of us are going to sleep any time soon, maybe we could have that talk now? About what happened with your Jotun form?"
His body tenses and you worry you have made a mistake. Maybe you should have tried to lie about something else or just gone back to your room. After a long stretch of silence he finally nods.
"I never meant for you to see me that way, ever," he says as he shakes his head. Loki shifts, leaving an empty space between you both on the couch. It is only a few inches but it feels like he is miles away. "I wasn't thinking," he continues. "When I saw you surrounded by the flames I knew I needed to help you, to make sure you were safe and the fire was out but I hadn't intended to let... that out." He flinches when he refers to his Jotun form.
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"I guess maybe I just don't understand why you want to keep that part of you locked away," you move closer to him.
"The Jotun are monsters, Y/N," he states. "I'm a monster. My father- Odin," he quickly corrects himself, "Made that perfectly clear to Thor and me when we were growing up. He used to tell us stories about them, the same way humans tell their children ghost stories. Jotuns are too be feared and hated and I never wanted you to know that side of me. I don't want you to be afraid of me."
"I admit, I don't know the first thing about Jotuns," you reach for his hand. "But I know you." He looks at you, his eyes are full of pain. "I have never been afraid of you Loki, you know that. Even the first time we met... when you kinda threw me through a wall," you try to joke.
"I have apologized for that," he says defensively.
"I know, I was kidding," you try to explain but you obviously missed the mark. You sigh, "Loki, listen to me. You are not a monster, I don't care what that ass Odin said when you were a kid. You are the most caring person I have ever met. No one has ever treated me this kindly or has put so much effort into trying to understand me."
He smiles as you talk and you can see in his eyes he believes you. "I have met monsters, Loki," you remind him. "We both have fought them on our missions and you are nothing like them. You care too deeply to ever become anything like them."
You put your arms around him and rest your head against his chest. He hugs you back and quietly says, "Thank you, Y/N."
Loki closes his eyes, feeling himself relax for the first time since your nightmare. He takes a deep breath, fighting the urge to tilt your head up so he can press his lips to yours. He wants to be closer to you but instead he places a soft kiss on the top of your head. He cannot risk your friendship, especially not in this moment so he settles for any affection he can as you hug him tighter, your body pressed so perfectly against his.
"You are without a doubt, the best thing that has ever happened to me and I do know what I would do without you in my life," he says, meaning every word.
You smile, knowing how much Loki appreciates you and you feel guilty wishing for more. You want him to say that he loves you, that he wants you in his life as more than his friend but he doesn't and he won't. You push down the torn feelings you have and tell him, "I will always be here for you."
"And I will always be here for you, Y/N," he responds. His body aches to shift forward and seal your promises with a kiss but he still doesn't move.
After a few minutes of comfortable silence he says, "You need to get some rest. You've had a long night."
"We both have," your agree but you still aren't sure you will be able to sleep. You get up from the couch and walk back towards your room but you stop after only a few steps. You turn to look back at Loki and tell him, "I don't want to be alone."
"I'm here," he promises as he sits on your couch.
You bite your lip, holding back the words you want to say. You want to ask him to hold you while you sleep. He had made you feel so protected and safe after your panic attack and you need to feel like that again.
He gets up from the couch and walks towards you when you don't say anything in response. "Would you feel better if I slept in your room tonight?" he asks and you hear a hint of nervousness in his voice, not something you are used to with Loki.
The answer leaves your mouth before you even realize it, "Yes."
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You take Loki's hand and lead him into your room. Pulling back the covers you make eye contact with him and realize he looks almost as anxious as you feel. You lay on your side near the edge of the bed, facing away from Loki quietly as he gets in on the other side.
Loki's heart skips a beat with nervous excitement, he truthfully hadn't thought you would accept his offer. As much as he wants to hold you all night he is worried about what will happen after. He fears this will be the only time you allow him into your bed and he knows it will not be enough for him. One night spent near you could never be enough but he will savor every second.
An empty space forms between you and Loki for a few moments then you feel the mattress dip as he rolls over towards you. Without thinking, you shift closer to him and your breath catches when you feel his chest flush to your back. He drapes his arm over you, pulling you flush to his body.
"Is this okay?" he asks quietly in your ear, he hopes you can't feel how quickly his heart is beating.
"It's perfect," you smile, keeping your eyes closed tight, trying to etch this feeling into your mind. You lay completely still, feeling the way his legs tangle with yours loosely, feeling his chest rise and fall as he breaths slowly, your hand covers his which rests lightly on your stomach. You could stay cuddled in his arms forever but you know it won't last. Come morning, he will release you and you will return to sleeping alone.
"Can I ask you something?" you say a few minutes later in a low voice.
"You can ask me anything," he promises.
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
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mjsthrillernp · 2 days
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Tom Hiddleston for Variety's Emmys Studio
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mjsthrillernp · 3 days
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AI generated stuff
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mjsthrillernp · 3 days
'one look and they'll know' collection masterlist See my full list of works here!
Placement: pre-relationship era; months before 'one look and they'll know'
Summary: After a particularly horrible day on set, Chris extends an invitation for you to join the cast in a game of charades to unwind.
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Warning/s: workplace bullying (mentioned); language [let me know if I missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: hints of mutual pining; we're in Hemsworth's POV
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"Come on, it'll be fun, Tiny Terror, I promise." Chris gave your shoulders a slight shake to hopefully snap you out of the sour mood you'd been in all day. It was more than obvious why, considering that there were a good few production assistants that looked like they were on their own personal mission to get you to break composure and break a nose, constantly putting your team down for working too slow or some other reason.
One of them even tried insisting that there were props out of place so they could call into question your skill in clocking the continuity between shots. And while it was simple enough to debunk their accusations, it had also been a rather tedious day even just watching all of the little inconveniences happen that seemed hellbent on putting a damper to your day. He couldn't imagine how much more stressful it was in your shoes.
You were only allowed a few minutes to breathe without much worry when those assistants were pulled aside for Taika to have a word with them. Because other than him, there was someone else that not only witnessed the borderline harassment that occurred today, but was damn near foaming at the mouth to start snapping at them for their insolence.
And right now Chris could only imagine that the Brit was standing at full height putting forward every single intimidation tactic he had on display at those people and asking them point blank if they had some sort of issue with you.
"I really don't know, Hemsy, it's been a long day. I kinda just want it to be over," you sighed, the facade you'd put in place of trying to look unbothered finally cracking as your shoulders slumped. "No idea who fucking pissed in their cereal this morning but if their goal was to drag someone down with them, they fucking succeeded. Just wanna go back to my hotel room and order a big bowl of pasta and a bottle of wine and turn my phone off until tomorrow morning."
"Alright, how about this. Just a few rounds, and if you hate it, I'll pay for your pasta and wine?"
You paused, thinking over his offer for a few seconds before finally sighing, "Fine. Thirty minutes. But if I tell you I wanna go, you better be ready to order me the fattest bowl of truffle cream pasta you can find."
Just as you walked off back to your team, Taika and Tom came out of one of the back offices where they sequestered the offending crew members. There were visible scowls on their faces as they muttered to themselves while Taika whispered some instructions to security, probably telling them to keep an eye on the troublemakers moving forward.
"Saw you talking to Lil Mayhem," Taika spoke up once he stood where you did just a few moments ago. "She alright?"
Had the situation not been so tense, Chris probably would have poked a bit of fun at the way Tom's face became visibly more animated as he scanned the set trying to find you. If the Brit became even the slightest bit more enamored with you and still refused to do anything about it, he might have to tell you himself just to caution you that if you didn't feel the same way, you'd have to let him down gently. And preferably sooner rather than later.
"She will be," Chris answered. "She's joining us later."
"Ah perfect," the New Zealander exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "We can pair her off with Tom."
"Hmm?" There was an alarmed look in Tom's eyes now, the sound coming out of him uncharacteristically higher pitched than normal.
"Oh come on, mate, did you really think nobody noticed? You look at her like a pup, wagging its tail and jumping in place when its mum comes home." Chris clapped a hand down on his shoulder, trying not to laugh at how mortified he looked finding out his subtle "work crush" on you wasn't exactly that subtle. "Just don't go humping her leg when she walks in."
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"Oh my God, yes you're here too," Tessa exclaimed when you walked into Taika's suite, doing a little bounce on her place at the couch and patting the seat beside her. "We can be partners and smoke their asses."
"Hemsworth promised to buy me pasta if I hated it," you told her with a shrug, sitting at the vacant seat. You didn't seem to have noticed that Tom had moved over, making room next to him on the other side of the table. "And I'm not one to turn down free food."
"Tessa you're already partnered with Chris over here," Taika informed her, pointing at the Australian.
"Hold on since when?" He simply showed her a paper containing all your names, your eyes widening slightly when you saw that yours was next to Tom's. "Fine," she huffed, shifting her gaze over to Chris. "We got this."
Taika then presented a little fishbowl containing folded scraps of paper and explained that a single turn would consist of each of you picking out a paper and trying to sign out whatever was on their paper, while the other had to guess what it was. Straightforward enough. "Whoever's signing cannot talk, but they can make sounds if they think it'll help," he kept on explaining. "Winning pair will get…a nice swanky dinner for two when we get to LA for the premiere. Sound good?"
Lay it on a little thicker, Taika, I don't think they're catching on yet, Chris thought sarcastically, immediately clocking the way your cheeks were reddening and Tom was without a doubt imagining what it would be like to be sitting across from you in a fancy restaurant, imagining that you two were on a proper date. What with the way he couldn't keep his eyes off of you, along with that dopey lovestruck smile painting his face every time you even shared the same breathing space, it wasn't that hard to take a guess what the Brit was thinking right at this moment.
Once everyone had a scrap of paper in their hand, Taika spun a little wheel of your names to pick out which pair went first. "Alrighty then, Tom? Y/N? Which one of you'll be guessing first?"
"Oh, uhm…can I guess first? 'Cause I can't sign for shit."  Your request as you addressed Tom sounded casual enough, had it not been for the chuckle at the end that immediately had both Chris and Taika knowing much better than to mistake your demeanor for 'casual'. Seemed you were as skittish around Tom as he was around you.
And maybe Chris didn't have to interfere and advise you to let his friend down easy after all. Maybe he just had to sit back and let you two find each other at your own pace.
Though admittedly this *was* the type of behavior that started out cute but would grow frustrating to watch if it went on for too long. If neither of you made a move in the coming weeks he might be tempted to lock you two in a cramped storage closet to move things along.
Tom stood up from his seat, cheeks quickly becoming tinged with pink when he saw the words on his little scrap of paper before looking up and holding your gaze. On a whim, Chris decided to take his phone out and have his camera at the ready.
The chime on Taika's phone signaled him to start, and he held up five fingers in front of you.
"Five words." He then nodded and held up one finger before creating a letter "T" with his hands. "First word 'The'." He held up four fingers next and did the "T" symbol again. "And fourth word 'The'. So 'The Blank-Blank The Blank'?"
He nodded at you, a light shining in both your eyes as he kept on, like a couple of kids excited they found someone to play with. But then when Tom went on to sign the second word, for a split second you gave him a look that had everyone in the room that paid even the smallest amount of attention that his affections were definitely not one-sided.
You were well on your way to being completely smitten with him, too.
He held up two fingers before making a lassoing motion and snapping his fingers so loud that the sound made your neck twitch, your eyes glazing over as he pointed to the space in front of him. "Uh…uhm…Capture?" He shook his head, repeating the motion again. "Herding?" He shook his head again. "Collaring--Cowboy?" He let out a laugh before shaking his head again. "Okay I don't think I'm gonna get that, maybe another word we're running out of time."
Tom took a deep breath, as if composing himself before holding up five fingers. And then he drew his hands close to his chest and started making the most ridiculous sound with his head tilted to the ceiling. "Ememememe omomomomo".
That had you bursting into a fit of giggles, making him break out into a face-splitting grin and a few chuckles of his own. "I'm sorry I got absolutely nothing on that, go back to the second word." He went back to the lassoing and snapping movement. "Wait is this for a person or an animal?" He made a motion as if weighing an object in each of his hands, signaling to you that it was both. "Both?! Okay so…domestication?" He shook his head, but motioning for you to keep going down that route. "The--Taming?" Then you gasped, standing up right as two seconds were left on the clock, clapping your hands. "The Taming of the Shrew! The Taming of the Shrew!"
Out of the sheer excitement in the moment, he made his way around the table, grasping for your hands before framing your face in his hands. Had you both lost yourselves in the moment for even a few seconds longer, Chris would have bet good money that you two would have shared a kiss right in front of them.
But then both of you froze in place, giving each other an awkward smile before he stepped back, making his way back to where he stood seconds before. Good thing Chris already had his phone in hand and snapped a photo before your mutual shyness toward each other got the better of you.
"Cute," Taika commented, throwing Tom a look. "Alrighty then Y/N, it's your turn now."
You stood, looking at your scrap of paper and then looking around the room, your eyes landing on the decorative skull flower vase on the dining table.
Before you could signal for Taika to start the clock, Tom spoke up, "Hamlet?"
A choked sound of utter shock slipped out of everyone else in the room. "Hold up, that counts right, T?" Taika just nodded.
"How the fuck--Are you two telepathically connected or something?" Tessa threw the question out, pointing her finger at both of you. "You know what it doesn't matter, the night's still young. We still got a chance to smoke 'em, Hemsworth."
Chris wasn't paying much attention, shooting you a text instead. So you wanna cash in on that free food, Tiny Terror?
He had to fight back the knowing grin that pulled at the corners of his mouth seeing the message you typed back. I could stay a few more rounds.
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A/N: I did mention before that I have some pre-relationship chapters planned for these two blorbos, right? 👀 Well if I didn't, I'm saying it now. Chapters. Plural. I honestly don't know how many pieces I have in store for this collection but safe to say it's not ending any time soon. 😳💖
'everything' taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @kats72 @kikster606 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th  @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina @kmc1989 @november-rayne @goddessofwonderland @buttercupcookies-blog @peaky-marvel @lokiified @tom-hlover @dryyoursaltyoceantears @herdetectivetheorist
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