miya-park · 11 months
This way people can see they’re not alone. I have them and this would help me see that.
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miya-park · 1 year
Come Back To Me - Masterlist
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Billy Washington x OFC
They had always been opposites, and sometimes Ida thought that the only thing they had in common was their childhood. Pulled in different directions, a series of events throughout one summer heatwave will change everything.
Warning: This series contains strong language, sex and depictions of racism and violence. Trigger Point (TV) Spoilers.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
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miya-park · 1 year
Friend → Beloved → Enemy → ?
modern!Aegon x f!reafer
Warning: minors drink alcohol, quarrels, mention of death
Fandom: House of the Dragon
Summary: To be friends, to love and to hate. Could your friendship have had a different ending?
word count: 2,03k
A/N: it was supposed to be oneshot, but maybe someday I'll write the second part
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Being friends with Aegon was… easy for you.
For some reason, it was impossible for the other girls who tried to attract his attention to themselves to establish friendly relations with him. But you were an exception. Having met at a school for the children of rich and famous parents when you were only eleven, you did not immediately, but attracted the attention of the rude and persistent Aegon. He was full of insults, gossip, was selfish and for some reason always thought that the whole world belonged to him. And such an Aegon disgusted you. You knew his parents, you knew they were very, very rich. But you've always asked yourself why having money and influence didn't ruin Helaena and Aymond, his younger siblings.
But at the same time you were asking yourself: how did he become your best friend? He became the person with whom you ate ice cream at eleven at night at sixteen and swung on a swing; he became the boy with whom you started going to parties at seventeen; he became the guy with whom you went to prom in a friendly way.
If for other people -and for parents - he was an ordinary drunk and an asshole, then for you he was not just your best friend. Aegon had the most comfortable hugs, he instantly picked up your jokes. He was so polite, courteous that sometimes you felt like the only person in the whole world, basking in the rays of his attention.
“You know, dude, I don't think the world deserves you,” you said one day when he came to you late at night.
The reason was banal to tears - your boyfriend decided to break up with you right before the week of final exams. Graduation passed, but there were no exams, and admission to college was ahead. Overwhelmed by stress and excitement, you fell into a violent tantrum and called Aegon, who was at his girlfriend's party.
He arrived without asking any questions with a stolen bottle of elite cognac. The privileges of the rich.
“What do you mean, dear? Aegon asked indistinctly, stroking your shoulders. You were lying on your bed in an embrace. Tears exhausted you, so you were silent in comfortable silence and shared a bottle of alcohol for two in silence.
“You're so… unreal and cute,” you muttered into his chest and refused to look up.
“Oh, baby, I think you've had enough. You're already drunk,” Aegon laughed, putting the bottle on the floor.
“And what? I'm telling the truth. Don't you believe me?” you asked in response, lifting your head. Aegon was silent. His eyes shone in the dimness of the room, and his snow-white hair made him look like an angel. Fallen, but still an angel. “They all condemn you and insult you simply because they don't know the real you.”
“Do you know?”
“Of course,” you answered importantly, laying your head on his chest again. Groping for his hand in the dark, you intertwined your fingers. “Of course I know the real you. And all the people who hurt you should beg for forgiveness on their knees.”
“I wouldn't be so sure if I were you,” Aegon replied softly, stroking your tangled hair with his free hand.
You wanted to ask him. Ask the question: why does he doubt your faith in him, but the alcohol in your blood was stronger and you just closed your eyes, falling asleep to his regular breathing.
Loving Aegon was… Not easy.
In the first year, the realization of your feelings was so sudden and deafening that you had to ignore it for several days to sort yourself out. The result was not comforting: you fell in love with Aegon Targaryen. A man with whom I have been friends for more than six years and shared so much joy and sorrow that he could rightfully call himself your soulmate. You can't think of a worse situation, right?
But at the end of the first year, the situation in the Targaryen family worsened. You didn't know the details, you knew that Aegon's mother's relationship with her stepdaughter had deteriorated. Aegon drank heavily and it became a habit for you to take his calls at two in the morning when he begged you in a drunken and smoky voice to pick him up from the house of another one-day friend. And you took him to yourself, to your own apartment, donated by your parents for coming of age and in honor of entering a prestigious college. You took care of a drunken Aegon, wiped his sweaty body, cleaned up after him when he was ill and pushed wet hair off his forehead in a fit of inexplicable tenderness. Of course, in the morning he apologized and thanked for the help, paid for the spent gasoline, and then disappeared out the door, dialing the number of a person who could arrange a party in the evening.
And you were left alone in an empty apartment, looking longingly at his back. I was left alone with a bunch of homework on my shoulders and a broken heart in my chest.
This continued until the summer holidays. And then you found out that Aegon's father had died.
You attended the funeral with your parents on that cloudy and cold day to express your condolences to the Targaryen family. And the sight of the pale, completely broken life of Aegon with a fixed gaze made your heart shrink. When it was over, you apologized to your parents and walked forward through the crowd. To where the back in the black coat stood motionless in front of the Viserys Targaryen memorial. After saying goodbye to Alicent and her children, you quietly approached him and gently took his hand. It was icy.
“He never told me he loved me.” Aegon said in a hoarse voice. His eyes were red and watery.
“He probably thought you knew about it. Without his words.” you said softly, squeezing his hand in yours. He shook his head at your words. “It's impossible not to love you, Aegon.”
“Don't, please”
“Don't what?”
“Don't lie to me”
“But I'm telling you the truth.”you protested helplessly to him. Raising your hand, you touched his cold cheek and turned his head towards you. He obeyed, looking at you as if something inside him had broken. You weren't sure you could fix it, but you'll try. “Aegon, you are the best thing that has ever happened in my life. You have been with me in both happy and sad moments. I am grateful to you for everything you have done for me. And I want you to know that I will also be there to support you.”
He was silent for a minute, and then licked his dry lips and squeezed your hand in response.
“Do you love me?”
You were confused by his question. And then you remembered all the moments when he was crying drunk in your toilet, saying that no one loves him, his younger brother despises him, and his sister feels nothing but pity for him. And your little heart was covered with a wave of love for him. Yes, he's not perfect, but he was like that with you.
“Of course I love you,” you replied. Perhaps you put a slightly different meaning into these words. Not the one Aegon wanted to hear, but as soon as the words fell from your lips, you felt relieved. “Nothing will change these feelings for you, baby”
Aegon nodded. His lips trembled and you silently pulled him into your arms, comfortingly stroking his trembling shoulders.
Your world belonged to Aegon, and even if he couldn't be yours, you still wanted to lay the universe at his feet.
“Everything will be fine,” you whispered, kissing his snow-white hair.
The first drops of cold summer rain fell on you from the gray sky.
Hating Aegon was… painful.
Your relationship soured at the beginning of the second year, when Aegon was not enough weed and alcohol. And then he started courting girls. It's not that he hasn't done it before, but his sex life hasn't touched you before and you've tried not to think at all about how many people your best friend has fucked. But now… now there were a lot of girls leaving his apartment early in the morning when you came to pick him up to go to school together. They were all different: blondes, brunettes, redheads.
You've never seen the same face twice.
“You know you don't have to kill your youth this way, right?”you asked him once when you drove him to a party late at night. You had no doubt that Aegon had already had a drink at home, but you still tried to talk to him. “You can make your life better, Aegon”
“What's the difference?" he replied indifferently, adjusting his sunglasses on his face. He looked great in his unbuttoned shirt, black jeans and tousled hair.
“I'm worried about you,” you whispered, slowing down in front of a private house. The roar of music could be heard even in the car. “Your mom and siblings are worried”
“Not true. I know they don't care about me,” Aegon replied, turning to you.
“What about me?” you asked, feeling like the atmosphere between you is heating up.
Aegon was silent. Your lips trembled.
“Are you just devaluing my feelings right now? Our friendship?”
“Please, let's not talk about it now,” he asked, opening the door and getting out of the car. You left the salon.
“And when will we talk? Tomorrow, when I come to pick you up at nine in the morning to watch another naked girl in your apartment? Or maybe in two weeks, when we finish the first semester, and you need all my notes to pass the exams?”
“I'm not ready to talk, okay? And I'll let you know when I'm ready.” he turned towards the house. “I'll call you tonight”
“What?”Aegon stopped and looked back at you. You stood with pursed lips, and tears stood in your eyes.
“I know it's ugly… To do so. But listen, if you go there now without talking to me, then I'm done here, Aegon. You're never ready to talk until you're pressed. And I don't want that.”
“And that's why you're putting me in front of a damn choice now?! Seriously?”Aegon shouts and you both freeze.
You - because this is the first time he raised his voice to you in this way. He is because something is changing in your eyes.
“All right, Aegon,” you say in a trembling voice, opening the car door. “I understand you. Don't call me… until you're ready.”
“You're not serious, are you? Aegon asks, taking a step forward and watching as you abruptly pull out of the parking lot and disappear around the corner. “Damn it!”
You abruptly wipe the tears from your cheeks, turning off the phone in case Aegon calls you. But you weren't sure he would. This quarrel has clearly broken something in your friendship now. And you weren't ready to have a dialogue with this Aegon. You wanted to get back the boy you fell in love with. With whom it was good and who was ready to give up his desires to drink in favor of you.
Aegon doesn't call at night. Not the next day, not a month later.
You begin to hate him, his actions, his penchant for alcohol and lust. You are removed from social networks so as not to see his photos, videos, posts with vanilla words. But most importantly, you start hating your feelings and the part of you that misses him. His smile, his cologne smell, his touch. Sometimes at night you cry, remembering the carefree youth when you went to the movies and spent the night at each other's. When you were at each other's.
Sometimes you catch his eyes on you. You look at him in response while his hand is on the waist of another girl and he shyly looks away and you follow his example.
Even the strongest friendship is washed away by the rain of harsh reality.
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miya-park · 1 year
It's all for you
Aemond Targaryen x f!reader, Aegon Targaryen x f!reader
Warning: canonical violence and incest, blood, mention of death family problems, the reader is older
Fandom: House of the Dragon
Summary: When you first meet the princes, all you want to do is avoid them and quietly serve Helaena and Alicent. But when at your age of ten and six you see for the first time how brothers break down one by one, you can't stop your love for them. And you will do anything to protect Alicent's children.
word count: 3,2k
A/N: Let me know what you think about it. Thank you for reading! (English is not my native language, not edited)
First chapter
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Time flowed differently in King's Landing than in your homeland. It was probably for the reason that you felt like a part of something here. It was a small part of a large mechanism.
To match the mechanism, you changed your daily routine. Waking up early in the morning, you went to the library, choosing a book for a week for yourself and a couple of textbooks for the princess. Then you had breakfast in her company, telling her about yourself or about those heroes whose stories you read during this time. After that, you walked in the garden, embroidered under the supervision of the septa, or if it was a school day, devoted yourself to the sciences. You studied something new with interest, tried out poetry, so that in your free time there was something to fill the silence between you and the princess.
Helaena grew up a kind and gentle girl, but even you were sometimes frightened by her detachment. It was as if she was here and not here at the same time, but her dreams also alarmed you. She didn't say anything specific about them, just vague and vague phrases. Phrases that made you feel cold, and at that moment your skin was covered with goosebumps. But you fell in love with Helaena. You loved her as if she were your sister. She's not that shrill and naughty girl in your homeland.
And if you treated her with tenderness and awe, then you tried not to cross paths with her brothers once again. Even though you were older than both Aegon and Aemond, you knew that at least one of your wrong words, wrong gesture or look, then you would either lose your already precarious position at the Royal Court, or you would be kicked out with a stain on your honor. Recently, Prince Aegon inspired terror in all the young maids and many did not want to serve in his chambers. Although there were girls who were blinded by his beauty and social status. The Queen and her father spent an impressive amount of coins to hide the fact that the prince had already been caressed by a woman's hand more than once.
But when you live next to the cause of these rumors, nothing passes by. You tried to be as inconspicuous and invisible as possible to Aegon's drunken eyes, kept in the shadow of the princess and the queen. And luck was on your side also due to the fact that Aegon did not visit the princess often, preferring to do other things.
And if you could be invisible to Aegon's eyes, like a wall or a carpet, then to Aemond you were just another servant of his sister. And you were happy to stick to that title.
It's been several moons since the princess' birthday before you noticed the tense atmosphere between the brothers and the rest of the royal family. Aemond was already ten when you realized that he was different from the other Targaryens. He didn't have a dragon of his own. You didn't know what the reason was and didn't mind your own business, but the sight of a sad prince being bullied by an older brother made your heart shrink. Passing by him, you always looked down, not wanting to face his angry eyes. Aemond always following Aegon, despite the cruel words that his older brother used against him, was perhaps the sweetest and at the same time the most pathetic thing you watched.
The situation also worsened the relationship between Queen Alicent and Princess Reynera. Politics didn't interest you. You were indifferent to the quarrel between them, considering it your duty only to take care of Helaena, to create a comfortable space around her. You wanted political strife not to touch her snow-white hair with drops of blood and the smell of violence. And the closer you got, the more you realized that this girl did not deserve everything that awaited her in the future.
Over time, your position at court has also changed. You have been allocated other chambers. They were much more luxurious and richer than the previous ones, and the view from the window overlooked the neighboring tower. Sometimes you missed that piece of the garden that you watched in the old chambers, but you didn't complain. The queen began to trust you with the small cares of the younger prince, Daeron, although you preferred to serve only the princess.
Not soon, but you came to terms with the fact that the princess was strange, was fond of various insects, talking about them non-stop, but the servants found it strange and repulsive. And not even all members of the royal family condescended to Helaena's hobby.
One day, you were walking past the courtyard after a feast held in honor of the tournament, when you heard someone's voices over the noise of the fountain. You stopped, recognizing the voices of the princes.
“I can't understand why Helaena and I want to get married,” Aegon said heavily, examining the bottom of the bowl in his hands. Reaching for the flask, he poured himself a glass of wine, immediately taking a greedy sip. “Let's be honest, brother, she's an idiot.”
You froze when you heard an insult in the direction of the one you served so faithfully, as you believed in the Seven Gods. Hiding in the shadow of the walls, you wanted to go out and tell him, the drunken prince, that he was the only idiot, and not Helaena, whose beauty began to blossom every day; whose eyes were now calm as a field of purple hyacinths on a sunny summer day, and wise, as if she was not ten and one, but much, much more.
“She's your future queen. If I had my way, I would have done my duty by marrying her,” Aemond objected, watching him. In his eyes, there was no longer the same idolatry and adoration towards his older brother. “But I can't go against my parents' will”
“What a fool,” Aegon spat, getting more irritated by the second. “Although, I have to admit, you would make a great couple: a prince without a dragon and an idiot princess.”
Aemond panted as he took a step forward, but a lazy slap from Aegon stopped him. He staggered back to a large stone pillar. The eldest prince stood up, straightened his hair.
“Too small to compete with me. We'll meet tomorrow at the training ground, but don't look for me today. I hear the cook has two new maids now. A great reason to visit this place forgotten by the Seven.” Aegon grabbed the cup with the goblet and left, disappearing into the night.
There are two left. You and the quiet Aemond. Lowering your eyes, you took a handkerchief out of your dress and squeezed it in your hands, not knowing whether to offer the prince help or better to get away, forgetting about everything you heard. Shaking your head, you hid the handkerchief in your sleeve and turned around to leave.
“You don't have to hide your presence,” Aemond said loudly. His voice trembled slightly, and so did you. Lowering your head, you stepped into the light, standing in front of him. The dress rustled in time with your steps.
“Excuse me, my Prince, I was just passing by, to my chambers…” you pursed your lips, finally looking up. His lower lip was bleeding slightly, but the boy himself did not pay attention to it.
“And the altercation of the two princes made you forget the way?” he asked sharply, watching you look away in shame.
You were much older than him by moons, but you were almost as afraid of him as you were of your mother.
“It doesn't matter anyway. Pretend you didn't hear anything and get out. Otherwise, tomorrow the entire royal court will see your head on this spot.”
You hurriedly curtsied, without taking your eyes off his face. Everything inside you was itching unpleasantly, and your heart was pounding rapidly while you were feverishly thinking about your next actions. Noticing your gaze, he raised his eyebrows irritably.
“Your lip, my prince… it's bleeding”
“And what?”what is it?" he asked touching the wound. Aemond's face didn't even flinch when he touched her.
“If… if you would allow…” you said, taking a hesitant step forward and taking out your handkerchief. “I would like to help you. It's not right for a prince to walk around with blood on his face during a celebration”
The boy was silent and you perceive it as a signal for action. You move on as silently as your dress allows, soaking the handkerchief in icy water. This is certainly not the healing ointment of the meister, which at least calmed his aching pain and helped the wound heal faster, but it was impossible to leave just the wound. After wetting the corner, you squeeze it out, letting the water flow between your fingers, burning the skin with cold. You flinch slightly, but you return to the prince, kneeling in front of him. Face to face. The dress immediately crumples and gets dirty with yard dirt, and you mentally ask forgiveness from your maid.
His gaze is hostile, but at the same time calm — you guess that he knows that you are just doing your job as a servant. You're just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
And he was obviously hurt that you were there at the moment of his obvious humiliation.
Gently taking him by the shoulder, you lightly touch his lower lip — the prince does not even wince or twitch when he feels cold — and concentrate on wiping his blood. His eyes are looking straight at you and you feel uncomfortable, trying to wipe his lip as quickly as possible. Just a few movements and there are absolutely no flaws on his beautiful face, except for a slight swelling.
“You know, Prince… It's quite selfless that you think about your duty at such a young age,” you say slowly, getting up and trying to shake off your dress. Aemond takes a few steps back. “I couldn't do that”
“And what does that mean? What is it?" he asks, wiping the water off his lips with his sleeve.
You put the handkerchief in your sleeve, adjusting the lace. Mentally you choose the right words.
“That you are very brave.”
“Well, someone has to be like that in our family,” Aemond replies. “Although bravery is nothing before seniority.”
You hear the bitterness in his words and your heart contracts. He is first of all a child, and only then a prince.
Involuntarily you remember Helaena. A girl who should marry her older brother. You clearly understand that no one will be happy in this marriage — although it is quite easy for you to make her happy. But Aemond isn't like that. It cannot be said that he always blindly followed Aegon, but the influence that his older brother exerted on him was enormous. This was before there was wine in Aegon's life and the need to spend nights not alone.
“Well, my prince, you should be proud of her. I am also not the first child in my family, and even more so I do not have the courage that you have.”you stop talking, and then you blush. “Although it is superfluous to compare you and me. Please forgive my mistake, Prince Aemond.”
Aemond shakes his head and you exhale. It cannot be said that the thoughts you voiced were correct or supportive. But you knew that Aemond deserved to be comforted.
“I think it's time for you to come back. I'm sure the feast is about to end, and you probably would like to dance some more.”he says and you get the hint.
Suddenly you laugh and shake your head. Where do you go before these holidays!
“Oh no, I'm not going back there. Princess Helaena has already retired to her chambers, which means I have nothing to do there.”you say, turning towards the corridor leading to the hall. “It's best you get back before the queen goes looking for you. Good night, Prince.”
He nods in response, turning and disappearing into the darkness after Aegon. You look after him, listening to the sound of his footsteps fade away and you are left alone.
In silence and darkness.
After that night, it seemed that Prince Aemond had changed his mind about you. His eyes started noticing you if you crossed paths in the hallway or in the princess' room or somewhere else. You had to nod politely so as not to provoke anger for not observing etiquette. And you didn't know whether to rejoice at such crumbs of his attention or to be afraid. To be afraid that someday Prince Aegon will notice Aemond's gaze directed in your direction. But you suppressed this fear in yourself, although it was no longer possible to remain unnoticed as before. If Helaena noticed a change in her brother's behavior, she was silent, for which you were grateful to her.
But Queen Alicent did not remain silent.
Her tenacious gaze clearly caught the way Prince Aemond looked thoughtfully in your direction, so when Helaena was under the supervision of the septa, she invited you to her solarium under the pretext of helping her with choosing clothes for the younger prince. Suspecting nothing, you went to her chambers, anticipating the bright smile and laughter of a child. Alicent loved to tickle his stomach and stroke his round cheeks.
Entering the solarium with the royal permission, you curtsied and froze, waiting for her orders. Daeron was not in the room and you looked at the woman questioningly. She nodded to the maid and she hurriedly left.
“Have a seat, lady,” Alicent invited, sitting on the couch in the middle of the room. There were two mugs on the table next to it. Slowly, you approached her, not knowing exactly where to sit, but in the end you chose to sit on the edge of the sofa.”Daeron is with the babysitter, she will come with him soon. I'd like to talk to you.”
Everything inside you turned cold and you turned pale. The fear of being misunderstood possessed you, but you were silent.
“Lately I've noticed that my son, Aemond, has changed his attitude towards you, his sister's servant,” she began, carefully watching your reaction. You straightened up from the direct hint in her voice.
“It seems your eyes are letting you down, my queen,” you replied, clasping your fingers in your lap. “Prince Aemond and I don't even talk unnecessarily.”
Alicent looked at you for a minute. Her gaze was penetrating, but you were not almost afraid, because you had nothing to hide.
“To be honest, I would like you not to doubt my loyalty to your children, my queen.”you said, trying to prove it to her. “I treat almost everyone as my wards. And I have no ties with any of them higher than the love of a servant for her masters.”
“I don't want you to belittle yourself like that, lady,” Alicent finally replied, taking a sip of tea. “Helaena is delighted with you. She likes your courtesy and willingness to help her.”
“Glad to hear it” the color flooded your cheeks.
“But alas, I have to admit that as a mother I made a mistake,” she began. Getting up, she walked around the table and went to the window. “My eldest son… He grew up a dissolute drunkard. And I don't want my other children to see the ugliness that he represents.”
You frowned, not quite understanding what she was driving at.
“Your loyalty to my daughter is… amazing. I am glad to know that there is a person who will take care of her in different life circumstances. Especially when they, like the children of the king, have enemies who want to harm them and change the political situation in Westeros. Princess Rhaenyra and I are trying our best to prevent this from happening, but I cannot be sure of your loyalty based only on words. And so I want to ask you something..,” Alicent moved away from the window and stood in front of the fireplace. You nervously licked your lips, waiting for her words. “To demand such a thing from a child… It's crazy, but my daughter loves you and you are my hope for her bright future. I want you to take the oath of knightly loyalty to Helaena.”
“What?” you asked quietly, involuntarily getting up from your seat.
“My children have dragons. But Aemond… I can't guarantee that he will get his own, although I hope for it and ask the Gods for it.” These words were not easy for Alicent. You didn't comment on it in any way, knowing full well the prince's plight at court. “But the dragons won't be able to protect them here in the castle, where they may find themselves at the center of intrigue. Attracting famous houses to their defense is stupid, because the situation between me and Princess Rhaenyra remains too tense for them. And we are working to ensure that as few people as possible know about our… Truce. But you are an exception.”
You bit your lip, not knowing what to say in response. Everything the queen said was unexpected for you and you didn't know how to react.
“All I ask is that you think about my words. We will provide you with proper training, a salary - everything you need.”
“Do you want me to become Helaena's bodyguard?” you asked in bewilderment and Alicent pursed her lips.
“I want you to protect my children when the time comes. Any of them.” she said.
You opened your mouth to answer when there was a knock on the door. The Queen irritably allowed you to enter, casting a warning glance at you, and you expected to see the nanny with her youngest son together with her. But instead of them, Maester Mellos came into the solarium.
“I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation, my queen. But a raven has just arrived.”
“With good news, I hope?” Alicent asked while you sidled to the door, thinking that your conversation was over for now. If Alicent wanted to, she would have called you later, after Mellos left.
“The news is not for you, my queen. And for this lady.”with these words, the maester looked at you and you stopped. “Your mother sent a raven with news for you to me personally because she wasn't sure if you would read her letter.”
You pursed your lips. Relations with mother deteriorated several moons ago when her demands became prohibitively high. And you stopped accepting her letters, sending the ravens back.
“I'm sorry she decided to disturb you, Maester. Have you sent the letter back to her yet?”
“No lady, this concerns your family, not just you.” His hands slid down into the hem of his robe and he took out a parchment. “Your older brother died two days ago late at night.”
You felt the world quickly spinning around you.
“And your mother is going to arrive at King's Landing in two weeks.”
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miya-park · 1 year
i'm scream
My toxic trait is thinking I could stop the Dance of the Dragons by fucking everyone from both sides
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miya-park · 1 year
INVISIBLE STRING | Chapter 1: Lavender Haze.
A disastrous break up led you to them; three guys living in a huge apartment and in need of a new roommate who helped with the way too expensive rent.
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Pairing: Modern!Aegon x Fem!Reader.
Summary: After an exhausting search, you finally seemed to find the perfect apartment, though you didn't expect to find three handsome guys living in it.
TW/Tags: mentions of cheating, cursing, mentions of sex(?, and that's it... i think.
Author's Note: here it is, the new girl au. it's prob going to be a long series bc i want to make justice to the slow burn of the tv show, so... i think this will have at least 15-20 chapters, lmao. they'll be short, tho, so it won't be too much. thank you for reading and hope you enjoy it!!💕
Word Count: 2.5k
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The intensity of his lavender haze met yours in an eye contact that lasted just a few seconds, but it was enough to make you stutter your first words. The guy in front of you cleared his throat, licked his lips and ran his hands through his silver locks before a charming smile appeared on his handsome face. A deep breath escaped you, before you smiled back at him in a less flirtatious and rather polite manner. 
He leaned over the frame of the door, crossing his arms in front of his chest and looked up and down at you, the file between your hands soon became victim of your sudden nervousness as your fingertips started to play with the corners of it. You felt the urge to turn around and escape, thinking that you might find another apartment that will be almost as perfect as this… but something within you made you stay.
“Hi,” you spoke first, softly and kindly, “is Jace here?”
“Who’s asking?” He asked back, arching his blond eyebrows and looking at the file in your hands.
“I’m y/n… I saw the ad online that said you were looking for a roommate,” you took a pause, waiting to see some reaction of realization on him, but you received no answer. “Jace told me to come today.”
“Oh, yeah, I remember hearing something about that this morning,” he nodded slowly, clicking his tongue before he stepped aside. Inevitably, you pecked through the space to the ample space behind him, and you couldn’t help but to love it. “Come in,” he said, “Jace and Aemond went to buy some food but you can come and wait inside.”
You blinked a few times, “Aemond?” 
“Yeah, he’s my brother, he lives here too,” he explained as you slowly stepped into the apartment and sighed. The intense smell of incense reached your nose while you looked around.
“Wait,” you turned to see him, “so there’s three guys living here?” 
“There were four of us, but our baby bro went to study abroad, and we need someone to help with the bills and all that shit…”
“Oh,” you simply said.
“Is that a problem for you?” 
He stood in front of you as you pressed your lips in a thin line. Then, you took the time to consider the options you had; live with three young guys you have never seen before, or return to your best friend’s house, who lived with her very-sexually-active boyfriend. It was one thing or the other, and the right answer was in front of you.
You shook your head, sighing as you purse your lips. “Nope,” you told him, “not a problem at all.”
“Great,” he said, “now, would you like a tour around the apartment while we wait?” 
“Sure!” You answered excitedly, a wide smile appearing in your face.
“I’m Aegon, by the way.”
“I’m y/n.” You replied with the same tone as before.
Aegon chuckled, “yeah, I know, you already told me. Now, come on, I’ll show you around.”
He tilted his head to sign the direction in which you had to walk. It was a small hallway that had five doors; three of them were rooms, one of them was the bathroom, and the last one was a tiny room that had the washing machine and the dryer. Once you reached the empty room, you looked around with dreamy eyes as you thought it was just perfect for you; the closet was huge, it had a lot of light for your plants and the space was more than enough for a king size bed. You started to dream awake, and, without even knowing the rest of the guys who lived there, you began to think about ways to decorate the space that could become your new room.
You looked at the door, where Aegon was standing, and you could not hide the enormous smile that appeared in your visage. He, on the other hand, remained serious, quiet, almost as if he was unsure of having you there. 
“This is amazing,” you said, “it’s so big!”
Aegon pressed his lips trying to suppress a smirk, for his dirty mind thought about the double meaning of your words.
“It is big,” he nodded. You didn’t hear the mockery in his voice.
“Are there other candidates?” You stepped a bit closer to him, “or am I the only one?”
“Uh… yesterday a guy came, but neither of us liked him.” 
“He was not what we were looking for,” he shrugged.
The main door was opened, and Aegon quickly turned to walk outside the room and into the hallway. Soon, two male voices were heard along with the sound of bags and keys falling onto a table. You peeked outside the room, leaning enough to see across the hall, finding two guys in the living room; one had long, soft-looking, silver hair, while the other had short and dark brown hair. You immediately recognized the brunette as Jace, the guy with whom you talked about the apartment. 
Aegon cleared his throat and soon the two pairs of eyes were looking at you. Aemond frowned, rolling his eyes with annoyance as he sighed.
“I told you not to bring them home today, Aegon,” he said sternly, “Lucerys will arrive soon and we don’t want him to see your profanity.”
It was inevitable for you not to frown, confused –and a bit offended– by his words, even though you were not entirely sure of what they truly meant. What you were certain of is that, by the look on his face, he did not want to see you there, which actually made you feel a bit bad. Aegon remained silent.
Jacaerys squinted his eyes as if he was trying to search for something in you –some clue about your identity, perhaps–, and a few seconds later his mouth was shaped in a circle as he saw who you were. His eyes widened and he pushed Aemond slightly, making a not-so-subtle gesture that you were quite able to perceive. He immediately realized what was going on and his eye looked at you with an apologetic stare.
“She’s not mine,” Aegon said, “I found her outside our door.”
“Don’t talk about her like a cat,” Jacaerys said, walking towards you. “Hi, I’m Jace, it’s good to finally meet you.”
“Same thing,” you replied politely, stepping out of the room. He stretched his arm to reach your hand and shake it.
“Come, let’s go to the living room so we can talk more comfortably.” 
You followed his steps, walking back into the living area. The smell of the recently bought Chinese food reached your nose and made your stomach growl. You tried to play it down as you sat in a comfortable chair right in front of the couch where the three men sat. Your hands were resting on your knees as you sighed, looking back and forth at his faces who were concentratedly staring at you. Jacaerys tilted his head, as if he was expecting you to say something first but you just remained silent. 
Aegon laid back, his arm hanging in the back of the couch as he clicked his tongue, seeming kind of bored, and before you could say something, Jace spoke,
“So, why are you looking for a new apartment?” He asked you, “are you new in town?”
Oh Gods, you thought. Now it was the time to tell them the humiliating story that brought you to this place, that made you look for a new home in order to move on. You opened your mouth, trying to force the words out of your mouth but they insisted on being trapped in your throat. You chuckled, a breathy laugh that showed your shame before you were able to speak.
“Weell…” you said, lengthening the syllable as you stared a t your hands, avoiding any kind of eye contact, “uhm… it’s- it’s actually a fun story,” you nodded, “I went to a trip abroad with my best friend, and when I returned… Uh… I found out that my- my boyfriend was kinda cheating on me.” 
A silence. The three guys stared at each other, and then Aegon was the first to talk.
“What do you mean with ‘kinda’?” He asked, “did he only put his tip on or-?”
“Aegon,” Aemond scolded him, “that’s not a fucking nice thing to say, the girl had just being cheated on. Have some respect.”
“She said ‘kinda’,” he shrugged, “I want to know what that means!”
“He fully cheated on me,” you explained.
Aegon nodded, “so that means he put his whole dick on-”
“Jar!” Jace shouted, “five coins, now.”
He rolled his eyes as he started to search for the golden coins in his pockets. Once he found them, he grabbed a jar in one of the small tables beside the couch. You squinted trying to read what the white tape around it said, and after a lot of effort —because the calligraphy was far from being neat— you managed to identify the words 'Douchebag Jar' written on the tape. You pressed your lips, holding back a chuckle; the jar was already half way filled.
“I’m sorry for that,” the brunette said, “and I’m sorry for what happened with your boyfriend.” 
“It’s okay.” You said softly. 
“So, are you currently working?” Aemond stepped into the conversation. 
“I am,” you said proudly, “it’s my first year as a teacher, so, yes, I am working.”
"That's good," Jacaerys smiled, genuinely, "do you have any pets?" 
“Used to have a cat,” you said, “but just like my boyfriend he found another owner and left me with nothing but memories.” 
“That’s depressing,” Aemond said. Jace gave him a bad look.
“Uh, are you guys siblings?” you asked, curiously, “it’s just that I’ve never seen people with white hair and now there’s two of you…”
"Just us," said Aemond, pointing to Aegon. "Jace is our nephew, but we accepted him because he helps us with the rent."
“I can help you with that too!” you joked, but none of them laughed. 
“Listen, we have to discuss our final decision, alright?” Jace said, “give us a couple of minutes. Guys, let’s go.”
Jacaerys excused himself, smiling as politely as he had been. You took a deep breath as they stood up and left the living room, walking towards a room at the end of the hall, which, thanks to the tour Aegon gave you around the place, you knew was the bathroom. 
Jace locked the door behind him, and immediately turned to look at his uncles, shaking his head. 
"Nope," Aemond muttered, "absolutely not."
"Why?" Jace asked, rolling his eyes, "she has a good income, in two years she will be earning more money than all of us."
"She's a girl!" Aemond said.
"So?" The brunette arched his eyebrow. 
"Aegon has the hormones of a fourteen year old," he screamed in a whisper, "if you get a girl in here, we'll have to find a bigger Douchebag Jar."
"I think Aegon is old enough to control his primal urges," Jacaerys defended him. 
"Is he, Jace? Is he?" 
"She's a good candidate," He defended you, "we might not have another candidate as good as her."
"The next candidate can be a man!" Aemond said. "Did you see the way he was staring at her? He was eating her with his eyes!" 
"He won't do anything, he'll know how to control himself," Jace told him, "he can behave."
"Why are you talking about me as if I'm not here?" Aegon interrupted the conversation, crossed arms in his chest as he leaned against the wall, "Look, I'm not going to fuck her if that's what worries you. We need the money, so…"
"So keep it in your pants," Jace finished his sentence, speaking sternly. It almost sounded like a threat. 
"I'll keep it in my pants," Aegon shrugged, "it ain't that hard."
"Promise it.”
Aegon frowned, "what?" 
"Promise that you won't try to- to…" Jacaerys struggled to say the last word without blushing. 
"Fuck her," Aemond finished. 
"What if she is the one that comes to me, huh? What then?" 
Jace scoffed, "please, Aegon, she seems like a smart girl. She won't do such a foolish thing."
Aegon looked at his nephew with a bitter stare, seeming a bit offended. However, he remained quiet, for he knew there was some truth in his mocking words. 
"Alright," he sighed, spitting in his hand and stretching his arm, "I promise I will never fuck the new girl. Let my cock fall off if it happens."
"Good," Jacaerys said, repeating the actions of the eldest and grabbing his wet hand, shaking it slowly. 
"Gross," Aemond muttered, disgusted. 
"So," Jace said, "shall we give her the news?" 
The three men stared at each other, and then, they nodded. Aegon was the first one to walk towards the door, grabbing the handle and opening it so fast that you barely had time to run away. He widened his eyes as you blushed, embarrassed for the position in which they had found you. 
You slowly took a step back, scratching the nape of your neck as you stared at your shoes, once again avoiding the stare of those three handsome guys. However, after hearing their final answer, you were trying so hard to suppress the giant smile that was threatening to appear on your face. 
"Were you… spying on us?" Jace asked. 
A sigh left your lips at the same time you dared to look up at them, all with furrowed brows; Aegon was the only one with a slight smile on his face, which gave you the confidence to explain yourself.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it," you said, speaking quickly, "these situations make me feel so anxious, I just needed to know you didn't hate me."
“We didn’t,” Aegon replied, “congrats, you are the owner of the empty bedroom.” 
You jump out of excitement and it was impossible for you to resist the urge to hug them tight. Your arms wrapping around Aegon’s and Jace’s shoulders as Aemond just stepped back. Soft little giggles of pure and genuine happiness were heard from you, as you thanked them over and over again. 
“I can’t believe it!” you squealed, “I swear it on the Seven you won’t regret this decision!” 
Aegon’s chuckle was heard right beside your ear, as he carefully placed his hand in your waist as a habit. You stepped back, still with that sparkling smile on you. 
“I hope you’re not making a mistake,” Aemond whispered to Jace.
“Nah, she’ll be fine,” Jace assured him.
They were so focused on you that they were not able to see Aegon’s face, and the quite peculiar way his eyes sparkled as you started to chant about the good news you had received. He pressed his lips in a thin line, eyes fixed on you.
He was ignoring the unbeknownst feeling growing inside of him.
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miya-park · 1 year
It's all for you
Эймонд Таргариен xf!reader, Эйгон Таргариен xf!reader
Warning: canonical violence and incest, blood, knife, family problems, the reader is older
Fandom: House of the Dragon
Summary: When you first meet the princes, all you want to do is avoid them and quietly serve Helaena and Alicent. But when at your age of ten and six you see for the first time how brothers break down one by one, you can't stop your love for them. And you will do anything to protect Alicent's children.
word count: 4,1k
A/N: Английский не мой родной язык, и уж тем более я не смотрел этот сериал, так как застрял на втором сезоне Игры Престолов. Но я не мог перестать думать обо всем этом, и эта идея пришла ко мне спонтанно. К тому же я не умею пользоваться Tumblr. Пожалуйста, дайте мне знать, если я сделал ошибку в чем-то.
Chapter Two
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Life has never been kind to you. Never.
You were not the firstborn of your parents, you were not the youngest and most beloved, rather as a pleasant addition to your brothers and sisters. Always calm, reasonable, with an intelligent twinkle in your eyes, you perfectly understood that your duty was to marry a rich lord, strengthen the position of the family in society, give birth to an heir or heiresses, and devote your whole life to them, their upbringing.
But you didn't want that. On every name day, you closed your eyes in prayer and asked all the Gods — old and new — to change your life path and direct you to where your knowledge, skills and experience will be needed. Where you were needed, not your body and innocence. Living far away from King's Landing, you grew up an unloved child whose dreams and hopes were about to be shattered by the harsh reality
This continued until, at the age of ten and five, Queen Alicent announced that she was looking for a bridesmaid for her ten-year-old daughter, Princess Helaena. The selection was carried out among noble ladies whose houses, giving their daughters, were promoted in the eyes of the public
"My daughter," said your mother, entering your chambers in the evening. When you finished praying, you hurriedly got up from your knees. "I have come to you with important news. Sit down."
You obediently sat down on the edge of the bed. Your mother nodded with satisfaction — she considered your silence and obedience her merit.
"A raven has arrived tonight," she said slowly, stopping in front of you. Her cold fingers touched your chin, lifting your face. "Queen Alicent has chosen you as a lady-in-waiting for her daughter.
"Well… isn't that good news, Mom?" You asked uncertainly, puzzled by her tone. She let go of your face and walked away, frowning.
"Good" she agreed. "I'll have the servants pack your things, and the day after tomorrow morning, you'll go to King's Landing."
You nodded, lowering your head to your chest.
"Don't forget to say goodbye to your siblings and be proud of the honor that has fallen to you, an ordinary middle daughter of a lord. Don't let me and father down."
You nodded again, unable to look up. Your mother had that power over you that suppressed any resistance not only on the lips, but also in the soul. Turning around, your mother left the room, and the maid followed her in with a basin of warm water. Smiling weakly in gratitude, you washed your face and went to bed with a pounding heart and confusion in your soul. Perhaps it was even for the best.
The ladies-in-waiting served their mistress as long as they could, but even this title could not protect you from the upcoming marriage. But if you are lucky, the service to the princess will be able to postpone this event.
The farewell to the family was quick and dry. The older brother did not even come out to you when you had already saddled a horse to be sent to the nearest port, and the younger ones were too young to understand that you would not meet soon. Father gently patted you on the shoulder before the family counselor distracted him with urgent matters, mother limited herself to a cold kiss on the forehead and cheeks. Holding back the tears, you waved to your younger brother and sister and boarded the ship, following the captain. But along with the regret, you also felt a strange relief that enveloped you—you were no longer connected to your family, at least physically. And the crows could wait. The journey to King's Landing was short, only three days. But the closer the day of the meeting with the royal family was, the more you felt doubts engulf you. There was no previous confidence, only fear and panic. When the ship docked at the port of King's Landing, you, accompanied by a maid and a guard, stepped onto the ground, looking around for the person who was supposed to come for you and take you to the castle.
The eyes found a man with a fluttering golden cloak behind his back. Dark hair and kind eyes, too kind for such a dirty service. His gaze stopped on you and flashed a question. You took a few steps forward, standing in front of him. You curtsied deeply and said your name and house.
"Sire…?" Recognition flashed across the face opposite.
"My mistake, my lady. I thought I was looking for a girl… older. My name is Harwin Strong, captain of the City Guard. I'll take you to the Red Keep, my lady, please come here.
You smiled softly as you followed him. After saddling the horse, you looked around for the servants, but there were two guards behind you.
"I'm not such an important person to be met by so many guards," you said, following Strong. Nervously stroking the provided male horse, you squinted at the captain.
Strong. You knew their house, they were quite a few statesmen in Westeros, and now the heir of Lionel Strong headed the city guard.
"You will be serving the royal family, my lady, so your escort must be the best."
You nodded, following him and looking around. King's Landing wasn't exactly what you imagined it to be. Several times you have noticed girls in light dresses, dirty, with matted hair and insidious smiles on their faces. They smiled at the same dirty men, and only the gods knew what happened next. A chill ran over your skin, and you turned your head away in disgust.
Upon arrival at Red Keep, Harwin ordered the servants to escort you to their chambers so that you could at least rest a little and get yourself in order before meeting with the royal family. Thanking him, you followed the maid deeper, winding through the corridors and climbing higher and higher.
"Besides you, the Queen has chosen two more girls to be the princess's ladies-in-waiting. You will all pass the necessary examination from the maester at the Queen. Also, your things have already arrived. Do you want to unpack them yourself or should I give the order?"
"I'll do it myself." You pursed your lips as you entered the rooms provided. They were much richer than yours in your castle, and the sun seemed to shine brighter.
"Shall I give you lunch now?"
"Yes, that would be great. Thanks." Bowing her head, she went out, leaving you alone.
After walking through the room, you went out on the balcony and you took your breath away from the beauty of nature. You were allocated corner rooms in the castle, so the view from the balcony covered several landscapes at once. On the left you could see a piece of garden in the shade, in front of you was a yard, obviously for cattle, and on the right a stone road leading to the castle. You were free here. Free from family, from their expectations. But you knew that the Red Keep is not as innocent as it might seem in the history books that you readed at home.
Lust and debauchery reigned here, ruling hand in hand with violence and death.
Prince Aegon was only ten and three, but he was already known for pinching young maids by the hips and lifting their skirts, as well as drinking so much wine until he fainted from intoxication. You felt he was dangerous. Young, hot-tempered, always taking what he wanted no matter what, such an uncontrollable prince caused a feeling of fear.
The door opened and you turned around. Your maid came in with a basin of warm water.
"Your lunch will arrive soon. Would you like to wash up now or would you prefer to take a bath?"
"Prepare a bath. And one of the summer dresses. It's very hot in King's Landing."
She bowed her head and hurriedly left to follow your instructions.
Time flew by unnoticed: the bath became a salvation from direct sunlight, the hair smelled pleasantly of something fruity, and the summer dress was modest, but light enough not to sweat. Following the maid, you were taken to the solarium, where Queen Alicent was sitting at a table, looking thoughtfully into the distance. At the sound of your footsteps, she turned around, and you took your breath away from her beauty, but you lowered your eyes and curtsied. The door has closed behind you.
"My queen, it's a great honor for me," you muttered, lowering your eyes to the floor.
"It's not worth it. what is your name?" you straightened up and told me your name and the house where you were born and lived. The Queen nodded. "You are one of the three whose name I may mention in the presence of my family. But for this you will need to pass an exam. I don't want my daughter to be accompanied by a stupid girl."
"I get it. When can I write the exam?"
The Queen's eyes flashed. None of the previous girls had asked her this question, instead preferring to ask about the princes and the princess and when the dinner party would come.
"If you want, you can today, or you can tomorrow. I don't care."
"Then I'll choose tomorrow morning, if you'll let me, my queen."
"Okay, the sooner the better."
"And if you'll excuse me, I'd like to use the library. Can I hope for your permission?"
"You will be escorted-" The door opened and footsteps sounded. The queen stood up, and the little girl went to her.
"I'm sorry, but she wanted to see you."
"It's okay, I'm glad to see her smiling. Take this lady to the library, and send my sons to me. I have something to talk to them about."
You curtsied, following the maid. You would like to express your gratitude verbally, but the queen went outside with her daughter, so you followed the maid. You knew that Alicent's sons might be about to appear, and in a strange panic, you asked the maid to hurry up. And as soon as the heavy doors of the library closed behind you, you felt relieved.
The library was big, it seemed like you could get lost among all these shelves and stay here forever. You liked the idea, but you immediately grimaced and tried to focus on which book to take. With the help of the meister, you found books on a topic somewhat similar to what you studied at home, and choosing a place closer to the fireplace, you plunged into the world of science, writing notes on paper.
The maester, after watching you, thoughtfully tapped his fingers on the table before returning to his duties. You spent the whole day and evening in the library, interrupting only for dinner in the chambers. The night was restless, it seemed that the heat came even from the extinguished candles.
The next morning, accompanied by a septa and a couple of guards, you answered questions under the watchful eye of a woman. The exam lasted all day, and only late at night, returning to your chambers, you were able to relax and fall asleep. The next week was stressful. Other girls whose names you didn't know were taking the exam, and you were on your own. You knew that the circle of places where you could enter was strictly limited, and one of the queen's maids was constantly behind your back.
The two places you visited were either the library, or that small piece of the garden that you were allowed to visit. You admired the flowers and trees growing there and tried to help the kitchen servants gather the fruits, for which you received silent and wary glances. Soon you stopped visiting this place and settled in the library, constantly reading books in anticipation of the exam result.
On the thirteenth day of your stay, when you were sitting in the library as usual, the Queen's messenger came and said that she wanted to see you. You hastily smoothed your hair and put the books in their places, making a mental note to read them later. Following him, you couldn't get rid of the thought that you had failed the exam because at the end of the exam the septa was sullen. Your heart stopped when you opened the doors in front of you and you entered the royal chambers. Lowering your eyes to the floor, you curtsied, greeting the queen.
"You can raise your head," Alicent said, approaching you. Her eyes bored into yours and you looked away, embarrassed. "You did the best in the exam compared to the other ladies. Accept my congratulations."
"Thank you, my queen." You blushed from the praise, feeling it spreading inside like honey. It was nice that your efforts and intelligence paid off.
"Follow me, it's time to introduce you to your ward," she nodded and left, you hurried to follow her. "Helaena is a very gentle child. The Septs are sometimes strict with her, which really hurts her. Besides, her brothers don't pay her enough attention, so I hope that you will compensate for everything that she lacks. In fact, at the moment you are more her nanny than her maid of honor."
You were walking down the corridor. The servants passing by bowed to her and whispered greetings, not noticing you. And if they noticed, then their questioning glances bit hard into your back, from which you involuntarily straightened up.
Two guards silently followed you, overtaking and opening the doors to the princess's chambers. The Queen entered and Helaena immediately raised her head and smiled.
You remained standing at the door, unsure whether you should have followed her and greeted the princess or waited for the queen's order. Last time you didn't look at the princess, but this time you looked at her carefully and sighed. The princess was beautiful. Snow-white hair, a distinctive feature inherent in Targaryens, was styled in a beautiful hairstyle. When she came up to you, you curtsied, greeting her, voicing your name and house.
"From this day on, I will serve you, my princess." you said with a soft intonation, feeling uncomfortable under the queen's gaze.
"Will you accompany me to the gardens?" her childish voice was so unlike the shrill voices of your siblings. Her speech, her violet eyes were calm, even slightly detached.
"Of course. Wherever you go, I will follow you."
"In a few days it will be her tenth birthday. I would like you to be present and see how people live in King's Landing. At this dinner, I will introduce you to the King, my husband, officially."
You were stunned by the information you received. After spending the whole day with the princess, you couldn't believe that you would be attending such an important event as the royal person's name day. Naturally, things like a dress or a hairstyle began to bother you, but most of all you were worried that you didn't know what to give the girl.
Curious, slightly strange, she was the kindest person you've ever met. But she was also part of the royal family, which meant it was worth looking for something more suitable and truly royal.
An epiphany came to you early in the morning when your maid was combing your hair. You were sitting in front of the mirror, choosing which earrings to wear today, when your eyes caught on a wooden comb in her hands. Helaena's snow-white hair, long enough to comb it with a comb, immediately flashed before her eyes.
"Oh, my Mother!" you jumped. The comb fell out of your maid's hands while she was watching you scurry around the room in search of paper.
"Lady?" she called you uncertainly before you stumbled and looked at her.
"I have an important mission for you. Very important. Find a comb maker, a good one. Tell him we'll visit him tonight and I'll pay him handsomely for my order if he meets the deadline."
All day you were like a needle, various gift options floated before your eyes. The princess didn't seem to pay attention to your absent-mindedness until you tripped over a stone on the path in the garden.
"Are you feeling unwell?"
"No, Princess, I'm fine, thank you. How do you like today's lessons?
"Septa Maria was very worried about something," she said thoughtfully.
"She's probably just worried about your name day, Princess. they will come very soon.
"Is it good?"
"Excuse me?" you asked in embarrassment, looking around.
You still couldn't believe that you were allowed to walk in this wonderful place. The blooming flowers smelled nice and it was just great to walk here.
"Nevermind. I suggest we turn here, hyacinths have recently bloomed here. Gorgeous flowers."
"If you say so, then they must be really beautiful. Where I come from, such flora does not grow, and our gardens are very poor."
"But surely you knew what to do with yourself, lady, didn't you?"
"Oh, yes, I practically lived in the library. My parents were busy teaching my older brother and raising the younger siblings, so I was left to my own devices. Serving you, Princess, is like my birthday present."
You passed under an arch of peach tree branches, stepping into a clearing where the iridescence of flowers hit your eyes. Multicolored, they rippled under the rays of the sun.
"Great, isn't it?" The princess asked, skirting the clearing along the path. "I want to have tea here. And make sure that the last book I read in the room is brought."
"It will be done."
Bowing your head, you hurriedly turned around to find one of the guards accompanying you and give him the princess's order, and then returned to her room for a book. It was easy enough to find her, so when you turned around to leave, you ran into a boy. The white hair framing the handsome face suggested that it was one of Alicent's sons.
"My Prince," you instantly curtsied, lowering your gaze to the floor.
"Where is the princess?" he asked sullenly, looking around the room.
"In the garden, my prince. She decided to have a tea party there."
The prince nodded and left the room without saying a word. You realized that you held your breath and exhaled before you realized that you hadn't introduced yourself to him. Of course it was disrespectful, but he didn't ask your name because he probably thought you were his sister's maid.
Well, he wasn't that far from the truth.
Back in the garden, you gave the princess her book and sat with her all day. And in the evening, when night fell on King's Landing, you put on your shabby cloak and followed the maid into the city. Today, when the sun was playing with the snow-white strands of the princess, you realized exactly how you want to see your gift for her.
A gold comb with a hyacinth pattern and tree branches, interspersed with emerald.
The master estimated the amount of money in the bag as an advance and promised that the gift would be ready for the princess's name day and not a day later.
And then the madness began. The dressmaker came to take measurements from you, you and the queen and the princess discussed the banquet. And the closer the celebration day was, the more your anxiety manifested itself. Late at night in the library, you repeated etiquette, afraid of making a mistake, and the maester helped you repeat the movements. You doubted that at least one gentleman would ask you to dance.
"Don't worry, lady," the maester said on the penultimate night. "If King's Landing had seen your beauty earlier, you would have been the wife of one of the lords of the Small Council, no less.
You smiled awkwardly, not knowing how to react properly. Was it a compliment to your appearance or did he think you were stupid enough to become the wife of one of the advisers?
The night before the holiday, you couldn't sleep, although it seemed that everything was fine. The comb was wrapped in a box with a velvet lining, and the dress in a dark blue shade was hanging in the closet, waiting for the moment when you put it on. But something was wrong. You tossed and turned, and then eventually got up, unable to lie on the bed anymore. The night has welcomed you hospitably. The wind stirred your hair and shirt, and you leaned on the balcony railing, covering your face with your hands.
It was hard.
The wait was hard.
The Queen clearly had high hopes for you — it was noticeable by the barely noticeable gleam in her eyes when she watched your conversations with Helaena and how this girl was drawn to you. And fear, the fear of letting both mother and daughter down, has bound you. It didn't improve the situation that tomorrow you will be introduced to the royal family as part of their servants.
Elite servants.
You were sure that your own mother had already seen the gold that you received as a salary in the family vault. But what is gold against the human attitude towards you? Nothing. Material values have always won in this choice, and you swallowed tears, remembering your name day. It was the only day of the year when she showed you her affection and warmth, and the older brother did not look at you as a stranger. You were part of their family. But not now. Now you belonged to the queen and the princess. Your soul, your body, your mind — it was all theirs. You will carry out any of their orders without hesitation, without hesitation.
Therefore, in the morning, dressed in your first festive dress and clutching the gift box with cold fingers, you walked with a straight back to the hall where the royal family gathered. The servants opened the door for you and you saw them.
The king was sitting in the center of the table, feeble and weak, he was clearly not as strong as they sang songs in his honor. The queen and the princess were sitting to his left, talking about something. Opposite them sat two boys whose long white hair clearly indicated that they were the sons of Alicent.
When she saw you, she waved her hand. You came closer, curtsiing deeply while the queen called your name and house, as well as your current position at the royal court.
—Greetings, my King. It's an honor for me to be here and represent my house at such a significant celebration," you said, politely lowering your eyes to the floor. You could feel their eyes on your skin.
— Make yourself comfortable, child. Did you come with a gift for my daughter? his voice was firm as his gaze traveled over the silk of your dress.
"Of course, and if you don't mind, I'd like to give it to her."
"You can do it," Alicent nodded. You looked at her gratefully and approached Helaena to timidly hand her your gift.
"Happy birthday, my princess. I hope my gift can last you long enough."
"Thank you, lady," Helaena said, taking the box and opening it. Her eyes flashed when she saw the comb.
"What is it, sister? Another novel? One of the voices opposite said mockingly."
You went cold, instantly remembering that here, in this room, sat the cause of all the rumors throughout King's Landing.
"Aegon! Be polite!" the queen exclaimed. The Princess murmured her thanks. In response to this, you curtsied and walked away.
Looking up, you saw Prince Aegon shrug his shoulders and take a sip—you knew there was wine there, you didn't see it, you just knew. His purple eyes bored around the room and stopped at you, slowly passing over your body. You instantly lowered your gaze, not wanting to draw his attention to your person.
Anyone but him.
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miya-park · 1 year
Down in Flames ~ Masterlist
pairing: Aegon x Reader & Aemond x Reader
chapters: 9/10 (incomplete)
summary: Dracarys is the next big thing, and you have followed the band to the top. But tensions rise as the band grows into fame. Will you make it out in one piece, or are you destined to go down in flames?
note: 18+ please be aware of individual chapter warnings; language, drinking, cheating, a general warning this story is going to get messy 🫣 angsty 😩 and 🥵 😏
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10 (coming soon)
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miya-park · 1 year
Eye Of The Beholder Masterlist
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a series of drabbles and one shots based off of Eye Of The Beholder, a story about Aegon and his blind lady wife. (I recommend reading the linked fic first and follow the drabbles in the order listen below the cut!)
p.s. if you have any thoughts for this series shoot me an ask! I might write about it in a future drabble about them :)
Keep reading
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miya-park · 1 year
House of The Dragon Fic Writers
Don't see your name or a fave writer of yours? Mention it or send us an ask and we'll add it to the list.
@aemvnd | masterlist
@welcometothelioncage | masterlist
@sapphire-writes | masterlist
@sstan-hoe | masterlist
@womprat00 | masterlist
@aemonds-war-crime | masterlist
@its-actually-minicika | masterlist
@em-writes-stuff-sometimes | masterlist
@ewanmitchellcrumbs | masterlist
@ruby-dragon | masterlist
@aemondsdaemons | masterlist
@syzrina | masterlist
@hotdapologist | masterlist
@valeskafics | masterlist
@imeanyourmomsprettyhot | masterlist
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miya-park · 1 year
Tipping Point Masterlist
Modern!Aemond Targaryen x Reader (Academic Rivals to Lovers)
During a Study Abroad trip to Braavos, you realize there might be more to your academic rivalry with Aemond Targaryen than meets the eye.
*All parts are intended as a series but can be read as oneshots*
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Tipping Point (Part 1/18+/NSFW) 🫶🏻
Deadlock (Part 2/18+/NSFW) 🫶🏻
Critical Mass (Part 3/18+/NSFW) 🫶🏻
Part 4 Coming Soon
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miya-park · 1 year
My Daemyra Fics 🖤🔥❤️
better not touch (i want it too much) - rated E, ~31k words, modern westeros au, Rhaenyra comes to Dragonstone to stay with Daemon for the summer while her father is away on holiday
Canon Divergences/Episode Fix-Its
for our blood is restless - rated M, ~1200 words, alt ep 4 where Daemon stays at the brothel
i found some hate for you, just for show - rated T, ~2400 words, alt ep 5 where Rhaenyra leaves the wedding feast with Daemon
down on my knees, with unquenchable thirst - rated E, ~5300 words, post-ep 4 canon divergence where Rhaenyra returns to the brothel
do you feel the hunger? - rated M, ~6400 words, alt ep 3 where Daemon joins the name day hunt
Character Studies
do you really feel alive without me - rated M, 3500 words, two-shot examining events of ep 6 from Daemon's and Rhaenyra's POV
Shameless Smut
penitent - rated E, ~3400 words, Dom!Daemon finds a new use for the small council orbs
Short Fics/Prompt Fills
my kingdom for a kiss upon her shoulder - rated M, 1000 words, prompt: the song Lover, You Should've Come Over by Jeff Buckley
best laid plans - rated G, 500 words, prompt: flight cancellation
your lips, my lips (apocalypse) - rated M, 500 words, prompt: holiday party hookup
meet me under the mistletoe - rated T, 500 words, prompt: bringing home a fake SO for the holidays + mistletoe
if the fates allow - rated T, 500 words, prompt: “Through the years we all will be together / if the fates allow”
Background Daemyra
nothing so undoing as a daughter - rated T, ~1200 words, Viserys POV after he learns of Daemyra's secret wedding
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miya-park · 1 year
👉🏼👈🏼 do you have anymore aegon fanfic recs? 😫🥹
sorry its taken so long for me to respond to this, its a LONG list - these are JUST Aegon fics, please see my other recommendations list for mixed Aegon/Aemond ect
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Sigh No More by @arcielee
Summer by the Sea by @raphaellathedragon
North To The Future by @inthedayswhenlandswerefew
by @syzrina - Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes , Living with the Greens , Roommates & so many more
by @squirmhoney - Shared Apartment | Masterlist , I Remember - Master List , His Brother's Girlfriend & so many more
Aemond doesn't know... by @houseofhyde
A Merciful King ☼ Masterlist by @chaoticallywriting
by @jasonsmirrorball - if i can't have you, baby , i'll stare directly at the sun, but never in the mirror & so many more
Back home , Married for Love by @multific
by @mrsgrwy - Why d’you only call me when you’re high , What a wicked game to play & so many more
by @sapphire-writes - The Things We Do For Love , Teach Me & so many more
by @valeskafics - Can't Fight This Feeling , Friends with Benefits & so many more
Obsession by @adelusionalwriter
Nameday Series by @written-in-flowers
There are so many more that I love, so always check my reblogs because there are so many incredible writers on here & I love them all!
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miya-park · 1 year
Compilations Masterlist
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I make these compilations for fun and to share my weird sense of humour, it's a bonus that I get to share the joy with you guys! If you enjoy these compilations, please do reblog. Friendly discussion is very much encouraged 💛
Compilations are categorised by theme and/or character under the cut:
Pedro boys
Driving + misc. kinks
Pedro boys yelling - ranked by intensity
Pedro boys grimed up
Pedro boys in light blue
Pedro boys answering the phone with their surname
Pedro boys facial hair matrix
Shoulders/arms/waist ratio
Pedro boys hair matrix
How long will Pedro boys survive a zombie apocalypse?
Pedro boys chattiness matrix
Pedro boys fashion matrix
Pedro boys colour matrix
Pedro boys tattoos
Ode to shoulder holsters
Dave York’s bulge
Frankie’s bulge
Javier Peña’s bulge
Javier Peña’s bulge:Deep dive analysis
Javier Peña’s bulge: tac vest edition
Dave York
Dave York’s bulge
Dave York v Dieter Bravo
Dieter Bravo
Dave York v Dieter Bravo
Frankie Morales
Frankie Morales crossing his arms
Frankie’s watch
Frankie’s bulge
Javier Peña
Javier Peña’s Watch
Javier Peña’s bulge 
Deep dive analysis
Pink shirt BTS
Javier Peña on the office phone
Tim Rockford comparisons: bulletin board | interrogation
Joel Miller
Al fresco lunch date daydream
Joel Miller presents: safer driving
This bitch casually showing off his core strength
Joel Miller: cowboy edition
TLOU v Prospect
Joel's hair before/after finding Ellie
Tim Rockford comparison
Young Joel supremacy
Love the PJs era for bb gurl
The duality: TLOU premiere
Pedro's interview quirks
Pedro in London
Tim Rockford v The Rake
Who does it best?
The forearm lean: Joel v Frankie
Crossing arms: Joel v Javier
Holding a mug: Joel v Dave
Drinking: Joel v Javier
Morning coffee: Joel v Javier
Inhaling food: Joel v Pero
Cheekbone cut: Joel v Frankie
The open stance: Joel v Frankie
Yelling: Joel v Frankie*
Teeth grinding: Joel v Javier*
One handed cruising: Joel v Javi G*
Leaning on a desk: Joel v Javier*
The himbo face: Joel v Javier*
Hunting: Joel v Javier*
Yeehaw: Joel v Din*
Driving under pressure: Joel v Frankie v Mario*
Hugging: Joel v Frankie*
Talking with hands: Joel v Javier*
Double guns: Jack v Javi G*
Bulletin boards: Javier v Tim*
Interrogation: Joel v Javier*
Accents: Pedro boys*
Bathroom mirros: Javier v Tim*
Who wears it best? ✨new✨
Stress: Joel v Javier
Holsters: Joel v Javier v Jack
Necklace: Meemaw v Oberyn*
Aviators: Jack v Javier*
Shoulder holsters: Jack v Tim*
Polls are marked with *
Note: I started making these compilations under my main blog @fuckyeahdindjarin, so some of the older posts are linked to that account.
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miya-park · 1 year
When Pride Married Prejudice -- completed series masterlist
completed series summary: she is the (only) trueborn daughter of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen and Lord Laenor Velaryon. after her younger brother, Lucerys, slices out the eye of their uncle, Aemond Targaryen, her hand is offered as payment to keep the peace. though unexpected, she finds herself in a loving marriage, until devastating news forces her to make an impossible choice.
pairing: Aemond Taargaryen x Velaryon!wife!reader
fandom: House of the Dragon
total series word count: 97,184
universal warnings: book and show spoilers, cursing, smut, angst.
🔞 none of the following content is appropriate for minors 🔞 ❌ all taglists are discontinued 🚫 i do not give permission for any of my work to be posted, copied, translated, or uploaded to any other platforms 🚫
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note: alternate endings because i'm restless and can't choose. also the idea of a Velaryon!reader isn't my own, so, let's play nice and show a shred of respect for different author's varying ideas, perspectives, and details - thank yew ✨
in chronological order: When Pride Married Prejudice
When Pride Married Prejudice [ part two ]
It Feels Like (the Very) First Time
It Feels Like (the Very) First Time [ part two ]
The Inky Green Council
Bearer of Bad News
alternate ending one: Kin Slayer • [ part two ]
alternate ending two: Sweetest Devotion • [ part two ]
guide to final alternate endings: Kin Slayer -- is for those in the slutty angst club 'cause i'm comin' for your feelings. reader is Team Black. Sweetest Devotion -- is for those who crave closure and comfort. reader is Team Green.
in order of publication: Distraction Bearer of Bad News Petitions The Inky Green Council When Pride Married Prejudice WPMP [ part two ] It Feels Like (the Very) First Time It Feels Like (the Very) First Time [ part two ] alternate endings: Kin Slayer • [ part two ] // Sweetest Devotion • [ part two ]
WPMP Universe drabbles:
all with be marked if they are or are not considered part of the series timeline. please pay attention to those notes.
organized in order of submission brought to you by my beautiful readers who sent requests:
• ( requested ) -- ANGST and small fluff i wonder who aemond would choose if he was given the choice of saving his wife or the baby during childbirth... would he choose the same as his father?
• ( requested ) -- ANGST and FLUFF i LOVE how you worded Aemond choosing sweet girl over the baby because in all truth, i imagine him justifying his choice as "what use would i be to a child without the tender care of a mother and an empty shell of a father?" because he knows IF he had chosen otherwise, he would be following in Viserys' footsteps and he wants to be better. so i 100% agree he would choose them over the child and ofc he's read of the aftermath of losing a child for the mother, so he's there to coax sweet girl but at the same time i feel like he'd mourn with her because that was a life they created together.
• ( requested ) -- ANGST how would he react if ever in a very unlucky world, he would lose both his child and wife at childbirth (not like viserys where he was given a choice) but bec it just didnt end well esp when pregnancies doesnt really guarantee a safe delivery all the time.
• ( requested ) -- ANGST and FLUFF 3 Times He Didn't, 1 Time He Did can you please write something where the reader (the same reader in your series) is spending memorable time with her grand sire and he asks her “will I be remembered as a good king”. 🥺
Wattpad link
to all my beloved readers -
thank you for coming on this journey with me. what a ride it's been writing this. now that the series is complete, i admit i'm a bit sad, but there will be smaller installments still to come. i just wanted to take the time to thank you all for bearing with me through this, and share my gratitude and love for you all. happy reading!
all my love, 🖤🍒 Cherry
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miya-park · 1 year
Hightower-Targaryen Family (modern au) 
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miya-park · 1 year
𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧
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𝐃𝐚𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧
𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐭 (𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐 𝐨𝐟 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭)
𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐌𝐞, 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐞, 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐌𝐞, 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐞 (+𝟏𝟖)
𝐁𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 (+𝟏𝟖)
𝐀𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧
𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐬 (+𝟏𝟖)
𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐚 (𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐨𝐟 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐬)
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 (+𝟏𝟖)
𝐁𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 (+𝟏𝟖)
𝐀𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧
𝐌𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐊𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐫
𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐧𝐞𝐝 (𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐨𝐟 𝐌𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐊𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐫)
𝐌𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞 (+𝟏𝟖)
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