mistysummers · 4 years
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Reblog this last
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mistysummers · 4 years
hearing the john mulaney “do my friends hate me or do i just need to go to sleep” bit is the best thing to have happened for my mental health because every time i’m afraid my friends hate me it’s around the time i should be going the fuck to sleep
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mistysummers · 4 years
*incoherent fangirls screams*
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Thanks For The Tea: A Oneshot:
With a flick of his wand, James Potter lit the last candle. He knew that his flat was going to catch on fire at any moment but it was worth it. Hopefully Lily would arrive before it happened. He strutted around in an open bathrobe because that was the James Potter way. He tripped a few times and set his eyebrows on fire once because that was also the James Potter way.
He had just regrown them when he heard the knock on the door. Putting on his best smile, he crossed the room and pulled it open.
The smile immediately wavered.
Lily was not on the doorstep. Rather the visitor was a boy one year his junior, his silver eyes sunken, his ribs poking through his shirt.
“Regulus,” he breathed.
“Hey, Potter,” Regulus said with a small smirk. “Good to see you.”
James realized that his bathrobe was still open. He pulled it closed but not before the other teenager chortled.
“Yeah, Walburga said the same thing,” James teased.
But Regulus’ smile didn’t look real. It was with a great deal of effort that he asked, “Can I come in?”
“Well, seeing as how you’re a Death Eater and we’re in the middle of a war,” James said. “I don’t see why not.”
Regulus pushed past him and sank onto the couch.
“Tea?” James asked.
Regulus snorted. “You are so much like your mother that it’s scary.”
“Funny,” said James lightly. “I was going to say the same to you.”
“Your curtains are on fire.”
“I’m well aware of that, thank you.”
James put out the flames before hurrying into the kitchen. He came back out with a platter of sandwiches and two cups of masala chai.
“Thanks for the tea,” Regulus mumbled.
“Any time.”
The two sat in silence for a while.
“What are you doing here, anyway?” James finally asked. “Shouldn’t you be out making Muggleborns scream?”
Regulus glanced around. “From the look of these candles, mate, I’d say that you’re the one doing that tonight.”
He cackled as James threw a sandwich at him. Regulus caught it and ate it in a few large bites. He ate a second. Then a third. If James noticed, he didn’t comment.
Regulus made a few more wry comments before James stepped in.
“Listen,” he said, surprisingly gentle. “I’ve been friends with your brother for almost nine years. You can make all the innuendos you want but I know that you’re seconds away from—”
Regulus burst into tears.
“–that,” James finished. “All right, what’s wrong?”
He spent the next hour comforting the sobbing teenager. He only left his side twice - once to gently send Lily away and again to make another pile of sandwiches. Regulus owed him a loaf of bread.
“Listen, Regulus,” James said, pouring him another cup of tea. “If you really want out, if you really want to turn over a new leaf, then I can help you. Of course I’ll help you. But I’m not the person you want to help you and you both know it.”
“I can’t talk to him.”
“Sure you can,” James said. “You just sort of think of what you’re going to say and move your mouth a little.It’s basically what you’re doing right now only you’re facing him and not me.”
"He won’t believe me,” Regulus sighed. “Let alone forgive me.”
“Regulus,” James laughed. “You could murder someone right in front of him and he’d still forgive you. You know he would.”
Regulus shook his head, suddenly donning an odd tone. “No, no, I can’t just talk to him. I have to prove it. I have to prove where my loyalties lie.”
James’ smile slipped away. “And how exactly are you going to do that?”
“I’ve been doing research,” he mumbled. “I figured out his secret. I - I can get it. I can destroy it. And if I do, if I do, Sirius will have to forgive me.”
“Destroy what?” James asked. “What are you - ?”
“What do you know about horcruxes?”
James gave a start. “Hor-what?”
“Nothing, never mind,” said the other teenager. “Look, I have to go. I have to make things right.”
He jumped up and headed over to the fireplace.
James leapt over the couch and grabbed his shoulders.
“Regulus, look at me,” he said quietly. “You don’t have to make anything right. Sirius will forgive you. You don’t have to prove yourself to him.”
Regulus pushed past him, reaching for the Floo Powder.
“Regulus, listen to me,” James shrieked. “You don’t have to prove yourself to him! You don’t have to prove yourself to anyone! You never have! Sirius loves you! He’s always loved you! That’s never changed and nothing you do is going to make a difference!”
“It’s okay, Prongs,” said Regulus with a small smile. “I know what I have to do. I’ll be back in a few days. And then, we can be a proper family. You’ll see. Do me a favor? Don’t tell Sirius that I stopped by. I want it to be a surprise.”
“Thanks for the tea.”
And he was gone.
“Regulus!” James screamed. “Regulus!”
It was no use.
James sighed. He forgot to tell the silver-eyed teenager that he owed him a loaf of bread. Oh well. He would tell him when he returned.
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mistysummers · 4 years
This is literally the last month you can reblog this joke
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mistysummers · 4 years
Reblog if you think asexuality is a legitimate sexuality.
I'm trying to prove something.
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mistysummers · 5 years
Ok so our english teacher couldnt make it to our class so i stood up and i was heading out the room to hang out in the hall (which is what everyone on our floor does in between classes) when i got to the door i almost ran into the sub's face.
And it was Her. The sub we all hated.
So lil background there's this Science teacher who's fat and oily and doesnt take care of her face enough but thats not why we hate her. She has the ABSOLUTE worst attitude. We all think she's bipolar because she has the worst mood swings. Like she could come in the room all sunshine but then suddenly be pissed at us over a little noise. And she's subbed for us a handful of times already it never went well tbh. She always enters our room in the worst mood and takes it all out on us even tho we did nothing wrong (most of the time).
Anyways the last time she subbed for us was a math class and she had this habit of moving the desk to the center of the room so she can see everyone. And that time she got pissed at us because whoever she assigned in our class didnt distribute the worksheets and she found it under the desk. I was honest to god scared because i sit in the first row and she was throwing a fit and i thought she was gonna throw the whole bunch in my face.
Now this time was an English class and i almost ran into her head first. My brain immediately processed her face and the unruly class as a threat so i half-shouted: "Hey everyone, back to your seats!" I almost never do that so everyone looked at me and sat down immediately. We were supppsed to be having a group meeting to plan the one-act play but we dont know who our groupmates are anymore since our english teacher took the list. I remembered my group but not my groupmates so i went there and assigned roles to my groupmates. Now a girl we'll name Ella was one of my groupmates. She's short and chubby and pretty and she's known to have an attitude but she's real nice actually. She went over to her friends on the other group and i guess they giggled a bit too loud. Now of course She heard that.
"What's that noise! You four! Yeah, you girls! Hey I'm talking to you!" and she just kept trying to get their attention and she called them a bunch of times already but they just kept ignoring her. And all our other classmates were sharing looks and were all like "here we go again".
She mustve been pissed of calling them so she *aggressively* asked them to come over the table and they hesitantly did. I was sitting right in front of the table and heard everything.
Sub: Why were you not responding?
Girl 1: we were just shy ma'am
Student: *says name of adviser*
When that was over we were given our proper groupings and she got pissed because "we werent even in our groups yet blah blah" and one of the girls scolded was in my group and a friend of mine, we'll call her Max. Max wasnt threatened. None of them were tbh.
My two classmates came up to Her and asked Her permission for somthng and she starts throwing a fit again.
"You know kids these days rlly dont know how to respect their teachers anymore. Im just gonna share *all of us silently internally groaning* but back in my day we actually knew how to ask permission properly and knew if things were URGENT. I mean, our age gap isnt even that big! *she's in her late twenties* Back in my day we were more respectful and knew how to make eye contact when our teacher was talking to us!! *(at this most of us turn to face her and look at her in the face. The girl nxt to me was unironically doing it while i and the others were doing it sarcastically)* RIGHT? SHOULDNT YOU MAKE PROPER EYE CONTACT AND RESPECT YOUR ELDERS??"
Boys: *in a preschool voice* YEEES
Sub: Boys answer properly and dont give me your sarcasm!
The class clown was standing right next to her and i could see a few boys stifling laughs and hiding snickers.
Sub: Your generation really doesnt have manners!
Class clown: GENERATION Z
Max: *silently mutters* Generation Zero fucks
president: *mutters* we dont want you here anyways
Sub: Im sorry but have none of you noticed that whenever im in your room there's always students here with their attitudes showing?! *stands up* I'm just gonna leave your classroom now, and not say goodbye since none of you have respect anyways. *walks out*
And that was one of the magical moments ever because we were all silent and then we were all looking at each other and we LAUGHED AND CACKLED LIKE LITTLE SHITS. I swear it was so loud and it was one of the best moments of ninth grade. The only thing that ruined it was our goody-two-shoes vice president telling us to be quiet.
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mistysummers · 5 years
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mistysummers · 5 years
This is literally so unfair like im about to cry because i know there's somthng wrong and its rlly wrong and i feel like everyone hates me and maybe they do but why the hell would they im sure they do tho and its just so stressful i wanna just die already fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
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mistysummers · 5 years
What i'm trying to say is that it doesn't matter how long you've known a person. That often causes biased opinions. I hate that. If you're wrong, no matter who the fuck you are you're wrong. There's never logically two equal sides to a story. I was trying to take care of myself and be better. If that meant cutting off someone toxic then i'll do so.
Hey guess what?
I used to have a best friend. We knew each other since 4th grade but only really got a long by the end of 5th grade. We would finish each other's sentences, buy the same food, watch the same cartoons, hate the same people, have the same hobbies. We were really close to the point where people started mistaking us for each other. I told her everything. From my crush, my dreams, the shit i did to someone, why i cried. After 6th grade we got separated. Moved schools and shit. I was at a prestigious Catholic school and she was at a well-known public school. We kept in touch and i still told her everything. She transferred to my school and we were in different sections. We had our own circle of friends and that didnt really matter as long as we were friends. We'd chat each other, talk about our problems. How we wanted to collapse and give in to the anxiety, self harm, just straight up kill the bitch who threw some shade at me. It was one of those things that you'd have and you'd think to yourself: "yeah this is it, this is gonna last forever". I'd literally do anything for her and defend her and even tho we didnt always share the same interests we still listened to each other.
Until August when she had a conflict with one of my friends whom i've been friends with since seventh grade. It wasn't supposed to be any of my business. That shit's their problem. I was stressed, and i was having a mental breakdown a day before the huge Acquaintance Party. There were performances and slow dances and bands and all that shit. Now my two friends were performing in a group together, they weren't agreeing with the dances. My friend from seventh grade whom we'll call R was pissed. She told me that. She was really shy about it at first but she said it so politely and respectfully.
"Don't take this the wrong way but, i'm kinda annoyed with your best friend. I hope you're not mad, i mean its nothing personal just sharing you know," she said.
I told her it was fine. I wasn't mad and i understood.
I got home after a long, excruciating day at school, having a mental breakdown and all. I was crying. The night before the big Party, and i was fucking crying. I opened my phone to messages from my best friend asking me to "go online please?"
I did and saw the screenshots she sent of her and R's chats. R was really pissed and agitated because they still weren't finished with the choreo and the presentation was the next day. My best friend wouldn't reply and that pissed R even more.
"I need your help, i wanna make her feel dumbfounded," my best friend said.
I was pissed of course. Why the fuck would she think its appropriate to ask me how to make my friend feel dumbfounded? R was going thru shit too with her family and she doesnt need all the stress. They both don't. None of us do. I got pissed and told her that was fucking stupid and why the fuck would she think that was ok.
"I don't have time for this," i say.
She left me on read.
The next day was the party and my best friend wasn't talking to me. It went on and on. It was a Saturday, and my best friend's birthday. I decided to apologize for what i said and asked if we could talk. Exams were right around the corner, so she told me we should focus on that first. So i gave her space.
After exams and i was feeling lighter than usual. Like a weight's been lifted. I messaged her. I apologized again and she was very...unconcerned and indifferent?? Idk it was shit. I was waiting for her to apologize. She fucking knows what she did was wrong and i know i had a fault too. I dont lower my pride for anyone just like that but i did for her.
And you know what i was tired. The past few weeks she's been really inconsiderate of my feelings. Idk why but she was always making things about her and i was tired. Once i was talking to her and trying to tell her about how my mom's gonna have a surgery and she STRAIGHT UP CUT ME OFF IN THE MIDDLE OF MY SENTENCE to talk about her aunt's bullshit. I was so fucking tired.
"Guess it's over then. That's that," i said.
"ok," she replied.
The next morning she asked: "Sorry but what's over?"
"Our friendship, we both know it hasnt been well for a long time now. I dont think its still a friendship"
And that's how i lost my best friend.
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mistysummers · 5 years
Hey guess what?
I used to have a best friend. We knew each other since 4th grade but only really got a long by the end of 5th grade. We would finish each other's sentences, buy the same food, watch the same cartoons, hate the same people, have the same hobbies. We were really close to the point where people started mistaking us for each other. I told her everything. From my crush, my dreams, the shit i did to someone, why i cried. After 6th grade we got separated. Moved schools and shit. I was at a prestigious Catholic school and she was at a well-known public school. We kept in touch and i still told her everything. She transferred to my school and we were in different sections. We had our own circle of friends and that didnt really matter as long as we were friends. We'd chat each other, talk about our problems. How we wanted to collapse and give in to the anxiety, self harm, just straight up kill the bitch who threw some shade at me. It was one of those things that you'd have and you'd think to yourself: "yeah this is it, this is gonna last forever". I'd literally do anything for her and defend her and even tho we didnt always share the same interests we still listened to each other.
Until August when she had a conflict with one of my friends whom i've been friends with since seventh grade. It wasn't supposed to be any of my business. That shit's their problem. I was stressed, and i was having a mental breakdown a day before the huge Acquaintance Party. There were performances and slow dances and bands and all that shit. Now my two friends were performing in a group together, they weren't agreeing with the dances. My friend from seventh grade whom we'll call R was pissed. She told me that. She was really shy about it at first but she said it so politely and respectfully.
"Don't take this the wrong way but, i'm kinda annoyed with your best friend. I hope you're not mad, i mean its nothing personal just sharing you know," she said.
I told her it was fine. I wasn't mad and i understood.
I got home after a long, excruciating day at school, having a mental breakdown and all. I was crying. The night before the big Party, and i was fucking crying. I opened my phone to messages from my best friend asking me to "go online please?"
I did and saw the screenshots she sent of her and R's chats. R was really pissed and agitated because they still weren't finished with the choreo and the presentation was the next day. My best friend wouldn't reply and that pissed R even more.
"I need your help, i wanna make her feel dumbfounded," my best friend said.
I was pissed of course. Why the fuck would she think its appropriate to ask me how to make my friend feel dumbfounded? R was going thru shit too with her family and she doesnt need all the stress. They both don't. None of us do. I got pissed and told her that was fucking stupid and why the fuck would she think that was ok.
"I don't have time for this," i say.
She left me on read.
The next day was the party and my best friend wasn't talking to me. It went on and on. It was a Saturday, and my best friend's birthday. I decided to apologize for what i said and asked if we could talk. Exams were right around the corner, so she told me we should focus on that first. So i gave her space.
After exams and i was feeling lighter than usual. Like a weight's been lifted. I messaged her. I apologized again and she was very...unconcerned and indifferent?? Idk it was shit. I was waiting for her to apologize. She fucking knows what she did was wrong and i know i had a fault too. I dont lower my pride for anyone just like that but i did for her.
And you know what i was tired. The past few weeks she's been really inconsiderate of my feelings. Idk why but she was always making things about her and i was tired. Once i was talking to her and trying to tell her about how my mom's gonna have a surgery and she STRAIGHT UP CUT ME OFF IN THE MIDDLE OF MY SENTENCE to talk about her aunt's bullshit. I was so fucking tired.
"Guess it's over then. That's that," i said.
"ok," she replied.
The next morning she asked: "Sorry but what's over?"
"Our friendship, we both know it hasnt been well for a long time now. I dont think its still a friendship"
And that's how i lost my best friend.
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mistysummers · 5 years
If i don't find someone who'll dance with me on top of a light house like Hans and Anna did, I'll die single.
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mistysummers · 5 years
I need advice
So i want to buy this cool night lamp that looks like a moon for my room and im already buying my best friend a gift and my brother too but like im 14 and broke you dont rlly have ways of earning money other than your allowance. I'd have to sacrifice sleep and weekends if i wanted to work in the coffee shop my aunt owns and thats stressful especially if you're in 9th grade. So if i dont eat (or buy) lunch for like 18 school days i pretty much get enough money and there'll be enough left for when me and my friends go out after the Christmas Party at school.
There is another way tho, but it's more dangerous?? I could always start up my business again in the school black market. I'm #1 in class rank and on Honor Roll so that means i have decent grades at least. My classmates would pay me to do their essays and any art-related pieces (art is my forte). Thing is, my clients are shady and sometimes refuse to pay??
So like, any advice on how to earn money in 25 days?
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mistysummers · 5 years
gays and neurodivergent ppl are obsessed with cryptids, the fae, liminal spaces, etc because we often exist on the fringe of society and lack well-defined social identities, feeling such acute isolation from the “normal” world that we align ourselves more with things that are literally not of this world. in this essay i will
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mistysummers · 5 years
sometimes i wonder how a writer would describe me if i were a character in a book
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mistysummers · 5 years
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mistysummers · 5 years
like / reblog if you wanna join a tumblr groupchat to make friends
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mistysummers · 5 years
rb if ur gay
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