misslunafreya · 7 years
I miss you 😔
I miss you too, darling!
I want to take this time to apologize to everyone. I'm so sorry that I have been so inactive. I had great travels, but was extremely ill when I came home. It put me out of commission for about a month. I've only just began to start feeling better physically, but I've been working my way through depression for a little while now because of some things that have happened in my life recently I know these may all sound like excuses, and I'm really sorry for that. Please forgive me for not being here - I really do miss you and have no forgotten about you!Thank you for allowing me to take some personal time, loves ♡
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misslunafreya · 7 years
You won't quit this blog after you return from your travels will you???????!! 😔😔😔 please don't leave us
Of course not! ♡
I absolutely love being able to write and seeing that someone like me can bring joy to others through this. Not only do I love writing, I love you guys!! I will be gone for a while and I'm going through finals next week, but I'll be back! Just consider it a short hiatus based on no internet connection haha
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misslunafreya · 7 years
I apologize for not updating recently! I’m busy with school once again as usual. I have some time off coming up before I leave on my travels, so hopefully I can get some more requests done then!
Have a beautiful Tuesday, darlings ♡
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misslunafreya · 7 years
How do you make use of something worthless?
I firmly believe that every thing and every person has a purpose.
Please do not do anything to hurt yourself - you are absolutely precious.
While it may be hard to see the purpose of something during difficult times, it will shine through in its own time. I went through a very hard time a few years back. One that made me question why bad things happen in life, why I was chosen to walk this path, why my life had to be changed forever. And I now see how it changed my life for the better.
While this isn’t the case for every person, I believe that God can take all things in our life - both good and bad - and turn them into something absolutely beautiful that we never expected. I know that some may not appreciate me bringing my religion into this, but I am shameless in my faith in Christ. He has made me who I am today and I am always able to find my rest and strength in Him and His love, compassion, and forgiveness.
Everything has a purpose. Even the things that feel worthless. They aren’t truly worthless. They are beautiful gifts that we should be incredibly thankful for. We can be mad or upset during the time it’s happening, but we will look back and see how it shaped our life, how we can use our stories to help another person.
I apologize to my followers that are not religious, but I hope you will be understanding that we all have our own beliefs - I respect you immensely and do not want to be shoving my beliefs upon anyone.
Stay strong. You are beautiful and amazing no matter what this crazy life has thrown at you.
I love you. ♡
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misslunafreya · 7 years
Hello, I'm the anon that sent the request for the chocobros comforting a mentally hurt friend. I was mostly on mobile, so it was only after I went on desktop once that I saw and got to read your FAQ, since it isn't accessible on the mobile version. It says there to only request one character for scenarios, so if I had to pick one, I guess I'd go with Noctis. Sorry for the inconvenience​.
Don't be sorry, love!
I have yet to outline it because my box is very full, but I should be able to work it out to put all of the bros in it. If I have trouble writing it, I'll make it primarily Noctis, but I'm pretty sure I'll be able to make all of the boys fit in ♡
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misslunafreya · 7 years
Noct calling Iggy or Chocobo??? 😂😂
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misslunafreya · 7 years
stuff that feels rewarding as a fanfic author:
when your work inspires fanart/comics
when people point out a scene/particular line(s) that tugged at their heartstrings
when people ask for your meta of your work that they enjoyed so much
when someone comments on a fic you wrote 982783113502 years ago
getting recc’d
just the small happiness in knowing you made someone out there smile on their way to work/home or at school, in knowing you warmed someone’s heart somehow
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misslunafreya · 7 years
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misslunafreya · 7 years
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Do you ever just find a character you fall in love with so much?????
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misslunafreya · 7 years
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”All those years waiting for the Chosen King to arise. You sure know how to take your sweet old time.”
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misslunafreya · 7 years
How about where ignis's and his s/o have 3 kids (2 toodlers and a baby) and a little one shot where Ignis is sad and tries to cheer him up? 😌
I went with a fem!s/o (I came so close to revealing my headcanon name for Iggy’s s/o lol) annnnnd I couldn’t help but reveal my names for his kiddos because I was confusing myself with so many pronouns oops (*´꒳`*) And I’m going to tell you why I named the kiddos the way I did I finally get to bust out these names yessss, sorry not sorry. In a previous request, I stated that I believed Ignis would have a daughter then a son. Fittingly enough, I’ve always had names for Iggy’s kids floating around in my head - Soleil, because it translates to “sun,” and Arcturus, because Harry Potter it means “star of joy.” Just a quick insight into the mind of Em~ may or may not have names for the other kids too please don’t judge me and the bros’ s/o’s shhhh
Where The Heart Is
The evening sun warmed Ignis’s back, a slight chill running down his spine as the breeze picked up. He stood in the doorway of a recently repaired apartment complex in Insomnia. Some years had passed since the return of the dawn. Enough years for Ignis to come alongside Gladio and Prompto to reestablish Insomnia, as well as for the three of them to settle down, get married, and begin raising families of their own.
He ran his fingers down the list of names, stopping when he felt the letters forming “Scientia” below his fingers. Tapping his wallet lightly on the scanner beside the name, he heard the door unlock with a click.
Everyone was always so surprised by how easily Ignis made his way around. Of course he needed occasional help, but many seemed to forget that he was blind - especially because he had a tendency to be able to look you in the eye while speaking to you. Could he see anything? That was beyond them. The truth was Ignis was able to distinguish between light and shadow, but that was it.
Iggy also had the gift of being able to brush off comments people made about eyesight before they even had a chance to realize their blunder. It seemed like every day Ignis would be hearing about how beautiful of a day it was, the way the flowers were blooming so beautifully, or how adorable Gladio and Prompto’s kids looked. Of course he missed his eyesight, but there was nothing he could do about that. And believe him, he had tried fixing it many times to no avail.
He climbed the stairs to his floor, making his way down the hall to the door of his home. Ignis’s fingers fumbled for a short second he searched for the keyhole. He could hear his family on the other side of the door, causing his heart to race in anticipation. His love for them was so much greater than anything he had possibly imagined it could ever be; he missed them dearly whenever he had to be away from them.
“I’m home!” He called out as he opened the door, kicking off his shoes and setting down his work bag.
He heard the pitter patter of little feet running towards him, then felt small hands grasping at his pant leg. Ignis couldn’t help but laugh as he picked up Soleil, his eldest child and only daughter. She threw her arms around his neck with a giggle, burying her face into his neck. She was completely unaware of her father’s blindness.
“I missed you too,” he said softly, unable to keep from smiling.
“Welcome home, darling. I’m so glad you’re back. These kids have been driving me insane today.”
His wife’s voice came from the other room - he wasn’t exactly sure where she was, but it sounded like she was in their children’s bedroom.
“I finally got Rowan to sleep,” she said as she came into the room, walking over to Ignis, “Arcturus is playing by the sofa. Boy hardly makes a noise, I forget he’s there sometimes.”
She placed a hand on his waist, and he wrapped an arm around her, pulling her for a kiss.
“You’re my hero, love,” he teased gently, causing her to let out a rather forced laugh.
Hours passed. Ignis made dinner while his wife sat on the floor, reading a book while keeping an eye on Soleil and Arcturus as they played together. Eventually, Ignis put Soleil and Arcturus to bed, telling them a story of the Chosen King, Noctis Lucis Caelum, as they fell asleep.
After showering, Ignis got into bed, his wife face down on her side of the bed, slowly drifting off to sleep.
“Hm?” She waited for a moment before propping herself up on an elbow to look at Ignis, “What is it?”
“I realized while I was with Gladio and Prompto today,” he started off slowly, “I’ve never seen our children.”
There was a long pause. He hadn’t expected a response. It was a heavy topic after all.
“I… Oh, Iggy. I’m sorry. I…. I don’t even know what to say.” Her response was quiet and gentle, just like the personality Ignis had fallen so in love with.
“I don’t expect you to know,” he said with a small smile, taking her hand in his.
There was another pause as she mulled over what to say next; Iggy could almost hear the wheels turning in her head.
“I really think you know the kids better than I do,” she said softly, giving his hand a quick squeeze.
“You see who they truly are. Your thoughts of them aren’t clouded by their exterior appearance. You see their hearts and their personalities instead.”
Ignis wasn’t sure what emotion he was feeling, but he could feel it welling up inside of him. Was it sorrow? Joy? He let go of her hand and moved it to her cheek, murmuring, “Come closer to me.”
She fumbled slightly as she sat up, scooting herself closer to him. He put his arm around her waist, pulling her to him. She rested her head on his chest, his other hand finding its place on her hip.
“You are far too good to me, dear,” he breathed, resting his chin on the top of her head, “Could you describe them to me? Again?”
“Of course,” she said with a soft giggle, snuggling in even closer to him, “Soleil looks just like you; she has your hair and eyes. Arc’s hair is darker, but it makes the green in his eyes stand out even more. And Rowan… well, Rowan doesn’t have any hair yet, but he’ll grow into it eventually. Sol reminds me so much of you in the way she….”
She kept going, talking about each one of their children in great depth, describing even the most minute details to her husband as he listened intently. He traced patterns on her back as he listened to her, loving the sound of her voice. The way she talked about their children with such adoration and genuine love brought him so much joy. So, that’s what the feeling was before, wasn’t it?
Iggy may not have been able to see, and he wouldn’t deny that this frustrated him at times. But he was able to feel. Able to think. Able to understand people at a level people rarely venture to understand. And he was okay with this.
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misslunafreya · 7 years
Hi! 😊 Pardon me for barging into your conversation, but I read that you have trouble with migraines. I also struggle with migraines (the bane of my existence tbh 😑) so I feel your pain mate. I was wondering if you've tried the daith piercing? I know a few people who deal with migraines as well who have gotten this piercing. All of them say it's helped in some way (having migraines less frequently, pain levels are weakened/etc).
Haha, no worries!
This is actually my first time hearing of that! Surprisingly enough because I'm in medicine and have heard of so many alternative treatments! I'm a bit of a baby when it comes to needles (I can poke other people, but pass out when it's me HAHA), so I would be afraid to!
That's really interesting that it works though! I'm super curious about the effects it has on the body. But I'll save my medical nerding out for elsewhere 😉
My magic treatment has been my TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) unit. It helps relax my muscles in my upper back/shoulders/neck which helps with my migraines. I have to use it around three times a day though, haha.
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misslunafreya · 7 years
Are you ok?
Yes - I’m doing great, thank you!
I’m in the process of learning how to balance the stresses of life, school, and work. I’m hard on myself, so my health takes a hit every now and then. And that’s what happened to me just recently.
I’m feeling much better these days besides the occasional migraine. And I’m in the process of replaying chapters 9-13 this weekend to see the new cutscenes, so that's exciting, haha!
Honestly, this is the first time in a long while I’ve actually had some time to myself. And I haven’t forgotten about any of your requests - I’m in the process of writing scenarios for both Ignis and Ravus. ♡
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misslunafreya · 7 years
You are loved.
Hello friends~
In my absence, I got a few requests regarding mental health. I don't want to give the impression that I'm not going to do them - I most definitely am. I just wanted to make a quick post because I'm not going to get around to them for a little while.
You are so loved.
You are precious, valuable, wonderful, one of a kind, and so much more. Mental health is something very close to my heart. I had some experiences with those struggling mentally, as well as myself, and it has changed me in such a drastic way. I want you to know that, despite what society says, it is okay to not be okay.
Please, if you're struggling, seek help. People are so willing to help you. I struggle with depression, anxiety, and OCD myself. I was afraid to go to anyone, but I feel so much relief now that I have.
Please never forget that you are amazing. You have an amazing life ahead of you, it's just tough to see in the midst of the storm.
It's scary to make your struggles known, but you will be greeted with open arms and more love than you can imagine.
I love you. You can do this. Stay strong.
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misslunafreya · 7 years
Are you okay, Prompto??
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misslunafreya · 7 years
Could you write a angsty reader x noctis. Where he and Luna are catching up and getting ready for the wedding but there's conflict, like Noct has feelings for Luna and the reader too.
I like the way you think, my dear anon. It didn’t turn out exactly as I hoped, but I hope I do your idea justice, friend~!
We’re in Love, Aren’t We?
Altissia was always beautiful, but it was even more beautiful as the sun was setting. The way the waters reflected the golden rays of sunlight was unspeakably remarkable.
“Here, try this one!”
You were pulled from your private little world by Prompto’s voice. He had a small cup of gelato in his hand, holding it out to you. You smiled at him and took a small bit of it onto your spoon. Altissian gelato was delicious, and it seemed to be Prompto’s goal to try all of the flavors over the past forty-five minutes.
Noctis had gone to meet up with Lunafreya, Gladio in tow. This left you with Prompto and Ignis - and, of course, Ignis had decided to go grocery shopping. Prompto had been itching to get out of the hotel room, so you agreed to go wander the city with him. That’s when you got stuck at this gelato cart, staring blissfully into the water below as Prompto happily chattered away about how much he loved the sweet treat or the pictures he had taken that day.
You started as Prompto pushed his chair away from the table you were sitting at, jumping to his feet. He started waving his hand in the air, still holding the spoon.
“Noct! Gladio! Over here!”
You quickly looked over your shoulder to see Noctis and Gladiolus walking toward you. Gladio looked pissed off, which wasn’t unusual, and Noctis look annoyed, also not unusual. They must have argued about something.
The thought of Noctis going off to meet with his betrothed made you incredibly nervous. You were fully aware that you had fallen for Noctis, hard and fast. But he was no longer on the market, so to speak.
“How was it? How was she? Man, I can’t wait to meet her!” Prompto said excitedly, practically bouncing over to Noct, curiosity and joy evident in his eyes.
Noct opened his mouth to speak, but closed it soon after. He walked past Prompto and away, turning a corner and disappearing out of sight.
“What’s wrong with him?” you asked Gladio quietly, almost afraid to hear the answer.
“He’s been like this for over an hour,” Gladio growled, “I can’t get him to talk. He was fine with Lady Lunafreya for a while, but then he got quiet and… weird.”
“You should go talk to him,” Prompto added, nearly cutting Gladio off.
“What? Wh-why me?”
“He likes you! Y’know?” Prompto said, fidgeting awkwardly, “He won’t get as annoyed with you as he will with us.”
He likes me. The thought raced through your head, but you quickly pushed it away. That couldn’t be what Prompto meant. He likes me as a friend. I’m a good… friend.
You stood quietly for a while, Prompto and Gladio’s expecting eyes resting heavily upon you. Without a word, you walked away, following Noctis. As you turned the corner, you saw him leaning against the railing, looking down at the water.
“What’s up with you?” you teased as you walked to him, leaning up against the railing beside him, “Finally realizing you’re getting married?”
Noct’s eyes darted over to you quickly, but back to the water. Something definitely wasn’t right, but you didn’t know what.
“I-I just needed to walk off the nerves,” he muttered quietly.
“Mind if I ask what she’s like?” The words were out of your mouth before you even realized it. And you regretted it before he could even respond.
“She’s as beautiful as I remember,” Noct answered after a long pause, “Gentle, kind, compassionate… Everything I remember about her and more. I can’t believe I’m marrying someone as wonderful as her.”
Your stomach flipped. You could feel the butterflies in your stomach rising to your throat as your stomach twisted and turned. That wasn’t what you had wanted to hear.
“Well? What’s wrong with you? Something doesn’t seem right,” you said, hoping you didn’t sound too harsh. You hadn’t meant it to, but you were having a very difficult time controlling your emotions. You wanted him to choose you not her.
“I…” Noct trailed off, before turning to look at you.
You were looking down at the water, but you could feel his gaze heavy upon your shoulders. You were terrified you’d get too emotional if you looked at him.
“I just…” Noct began again, before drawing in a deep breath, “I don’t know what to do. I’m supposed to marry her. And she’s gorgeous. She’s great, yeah. But I…. I don’t think I can do it.”
You finally had enough nerve to look over at him.
“Because I love you.”
You felt your heart skip a beat. Did he really just say what you thought he had? There’s no way.
“What?” It was all you could manage.
“I could be married to her for the rest of my life, but I’ll be wishing she was you instead,” he said quietly, finally dropping his gaze to his feet, obviously becoming shy and slightly embarrassed.
“Noct…” you murmured, adding on quietly, “We’re in love, aren’t we?”
“I don’t know. I’m so confused. Can I love both of you? How could this be happening? Why is this happening?” He was flustered, and it was obvious. He leaned back against the railing, propping his head on his hand, “I’m… I’m sorry.”
“I do love you, Noct,” you said quietly, “But if you choose her, I understand. You’ll make the right choice.”
“But do I really even have a choice?”
You reached over and took his hand in yours, squeezing it tightly.
“You’ll always have a choice.”
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misslunafreya · 7 years
Have u been kidnapped ?
Yes, by essays, exams, and a crazy personal life.
Please continue to be patient while I work through things in my life and gradually come back to writing! I have definitely missed writing and talking with all of you!
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