missfckingfortune · 8 hours
24,16,8 😊
Well hi there darling!!
8) I dream about missing school deadlines a lot. (I’m no longer in school)
16) change one thing about myself? Gosh that’s so hard. I think I could use a few upgrades. I’m going to go with wish I was less escapist. I wish when things are bad or I have unpleasant emotions I could sit with them, handle them better, but I usually try to avoid or run from them, which sometimes perpetuates the issue because it doesn’t get resolved.
Also I wish I could math.
24) I am proud of myself for being unafraid to speak up- especially in the professional healthcare setting. I don’t care what your title is or how long you’ve worked here there or wherever if something seems off or unclear- I’m usually one of the first people to sound off about it.
(I’m also proud of myself cause I’m pretty good at swimming underwater and can dive down to about 45 feet. )
Thanks for the ask!!!
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missfckingfortune · 12 hours
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a commission for @missfckingfortune - based on her fic I Can Wait For You At The Bottom
Loved working on this piece, especially the artistic freedom Sasha gave me to do some of the tattoos. Who knows where that floral tattoo on his back goes. 😈
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missfckingfortune · 12 hours
this is delicious
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ACOTAR x Castlevania Character Sheets: Part 4/6
Queen Nesta “Man-Killer” Archeron ⚜️♦️
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
Welcome to Part 4 of my ACOTAR x Castlevania AU, a little gift for @damedechance! After Cassian the Forgemaster, it was only fair I do Carmilla!Nesta. The next part is going to be one of my favorites!
This is also my first time ever drawing Nesta!
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missfckingfortune · 12 hours
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a commission for @missfckingfortune - based on her fic I Can Wait For You At The Bottom
Loved working on this piece, especially the artistic freedom Sasha gave me to do some of the tattoos. Who knows where that floral tattoo on his back goes. 😈
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missfckingfortune · 18 hours
@separatist-apologist and @wilde-knight
this lovely art by the incredible @evermoreloreis dedicated is for you both.
To MB- thank you for writing Right Where You Left Me- something so deeply beautiful and soulful that it inspired me to pick up writing again for the first time in a long time. What that fic made me feel I will never forget. You are an immensely talented writer, and your Elucien work is literally unmatched and I am forever in awe that one person can have so many incredible words inside them.
To Tara- thank you for being here for me since day one. Thank you for always reading and reviewing my chapters. Thank you for your praise and your encouragement and support. Thank you for letting me send you excerpts. Thank you for beta reading and being a safe place for me to make mistakes and successes. Thank you for being a friend and sharing your story. You make this community a better place by treating people the way you’ve treated me. I’m so grateful to you both ❤️
And thank you, so very much to @evermorelore for bringing these two to life for me. I have never commissioned anything before, and you made it so easy. Thank you for all the insanely perfect little details you included. You are exceptionally talented! You can check out my fic, I Can Wait For You At The Bottom below
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a commission for @missfckingfortune - based on her fic I Can Wait For You At The Bottom
Loved working on this piece, especially the artistic freedom Sasha gave me to do some of the tattoos. Who knows where that floral tattoo on his back goes. 😈
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yep accurate.
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5, 12, 38 ❤️
5) what made me start this blog? I asked on my A03 where all the fic writers are hanging out, and I was told it was here. - insert i was told there would be hot people office quote here- I also wanted to do a little promo for my one and only multi chapter Elucien fic. So now I'm here. I'm pretty tumblr illiterate, ( like, how to you get the emojis on here?) I guess it's going okay? haha 12) Good advice? Cancer screenings start much younger now than they used to- make sure you stay up to date with this, colonoscopy at 45 and mammograms at 40 if no risk factors. Stay up to date screening saves lives! 38) Favorite song at the moment Never Had A Dream Come True- S Club ( laugh all you want) Bad Decisions-Bad Omens Tourniquet- Zach Bryan Thanks so much for the ask! :)
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missfckingfortune · 2 days
2 & 12 for the ask game!!
Hi there! Thanks for asking! These are fun :) 2) my wacky handwriting
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a quote from black sails- my favorite TV show, and also what my tattoo says) 12) Good advice I would like to share- as nurse, I feel I should state that colonoscopy screening in the United States now starts at age 45, or earlier if you have risk factors. Mammograms start at 40, or again, earlier if you have risk factors like a family history of breast cancer! Talk with a doctor! Screening saves lives!
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missfckingfortune · 2 days
If this is 17 from the list with "name three things that make you happy" :) 1) my father's hilarious laugh 2) The feeling of diving through a big, cold, wave in the early summer. 3) A good horse underneath me and a long way to go on the trail
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missfckingfortune · 2 days
oh look! more fun questions!
questions I think would be fun to be asked
what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
show us a picture of your handwriting?
3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
what’s an inside joke you have with your family or friends?
what made you start your blog?
what’s the best and worst part of being online/a creator?
what scares you the most and why?
any reacquiring dreams?
tell a story about your childhood
would you say you’re an emotional person?
what do you consider to be romance?
what’s some good advice you want to share?
what are you doing right now?
what’s something you’ve always wanted to do but maybe been to scared to do?
what do you think of when you hear the word “home”?
if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
name 3 things that make you happy
do you believe in ghosts and/or aliens?
favourite thing about the day?
favourite things about the night?
are you a spiritual person?
say 3 things about someone you love
say 3 things about someone you hate
what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?
fave season and why?
fave colour and why?
any nicknames?
do you collect anything?
what do you do when you’re sad?
what’s one thing that never fails to make you happy/happier?
are you messy or organised?
how many tabs do you have open right now?
any hobbies?
any pet peeves?
do you trust easily?
are you an open book or do you have walls up?
share a secret
fave song at the moment?
youtuber you’ve been obsessed with and why?
any bad habits?
(this post was stolen from @teenage-mutant-ninja-freak, since it couldn't be reblogged anymore)
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missfckingfortune · 2 days
11, 17, and 28 (if you answered these and I missed it I love you and please excuse my attention span)
11) I feel like I've held on to everything from my childhood, especially my stuffed animals, because they have souls, okay, and I can't abandon them. I also still have a barn and a dollhouse my dad made for me. Less literally, maybe more literally, I've also held on to my love for horses, and I'm so lucky to still be riding. 17) open the word doc for my Elucien long fic 26 times without working on it because the vibes are off. But more seriously, ask my husband where the dog is when I can't see him. We have a fenced yard, and he spends most of his time inside with me, but I'm always terrified he will escape. He's a shy guy and scared of strangers, so if he got out, it would be difficult for someone to help him. 28) Last meal on earth- probably in an out burger with fries and two huge chocolate milkshakes.
Thanks for the ask CC!
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missfckingfortune · 2 days
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[image id: a list of chapters, each simply titled “Chapter” and the chapter number, except for the last one which is titled “Chapter 8: They Fuck In This One” end id]
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missfckingfortune · 2 days
Hello 💕💕💕
3, 7, 28
3) Specific color that gives me the ick. BEIGE. Not a fan. Probably because I'm a 90s child, and every surface of my home was, at one point, beige. I also don't really like mustard yellow. 7) ALL THE SEA ANIMALS. I haven't been to an aquarium in a long time, but I have been snorkeling and free diving, and when I'm doing that, I look forward to seeing anything and everything, especially octopuses. They are such amazing animals. I also love to see dolphins/mantas/turtles/reef sharks/ and any and all manner of fish. I LOVE THE OCEAN.
28) last meal on earth. Damn. this is tough. Either BBQ with vinegar sauce and collards or In and Out burger with everything on it and two huge chocolate milkshakes. :) Thanks for the ask
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missfckingfortune · 2 days
My brain at all times:
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missfckingfortune · 2 days
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Elucien version of the art trend but make it a sunflower field 🌻🌞🌾
@ladyvanserra I intended to have this ready for your birthday yesterday but I didn’t have it finished in time. Happy belated birthday anyway! 😘
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missfckingfortune · 2 days
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missfckingfortune · 2 days
hello :)) for the ask game maybe 20 or 25??
Oh hi there :) 20) Fav Disney princess. Oh man, definitely Ariel. I'm such a water person, so the whole mermaid thing speaks to me. Also, I have always desperately wanted to be a redhead, so this is also pretty critical to her being my favorite. 25) I don't know if i have good taste in music, but i would say it's broad! Some favs include, Tom Petty, Bad Omens, Taylor Swift, Zach Bryan, Michelle Branch, Wallflowers, Gin Blossoms, REM, Harry Styles, Banks, Kate Bush, Nirvana, Jack's Mannequin.
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