miscstoring 3 days
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Oh how you could you lock me up when I'm just a little boy! A little boy did no wrong bur you put away my toys and trains when I didn't do anything anyway! Oh who could have done this to such a little baby like me when I'm so small and sweet I could just sit on your knee! What a sad little fate for a boy such as I, a sad little boy who might shed a cey
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miscstoring 4 days
So I finally went and did the four seasons (or at least attempted) at a four way.
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People said thank you while I was drawing it (some were walking their dogs, or were with their little kids or out on a jog) or gave me smiles and a thumbs up in their cars. One old lady ask for me to draw by the school where she lives 馃ズ I was honestly not expecting anyone to thank me but it goes to show that adding a little bit of fun to the community really brightens their day.
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miscstoring 12 days
YES he is a MASSIVE BITCH but hes also BISEXUAL and a PUNCHING BAG and ALMOST DIES AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK. AND hes my little meow meow.
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miscstoring 15 days
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I hate gay poeple sm 馃槖馃槖馃槖馃槖
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miscstoring 16 days
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I can't stress enough how much I miss StumbleUpon
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miscstoring 28 days
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Might inspire something outta this
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miscstoring 1 month
Various audio snippets of my childhood that I've collected.
Edit: For all the people who said I needed to add other audios snippets.
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miscstoring 1 month
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(via (1) Pinterest)
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miscstoring 2 months
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miscstoring 2 months
I just got to know who the best cook here??
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miscstoring 2 months
I understand the "I will die for you" ship dynamic, but what about the "I will not let you die, I will not let myself die- we will, at any cost, survive" kind of couple?
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miscstoring 2 months
Going insane about kicked dog with rabies type characters
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miscstoring 4 months
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I love Mob Psycho 100 SO much <3
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miscstoring 5 months
ur a cis guy but talk about going on t??????? what???????
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miscstoring 5 months
One of the worst feelings is when you feel a hyperfixiation slipping.. Like no.. Youre so sexy pls keep giving me happy chemical
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miscstoring 5 months
reblog if you:
- are aromantic and want to kill
- think aromantic people should be allowed to kill
- think fish are pretty cool
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miscstoring 5 months
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Twitter (2020) VS the Hays code (1930)
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