miritu · 2 years
The plot of my project on "Daughter of Evil"
I propose the following plot of the updated and improved version of "Daughter of Evil". It is recommended that you write it according to my idea (we will be co-authors):
The world of the Third Period, where the events of the novels "Daughter of Evil" and other "Evillious Chronicles" unfold, is watched by scientists from the parallel world, developed in scientific and technical terms (the end of the 21st century according to our chronology - they own the technologies of artificial intelligence and parallel worlds)... The son (Mirlitus) of one of the researchers does not like that Allen (Alexiel) behaves so stupidly and does not want to do reasonable things. Mirlitus is constantly worried about him and watches with interest the servant's adventures. In violation of the laws of non-interference in the life of alien worlds, Mirlitus enters the world of the Third Period, programming his appearance so as to become a copy of Alexiel...
How this plot unfolds in the world of Lucifenia:
Allen goes to find the Princess after she escapes from her birthday to the Bewilderment Forest. Until now, everything goes according to the canon.
While he is wandering through the forest, Mirlitus appears in the forest and changes places and clothes with Allen. He sends Allen to the world of scientists, and he disguises himself as the valet of the Heavenly Yard.
Mirlitus goes to the ocean's embankment and immediately confesses to Riliane that he is her twin brother. How the princess will react is a difficult question (please, think about it)...
Together they go to the palace and ask Leonhart, Mariam, Elluka and Minis if Allen is really Prince Alexiel... and was he really not killed during the assassination attempt few years ago.
How further events will develop is up to you. The Three Heroes will most likely recognize Alexiel and he can begin to rule Lucifenia. And Riliane will have to put up with the second role (for her own good).
Alexiel (Mirlitus) carries out reforms in Lucifenia aimed at democratizing and liberalizing the kingdom, transforming it into a country of a modern type, roughly like Sweden or Norway. Mirlitus also supports and develops scientific and technological progress (electricity, transport, etc...)
Neighbors don't like such reforms, and Lucifenia will still be conquered in the end. However, Alexiel, Riliane and their supporters manage to escape from the palace and establish their own settlement in a remote part of the mainland.
This is where our work ends.
Do you participate in this project?
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miritu · 2 years
Writer! Do you want to help with an important creative endeavor?
There is such a work in the genre of "Dark Fantasy" - "The Daughter of Evil". It consists of four stories, several volumes of manga and about a dozen Vocaloid and human songs.
The plot is as follows:
Twins (Alexiel and Riliane) are born in the royal family of Kingdom of Lucifenia. When they turn 6, there are several assassination attempts by Lucifenia's enemies, the Kingdom of Marlon.
To save the heir to the throne (Alexiel) from further assassination attempts, they decide to transfer him to the foster family of the captain of the royal guard, and officially declare to people that he died.
The mother is dying (the father died a long time ago). Through the intervention of demonic influences, Riliane forgets her brother's existence and becomes selfish and too proud.
Alexiel is arranged to serve in the palace to his own sister but she does not recognise him.
Everything ends extremely badly (war, revolution, destruction of the whole country...)
Your task is to rewrite this novel so that Alexiel would tell Riliane everything before she starts Lucifenia's war against Elphegort.
You can view the original version of the novels by Mothy here:
Clôture of Yellow
Wiegenlied of Green
Praeludium of Red
Praefacio of Blue
Write by analogy with a smarter and nicer ending.
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