miriagreyhaven · 6 months
guy who has never seen a girl: hey why is this table so tall and hot
guy afraid of horses: HAY?????
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miriagreyhaven · 7 months
Paul features in all 3 Hatchetfield musicals. Which isn't much but it's a lot for a guy who doesn't like musicals.
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miriagreyhaven · 7 months
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This is my MCU
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miriagreyhaven · 7 months
starkid fans when they see Normal Man and his Barista Crush onscreen for 0.5 seconds:
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miriagreyhaven · 7 months
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"Describe a usual day on Tumblr in three words"
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miriagreyhaven · 7 months
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miriagreyhaven · 7 months
not the bell tolling LMAOOOO 🙈 i wonder for whom 🤔
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miriagreyhaven · 7 months
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miriagreyhaven · 7 months
This website is too mobile focused these days. Reblog and tell me what your desktop/laptop background is.
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miriagreyhaven · 7 months
i could not survive in ancient greece i would be spending all my money on red figure kraters or whatever. my husband would come home like where did all of the funds for influencing votes go and i'd be like honey look this amphora's got achilles and ajax playing dice on it
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miriagreyhaven · 7 months
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miriagreyhaven · 7 months
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miriagreyhaven · 7 months
The death toll in Gaza has reached 13,000, with at least 5,500 being children and 3,500 being women
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miriagreyhaven · 7 months
Audiodrama creators (or other fans), how do I best go about supporting your show??
I’ve finally got a little bit of spare cash and I want to start supporting my favorite shows on patreon but there are so so many and I can only subscribe to a few. I’m thinking I can cycle through them with a few at a time but I’m worried that the creators will think that I stopped liking the show and unsubscribed. Is that my anxiety or a genuine concern?
Is it better to subscribe to a higher tier for a shorter amount of time or a lower tier for longer?
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miriagreyhaven · 7 months
i’ve decided to carry some undying hope with me every day. as a treat
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miriagreyhaven · 7 months
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Kipen Manga  <Cinderella>FACEBOOK
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miriagreyhaven · 7 months
when the subject of "why do people believe things that are seriously wrong and harmful" comes up it feels like you kinda hear one of two perspectives:
"oh, that's easy! it's because they're fundamentally Bad people who want to hurt others and choose their beliefs to justify that! :) hope this helps"
"they just don't have access to the same information we do. look at this person who was raised in a cult! don't you feel sorry for her?"
and like, yes, fine, some people were in fact raised in cults, but what i wish people would understand is that the bulk of it is just normal human flaws, like:
they want to believe stuff that makes them feel smart and cool and like they've figured everything out (you also do this)
they want to believe stuff that makes them feel like their emotions are justified and grounded in reality, and that the people they want to hurt deserve to be hurt (you also do this)
they form conclusions before they've processed all the relevant information, and cling to that first impression even when new info comes to light (you also do this)
they pick up beliefs from the people around them because they want to be liked and fit in, not because the beliefs are good or true (you also do this)
they come up with reasons that the stuff that benefits them (and the people they like and identify with) is actually overwhelmingly best for everyone and obviously the right thing to do (you also do this)
they pay more attention to stuff that supports what they already believe and avoid looking in places that might show them otherwise (you also do this)
they listen to people who talk like 'one of them' and ignore others (you also do this)
they come up with reasons to dismiss people with conflicting viewpoints as obviously in bad faith or ignorant or a shill or evil (you also do this)
they fail to take their own beliefs seriously sometimes, and take their beliefs way too seriously other times, in a selective way that lets them do the things they already wanted to do (you also do this)
the very ways they construct the ideas of 'knowledge' and 'wisdom' and 'belief' and 'understanding' are biased so that what they don't want to believe comes under lots of scrutiny and what they do want to believe receives less (you also do this)
you, dear reader, are presumably right about everything and were correct to die on every hill you've ever died on, but the difference between you and someone who's wrong about important stuff doesn't look like "well they're inherently evil and i'm not", it probably looks like a combination of:
natural environment (they would have been exposed to different information than you regardless of their choices)
being in the right place at the right time (your particular profile of flaws and virtues happened to be what was needed to lead you to the right conclusions, they had the opposite experience)
random luck (you doubled down on what felt right to believe but wasn't, but it turned out to be inconsequential, or even right for different reasons, while they doubled down on what turned out to be a horrible mistake distorting their entire worldview)
you do less of the things in the previous list, and over time the difference between you and them adds up
and, look, i also do these things. the nicest and most thoughtful people i've ever met do these things. if you meet someone who never does any of these things, i dunno, give them a fucking medal or something.
i know you're doing your best. we're all doing our best.
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