mirayasharks · 1 year
Success on the Internet. How to become a famous digital singer
The music video of one of the most popular singers, Miraya Shark, "The Sunsets of the Color of Fanta," became one of the most viewed on YouTube, having gathered more than 11 million views. Such numbers are a true measure of the Russian singer's success. Without acquaintances or connections in show business, Miraya Shark, whose real name is Maria Nedelkova, managed to build a career offline and online, becoming a real digital discovery.
Maria was born in Moldova in a small town. The girl had been dreaming of acting on the big stage all her life. Still, people were waiting to think that a future winner of charts and hit parades, Miraya Shark, would gather halls in the biggest Russian cities, give interviews and perform on the same stage with the leading singers of Russian pop music. The Internet was not developed then, so predicting success in the digital space was impossible. Maria had been involved in music and sports since she was a child. Sports fostered a fighting character and leadership qualities, and music developed the child's creative potential. She earned the title of Master of Sports in Athletics, but she decided to connect her career with music. After graduating from music school in the class of "Piano," she entered a higher music college in "Pop Vocal" and "Choreography."
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Miraya Shark always wanted to perform solo, but began her adult musical career with the group "Propaganda" when she successfully passed the castings and became its soloist. It was a real school of life that helped Maria get her first fame and recognition. Over time, the girl left the group and began a solo career. The ex-leader of the popular group "Propaganda," Miraya Shark, created her stage look with the team, took a stage name, picked up the repertoire, and began writing the lyrics to some of the songs herself. The success started to grow, and the fans, who had known the artist since she was in the band, supported her. The songs of Miraya Shark were played on the country's radio stations; she was invited to the awards of the leading magazines, and the clips were shown on TV channels and the Internet.
A winner of charts and hit parades, Miraya Shark, began actively communicating with fans on the Internet during the coronavirus epidemic. When she came up with the idea of doing digital concerts, she surveyed her audience, trying to understand how the public would perceive such activities. One of the most popular singers, Miraya Shark, wanted to help fans to go through a difficult period in life, to fill it with good emotions and joyous moments. As a result, the success of the online concerts was overwhelming. The largest radio station in the country supported Miraya Shark and provided its platform to rotate the shows. Most interestingly, thanks to the epidemic, Mariah was able to expand her army of fans not only in Russia but also abroad. Concerts originally conceived for "their" audience resonated in other countries. Those who had never heard of the artist's work became her musical fans after these concerts. Now the artist continues to actively use social networks in her work to communicate with her fans and maintain interest in the digital environment.
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