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Hi! I’m opening art commissions. Please feel free to contact me here, or on twitter. Please signal boost by reblogging. It will help me alot. Thank you. :)
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NOTICE - PROOF  and What you can do!
I’ve made an thread of screenshots and images to illustrate the connection between Amimaru and the outrage from professional manga letterers. This is proof enough for me withhold my patronage to these horrible companies. Link: https://imgur.com/a/qmByl5h
The link below shows proof of Amimaru’s horrible pay rate. (Provided to me by a friend whose friend applied to Amimaru)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Link: https://imgur.com/a/SVskkDh Please note the email address and how much work is included in that wage. Below each photo is a description of what’s in it. Needless to say, it makes me sick. It’s also come to my attention that Renta contracts with Amimaru, too. Here’s a link to a JP press release from Renta’s parent company where they commenced working with Amimaru: https://www.papy.co.jp/info/index.php?page=/release/131107.htm I encourage all of you to reblog this if you care about the pay of workers (either here or on other sites like twitter!) and here’s just a few ideas of what you can do to help fix this issue.
Ways you can make a difference:
-Post your outrage on all your social media (twitter, discord, instagram, tumblr, facebook, youtube, anywhere!)
-Tag these companies, tag anime fan/review sites, tag anyone and get the word out so consumers can make an informed choice when buying BL from companies that don’t pay workers fairly -Show your support to professional translators/letterers/cleaners on social media -Most importantly, don’t patronize companies that support these horrible standards until they make a change and announce it publicly.  (companies like Futekiya, their sister site MangaPlanet, their parent company Fantasista Inc, Renta, etc)
I love BL, I have for 20 years of my life. But as a person in the LGBT community and the BL community, I’m appalled and saddened and furious at all this.
Like I said, I love BL, but I don’t want it if it’s coming at the expense of people.
Please feel free to reblog all my posts about this and I’ll do my best to keep everyone updated with info i receive.
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Hi peeps, I don’t usually bother you all with something that’s not group news, but I felt this needed to be shared. 
The manga translation company Animaru, recently accidentally released employee payment info to the world. In this leak, it was shown that letterers (typesetters) are only getting paid $1/pg they complete, as well as unreasonable contract stipulations such as not being able to say they’ve worked on a project after release and a non-compete clause. 
Being unable to claim work basically demolishes any portfolio you could make for future job prospects with better wages and this clause bars them from getting work with other companies to help supplement this slave-labor of an income during employment. And on top of that, they have to typeset over 800 pages per month to be able to make minimum wage in the USA! To make matters worse, companies that support this kind of company benefit from these underpaid employees. Companies like Futekiya. Yes, that’s right, the Futekiya we’ve all given money to has profited from this company’s horrible practices. It’s saddens me that a company working with LGBT media would support these practices. I encourage you all to go to their website (as well as Animaru’s!) and voice your disgust for their practices join us in refusing to give them any more money until this is rectified! Here are links to each company’s respective contact page: https://support.futekiya.com/contact/ https://amimaru.com/en/contact/ Here’s a twitter link that was shared to me with the info on these practices: https://twitter.com/salinsley/status/1297635086804934658 https://twitter.com/le_kaitsu/status/1297655280872951808?s=20
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Psychemenace’s Fanfic Commissions Info
Getting tired of your pair having zero to little fanfics or you just can’t get enough fanfics? I know the feeling! That is why I’m opening commissions to those people who want to read a particular fanfic about their  pairs but do not want to write them themselves or have no time to write.
Interested? Read on. If not, please help spread this information by reblogging this post thank you very much. :D
If you want read my sample works just click here or go to Ao3, ff.net
Per word - $.02
Per project:
Minimum pay per project - 20$ per project less than 2000 words
More than 3000 - per word  plus 10% if needs research and I’m not familiar with the characters
2% discount if its a ship that I also ship
1% discount for a pairing that I have written for before.
*discount only for per projects.
500 - 750 words - $5
750-1000 words - $10
1500 words - 12$
150 word drabbles -3$
1200 -2000 words - 35$
12 k -12,200 k $220 (plus research), without research $200. If it won’t reach 13k words then the extra words are free of charge.
Everything can be negotiated.
I will not write:
I have the right to accept or reject a commission request. If I’m not able to write your request, you can request another.
Payment is through paypal.  If you can’t pay through paypal just let me know and we’ll see what we can do.
Fanfics are going to be posted on my fanfic accounts. Ao3, fanfiction.net, or in this blog.
No reposting publicly of commissioned work.You may not repost the fic that you commissioned publicly. Since it is uploaded on the sites stated above, you may only provide a link to the fic.
Payment first. Once the commission is accepted, I’m only going to start working on the fic after payment. This is only after I provide an outline and the sample characterization and after our deliberations on what you would like to have on your commission. The payment sits on paypal before the project is finished don’t worry.
Commission for unfinished fics. Since some of my current fics are in stagnation. I’m not opposed to being commissioned to write a chapter of my existing fanfics.
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My life has seriously turned into a joke now. 
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‪I swear if I fail, I will hate you forever for making me feel like shit when it should be you who has to cheer me up. seriously. I swear it. And dont ever think you have a daughter named —— if that will happen. ‬
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I never really wanted anyone’s attention. I have never been insecure about the way I look. So I don’t understand why I feel so undesirable and insecure right now.
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