milo-sings · 8 months
Feeling a lot of feelings right now but man, that finale was so bittersweet :’) I’m just glad that it’s over and that Stampy can finally rest.
And also can we talk about the letters from Veeva? Like what an insane detail to add to the finale, each of them a warning correlating with a HTT episode from after 624, “Helpless.” That episode was one of my favourites and to see that it was not only called back to but paid off for the Veeva redemption (which btw thank you for that Stampy all I ever wanted truly) was just awesome and I’m so happy he included that.
I can’t wait to see what’s next for him and all of his helpers. Thank you Stampy :)
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milo-sings · 8 months
genuinely how is lokius queerbaiting?
Basically, season one was already queerbaiting but not because of Lokius. They teased the whole Loki coming out thing as something so grand when it was just a quick "a bit of both" that you could've easily missed if you looked away for a second and then never mentioned it again. Also, don't get me started on the way they "dealt with" Loki's genderfluidity because that was just horrendous.
But getting to the Lokius bit: In season one, they establish that Loki is, in fact, queer in the MCU as well and can fall for a male character. Now, the ship between him and Mobius becomes incredibly popular in the fandom since their storyline and chemistry are just beautiful. Lots of fanart and fanfictions come out of it that the creators are aware of. Even a song on the soundtrack is called "Lokius".
So now, if they didn't plan on making Loki and Mobius a real thing, why was episode one of season two the way it is? The way those two acted around each other was far from platonic. They could've easily had them act like good ol' buddies, but instead we get Mobius holding Loki every second he can, Mobius being ready to sacrifice himself for Loki, Loki then almost confessing, plus even the trope where they accidentally fall on top of each other and linger there for a second longer than necessary and that wasn't even everything. And during every single one of those scenes, they played the "Lokius" theme from the soundtrack. A ton of people who weren't convinced of this ship after season one now went "okay wait, you were right all along". Those are blatant romantic tropes. There's nothing platonic about it, and no one can convince me otherwise.
The creators know that people want to see Lokius, so why give us these scenes and ultimately give us hope? There's two options: they're actually going for it or they know that this is what we watch it for and will ultimately go "lmao obviously they're just best buddies you're delusional if you thought otherwise".
So yeah, that's my stand on this whole thing. I've been through the queerbaiting trenches and I'm worried that this show will be added to the list.
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milo-sings · 8 months
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milo-sings · 9 months
As someone who has read Good Omens but not had the pleasure of interacting with the rest of your work, what would you recommend starting with?
I'm looking for something not too serious and not too horror-y (coraline scared the shit out of me as a kid and i've never ventured back into the genre)
Neverwhere or Anansi Boys or Stardust.
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milo-sings · 9 months
My old friend (and for almost thirty years my family's doctor) Dan Johnson has a charity he started in memory of his son, Alec, who was drowned in 2014. One of the projects they are supporting is helping a couple who work in Haiti with abandoned children (and aren't part of the Haitian "orphanage industry"). The couple are raising funds to buy the compound they and the children are in, and I'm helping Dan by linking to
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milo-sings · 10 months
Hello Mr Gaiman just wanted to say I find it marvelous how every time someone asks you if you've heard of a certain person, be it an author or an actor or whatever, and somehow you don't only know of them but you know the person in real life ams call them your friend always gives me a little giggle! and as someone who's very shy and finds it very hard to make and keep friendships, do you have any tips on how to make more friends?
Go to places where the people are. Not the famous ones, but the ones who will be famous thirty years from now. And hang out with them.
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milo-sings · 10 months
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date on the roof
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milo-sings · 10 months
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been thinkin bout how aziraphale can canonically draw and did this dumb comic
sighhh and heres the drawing
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milo-sings · 10 months
i love taking jabs at The Ineffables' horrific communication skills as much as the next guy but i hope you all understand that their piss-poor communication is built upon centuries of having to deny the truth of their relationship and having to take orders from Mega Powerful Organizations that they don't necessarily agree with but could kill them if opposed
all of their interactions until the end of Armageddon't had to be hidden under layers of deception, excuses, and plausible deniability — clandestine meetings at St. James' Park, risking discorporation via guillotine for a lunch date in Paris, "go back to my place" "my side won't like that", not accepting each other's gratitude. the same could be said for anything they did that their head offices don't agree with — doing good deeds because laudanum might not make him accountable for his actions, saving the Earth against heaven's wishes under the guise of thwarting a demon, having sushi to "live like the locals" when really he just likes sushi and interesting restaurants where they know his name. they never learned to be completely honest with each other, or with anyone (including themselves) for that matter.
it's honestly a testament to how strong their connection is that they've grown to trust each other so deeply ("i knew you'd come through for me, you always do" / "i can rely on you and you can rely on me"), given the circumstances. how do you place all your faith in someone despite the fact that you two could only ever whisper half-truths and read between the lines? god i love them
now that the walls are down, they're learning how to voice everything they never could out loud. it's clumsy, and painstaking, and they might cause each other grief along the way, but they'll get the hang of it, little by little
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milo-sings · 10 months
Slight Good Omens Season 2 Spoilers ~ . . .
Everyone is talking about the coffee theory, or Aziraphale having a toxic parent/child relationship with God/Heaven. But I think that's making it more complicated than it is: the conflict and "break up" at the end of Season 2 is the same argument Crowley and Az had in Season 1.
I just think Crowley is a Chaotic Good character, and Aziraphale is Lawful Good, which can be a lot harder for people to wrap their heads around.
Just like in Season 1, when shit hits the fan with Armageddon, Crowley asks Az to run away with him. This is Chaotic Good–a character that follows their own internal moral code and prioritizes what he thinks is right and important over any existing systems or rules. This is why we love Crowley: because he questions the system, and would let the whole world burn if it meant he could keep Aziraphale safe and happy.
But, just like in Season 1, even though Aziraphale loves Crowley just as much, he says no. He can't just close his eyes and run away from their problems. This is Lawful Good–a character that believes in the good that comes from rules, and values responsibility and oaths. This is why we love Aziraphale: because he tries to fix the things that are broken, and never gives up on anyone.
So, where Crowley would rather walk backwards into space flipping off Heaven, Earth, and Hell saying "Fuck All That, I have my Angel", Aziraphale would rather take Crowley's hand and dive into the center of the shitshow, saying "Together We Can Fix This, I Know It."
Just because Aziraphale is Lawful Good doesn't mean he doesn't love Crowley any less. When he said "nothing lasts forever" he meant they can make things BETTER, together, instead of tiptoe-ing around each other in a bookshop. He still went in the elevator after learning about the Second Coming because he can't leave without knowing he's done everything he can to help the greater good.
So, again, just like in Season 1, Crowley is like "this is broken and fucked" and Aziraphale is like "but I can fix it."
That's what I'm choosing to take away from it, anyway. For the next 4 years until the happy ending.
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milo-sings · 10 months
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Hope Crowley gets to be extremely dramatic in S3
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milo-sings · 10 months
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I would love you with our heads down
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milo-sings · 10 months
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He drove back to the bookshop a few hours later hoping by some miracle Aziraphale would still be there,
(and to also just be near to something/ somewhere he finds comforting, aka the bookshop)
(part 1 and 2 of ? ? ?)
its been a bit since ive done a comic like this- this is how you know the fixations got a real grip on me at this point cause oooohh boy does it,
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milo-sings · 10 months
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Good Omens 2 + Text Posts
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milo-sings · 1 year
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ermmm i had an idea—-
honestly i dont think rob would be too comfortable just telling gumball what he did in the rerun(/disaster, even thou neither rob nor gumball remember any of it), maybe subtly to him like just saying “i did something…bad…in the past…” or something, but i just dont think he would be explicit about it (BUT i could be wrong,,,)
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milo-sings · 1 year
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cat, rob, cat, cat, cat
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milo-sings · 1 year
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OC themed food comms from twitter 🥣
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