I am putting this here to tap the sign
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heya, hope you’re having a good day. are you aware that the arcane order are listed as siblings on the official wiki? i just wanted to check so i could see if i should use the block button or not.
oh! oh anon, i think this is the first ship wank ask i've ever gotten, how exciting. in return for such a gift, i'll assume you sent this in genuine good faith, and give you a genuine answer: i am indeed aware the "official" wiki lists the order as siblings. i do not, however, give a single crisp fuck, because
they're fictional characters, and
the "official" wiki couldn't cite itself out of a paper bag.
where on earth did people get the idea the arcane order are siblings? this happened with the janus order too, if i'm not mistaken, the most baffling two nickels situation i've seen in this fandom. i'm very glad for the people who have this headcanon, don't get me wrong. it can be cute! i can see the logic, even if it's not my own hc. (at least not as most of the order-as-siblings crowd means it.) many of the people most vocal about the-order-as-siblings however seem to be confusing their personal interpretations with concrete, citable facts.
which is fine, i am firmly in the camp of fandom as a no-homework zone. but i'm confident enough in my own interpretations i don't need to rely on a wiki that confuses "vibes" with "text." ╮ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭
look. if you want my sweet order art/fic/meta/etc. (understandable) but want to skip the shippy stuff (you do you), i try to remember to tag it. but at the end of the day, this is *my* sordid den of wretched cartoon villain apology-slash-smoochin, and if you find yourself in a circus, you should perhaps prepare to see some clowns. if you can't follow someone whose character interpretations differ from your own, please do block me. genuinely: no hard feelings! love curating my own experience, 11/10, can't recommend it highly enough.
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i think as adults it's our responsibility to be nice to kids and treat them with the respect we wish we got at that age and im not kidding or exaggerating in the least
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Open Commissions!
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PayPal Only, Digital Delivery Only
Two Character/Ship Sketch - $30
Half Body Full Color - $60 Per Character
Full Body Full Color - $80 Per Character
Spicy Content is considered on a case-by-case basis
Ships, Fanart, OC, and Furry OK! No Mechs please I’m not strong enough
Hop in my inbox to inquire!
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millennialmoviereviews · 10 months
Aaa I didn't expect these to be done for a couple more weeks, but they're HERE and they're LIVE!
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Come get your Tears of the Kingdom Sticker sheets!
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millennialmoviereviews · 11 months
Here he is! Come get a lad!!
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millennialmoviereviews · 11 months
Can you please just tell us what is wrong with ai and why, I can't find anything from actual industry artists ect online through Google just tech bro type articles. All the tech articles are saying it's a good thing, and every pro I follow refuses to explain how or why it's bad. How am I supposed to know something if nobody will teach me and I can't find it myself
I'll start by saying that the reason pro artists are refusing to answer questions about this is because they are tired. Like, I dont know if anyone actually understands just how exhausting it is to have to justify over and over again why the tech companies that are stealing your work and actively seeking to destroy your craft are 'bad, actually'.
I originally wrote a very longform reply to this ask, but in classic tumblr style the whole thing got eaten, so. I do not have the spoons to rewrite all that shit. Here are some of the sources I linked, I particularly recommend stable diffusion litigation for a thorough breakdown of exactly how generative tools work and why that is theft.
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or this video if you are feeling lazy and only want the art-side opening statements:
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Everytime you feed someone's work- their art, their writing, their likeness- into Midjourney or Dall-E or Chat GPT you are feeding this monster.
Go forth and educate yourself.
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millennialmoviereviews · 11 months
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I will never shut up about Guardians BUT, if you're ever wondering WHY GotG looks So Much Better than a majority of other Marvel films, it's because Gunn is extremely dedicated to using practical effects whenever possible. Unions get prioritized in the Guardians budget, resulting in Real Sets, Real Props, Real Costumes, and Real Good Filmmaking.
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millennialmoviereviews · 11 months
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Imagine actually being so evil that you'd rather make sure your writers suffer financially instead of just paying them the pay they deserve. Hell truly has some seats reserved already, holy shit.
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millennialmoviereviews · 11 months
seeing people be like ‘I know it’s going to be hard to support the sag strike because movies and shows will stop coming out but-’ is so fucking funny like can I introduce you to a beautiful concept called the million billion movies and shows that already exist that you couldn’t even get through in a lifetime if you wanted. welcome to heaven <3
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millennialmoviereviews · 11 months
on a serious note regarding the wga strike and (as of 1:50 AM PST 7/13) upcoming sag-aftra strike, dsa-la has a fundraiser called The Snacklist which provides snacks and water on the picket lines here in LA. right now the funds they have will not last through the end of the summer, especially given the current and upcoming heatwaves necessitating more supplies. if you have a couple of dollars to spare it's a great way to directly support the writers (and potentially the actors) during this difficult time!
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millennialmoviereviews · 11 months
Seconding, and adding if I may:
These workers are not just striking for themselves. If you have EVER dreamed of having a career in any entertainment field, including illustration, visual development, music, prop design, costuming, anything -- These unions are striking for your future as much as they're striking for their own.
This is historic, and the outcome of this fight (and the fight creatives have taken to the Senate, along with the massive labor movement happening across industries) will affect all of us.
It is okay to be upset! It's okay to be frustrated! But like OP said, make sure you stand united with laborers and direct your anger toward the billionaires who are taking advantage of everyone else.
Get Loud! We need you!
A friendly reminder: If you are in any way annoyed or upset that the shows you're excited for have had their production halted by the strikes, the ONLY people who deserve your anger are the CEOs and studio executives who forced the workers' hands. These people had no choice but to strike if they want to survive. Getting paid literal pennies in some cases (I have seen residuals as low as a single cent) and being threatened with replacement by an AI that runs on theft and only serves to make assholes a quick buck with bad, mashed-up stolen content while screwing you out of your job does not leave you with a lot of options.
DO NOT blame striking workers for the fact that production of new media is being halted. DO blame the greedy cartoon-villain-ass motherfuckers who essentially forced them to strike.
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millennialmoviereviews · 11 months
A friendly reminder: If you are in any way annoyed or upset that the shows you're excited for have had their production halted by the strikes, the ONLY people who deserve your anger are the CEOs and studio executives who forced the workers' hands. These people had no choice but to strike if they want to survive. Getting paid literal pennies in some cases (I have seen residuals as low as a single cent) and being threatened with replacement by an AI that runs on theft and only serves to make assholes a quick buck with bad, mashed-up stolen content while screwing you out of your job does not leave you with a lot of options.
DO NOT blame striking workers for the fact that production of new media is being halted. DO blame the greedy cartoon-villain-ass motherfuckers who essentially forced them to strike.
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millennialmoviereviews · 11 months
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what black mirror episode are we in now
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millennialmoviereviews · 11 months
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millennialmoviereviews · 11 months
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'why are actors striking aren't they all millionaires' here's a paywall free link to an article that mentions how most of the cast of one of netflix's biggest shows had day jobs bc they couldn't afford rent
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millennialmoviereviews · 11 months
May I add the deliriously audacious fact that they did this the week before San Diego Comic-Con, arguably the largest conglomeration of new media marketing, which actors and writers can now no longer attend on behalf of their projects as long as the strike persists?
The AMPTP is Public Enemy Number One right now, as is good and correct.
No because both the wga and sag-aftra striking is fucking monumental like??? The last time actors were on strike was 1980?? The last JOINT strike was 1960 like
This is going to halt Hollywood completely
Actors can’t act, go on tours to promote their work, post anything about their work, audition, etc.
The fact that AMPTP just doesn’t want to give protection to their writers and actors when it comes to residuals because of stream and AI stealing their work is just disgusting and speaks volumes and I’m honestly so glad the actors are (most likely) going to join the fight
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