milk-and-trickery · 4 days
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"There you are!" Ahaha! It worked!
Of course it worked, he was a genius after all! All it took was a bit of Dark Moon Magic, sending forth his eyes to look, to peer.. to seek and find. Now that he knew she was alive, he knew exactly what to look for!
"Oh it's so, so, so, SO good to 'see' you alive and ever so crispy my dear!" The eyes stared all around her, blinking with glee.
"I'll admit we all assumed the worst, even the ol' hot head Burning Spice Cookie once we got locked away in that HORRENDOUS prison!" It was his voice, but.. it certainly sounded several levels of.. erratic. Insane even.
Regrettably.. there was no body present, only the eyes laced in the shadows.
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"I do regret I can not meet you face to face Candy Eye Cookie, but what can you do when a bunch of FLYING PESTS lock you back in a stupid tree again! Uhgg!" A scoff as the eyes continued to stare at her.
"But yes! Yes it IS me! Shadow Milk Cookie, my dear! I deeply apologize for not contacting you sooner! I did want to make sure I had the chance to soothe poor, poor Eternal Sugar Cookie. She was very distressed when you got RIPPED AWAY FROM HER!" Rage coating his words like thick icing, barely held back. Seems he shared the same anger at the sheer audacity.
"And of course I daaarrreee not go so far as to use Dark Moon Magic to find you without her permission. Anything to help a friend!"
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( @milk-and-trickery )
"Caanndddyyy Eeeyyyeee Coookiieee... oh dear little Candy Eye Cookie~" An almost echo-y, ethereal voice echoing out.
"We're awwaaaakkkeeee~ EHEHEHEHE!"
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Originally, Candy had been trying to reach Sugar again. That was when she saw the whole scene around her change dramatically. Eyes. So many eyes surrounded her. These were not hers but someone else. It was another who also delved into the dark side...
That was when she heard him. She knew that voice. A voice she recognized but... Was it really him?
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She called out, looking around once more. Trying to see if there was a body to be found. It had to be him, she knew that voice. It had to be him!
"Is.. Is that really you?"
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milk-and-trickery · 4 days
He waited, he was patient only with a few cookies, and they counted far less than ten. Four of them were locked up with him, his dear, sweet friends! And of course, Eternal Sugar was always someone he would happily drop everything he was doing to help.
And sometimes the dropping also served a purpose, letting cookies dangle from his strings or crash upon the ground. How fun~
But he let his idea simmer for a moment, it wouldn't be hard after all. He could use Dark Moon Magic to at the very least by-pass the seal juussttt enough to establish communication with those who had been touched by it.
One way or another..
"Uhg.. hardly. Unlike the rest of these so called 'Heroes' she decides to run and hide away instead of spending her time bickering with one another. Instead she has to meddle with US!" Oh yes, he remembers the whooolleee ordeal with the Creme Republic. He watched it all through Pure Vanilla's eyes.
Even if he wasn't aware of it.
How sad it was, he would never turn on HIS friends like that. It's what made the Beasts so much superior. Even after all this time, they were loyal to each other.
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"Oh.. You'll get your chance, Dear Sugar~ Especially now that we've learned the seals are not as 'invincible' as we had thought they were. I could already feel Mystic Flour Cookie awakening! It's only a matter of time now!" He giggled with glee, hands clapped together.
But her her permission, he smiled. Oh so warmly to his dear friend!
"Anything for you Dear Sugar! It shouldn't take me all too long to make contact. Once I do, I can figure out a way that the two of you can do so as well.. I am not Earthbread's greatest scholar for nothing!" And other titles. Playwright, Director, Actor.. all of those things.
"Oohhh.. White Lily Cookie.. cross me once, shame upon you, cross me TWICE and I will rip you apart.. But now THRICE!? Ohh.. no no.." His face went from his usual jovial smile to one of a terrifying, lucid seriousness.
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"No cookie.. and I mean NO COOKIE dares cross MY friends!" A huff as he took out his staff, a twirls as he pushed back from the barrier of his prison.
"If only I could conjure you a dummy of that fragmented cookie to BEAT the Life Powder out of of that wretched guardian! But alas.. my magic can not go past these silly, STUPID walls!" He grumbled in annoyance. Sad that he couldn't at least give Eternal Sugar Cookie a means of striking at something, rather than blindly rampaging.
"I will let you know once I've established contact with Candy Eye Cookie, I promise~"
Her wings flapped violently, the rage still shaking her dough, as she could tell that the jester went silence to listen to her before the rage quake within him when she reveal the reason why she started to lash out after eons of doing nothing and chatting every so often when the beast was in the mood.
Now the jester knew why the fallen angel was so upset and started to lash out within her own cage; not caring what energy she was spending against a prison that couldn't be destroy at the moment.
The fact it was the same cookie who ruined Shadow Milk's plan and rip the freedom away from all of them only serves to fuel the anger that the angel was filling.
Of course it was the guardian! Of course it was her! The one that Shadow Milk spoke of after being seal again! Only if that power didn't fall into her hand after the old guardian's fall!
Then everything would be great!
They wouldn't be trap in the STUPID tree, they would have their full power, and she would be free to talk to Candy Eye Cookie whenever she wanted!
"Doesn't she have ANYTHING better to do! Then to RUIN things?! Ohhhh I could rip her into pieces if I could! And crumble her slowly and painfully!" She screeched, ready to throw another tantrum, before looking at Shadow Milk and seeing the smile on the jester's face.
The rage put on paused as the fallen angel started to listen to him; clearly curious in what the jester was planning as she knew the smile very well. He was scheming and she wanted to know.
"You can... Will?" She spoke, the rage slowly drifting away from her voice, clearly hook onto the jester's words. If he could reach Candy Eye Cookie... Then...
"I would be so happy if you did, Shadowy!~" She sang in a cheerful tone. "And of course you have my FULL permission if you could do that for me!"
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milk-and-trickery · 4 days
Oh yes, that pure, unbridled rage that even could make Burning Spice quake in their dough. Oohhh he LOVED seeing it, well.. when it was turned on hapless, pitiful cookies at least. But to hear her rampaging against the binds of her prison. Why..
It was sad to hear! So much wasted rage and power! Ah, reminded him of how he felt the day they were sealed. Thrashing, constantly clawing at the binds of their prison for any way out. Any leverage, any loop hole. Like panicked wild cake beasts in pens.
But he'd wait, his face against his side of the prison, squinting to see her, then.. SMACK!
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"AAAaaaaaHH! There you are my sweetest Sugar! Why are y-" For once.. the Jester fell silent.
Deathly silent as he listened. A rare thing to happen for most, except for his friends. They knew that if it was serious, he shut up. He listened..
His smile fell as he looked at her, eyecing wider with each second.
"C-Candy Eye Cookie!? Sh-..." A pause.
"She's.. alive?" A moment of lucidity of the Jester's madness breaking through for but a moment. Oh.. now he could understand Eternal's very.. VERY justified rage.
To hear she was torn away... a pause. No.
Anger began to twist it's way upon Shadow Milk cookie's face. Oh.. Oh He knew EXACTLY who could do such a thing.
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"WHITE LILY COOKIE! THAT.. WRETCHED NEW GUARDIAN! The one that FOOLISH KING gave all his power to in order to shove me BACK into that STUPID TREE! That is the ONLY explanation, only she has that power at present! How dare she.. HOW-.." His own dough quaked with rage.
But no.. no, he paused. A moment to calm himself. He was not one to show much anger unless it truly sent him over the edge. He had poise.. he had class.
He breathed.
"It is that pathetic 'fragment' of a cookie I told you and the rest about. The one Pure Vanilla Cookie, my 'successor' clings so fervently to!" His smile returned, now.. that was a look Eternal Sugar no doubt knew too well. He was scheming something.
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"I wonder... Perhaps.. Dear Eternal Sugar Cookie.. if you might indulge me a moment." A deep, ominous chuckle.
"Yes.. Yes I think so. If Candy Eye Cookie is still alive.. Then maybe, mayybbbeee this 'old wizard' can reach her for you. Maybe, maybe with just a teensy tiny bit of Dark Moon Magic." He smiled to her.
"With your permission.. of course~"
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From within his confinement, Shadow Milk Cookie idly floated. Upside down today, what was today even.. oh he lost count. He hummed, only to hear far off banging, screeching.. was.. was someone throwing a TANTRUM!? OHOHO! Immediately he pivoted and flew to the edge of his prison, squinting, putting a hand over his eyes to try and find out just who was so enraged! Was it Burning Spice? No.. no that scream was Eternal Sugar! "Yoooo hooo! Eternal Sugar Cookie! My my! What has you sooooo so so so upset? Why I haven't heard you so incredibly ENRAGED since we were locked away!"
The fallen angel was absolutely fuming as she continued to throw her temper tantrum, launching her magic against the cage, and flying around the cage like a rabid cakehound wanting to tear and rip everything that it could however with how the seal was designed; it was impossible as her magic simply bounced off and fizzed out which only serves to enrage the angel in further.
She didn’t care at the rating she was going! She didn't care if she was going to disturb the other beasts! After all! Why does it matter! The only other time she has been this furious was when she and the others were locked away!
Sure she despaired at first but that despair turned into hatred! Which led her to becoming enraged and enraged... Until that rage settled down and lay lurking beneath her dough until now. The anger brought back by the events that just played out a few minutes ago.
The fallen angel was about to launch another attack on the ‘wall’ until she heard a voice calling out to her which made her snap her attention to it. Her eyes were glowing brightly and her appearance a complete mess; wild and feral.
The sweetness melted away to show the sourness that was the Beast of Sloth.
Shadow Milk Cookie... The voice was the jester.
............ ....... ...
Eternal Sugar merely stared at the direction of the voice as there was a moment of silence until...
A loud SMACK could be heard as she pressed against the wall, her hands and face pressing against the wall.
“She. Was. Here.” Her voice hissed loudly and grew louder with each word spoken. “She was here and now she’s gone! Against her will! Someone interrupted us! And I know it was SOMEONE! Just by her REACTION! And I KNOW that Candy Eye Cookie WOULDN’T have left either! Until she has to otherwise!”
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milk-and-trickery · 6 days
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"Nutty!? Moi!? Hardly! Perish the thought! I consider myself quite handsome, and incredibly crispy!" With a puffed up ego to boot.
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"I do not believe so as I feel nothing."
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milk-and-trickery · 6 days
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"A total 'oof lmao' moment if I do say so myself!" He can already hear Elder Faerie Cookie screaming from the grave.
@necromancyandtendrils + @milk-and-trickery
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"But it was a sadge moment."
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milk-and-trickery · 6 days
"Ehehehehe~" Gremlin giggles.
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milk-and-trickery · 9 days
Oh, he waited.. he positively shook with anticipation for Mystic Flour's answer. What could her all seeing eyes be fixated on? What poor cookie would be crumbled under the weight of her unending apathy?
"Haha..." A brief stint of laughter.
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Oh how completely and utterly INCREDIBLE! He was jovial beyond words, his laughter echoing within the Ivory Pagoda!
"So they're here... HERE in Beast-Yeast! AH how wonderful! Truly splendid!" First Pure Vanilla Cookie, and now.. now on of his friends. Oh he knew exactly who this was. The poor fool who wielded dear, sweet, majestic Mystic Flour Cookie's Soul Jam within a SWORD of all things.
The brute!
"Oh! Oh! This is so fun! Tell me! How easy is it to make his mind waver and crumble? Pure Vanilla Cookie has been- oh.. how you say.. an ANNOYANCE when it's come to that." He mused, his ethereal form listing around his dear friend.
Just because he'd been locked back in that tree, doesn't mean his influence couldn't reach out.
There was no more putting the jack back in the box!
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"Tell me AAALLL the details! Any big plans? Ohhhh oh! This ones got the big 'fancy' Kingdom right? So many teeny, tiny cookies to DESTROY!" After all, couldn't let such affronts to their might stay standing!
" And he dares to swing his half of YOUR Soul Jam around on a pitiful, barbaric blade.. Honestly, Silent Salt Cookie would put that shoddy flailing he calls 'blade work' to shame." A good director always studies his 'actors'. And the way he floated around Mystic Flour was akin to a young cookie, laying on their bed, kicking their legs out in giddiness.
Poor Pure Vanilla, little did he know he acted as eyes for him during that whole ordeal with the Creme Republic...
Mystic Flour merely kept a neutral expression on her face as the jester continue to pester her however she did not move from the spot; allowing the other to keep pestering her.
The prophet didn't even react when the other lean against her... Besides the smallest of twitch from her.
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"... The one who hold half of my power."
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milk-and-trickery · 11 days
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"Awwww coommmeeee oooonnn!" What a pest, a friendly pest but-
"Just a liiitttllleee smile? I know you got it in you Mystic Flour Cookie!" A chuckle, the jingling of blueberry bells. The Jester was always adamant on it when it came to his friends.
"What are you focusing on, wait... no, no.. WHHHHOOOOO!?" Ohhhh now he was leaning against his friend. Oh he had to know!
@milk-and-trickery [Response]
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"... Shadow Milk Cookie, I'm trying to focus."
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milk-and-trickery · 12 days
"Hey! Mystic Flour.. Hey! Hey Mystic Flour! Ah- Ah I saw a smilllleeee! Commeee ooonnn~"
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Visiting an old friend :)
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milk-and-trickery · 12 days
"RELEASE ME BESTIE PLEEAASSEEE!" Shadow Milk being pulled into the Silver Tree in the BG.
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interesting business decision
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milk-and-trickery · 12 days
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"Play nice you two~ Ehehehe!"
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milk-and-trickery · 13 days
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[ SOON! ]
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milk-and-trickery · 14 days
[ Am I sad Shadow Milk Cookie is not the first Beast to be playable?
Do I picture him cheering Mystic Flour Cookie on and being her number 1 supporter as she wreaks havoc?
1000% YES ]
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milk-and-trickery · 16 days
In Battle, Your Muse...
bold what applies - italicise sometimes. repost, don’t reblog.
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fights honorably / fights dirty
prefers close - quarters / prefers range
chats during / goes silent
low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance
attacks in bursts / attacks steadily
goes for the kill / aims to disarm / fights defensively / strikes first
is provoked easily / provokes their opponent / teases
gets visibly frustrated / shouts while attacking
uses strategy / focuses on the battle / experiences conflicting thoughts during battle
rushes in recklessly / tries to read their opponent before engaging / fights wildly / fights calmly / fights apathetically / fights with anger / fights with excitement
fights because they have to / fights because they want to
fights without regard to wounds / runs away when wounded / hides wounds / takes a blow to protect another
prefers a blade / prefers a gun / prefers hand-to-hand combat / prefers a bow / prefers a shield / prefers a personalized weapon / prefers magic alchemy or spells
their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional
transforms for battle / fights as they appear
relies on strength / doubts their strength / relies on speed
uses everything they have / proceeds with caution / hides their full potential/
exhausts quickly / has high stamina
behaves arrogantly / brags after landing a hit / belittles their abilities
uses psychological tactics / uses brute strength
avoids civilians / strikes down civilians
damages surroundings / avoids damaging surroundings
signature fighting style / makes it up as they go
mastered skill-set / learning their skill-set
messy fighter / elegant fighter
accepts defeat / refuses defeat / begs for mercy
compliments their opponent / insults their opponent
uses unnecessary movements / moves efficiently / barely moves
prefers to dodge / prefers to block
defends their blindside / has no blindside / leaves blindsides vulnerable
uses all available advantages/ strictly uses one main method
plays around / holds back / fights ruthlessly / shows mercy
waits for an opponent to be ready / strikes when opponent isn’t ready
fears death / fears pain / fears killing
has ptsd / avoids fighting
has lost a fight / has won a fight
has killed / refuses to kill
wants to die standing / would succumb slowly
Tagged By: @cookieofearthbread Tagging: Anyone! Steal it! :D
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milk-and-trickery · 16 days
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So Hear me out-
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milk-and-trickery · 16 days
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prelims just ended yey! Also love the new story of crk specifically this guy right here >:D
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milk-and-trickery · 18 days
"Ehehehe... EHEHEHEHEH.... AHAHAHAHAH! Oh, silly.. silly Vanilly. Trying to warn your friends of what is to come. Ah, Mystic Flour, dear beautiful.. majestic Mystic Flour..." A swoon.
"Once she is free, it's only a matter of time before we are ALL FREE! Until then.. your torment will be everLASTING! Oh dear, apathetic Mystic Flour, please.. I beg of you. My dear friend... Give us a show to remember!"
[ I AM RATTLING IN MY CAGE AAAA! I'M SO EXCITED. BUT still at the same time SALTY that SM isn't the firs to be playable.. Is.. is my boy gonna get the White Lily treatment!? First to be revealed, last to be released!? Say it isn't so Devsis! ]
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