milfwizards · 28 minutes
Hey there, if you are in the US and have kids and you may be struggling with food insecurity this summer there's a USDA website that allows you to search programs that offer free summer meals to people under the age of 18. Libraries, Churches, City Halls, and Schools are the types of locations where food will be available. Some places are just offering lunch, some places have breakfast, lunch, and snacks. Some places are operating only one day of the week, some places are operating every day of the week. Some places require the meal to be eaten on-site, some places have carry-out meals.
If you're worried about getting your kids enough to eat this summer, or know someone who is in that situation, you should check out what's available in your area.
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milfwizards · 1 hour
we need an RPG with multiple morality meters measuring competing systems of morality. you steal something and you get a bunch of notifications like +1 Utilitarian +1 Nietzschean -1 Kantian -1 Divine Command Theory -1 Aristotelian Virtues
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milfwizards · 18 hours
the thing about me is i get hannibal and hamilton confused
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milfwizards · 19 hours
If you (like me) want 3rd party candidates to be an actual viable option in USA elections so you no longer have to vote for Democrats OR Republicans as your first and only choice, then what we need is Ranked Choice Voting. In order for that to happen, we as voters have to do two things:
Vote Democrat this fall, because Republicans fucking hate Ranked Choice Voting, and in several Republican-run states they have outlawed it. So if you want it, you have to keep Democrats in power in your state.
Lobby for and then vote for Ranked-choice voting in your state!Many American states have already adopted Ranked Choice voting and several more are set to do so in 2024. The ball is literally already rolling on this, we just need YOU to help it along.
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milfwizards · 19 hours
“Rich kids should go to public schools. The mayor should ride the subway to work. When wealthy people get sick, they should be sent to public hospitals. Business executives should have to stand in the same airport security lines as everyone else. The very fact that people want to buy their way out of all of these experiences points to the reason why they shouldn’t be able to. Private schools and private limos and private doctors and private security are all pressure release valves that eliminate the friction that would cause powerful people to call for all of these bad things to get better. The degree to which we allow the rich to insulate themselves from the unpleasant reality that others are forced to experience is directly related to how long that reality is allowed to stay unpleasant. When they are left with no other option, rich people will force improvement in public systems. Their public spirit will be infinitely less urgent when they are contemplating these things from afar than when they are sitting in a hot ER waiting room for six hours themselves.”
— Everyone Into The Grinder
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milfwizards · 19 hours
knowing this fandom, it's probably already done, but i'm doing it anyway - spin the wheel to get a locked tomb character, and answer the poll for your character!
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milfwizards · 21 hours
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Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Kitten Sleeping in the Arms of Madame Ingres
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milfwizards · 21 hours
if you say "as one does" after any phrase nobody's allowed to think you're weird anymore. cheat code bypass for all standards of social normalcy
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milfwizards · 21 hours
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milfwizards · 21 hours
Okay okay I wanna play
Spin the wheel for a Shakespeare character!
Reblog for sample size, etc. Would love to hear what you got + reasoning in the tags!
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milfwizards · 22 hours
1000 Books You May Have Actually Read
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milfwizards · 1 day
Legit i am tired of virginity being mocked even in progressive spaces and media. No means no until you say no one too many times, until they realize it’s going to be a no forever. Everyone understands pressuring people into having sex is bad until you’re pressuring someone to have sex just once, just to try it, because are you sure you don’t want it. How can you know if you’ve never tried it? It’s suddenly fine to pressure people into having sex as long as it’s not sex with you but someone else. If you’re a virgin it’s immediately assumed it’s because no one wants you; not because of individual choice; not because of your right to consent. You spend your adolescence being told being a virgin is bad by your peers and media depicting your age group is all about sex and dating. Books, fanfiction and tv all have a scene where the bestie mocks the main character for being a virgin, a problem that must be fixed. In kinder spaces you may be told it’s fine to be a virgin in your twenties - that it is normal. But what about your 30s? Your 40s? You’re a woman and a virgin-you’re repressed. You’re a man and you’re a virgin-there must be something wrong with you. Virgins are a tragedy, pathetic, sad, ugly, weird, and unwanted. Everyone you hate is a virgin.
edit- just in case since this keeps getting notes:
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milfwizards · 1 day
Add in the comments if you think you look your age and what others guess
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milfwizards · 1 day
spin this wheel and get a random baldur’s gate 3 character.
look them up here or here (or google i guess). not spoiler free. no secret nuanced fourth answer, you just gotta choose. have fun!
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milfwizards · 1 day
This discourse telling bi women to leave their boyfriends at home during pride is absolutely ridiculous for so many reasons, main one being is that allies are allowed to go to pride, you know that right? People have to also let go of this idea that they can 'tell' who is queer. No you can't! Plenty of trans men pass as cis men, and plenty of bi women date bi men.
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milfwizards · 1 day
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Lesbian/Gay Yiddishists march in the New York City Lesbian and Gay Pride Parade with a sign that reads in Yiddish, “a happy folk”, June 1989.  Photos by Rachel Epstein and Richard H. Stern.
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milfwizards · 1 day
the key to not fanonizing your faves is to simply become academia-brained about it. never make a statement about a character you can’t back up with at least three references to the source material
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