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Larry... I swear I will find a single brain cell within you capable of deductive reasoning...
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Yes... yes, you do know us, you have known us since 4th grade you donut! You are telling me that despite knowing us all this time you never figured it out?
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Larry, just... who do you think Phoenix and I would have gotten engaged to? I believe even you could figure it out.
Hey guys!
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I’m finally here! The one, the only, Laurice Deauxnim, famed children’s author! The guy who wrote Franzy’s Whippity-Whip Trip, remember?
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My next book, Cupiglet’s Lovey-Dovey Lark, should be hitting bookstore shelves any day now! 
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…Any day now.
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So send in some questions or whatever! I’d love to talk about my process!
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...I see you have joined us on this site... and still wearing that appalling suit jacket...
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You may have managed to catalog every embarrassing moment of mine from 4th grade, but I have grown far stronger since we last spoke, and will not be publically humiliated by the likes of you!
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...Also, I should mention that Phoenix and I are engaged... since it was you who helped bring us together by stealing my lunch money all those years ago...
Hey guys!
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I’m finally here! The one, the only, Laurice Deauxnim, famed children’s author! The guy who wrote Franzy’s Whippity-Whip Trip, remember?
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My next book, Cupiglet’s Lovey-Dovey Lark, should be hitting bookstore shelves any day now! 
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…Any day now.
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So send in some questions or whatever! I’d love to talk about my process!
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do you know that Phoenix used to believe pretty ppl/girls don't poop ?
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Surely, you jest!
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I am aware that Phoenix may not be the sharpest blade in the armory... but for him to believe in such a thing is preposterous, and I have seen him attempt to prove the possibility of time travel in court!
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He is far too brilliant of a legal mind to fall for such an obvious farce attempting to ignore such a fundamental aspect of human biology! Would you not agree, @phoenix-wright-defense-attorney ?
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vegetables are social concepts
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I would hardly call the classification of vegetables as a social concept, since it is an important tool in ensuring that one's diet remains balanced by eating a variety of not just fruits, but also vegetables.
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While it may be a broad category, the contributions to one's health that vegetables provide are far from a social construct, ergo, vegetables themselves are not social constructs.
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Here you go
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Why, thank you!
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That is a rather adorable cat. It appears as though there is an abundance of cats on the internet, although it is not clear as to why that is. Regardless, it is a good thing.
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[Well, I guess you will have to add me and my husband to that list. Karens like that are just even more of a reason he wants to shout about his matrimony with me from the rooftops because he is loud, proud, and anyone who has a problem with it can just go be salty in the corner because it is not going to stop him!]
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I'm back
Hey, I know it has been quite a long time since I last posted. I am so sorry for disappearing so suddenly, a lot has happened recently for me, but I am finally back and I plan to continue posting! While some of it is issues I'd rather spare you the details on, it has been far from only doom and gloom. Yesterday I was able to get married to the love of my life, and I feel so lucky to have him in my life! I do not know how I would have made it through the last few weeks without him.
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As someone proficient in reading sheet music, I can read the background image sheet... and just imagining what that would sound like...
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I do not think that face accurately captures how painful on the ears it would be... however I will also say that it would be completely in character for him to compose and play such a thing. It even has a small pause to lure you into a false sense of security in the middle of the cacophony.
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Please do not call out my sense of humor like this...
love the idea of edgeworth simply Not giving a fuck about the insane shit his prosecutors get up to because he secretly thinks it’s really funny. he always tries to watch wright vs. blackquill trials bc he thinks taka attacking phoenix is a little funny. he says nothing about klavier starting a weekly dance moms style pyramid of everyone in the office (he usually thinks it’s pretty accurate). klavier and sebastian gaslight the paynes into believing straight people are a minority, and he plays along bc the paynes are annoying as hell. as long as no one dies in his office again he does NOT give a shit what they do
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pa is the group of ppl the tumblers ? Are we invited ????
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Did we not establish that you all were considered adopted family as well? Phoenix might as well rename the Wright Anything Agency to the Wright Adoption Agency... not that I mind...
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We would be delighted to see you there as well!
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... Are you talking about Phoenix's side of the family? I'm sorry if I'm wrong, I can be a little forgetful
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That is nothing you have to apologize for, although you are technically correct, just... I do not believe you realize the exact meaning to that.
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Made a potential wedding guest list so you don't have to do the hard work
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That is very kind of you... however, I notice a key group of people missing from this list...
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I would rather not be wed leaving some of the family out just because they are relatively new members of it.
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Mr Edgeworth do you have any idea how many people will be attending the wedding. Because I can reasonably see anywhere between 3 and 300 guests arriving
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(Already talking about marriage?! Are you attempting to give me a coronary talking about such a sweet occasion?)
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(300 guests sounds like far too many people for my taste, I would rather just leave it to only friends and family attending.)
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(I wonder if I could see my father again... one last time to walk me down the aisle... as impossible as such a thing may be...)
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...we have so many friends and family now... but I do not mind including them all... especially since as anxious as I can be in crowds... I will probably have my eyes glued to Phoenix most of it anyway...
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I was also here -Shoe
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I can hardly believe I even got your approval...
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It merely... it warms my heart having your support and how much you have warmed up to me...
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If there is anything I can do to repay you... as well as everyone else here... just say the word.
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[Rustle, rustle...]
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Mr. Wright! Mr. Edgeworth! Congratulations!!!! :D
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[Athena, stop running so fast! I can't see!]
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Alright... this was supposed to be a private moment, however...
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Since I know for a fact you would not have come alone... the rest of you can come out now
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(Do not stare... Do not stare... How does he even pull off such an ensemble?!)
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Well, that would require him to get a license, but I suppose with enough encouragement, he could do it.
Day 11 of me posting Wrightworth until they become canon.
AA4+ Phoenix does not ride bicycle anymore. Please I refuse to believe it
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Note about the alpha male bullshit : Both you and dad are alpha males, you protect and feed the pack while not considering yourselves as superior. That's what alphas do.
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I suggest you refrain from such vulgarity...
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But I do see your point. Honestly, I would rehash my comparison to zodiac signs and astrology, but that would be an insult to those who believe in zodiac signs and astrology, because at least they have the sense to not go around projecting their own paranoid insecurities about some arbitrary need to be more "masculine" as a way to be successful in romantic and financial ventures, or even just to assert that one is a "real man."
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It is such a limiting and sexist view rooted in dated conceptions of gender and arbitrarily assigned roles. And that is not even mentioning how limiting it is attempting to fit everyone into one of two genders, when not everyone identifies with either of these categories! It is completely ridiculous!
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