mikibin-blog1 · 6 years
Reconnect Mask - APP UI
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mikibin-blog1 · 6 years
Reconnect Mask - Mask Design
I learned how to use the sewing machine in ITP fab lab. 
We used foam sleeping mask, stretchy and soft fabrication, and Velcro to make the wearing experience intuitive, comfortable, homy.
Thanks Allen for supplying me with the Velcro *_*
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mikibin-blog1 · 6 years
Reconnect Mask - Packaging Design
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mikibin-blog1 · 6 years
Reconnect Mask - Brochure PDF
Software: InDesign
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mikibin-blog1 · 6 years
Reconnect Mask - Product Brochure
Brochure Design:
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Brochure Draft V1
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mikibin-blog1 · 6 years
Input Map - 20180504
I watched IDM show this Friday and it was amazing!!
I get really inspired by all people’s work!
My favorite ones are the live performance piece. 
I have been wanting to do them for a long time, and when I see the thesis project of jinghuang, I was so stunned.
Also, Lucas White’s live audio visual performance is very cool. I asked him to show me the operation system of Max and I think it is definitely worth exploring!
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mikibin-blog1 · 6 years
Reconnect Mask
product page: https://mikibin.myportfolio.com/reconnect-mask
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mikibin-blog1 · 6 years
Reconnect Mask
In the future dystopia, most of the citizens in the society are depressed, due to the rapid increase of the stress that they get. The stress are from the work, relationship, family, and etc.
What makes the depression more severe is that it can pass on the next generation. Gradually, people starts to forget the happy memories that they have, and only keeps the sad and depressing experience in their life.  
As the immersive technology gets more developed, a new product get invented by a new tech company, as well as an APP that connects to the goggles. It is the Reconnect Mask that gets rid of visual input, and being able regenerate images and visuals from memory. The Reconnect Mask can be used to relieve the depression. One of the major symptom of depression is that people forget there are happiness in life. Therefore as a treatment, the Reconnect Mask allows people to revisit their happy memory, and get the incentive to reconnect to their family, friends. Meanwhile, this can also be a shared experience with family and friends. you will be placed immersively to the place where you share your happy memories with your friends or family members.
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mikibin-blog1 · 6 years
Reconnect Mask
Story background:
Society: Dystopia
Cause: Stress in increasing in the society today, genetic. Suicide rate ,high, depression.
Phenomenon: people gradually forget about their good memories. There are more and more people developing an anti-social emotion.
Reconnect mask is a prescription. Only people prescribed with depression can use it.
Through the technology to recall happy memory,others support, and place you have visited where you were happy
Re-learn how to social by recalling their personal happy experience
Like dream, they won’t interact with others when they wear it
When they all wear it, the family will go back to the shared happy memory together
Maybe someone will be too immersed in one happy memory that the person will get out of the memory,
You can only wear the  reconnect mask for 1 hour per day. You will wake up automatically when the session ends.
You can wear it at home.
The people shows up in the memory are automatically tagged and recognized by the machine.
At the end of the memory, you choose to send a message to the person lives in the memory. It starts by sending a text message, and then slowly push the person. Later on you   set a meet up with the person that shares the memory with you.
Charge it with 10 minutes, for 1 hour
Complimentary Service
Texting system on the phone
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mikibin-blog1 · 6 years
Input Post
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This week I visited Yolanda Cumo’s studio in New Jersy, We did book print design, I get to know why big letters are called uppsercase and lower case. But more importantly, I learned a very important life lesson. 
Yolanda told us that, she was doing an exhibition for a photographer. She told me that by the exhibtion, she can pick one of the photographer’s photograph. She could have picked one that worthed so much money, but eventually she chose to pick the one that have the scene of the street corner of the neighborhood where she grew up. That was the moment where she felt like she was doing the right thing. “when everything come together, that feels like the God is telling you that you are doing the right thing.”
I want to do something like that too.
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mikibin-blog1 · 6 years
Respond to The Future Agency
I really like the quote: “While creating a high fidelity image of the future may broaden people's imagination for what's possible, it can also really narrow their perception of what's possible or what their options are.”
I think this is a very good point. I think many of the times designs are heavily influenced by exisiting ideas and technology. A bad speculative design do have the ability to limit our way to imagine the future.
This is very relatable to my experience with our speculative design project. When we first made the goggle, we are only thinking of the existing VR technology. However, I think because the existing technology and a lot of showcase during exhibitions are very limited, we are only able to be very short sighted.
The most interesting thing I am thinking of is to trigger the same effect as the following: 
“Although no actual biometric data scan happened, the experience left the attendee feeling that the technology was invasive and dystopian.”
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mikibin-blog1 · 6 years
The New Goggle
This is an article published:
April 20th, 2209
Since 21st century, the world has entered the age of screens: people have developed an increasing reliance on vision. The advertisement, game industry and education all try to work with visual displays. According to xx report, the visual input accounts for 80% of people's information input.
In the 21st century, xx% of the population are short-sighted as teens. Since many eye-problems as the following are genetic, these eye problems have develops into genetic mutation. Many babies are born naturally with vision deficiency.
Color vision deficiency (a.k.a., color blindness)
Retinitis pigmentosa, a rare progressive decline of the retina
* (Research has so far identified more than 40 genes linked to short-sightedness. These are responsible for the eye's structure and development, and signalling between the brain and the eyes.)
People born in the early and mid- 21st century, are having such poor vision that there is increasing demand for assistive technology in the society. Since the world population rocketed and the general working and studying hours extended, people spend on average 12 hours indoors.
Especially in the field of education, the world urgently need a tool to help the low vision population. On one hand, visual information are the basic foundation to access information. On the other hand, the population of visually impaired is increasing exponentially,.
Therefore, the government starts to investigate the new ways to help people see things again. People come to the consensus that vision with naked eye should be reserved to life experience, and advertisement, education, etc, should use goggles display to spare the natural eye usage.
A new technology was developed at the turn of the 22nd century to help people see things clearly again: a goggles that project image directly to the retina. Meanwhile the screen displays of computers start to vanish because of the existence of The New Goggles.
How It Works
Light passes through the cornea (transparent layer at the front of the eye) and into the lens (transparent structure that sits behind the cornea), which focuses it onto the retina (layer of light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye) to create an image that's sent to the brain.
To produce a perfectly clear image, the cornea should be evenly curved and the eye needs to be the right length.
For people with short-sightedness, the eye has usually grown slightly too long. This means that when you look at distant objects, the light is not focused directly onto your retina, but a short distance in front of it. This results in a blurry image being sent to your brain.
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Therefore, the critical moment that transform a visual to the brain perception happens on the retina. The prevalent eye problems, such as short sightedness and long sightedness, happens before the retina display.
Leading scientists in the medical field and technology gathered together, to come up with the device goggle that helps people see by projecting image directly to the retina.
The technology develops from the DLP(digital light processing) technology with micromirror arrays. The technologist in the 22 century brought the technology to a completely new level. The mirroring was replaced by a liquid fluid metal that reflects not just pixels, but almost every single piece of array light to mimic the natural sight. The low intensity light can smoothly be reflected to the retina.
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*DLP(Digital Light Processing) in the 21st century: concept prototype
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*mechanism explained
Schools in China have introduces eye exercises in elementary school, middle school and high school twice a day. However, this practice mostly stopped when students come to universities, or advanced into the working world. Meanwhile, it is hard to make sure the students can do the eye massage properly.
The goggle introduces eye message. It scheduled a 3 times a day eye message that lasts for 15 minutes. It shuts down the vision display and starts to target the acupuncture points around the eye.
For Education
Inclusion of low vision. - because there are more and more people are born with low vision
A way to introduce biology, history by creating immersive experience - the possibility to make people more engaged with class content
It get rid of the screen, and allows the teacher to directly load video footages on the goggle. -  to avoid extra image distortion and light stimulation that fatigues the eye
Regularly forces and simulates outdoor conditions, and adjust the eye focus to prevent eyesight worsening. -  to help the eye to strengthen, exercise, and rest
Accessing the presentation material from teacher
The teacher can share the slides, and the students can see the slides and “blackboard writing” on their goggle screen rather than naked eye.
To plug in the computer screen
Plug in the side socket of the goggle to the computer HDMI output. Automatically connected to the computer output.
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mikibin-blog1 · 6 years
Input Map -180420
This week I attended a workshop from ITP about shaders. It is a very intimidating topic, but I get to cram the basic understanding in 2 hours. 
I watched a lot of inspiration videos, and get a few platforms I can playwith.
I am very happy with what I get by the end of the workshop: a sunset!(if it looks like one...)
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mikibin-blog1 · 6 years
Response to - One Designer Shares: How to Use Design to Tell a Story
1. “coming up with the creative statement “
The awareness to differentiate from others is a very good way to start. This idea in mind will help us to anchor down the definition of the design/product, and continue to frame the story in a good direction. Why we are making this? How is it different/more creative compared to the past objects? 2. “project’s motivation—what purpose is at the heart of the story”
So for our design, we want to show the possibility of a technology that is labeled as entertainment can help people in more productive fields in the future. The price of the technology and the popularity work with each other, along with the factor of social advocation.
We also want to objectively show technology: that a technology that benefits people’s education/learning, can also take away many abilities. E.G, when the visual can filled us up with so many substaintial information, will we lose our ability to observe? When an immersive world can simulate reality/or even better reality, will human interaction become less and less?
3.  “Buildings, movies, photography, choreography and music create different contexts for design and provide great inspiration.”
We get our inspiration mainly from substaintial research. Even though our framing story is mainly based on articles, but looking at random design really helps us to imagine what can our goggle look like. 4. “envision your project in another medium.”
I think this should come later, when we first decided what object can best represent our story first, and then think about this question. I don’t find this particularly helpful for our project, but definitely it is great for purely design-orientated story telling.
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mikibin-blog1 · 6 years
Input Map - 20180413
This week I went to bear mountain, a perfect get away place from the city.
This is such a great trip(just a bit too cold), and we picniced on the mountain!
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mikibin-blog1 · 6 years
Process Documentation 1- April 6
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we used cardboard, plastic tape and post-its to make the prototype.
we designed the switch button and volumn controller on the glass legs. 
However, after the process of design and making, we realize that we can think of a new way to think of how the goggle can look like, and how the audio design can improve to allow for 360 audio effect.
Nicole suggested that we changed the audio design to a headphone, like beats. That helps noise reduction.
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mikibin-blog1 · 6 years
List of Inspiration
This list of Inspiration is created by Miki and Zeyao
1. Cartoon: Doraemon
This cartoon inspires me in childhood. Like the main character Nobita Nobi, I am often feel beaten up by school life and wish there are someone there to provide me with shortcuts. There arevarious imaginative and futuristic gadgets that exist in Doreamon’s pocket. 
There are so many traffic exist because people need to get from A to B. What if there is “Anywhere Door” like the one in Doraemon: The user only needs to say where s/he wants to go and the Door will open to the location. It can travel to a location that is ten light-years away, presumably from Earth.
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2. Book: The Time Machine
I remember reading this book back in high school. I was fascinated by how detailed and convincing the book explain the practicality that makes time traveling possible. Later I know that it is H.G Wells that coined the word “time machine”, a vehicle that allows an operator to travel purposely and selectively forwards or backwards in time.
I like how he explains time as a “fourth dimension”.
3. Project: Mediated Deception
<Mediated Deception> imagines a future where people are granted with the possibility to manipulate wireless signals and deceive others on their Hometa: connected home data. A universal slider that can be attached to any connected objects is introduced to distort the data transmitted through the objects. It argues for a space for poetic chaos and a grey area in between truth and deception when ubiquitous computing and smart home objects are massively adapted in the domestic space.
I like this because I recently got a spam and opened the link, which leaks my facebook password. Even if I changed the password I am still feeling insecure about my data privacy.
I wish I have this device.
4. Ipad - Ad
I also found this inspiration from Ipad’s latest commercial ad.
The ad helped us shaped the idea about the education, and how does augmented reality helped the students learn the knowledge from their ipad
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