midnight-wonders · 2 years
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midnight-wonders · 2 years
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“The sun was out for once, and Inej had turned her face to it. Her eyes were shut, her oil-black lashes fanned over her cheeks. The harbour wind had lifted her dark hair, and for a moment Kaz was a boy again, sure that there was magic in this world.”
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I was holding onto this drawing and wasn’t confident enough to post it but decided to post it anyways. I hope some people will like it. ☺️
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midnight-wonders · 2 years
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"We'll be kings and queens, Inej. Kings and queens."
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midnight-wonders · 2 years
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Shadow and Bone portrait #3 Jesper 💕
Kaz | Inej | Jesper | Nina | Matthias | Mal | The Darkling | Alina
[Image Description: a digital painting of Jesper from Shadow and Bone. His tan face is half in shadow, his expression pensive. he has his coat collar popped and his top hat skewed. End ID]
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midnight-wonders · 2 years
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Six of crows beach episode 🌞
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midnight-wonders · 2 years
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come with me. come meet them.
the first time i read this scene i imagined kaz asking this as a joke instead of it being a genuine question and i just really wanted to draw it
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midnight-wonders · 2 years
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wesper !! 🌟
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midnight-wonders · 2 years
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Two crows, chilling in the slat, five feet apart because they respect each others boundaries 😌
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midnight-wonders · 2 years
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“Say you’re sorry.”
“For what?”
“Just say it.”
Six of Crows, pg. 153.
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midnight-wonders · 2 years
Some valentines crows 💕
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midnight-wonders · 2 years
The three ultimate ways to tell someone you like them :
1. I have been made to protect you. Only in death I will be kept from this oath
2. I would come for you. And if I couldn't walk I'd crawl to you, no matter how broken we were.
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midnight-wonders · 2 years
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Late night settling the books at the Crow Club.
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midnight-wonders · 2 years
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Remember when I started a titans portrait series...well Shadow and Bone consumes all. P.S. crows come first.
Also, I'm adding the order of when I'll be painting, and I'll add the links as I finish each!
Kaz | Inej | Jesper | Nina | Matthias | Mal | The Darkling | Alina
[Image Description: A digital painting of Kaz Brekker. He is pale and harsh looking off to the side with his coat collar popped and his hair a-skewed . End ID]
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midnight-wonders · 2 years
Jesper, texting Kaz: *sents a voice message*
Kaz, texting back: I’m kind of busy. Is it urgent?
Jesper: No, don’t worry, just listen later,
Kaz: *presses play*
Jesper’s voice message: THERE’S A FIRE AT THE SLAT-
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midnight-wonders · 2 years
Genya: Aren't you supposed to be training?
Kuwei eating on a chair : This is way too good to miss out , The king and Brekker are figthing over who´s team would win on a fight and Brekker refuses to concede even one win over Nikolai.
Nikolai: No offense Brekker, but your leg...
Kaz: I had a harder training in the screets that made me tougher than either of you put together
Nikolai: Alright! But what about Tamar? Sure your wraith is terrific but-
Kaz: "But?" You better not follow up on that-
Nikolai: Tamar is a heartrender and axes win over knifes
Kaz: Please, you can't sneak on someone with axes.
Nikolai: Sneaking is not everything! But i asume you would never admit anyone could beat Inej (even if it´s true) ...
Kaz: Don't make me call her for telling lies
Nikolai: But you have to give this on to me: David and Van Eck has no question
Kaz: Of course not
Nikolai: Well, at least-
Kaz: Wylan could clean the floor with Kostyk if he wanted
Nikolai: You are insane, David is a grisha and taller than him
Kaz: Wylan can do anything without powers, and he is a ruthless bitch who knows what to say to destroy you. While Kostyk , i could wack him with my cane and he would apologize.
David: I mean, i know the paintwork may be damaged
Nikolai: Alright , i didn't want to use this card but you left me no choice; Zoya! no one on your team would last against her. And don't tell me "Nina" , Dragon beats zombies , everyone knows that.
Kaz: Oh really, what about: A zombie dragon? Thats two points on Nina
Nikolai: You don't even know if she can do that! Just admit the defeat this time
Kaz: I will when you trow me an actual decent figther , i will allow it
Nikolai: i got one, if we put Tolya and Helvar in a fight, are you willing to give Helvar a compliment in order to win the argument?
Kaz: Oh no, he would beat up Helvar
Matthias: Hey!
Kaz: I mean, forget Yul Bataar. Even the pipsqueak Starkov with her bare hands or her brainless pet could take Matthias-
Matthias: HEY!
Kaz: Oh calm down, they are not here. They can't feel insulted
Matthias: I AM!
Kaz: But i am not dumb enought to pit your big tree against Matthias. If thats your player, mine would be Jesper.
Nikolai: Now you are just bluffing . He is smaller and only uses those guns while Tolya is a powefull grisha (why is Nhaban laugthing?).
Kaz: This is more about your man´s weakness. He is terrified of Jesper, he almost fainted when we intorduced them
Nikolai: No way, is that true?
Tolya: The yellow pants, Sir "cringes" the yellow pants
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midnight-wonders · 2 years
So Jordie was cast and we didn't even realize it. What if Kuwei was also cast?? What if COLM FAHEY was also cast???? The possibilities are endless😩
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midnight-wonders · 2 years
reblogging for when i get to chapter 26 ck
I think a lot about The Bathroom Scene™ and how Kaz's selfless actions towards Inej are contrasted with their discussion about whether he's any different from Pekka, but Chapter 26 as a whole also does a lot to show how much Kaz cares about all of his Crows and not just Inej. He spends a lot of time in that chapter thinking about how he's probably about to die, and yet he does everything in his power to make sure his Crows get out alive.
He specifically zeroes on Inej's safety, of course (because when isn't Kaz focused on her?) but his actions, dialogue, and internal monologue are all entirely centered around how guilty he feels for getting everyone into this mess and how desperate he is to make sure he's the only collateral damage of his own scheme at the end of the day:
Kaz sits down and (more or less) fully explains his entire plan to the Crows instead of keeping them in the dark
Kaz gives Jesper's dad the only protection he's still able to give: his own family's name and reputation
Kaz ruminates on why he called Jesper by his brother's name and implicitly acknowledges that it's because he's scared to recognize Jordie in Jesper (that he's afraid to lose another brother)
Kaz thinks "But they’d landed in a trap, and if he had to chew his paw off to get them out of it, then that was what he would do."
Kaz pays off Inej's contract by liquidating "every asset he had" and explicitly tells her "I don't want you to be beholden to Per Haskell. Or me."
Kaz tells Inej about his emergency money stash and charges her with getting everyone out of the city safely if he doesn't come back from the Slat
Kaz tells her "Whatever happens to me, survive this city. Get your ship, have your vengeance, carve your name into their bones. But survive this mess I’ve gotten us into."
Kaz leaves on a suicide mission, telling Inej not to follow, because if he's going to die he wants to be the only one in active danger
And of course Kaz had already offered to serve himself up on a silver platter to the stadwatch and give them a way out even before he came up with the auction plan (though we don't get Kaz's point of view of The Clocktower Fight, I suspect it's also why he picked that fight with Jesper: he knew Jesper would never leave him to die unless he made him mad enough to "walk away" for once in his life).
What separates Kaz from other Barrel Bosses like Pekka isn't just that he would never sell a person or con/otherwise harm children. It's that at his lowest, when all the bravado and scheming and masks are stripped away, Kaz chooses to put himself on the line and sacrifice his own safety over putting his people in any more danger than they have to be. Because despite his ruthlessness and casual assholery, Kaz simply doesn't have it in him to watch those he cares about get hurt if he can prevent it. He ended Chapter 26 saying he intended to leave damage behind when he's gone, but also spent three whole chapters spending time and effort and money he didn't have to minimize the damage as much as possible for his friends (his new family) if the worst should happen to him.
So he gives them a safe place to land where the gangs won't find them. He tries to push them away and make them mad enough that they won't grieve him when he dies. He gives them multiple ways out even if none of those options guarantee his own safety. He gives them money and as much safety as he can provide with the whole city out for their blood. He gives Inej her freedom. And he gives them time to rest, recharge, and prepare for whichever plan they end up doing while he goes off to stage a coup he's not sure he'll come back from.
This is all to say: Kaz could never be Pekka, no matter how tough of a game he talks about burning everything to the ground, because Kaz cares too much to ever become Pekka. Even as he continues to pretend not to care about anything but the money, his love for his city and his Crows are baked into every one of his thoughts and actions in those chapters. Unlike Pekka, who flees first Ketterdam and then Kerch entirely when his son is in (percieved) danger, Kaz stays to fight for the city he bent to his will. And unlike Per Haskell, who lets other people do his dirty work and sells out at the first opportunity for glory, Kaz puts himself on the front lines first even when doing so comes at a great cost to himself.
Pekka chases money and power for their own sake. Per Haskell chases money and power for the decadence, glory, and laziness it allows him to get away with. Kaz chases money and power because he knows what it's like to be powerless and wants to, in his own weird way, protect others from suffering his trauma and himself from losing anyone else he cares about. And that's why even at his most unhinged Kaz could never become Pekka Rollins: his quest for power and fame and riches comes from a fundamentally different place. Kaz Brekker doesn't need a reason, but he has at least five at all times during the course of the duology...and while those reasons are often filtered through his primary reason (Inej's freedom, safety, and happiness), none of them are ever far from his mind.
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