midnight--hearts · 6 years
Dev Blog #2(4)
The script and the CGs for release #2 are both done! Now we're just getting a few backgrounds done and then putting it all together. That's right, it's almost ready. Expect to have the release within the next week or two, depending on how long it takes to program and draw. Sorry for all the wait. But, you know, we didn't want to rush it out at the cost of the quality. We think you're going to like all of the new content, especially the lewd scene with Amanda.
This release will take us all the way to almost the end of day 1. We still need to do one of the variations on the Makoto Night 1 scene and the entire Talleah night 1 scene. But, we think a short release a month after will have all that squared away soon.
In other news, there's almost certainly going to be a poll up before the release asking about a potential costume for Amanda. Feel free to pitch potential Amanda costumes you're interested in, here or on the discord. If we can make it fit with the narrative, we'll include it in the poll. Remember that you need to be a $1 or up patron to take part.
That's all for now. I love all of y'all!
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midnight--hearts · 6 years
Dev Blog #1 (3)
We're running not too far from the next release for you all. Most of the art assets are in place and I'm busy writing and rewriting all the material to make sure that we've got a good spot of content. There's been a lot of love from the fans on discord for Amanda and the hope is to include her first Lewd CG in this release.
In other news, we've also got the first of the monthly commissions for you all done. If you needed a reason to try the 1 dollar donation, may I suggest a picture of Amanda cosplaying as Power Girl giving two guys head?  
Because it exists and my comic book reading soul loves it.
Anyway, that's just the news from this time around. Keep your eyes peeled folks. More to come soon!
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midnight--hearts · 6 years
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Cosplay Convention Crisis 0.1.7b
Hey. A new demo version has been released.
- Correction of errors in the Russian version - When you first start, you first select the language - Images of unopened illustrations are replaced in the gallery - Versions for Mac and Linux
0.1.7b DOWNLOAD LINK (Public demo):
Without porn: ​Win / ​Mac / ​Lin - With porn: ​Win / ​Mac /  ​Lin
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midnight--hearts · 6 years
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Hello! We present to you our game "Cosplay Convention Crisis"
"For Jacob Kirby, today is the day of the big con. He's got his outfit ready. He hasn't forgotten his badge.The only thing that can derail an entire weekend of panels, cosplay, and consumerism is the fact that an inter-dimensional war might break out on the con floor! 
 Help Jacob make the right choices as he's forced into the position of diplomat between three out of this world super-beings ready to turn the convention floor into a pile of ash. An alien princess from beyond the stars. A master thief from another dimension. And the magical girl protector of earth. The other con-goers might mistake them for just girls in costumes, but all of their lives are at stake. 
And this isn't the kind of diplomacy that happens over a table in the conference room. If Jacob wants to save the convention, perhaps the entire planet, he's going to have to romance these super-powered cuties! Enjoy the con, save the world, fall in love. All of that and more in Cosplay Convention Crisis!"
0.1.6a DOWNLOAD LINK (Public demo):
0.1.6a [without porn] / 0.1.6a [+18 with porn] Available languages: English, Русский 
Please support us on patreon!
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