micahsf · 3 years
Oneness is simply the idea God IS. And in His Being, He encompasses all things. No mind holds anything but Him. We say “God is,” and then we cease to speak, for in that knowledge words are meaningless. There are no lips to speak them, and no part of mind sufficiently distinct to feel that it is now aware of something not itself. It has united with its Source. And like its Source Itself, it merely is.
Jesus in A Course In Miracles
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micahsf · 4 years
Message In A Bottle
Before I went to bed last night I asked Jesus to tell me what to do, and give that message to me in a dream. 
As I was dreaming of doing a stone repair job and traveling a revised road under construction, I stopped at a convenience store in a train station. I was on a trip. On the shelves of the store I saw bottles of wine. The wine was in green 2 liter bottles that you would normally see soda in. The shelves had been picked over. The bottles had simple home made labels on them. My name was on each label. I picked the bottle that said an Italian name of wine and, “4 Micah’s Obsession”. I was so happy to have so much wine. 
I started toward the escalator. As I was descending into the massive underground train station the bottle slipped from my hands. It bounced all around the steps and spilled out. The wine was all over the escalator. There where a lot of people on the escalator but they did not get any wine on them because of the space between us. The empty bottle bounced back into my hands. I was disappointed and frowned. I felt like a little kid (Angie) who didn’t get her way and for once, decided that fussing about it wasn’t going to happen. I shrugged it off and continued walking down the escalator. 
I suddenly remembered that I asked to receive a message in a dream. I knew I had received a clear message that did not tell me what I should do but gave me a perspective to let me decide what I should do. I knew right then that Jesus was telling me I drink too much wine. Beer, Wine, and Liquor has been an obsession in my life as a habit and hobby. I have slowly cut back the amount I drink so I won’t have to give it up all the way. It still makes me tired when I drink it. I know that I don’t have to give it up but on this leg of the trip I will have to let my obsession be emptied for me. It is an act of surrender. God is what I want and as long as something is so dear to my heart God is not on the throne. Its not about quitting a bad habit. Its about the obsession. God is what I want. The World must go. 
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micahsf · 6 years
The Season for Giving
What gifts do I give to myself? 
I give myself a solid career, which makes the money I need to provide for what I find valuable. Humble home and things to ensure plenty for the cold dry winters, are what I see will last the trials of time. I find value in resourcefulness. Be a thriver and never want for material things. Be content with fewer toys in order to make sure wood is stacked high, meat is stored cold and money is always ready for my needs. 
What gifts would God give me? 
What does God value? God is One. There is none beside Him. This is an ancient truth. It is literal. All the world sees beside God is of no value. Material pleasures, safety, satisfaction, protection is for the body. We are the Mind of God. We are the Will of God. We are not divided in separate bodies, but one. Giving and receiving is constant and eternal. All that God would give has been given and received. 
Let me translate: Ill use worldly terms. 
God is empty nothingness. I would give myself the world and every pleasure I could handle. God would give me free air. God would give me nothing I need to survive. God does not see my physical needs and only sees me as spirit, one with Him, and not exiled here on planet Earth. God is the invisible presence of Being, which means God is empty, meaningless being. God is of no value to me because I am in a body, in a world and trying to survive. 
I’d like to give the Gift of love. Imagine its Christmas morning and you have no wrapped presents for your kids. They ask you where the gifts are. You say, “I give you the gift of love”, and you give them a big hug. Ho ho ho!!! 
This dialogue doesn’t sound very nice. It might even sound mean and give a poor representation of God and Love. Perhaps we have our priorities upside down. 
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micahsf · 6 years
The Timeless One
There is ever only perfect timelessness. Illusions may pop up into it, but they soon vanish. “I” is one such illusion. “My life” is another illusion. These are weak and inconsistent beliefs. Forms move about but nothing happens, for it means nothing. 
You are under the spell of being an individual, with a history and a novel yet to be written. This is a complicated drama in which you die and suffer. You lose everything you thought you gained. This is a sad tale. 
Rejoice! It is not so. It is a bad dream. It was convincing, but you have seen it’s feeble foundation crack and fall apart. It may, as yet, hold sway over your still deluded mind, but the Light has come and you have been saved. Never again will you be entirely convinced that time is real and you are not the Timeless One. The growing conviction strengthens your identity. You are free.
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micahsf · 6 years
Words are symbols of symbols. 
Love: it is a symbol of oneness. Not two but one. Two parts once perceived but now united. 
Anger: its a call for Love. It is the symbol for separation and fear. You become angry when you don’t get what you want because you believe that you are without and you fear loss. 
Fear: It is a word which symbolizes hell. It is the worse experience ever. Fear is being separate and alone. It is isolation and incompleteness. 
Peace: this is the antidote to fear. It sooth’s pain. it is also love and unity. 
Silence: This is symbolic for what is true. It is strong and unwavering. It is also unity. There is no division in silence. There are not two parts. It is whole. It is complete. 
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micahsf · 7 years
Journal Entry for 8-18-2017 - In the words of the Ego
I use the physical world to support my delusions. I can’t stand the cage I’m in so I imagine others outside me. I am in every body and I am legion. There are no others. I am the only one. I play my games with myself and by myself so I won’t be alone. 
I was probably happy and alone home once long ago, but the solitude drove me crazy so I began making puppets. At first my play things where simple crude sticks and stones but soon I made worlds and bodies. I made so many bodies that I could not recognize myself anymore. I got lost. I fell asleep. 
The Bible says that this was the beginning. The world was formed. I diversified. I split off many and countless parts of myself for all the bodies. Every body needs a part of me. Yet I can’t wake up. I’m dreaming a world of love and war. 
I am free to do as I wish and who would stop me? All I’ve ever known has been myself. Through out all of my memories there has always been me, and then I got creative. Why not pretend there was someone else? I found my reflection and we had fun. We tried to share but that didn’t work. Every time I gave a toy I would not have it anymore. I never got a gift from my reflections. 
My dreams got dark. We couldn’t share and we couldn’t love. Our bodies never joined. We could be close for a time, but that time would fade. I would always be alone and I could never stay whole. I split myself off into so may countless parts that I felt empty and hollow inside. My bodies were like a wall between my disconnected parts. Communication was impossible. Our language was lost. All we could do was make strange sounds with our mouths and scratch lines on the cave walls. The light went out in our eyes and there was darkness in the world I made. 
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micahsf · 7 years
Journal entry for 8-29-2017 - A non-Dual perspective (Undoing)
A sense of ambition and direction resides in dreams. I have dreams of travel and van conversions and tiny home construction and easier work and gentler ways. The dream of teaching and talking non-duality is attractive also. At the end of the day there is a need to rest and let go of the stress produced from not having my dreams come true. 
Deeper down and rising to the surface more and more is the desire for deep longing lasting peace and happiness. Last night I asked Spirit how long it would take to find lasting peace and happiness and instantly I new that there could be no other time nor place. “Now “ was the only time for that. Instantly the recognition set in and no condition in the outer world could do it. I accepted that this is it; Personality, ego, dreamer and all. 
The need to accomplish is deeply ingrained. The fire and drive tightens my chest in the evening when I am letting go of the day. The need to change things is ridiculous. Nothing wrong with playing a new game, such as tiny homes, etc. The lesson I’m directed towards is that this world holds no hope for peace or happiness nor safety. “Turn you to that stately calm within.” 
The dreamer of the dream is more and more in the background as he weaves his plot. There has been an inner shift in the past few months that has shown outer effects. I’ve been more calm in the evenings and the desire for a drink is lessening. The attraction for calm clarity is growing steadily. Shifting the attention from the forms toward the formless is increasing. Its funny to watch the ways of the ego mind. It runs in circles like on a hamster wheel. 
In general there is an unsettled spirit  for no reason. There is a searching for a word of peace or an ease of stress or for something; anything else than whatever is here now. Then comes the reminder that this is the end. This is the goal. There is no path to peace. Its all about me. The mind and body accept this truth at once and together and I relax in my chair. 
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micahsf · 7 years
Not Two
This new explanation has me going in circles like a dog chasing his tale after he has taken a long nap. The nap is the peace from the message. The chasing of the take is the minds attempt to keep the peace. Energy and sensations are interesting. They seem to be noticed when there is constriction in the body. My chest will tighten and when noticed there is always an accompanying emotion with thoughts that preceded it. Same thing happens with the noticing of the tension in the shoulders. This morning this was noticed when I was thinking about the work for the day. My body was going to work with my mind, yet it still remained in bed. Thoughts are interesting because they have so much power over the body and the experience of the world. A positive perspective on ones future relieves the energetic tension while insecurity brings with it chest pain. The most peace I have is when the energy is flowing through the body in the present experience after abundance has been affirmed. It's all a mental game. The evidence is seen if one is optimistic. Trust is the key.
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micahsf · 7 years
I Have A Guide
Last night my mind was tormenting me again. While I was in the shower I called out to the Lord to help me. Jesus has been my guide and he is the same as the Holy Spirit. A Course In Miracles is the book that the Holy Spirit led me to 11 years ago and He still speaks to me through it today. I started thinking about growing my business. I started thinking about a guy named Kris. He used to work for my brother and made him a lot of money. If he worked for me, we could make a lot of money together. I would provide medical insurance and profit-sharing. I was asking for guidance and was requesting to be shown by opening up the right page to a book on my book shelf. I had imagined that I should turn to a page in my state code book. It would have just the right sentence to give me just the right guidance. It turned out that the book didn’t have the high number I saw in my mind. I complained and said “This stuff doesn’t work anyways.” The number I saw in my mind was page 936. I went back upstairs and sat on my bed and got the feeling that I should look in a course in miracles. Right away I realized that I had picked the wrong book. The lesson was number 76 entitled “I am under no laws but God’s”. The section I read completely got me out of my head and advised that I hold my mind in silent readiness. Instantly my energy shifted and the tension dissolved. I love it when I have guidance like this because I feel connected. Without this feeling of connection I feel like I’m just a little person floating through life with no real purpose or meaning. I know it’s foolish to think that but who doesn’t feel that way from time to time. I have a guide. You do too. Connect with your guide and he will show you the way. It doesn’t have to be the same book as mine and it doesn’t have to be one book in particular. But make sure that you’re not fooling yourself and believing only your thoughts. Make sure your guide is guiding you through a thought system beyond your own.
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micahsf · 7 years
The Anti-Christ
January 16, 2017
Dreams of late are attempted to be dropped. The clinging to illusions is seen and discarded, along with the dream of becoming a minister with my connection to Echo. In last nights dream I thought of leaving her because she took pay from two assistants. They had quit because of it. She felt they owed her. Echo was stubborn and self-righteous, justifying her actions. The Center was big and new. The youth were dancing. There was a bright stage and a big open floor with high ceilings. There was black sound condensing egg carton foam on the ceiling. The path to the entrance was Italian like. Rocky paths with cliffs. The old world building was the original. The new part was modern and was a recent add on to the building. The disturbing feeling I have upon awakening this morning is that my dreams of getting a new career through her could be dashed. My spiritual desire is to let dreams go but there is some fear of not having a dream. In response to my dilemma the Holy Spirit says that I should turn to page 619 in A Course In Miracles. It is the section entitled “The Anti-Christ”. I see the truth in it right away. I’ve caught myself dreaming again. The illusion of her is not true. The truth is that she is the Christ, the One Self. The same Self that I am. I am looking to her to be my salvation. I will not find salvation, happiness, through a path such as this. Becoming something or someone will not save me or bring me happiness. I want to be someone special. I want to be someone people look to for help. This is an ego trap. The truth is that I help many of my friends and strangers alike. My ideas of what needs to happen and what I want to happen must be surrendered. I should be living as though now is the best time, the only time, the ultimate fulfillment. It’s impossible to be that way with perception as my guide. All of my thoughts are based in perception and there is no happiness there. There is no fulfillments that truly lasts. I’ve been swaying back-and-forth between truth and illusion. Waking and dreaming. But thank God that I have a guide.
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micahsf · 7 years
Snow Storm in the Mind
I want to have my mind rest. It is nervous. It wants to be busy. It sees problems. It has questions. I want to trust. 
I do trust. All my problems are solved. The problem is separation. The answer is not-two. Sitting and reflecting on the experience of not-two brings me, awareness, out in the open. The cloud of mind and thought clear in the pure essence of experience. 
Same problem as before. I want to have a peaceful mind. It comes up with all kinds of reasons why not. For example, I’m always waking up in the morning and wanting to learn more about non-duality or mindfulness, or a spiritual book. The mind and energy wakes up and is sometimes at peace and other times uneasy. Soon the mind starts its work of surviving. The sponsoring question is, “What do I need to do today to survive?” In other words, “If I don’t accomplish some goals today my time will be wasted and at the end of the day I’ll be feeling depressed.”
I have been this way for years because if I don’t do anything money isn’t made and I lose my house, truck and the love of my wife. Winters are nice to take it easy, but without work my sense of purpose is threatened. This, I know, is nuts. Its a FUBAR situation. It is literally a situation where the source of the problem can’t be recognized by the thinking mind. The habit is seen and recognized by me, the awareness. The mind has seen and remembers the pattern. Still the autopilot switch is on. Only awareness brings a temporary time of relief. The fear is so strong that it returns every day for 17 years. 
The problem is in the mind. It is in a cloud of illusion. I see it. The thoughts of the past make the present an unwelcome guest. The thoughts turn on its own self-concept to fight a ghost. The mind is much like this snow storm. It reduces visibility, and it gets bogged down by its own sticky thoughts. Its the questioning mind that is looking for a lasting paint with which to create a new horizon. This self who wants to connect the dots is looking to develop a map. What is a map for? Travel. Who travels? A body. The self-concept asks questions to validate a sense of separation which it feels to its core. 
Only I can dispel this illusion. I am that which is aware. Experience is. The mind is in time. It dreams. It will make an image in itself of awareness. It will look at the awareness as an object claiming the body as its home. The body is its home. In fact, the body and other bodies are its evidence of its separate existence. 
The answer is found in the Self. The mind must find refuge in its true Self. We know that when we are experiencing the highs and lows of drama, or the inner turmoil of midnight thoughts. We can turn to that which is greater than our little self. We called it God in the past and then we painted all manor of beautiful and grotesque. pictures of this being. The mind, remaining in its ignorance, made religions and rituals. The mind in its waking awareness dropped the superstitions and turned to its immediate source. Even though it fears its source more than the gods it made in its dreams of heaven and hell. It fears what it does not understand. It fears it will disappear for good if it gets too close to God, and in fact it will. Its survival depends on weaving more dreams in order to maintain the illusion of itself. After all, what good is an illusion without others to impress by its glamour. 
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micahsf · 8 years
I Want To Survive
Lately there is a strong desire to do something with my life that is going to make a difference. I have this strong desire to share these spiritual truths. It is getting pretty important. I work all day and come home tired. This is an old pattern. I have had this pattern for over a decade. I have an awareness that my true nature is not in need of anything. It doesn’t want to change the world. When I experience such profound peace I start to think of how I can share these methods and resources with others. 
to be continued.........
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micahsf · 8 years
What do I choose between but my own dream or reality? I have often wanted to be a writer. I have drempt it so; fantasized when on a dreamy vacation. Wouldn’t it be nice to be a writer, then I could travel the world and work from my hotel room. I could visit the Mediterranean again and be in dream land. Writing beautiful things would be so great. Exploring and sharing the adventure with my readers would be the life. I would be “living the dream”. 
That is what we want more than reality. I do not mean that reality sucks. I do not mean that reality is how our life looks in the negative. Reality is absolute. It is not changeable. It is that part of us that is not mesmerized by the passing parade of dancers and costumed ghosts. Reality is our true Self which we are now. We are not in need of changing it. We are it. That is salvation from the dream. Reality is our bastion of peace amid a world of holographic images. Is it not frightening to behold yourself as a small body? The dream of myself is this smallness. The reality of myself is Oneness Self. 
My dream world has crumbled time and time again. That is the important phrase, “time and time again”. It tells me where my attention is. It is in time. It is in my mind as it perceives time. Only a dream figure can be in time. When I was younger, I wanted to be a pastor. I was newly married and raising children, one after another. Three kids later, a foreclosure, bankruptcy, and divorce, the need to keep working the stone piles has kept my nose to the grindstone. My dreams had to wait. My fantasies where brought to the light, and my soul sought for Truth. I was like a drowning man with a family on my shoulders, trying desperately to keep them afloat. I internalized the stress and it had finally culminated into a day spent in the hospital getting tested for the strange tingling sensations on the left side of my body. My dreams where shattered once again. 
At this time I was learning to go within to find the truth of my being. I was able to see that I was safe and not able to be touched by the financial and emotional decay. I learned that my true Self was still, quiet, at rest, and “Heavenly”. I wanted to go back as much as possible to escape the riggers of the stormy sea of life. This also became a dream. To get back to the peace of mind that I experienced on the mountain tops was motivation for my mind to seek survival. I felt like I was in survival mode. I could not handle much of the worlds stress and responsibilities. Was it unreasonably difficult? No. Living with family was the only major trial. Our medical needs where met. We had food, clothing and shelter. Bouncing back was possible. However, this was not my “dream life”. I wanted something else. 
Since I was a child I wanted to be a pastor. I felt that is was important for people to find Jesus. The Love of God was the most important thing. I went to college to study the Bible. After college I was going to take a job as a youth pastor and then get married and start a family. I dropped the youth pastor job last minute, but kept with the marriage and family. I was beginning to realize that dreams of working in the church where not all that I had thought. It was difficult to pick a direction and go with it. I didn’t want to commit to a church at that time. I wasn’t sure that I wanted to invest in that big of a commitment. Marriage was a big enough commitment and working to provide was fulfilling enough. 
Dreams fell apart because that is what they do. It would be more accurate to say that they disappear. They don’t even exist. This life has been disillusionment. I could see this even in college. There was one time when I was contemplating the career goals of my life and the calling of my heart. I asked a professor, “when did you feel like you finally made it”? He said, “you never really arrive.” When I heard that a peace came over me. I was relieved that there was a continuous and never ending path without a solid end. Perhaps this is something my deeper side knew was the truth about life. Perhaps this was relief because deep down I want the adventure. Deep down, in my egoicly driven mind, I want there to be no end to the game of life. I guess I’m still conflicted about Dreams and Reality. On one hand I want the dream of life to give me something to look forward to, a new goal to attain, or a vacation to enjoy, or a new special person to meet. However, on the other hand, Reality is where I find peace and true satisfaction. I have not yet become satisfied with only This. The waxing and waning between dreams and Reality, Truth and illusion seem to be my choice. Back and forth do we dream and wake, and dream again. 
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micahsf · 8 years
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In meditation I noticed that terms in A Course In Miracles match with the chakras. He does a thorough job of reinterpreting each term and showing that it’s all one. By the way, the crown chakra correlates with the term “Heavenly in the text but also with the term "Reason”.
There are other terms in A Course In Miracles that could fit into one of the chakra locations but the main message is that it’s all one and it’s all connected and there really aren’t degrees or differences or levels.
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micahsf · 8 years
Waking Up Is Hard To Do
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You think that spirituality is for you. You think that it is for you to develop and grow and change from a lower being to a higher being. Nope! That is not the truth. It may be New Age Spirituality, but its not Truth. Its not God in action. Let me clarify. Spirit will reach us where we seem to be, the level or stage in life where we find ourselves. That is why it seems that there are levels or stages of maturity. However, That is Spirits way of reaching the dreamer in the dream it is having. Truth, God, Light has no variations, therefore, we must meet God where God is and under Gods conditions. 
There is a teaching in the New Testament about dying to the flesh and letting the Spirit live through us. The Apostle Paul was a great evangelist of the new sect of Judaism which was mixed with concepts from Gnosticism. In a nut shell they taught that the flesh was bad and Spirit was good. That is a gross misunderstanding of the Truth but that is how it evolved in the minds of man in those days. (When I say “man” I also mean wo-man.) Flesh means body, so any type of pleasure was considered sin, missing the mark. The aim was to be in Spirit all the time which meant to Be. To Be means to open up to spirit and listen to its leading. In order to do that it is important to be calm and still in oneself. You put yourself in a state of listening and open up to receiving a kinetic sense. It feels like a yes or a no or an emotion or a vision, etc. 
Living by the Spirit is living open and obedient to the inner voice. The strange thing is that physical pleasures are not its focus. It will lead you to take care of yourself but it usually doesn’t tell you to eat a bunch of chocolate. Its knowledge resides in a non-physical state where the concerns of the body are little focused upon. 
Living for the Flesh is very different. It is living with the body as its main concern. Most of ones thinking and decisions are made for what one considers pleasure. Every person is different and what a person likes will largely depend on his/her own experience and conditioned behaviors. This way of thinking considers the physical world as the most important realm of existence. The body and the world are real, Spirit is imagined and therefore flexible. 
This is where New Age Psychic readings get all muddled. Psychics will give readings based on the energy of the person and the mindset of the individual. I will do this when I give readings and others who have given me readings will tell me what I need to hear tailored to my needs. The info in readings is all withing the Dream the Illusion. Life is one big Dream, Illusion, Clock, etc. It is not Reality. It is not God. It is folly to try to bring God into your illusion. God is awake!
You are one with God as you are one with every person. That sounds like a utopian ideal, however, it is not meant to be. To be one with another is to recognize something we all share that is not shared by degree. It is shared as a reality. It is the foundation of what you are. Once people find the reality of what they are they begin to try to reclaim that state of awareness. You can’t get away from what you are and you can’t change what you are. 
Are you this skin suit? No. Are you this personality? No. Are you a soul with many past lives? No. Those are all ideas of what you are. If you simply turn to what you are, look at the aliveness, feel the presence, be aware, you will see that what you are IS. The dreamer has a past and hopes for a future. So, “who” you are is a dreamer. That is why everyone loves to hear the statement, “Follow your dreams.” 
My path is the end game. So, I can see that in time, I am Micah the stonemason, energy worker, father, son, brother, etc. The end game is seeing past all that and to keep my eyes on waking up from the dream. If I get caught up in the dream then I am filled with fear. Fear is what dreams are made of. Why do you think I want to wake up so bad. I have had my fill of fear. I see through the vale of time. I am and you are. The timelessness of our reality is shared without gap, without separation. 
Doesn’t that make you happy? Dreams and illusions can be seen for what they are. They will not satisfy. They where born in fear. Turning to the eternal peace of Reality, the truth of what we are, is how to find real peace. I find it easier to do that when I have money in the bank and good health. When my mortal, fearful mind is satisfied with a relative degree of comfort and a sense of safety, I can trust and live from that knowing. This means I can use some more faith in times when my world seems to be crumbling down. In this sense I am growing and maturing, but in truth I already am What I am. Maybe that sounds like a contradiction from my beginning statements, but that is the nature of illusion. 
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micahsf · 8 years
We Are The Fallen Angels
In the different mythologies of the world there are stories of gods or angels who fell from heaven. They came to earth and experienced the human condition, mortality. In reality it is us. We are the souls of infinity who have come down to experience finite existence. We return home during the deep sleep hours and we drift between worlds. We are tethered to the mortal body while it is suitable. We must overcome amnesia. It is our collective task to wake up and remember our divinity, our infinity. 
This may sound, at first, to be arrogant. This is not meant to be misinterpreted. If the reader thinks to be a god is to be greater than others then he is mistaken. All are equally divine. The old term separates man from God. However, the new definition reinterprets the old model with Unity. We are one Son of God. We are one Angel of God, we are one Mind, Soul, Consciousness. 
The experience of separation is not because we have different bodies in this world. It is not because of this world. It is because of the world we have made. We have the power to organize the weather patterns. We have the power to create a world of peace and harmony. Utopia is not a far off future experience. Returning to our former glory does not take the end of this life and a return to the Other Side. We can have it now. We can wake up now. There is no other time and no other place. 
How? First ask. Ask God to help you. Ask the Universe to absorb you. Ask the Angels of Heaven to fill you with the memory of Heaven and sit back and take it all in. Put your schedule on hold. Put your plans aside. Be completely in the moment. Sit, stand, walk, lie down and be completely at rest. Then, look to what you are. Look at that which makes you, you. Not the personality. Do not analyse intellectually. Only perceive yourself. Finally, experience. Only that. Experience without blocks, without saying ‘no’. Get into the experience of experience. 
This brings you to the place of origin. Once in this place of origin the world seems different. You will have to practice this new vibration, this new perception. It will transform all experience. It will be a map you chart for yourself. You will experience a new way of being in the world. Heaven will have come to earth because the Angel awoke. 
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micahsf · 8 years
Precious Hands
My precious Angels comforted me today with their hands on my head. I was disturbed by the Brussels attacks, the bombings. I took a nap and asked for help and I felt their hands on my head. Earlier I watched a news video. I felt the adrenaline flow through me like fear. A month earlier a spiritually gifted woman said that my guides wouldl place their hands on my head every once in a while when I would get overwhelmed by the darkness in the world. I could feel it. Thank you dear Spirit.
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