mhmmdnadeem 6 years
An engineer, physicist, and a statistician in a hotel room...
So an engineer, a physicist, and a statistician are all sleeping in a hotel room when suddenly an outlet catches fire. The engineer wakes up first and says to himself "this is an electrical fire, water won't work!" And runs to grab a fire extinguisher. The physicist wakes up next and thinks to himself "we have to cut the electricity off!" And runs to the power panel in the basement. The statistician wakes up and looks around, he then screams "we need more data!!" And he sets the curtains on fire.
submitted by /u/CoconutsAndPotatoes [link] [comments] from Jokes http://ift.tt/2F6I6Jl via IFTTT
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mhmmdnadeem 6 years
I鈥檝e got a german shepherd!
submitted by /u/DerDepp [link] [comments]
from Jokes http://ift.tt/2tcVeXX via IFTTT
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mhmmdnadeem 6 years
Two friends were talking
And one said, 'What's the worst thing you've ever done?'
To which he replied, 'I stole some milk from the supermarket one day. What's the worst thing you've ever done?'
'I had sex with my teacher.'
'But I thought you were homeschooled...'
submitted by /u/Nick6756 [link] [comments] from Jokes http://ift.tt/2GZERQC via IFTTT
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mhmmdnadeem 6 years
Call me a racist if you want, but south of the border is a sea of violence, corruption and stupidity I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.
I just thank my lucky stars I live in Canada.
Edit: Sorry.
submitted by /u/Raevix [link] [comments] from Jokes http://ift.tt/2F6aSpy via IFTTT
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mhmmdnadeem 6 years
I wanted to help my pet snail.
He was really slow like, so one day I took off his shell, thought it'd make him more streamlined. Turns out it didn't. It made him more sluggish.
submitted by /u/freedomofniche [link] [comments] from Jokes http://ift.tt/2FKqi3K via IFTTT
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mhmmdnadeem 6 years
I was being trained as a caller in a suicide prevention hotline...
...On my first day of training, my manager said;
"Let me show you the ropes!"
submitted by /u/FrancrieMancrie [link] [comments] from Jokes http://ift.tt/2F5BCdz via IFTTT
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mhmmdnadeem 6 years
Two men sit across from each other on a train...
...both with black eyes. Seeing the coincidence, one guy says to the other: "Hey I see we both got black eyes here, mind if I ask how you got yours?" The other guy responds: "Well, I was in the train station getting a ticket, and the teller was a gorgeous lady with huge knockers. I got flustered and accidentally said 'Can I buy one picket to Titsburg?' instead of 'one ticket to Pittsburg.' And the lady got offended and punched me in the face!" The first guy chuckles and says back: "Damn... I got mine in almost the exact same way. I was eating breakfast with my wife, and instead of saying 'Honey, can you pass the salt?' I said 'Fuck you bitch, you ruined my life.'"
submitted by /u/article134 [link] [comments] from Jokes http://ift.tt/2FdWMWt via IFTTT
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mhmmdnadeem 6 years
i have no words
submitted by /u/extrawetwings [link] [comments]
from Jokes http://ift.tt/2Fj8IpN via IFTTT
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mhmmdnadeem 6 years
Redditors be like
submitted by /u/stepgrandpa [link] [comments]
from Jokes http://ift.tt/2CT51BX via IFTTT
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mhmmdnadeem 6 years
when you鈥檙e short and your girlfriend is tall
submitted by /u/extrawetwings [link] [comments]
from Jokes http://ift.tt/2teFoMs via IFTTT
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mhmmdnadeem 6 years
When I left for work this morning my neighbour was scrubbing his front door...
... as someone had graffitied "PAEDO" on it.
Me: "Mate, what's been going on?"
Neighbour: "Fucking kids..."
submitted by /u/onaretrotip [link] [comments] from Jokes http://ift.tt/2F5wEh3 via IFTTT
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mhmmdnadeem 6 years
submitted by /u/Anne1Frank [link] [comments]
from Jokes http://ift.tt/2FMnUcS via IFTTT
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mhmmdnadeem 6 years
Do you have Gold, Titanium, sulfur, and Carbon inside you? If yes.
Then you're
Au Ti S Ti C
submitted by /u/PottyThePlantedPoop [link] [comments] from Jokes http://ift.tt/2F9tXuM via IFTTT
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mhmmdnadeem 6 years
submitted by /u/cats_never_die [link] [comments]
from Jokes http://ift.tt/2oCvNKx via IFTTT
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mhmmdnadeem 6 years
An average Englishman has sex 2 or 3 times a week. A Japanese man has sex once or twice a year.
This is very upsetting as i had no idea i was Japanese.
submitted by /u/lloydyhats [link] [comments] from Jokes http://ift.tt/2F59kjw via IFTTT
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mhmmdnadeem 6 years
What did one orphan say to the other?
Robin, get in the batmobile!
submitted by /u/Usernamesin2016LUL [link] [comments] from Jokes http://ift.tt/2t9LkX1 via IFTTT
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mhmmdnadeem 6 years
Fun for the whole family.
submitted by /u/Palifaith [link] [comments]
from Jokes http://ift.tt/2oK5MZ5 via IFTTT
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