mgjerdahl17-blog · 7 years
Sports Podcast Hockey - “Biscuits”
I listened to the podcast "Just give Conn Symthe to Chris Neil already – Biscuits 27" and I really enjoyed it. This podcast is kind of different than other podcasts and videos that I've seen and listened to about sports. In this podcast they talked about sports, but they also went on many tangents about so many different things. The title is basically the topic the podcast is going to be about and for the most part this is what they talked about, however they also talked about so many other things like their jobs, other sports, other people, bitmojis, and did questions at the end. From the other podcasts and such that I have seen and listened to, they are also similar. In both they talk about specific people in relation to the sport they are in and different people that are related or have to do with that person or team. They also usually address any drama or concerns about the team or person that’s in the media. Another thing that I find to be different between this podcast and other podcasts is that I find other podcasts to be kind of stricter along the lines of what they talk about. Such as they stay more on topic and don’t move off of that topic and this one isn't like that really at all. Overall, I like this podcast more than others that I have listened to because this podcast is a lot more laid back and casual compared to the others.
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mgjerdahl17-blog · 7 years
I find this video interesting because I am a fan of hockey, especially the Wild. I love to watch the amazing shot the guys are able to take. Also one of my favorite parts of hockey is the checking and fights. So to watch all these amazing moments is super fun and very intriguing. The way that they fight is also interesting because in high school you are not allowed to fight, but in the NHL they fight all the time. The fact that they can just throw their gloves and stick to the side and just continue to hit each other anywhere possible and none of this ends until someone gets to the ground and that’s when the referees break it up, i’ve also seen sometimes the referees stop the players fight when their helmets come off. In this video Boogaard is in some of the clips and its nice to be able to see him again since he overdosed. I personally get very into hockey games and even these clips and I get very shocked and surprised when something really cool happens or when there are really close shots and it leaves me on the edge of my seat. Overall I believe that the Wild are the best hockey team and I will forever be a fan of them.
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mgjerdahl17-blog · 7 years
One rule that stood out to me is “Don't wear cheap-looking replica jerseys or flimsy-looking bargain-basement hats. Come on. You're representing every fan from your team. Show some pride.” This stood out because its kinda like an unspoken rule that fans follow. Very rarely will you find a fan in apparel that isn’t top notch, unless they are only like part time fans, in a sense that they don’t completely follow the sport or the team all the time. Most of the time you find fans in the best of the best jerseys and hats and all other apparel.
Another rule that stood out to me is “Be very careful when using the word "We" with your favorite team. Use it judiciously. Just remember, you don't wear a uniform, you don't play any minutes, and you're not on the team. And yes, this was an extremely tough line for me to straddle during the Patriots's Super Bowl run.“ This stood out to me because a lot of fans will address the team winning as we won. However like the rule says in reality, you as the fan really did nothing. Sure you cheered the team on and such but you were not the one on the field playing ans scoring goals and doing everything else the players do. You are basically the benched player who really does nothing for the team and then to state that “we” won would just be insulting.
Finally a third rule that stood out to me is “If your team defeats a good friend's team in a crucial game/series, don't rub it in with them unless they've been especially annoying/gloating/condescending/confrontational in the days leading up to the big battle. You're probably better off cutting off all communications in the days preceding/following the game, just to be safe.” This stood out to me because a lot of the times friends can have different view points on which sports teams are the “best” and which teams are gonna win. Then things immediately become very competitive and you want to win and if you’re buddy wins you don’t want them to call you up and completely be an ass and rub it in your face that they won and you lost and your team sucks and a bunch of other things and the same goes for you. If you win the bet or you win, don’t be THAT guy and call up your friend and rub it in their face. Let them be the one to call you and even then don’t rub it in their face. Take them losing as them feeling like a death just occurred in the family and take it easy on them.
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mgjerdahl17-blog · 7 years
Watching Netflix is Sports
I believe watching Netflix can be considered a sport because one of the qualifications on the page is “Is it competitive?” and if you and your best friend are trying to see who can finish a series first than that becomes a competition. Another qualification is “Does it requites a significant level of physical exertion?” and to me I believe it does. Personally if takes a lot for me to continuously sit in one spot and watch the Netflix for long periods at a time, especially when you are watching the same show for hours. A third qualification is “Would you do it for fun?” I think yes you absolutely do it for fun. People don’t usually watch Netflix because they are forced to, they watch it because its a time passer and its a stress reliever. The page says for something to be considered a sport it needs to follow four of the six qualifications, so finally the fourth qualification is “Can you choose sides?” and if you are competing again a friend then you can absolutely pick a side as to which friend/person you believe is going to win. So therefor I believe that watching Netflix can be considered a sport.
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