metaversenox · 2 years
【TrueFi launches on Optimism, expanding access to on-chain credit】
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TrueFi was built by stablecoin operator TrustToken and shipped to institutional clients ,TrustToken launched a new lending marketplace on TrueFi designed to give financial institutions the ability to design and launch their own financial products. 目前在Optimism上部署了40多个协议,这表明更多的项目希望利用改进的功能,如更高的可扩展性和更低的费用。 无担保贷款协议TrueFi已成为以太坊流行的的最新项目,TrueFi的贷款人社区将获得更快、更便宜的用户体验,并获得更广泛的零售贷款人的风险敞口以大幅降低交易成本和网络速度。 #defi #optimism
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metaversenox · 2 years
【DeversiFi Launches Cross-Chain Swaps for Bridgeless DeFi Transactions】
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DeversiFi is partnering with decentralized exchange (DEX) aggregator ParaSwap to aid users in converting their USDT or USDC tokens into Polygon tokens to keep transactions within DeversiFi also launching a new feature for (DeFi) traders 多链生态系统中,用户必须设置多个钱包或桥梁,为代币之间的交易支付费用。DeversiFi的目标是通过集成多个链来解决这个问题,以促进更高效的交易,只需要在其他链条上购买代币,而无需考虑桥梁。与分散式交换(DEX)ParaSwap合作,将其USDT或USDC令牌转换为多边形令牌,以将交易保存在DeversiFi中。 #defi #dex
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metaversenox · 2 years
【How The Crypto Winter Has Impacted The DeFi Sector】
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Jack Niewold set out to dig deeper into the effects of the crypto winter in the DeFi sector. His objectives was to determine if DeFi protocols can stay profitable in this downtrend. 大多数DeFi代币的收益都超过了他们的费率,从基本的角度来看,token正在打折交易,真正适合产品市场的项目正在以相对折扣的价格交易。Jack Niewold深入研究加密冬季在DeFi行业的影响。他的目标之一是确定DeFi协议在这种下降趋势中保持盈利。 #defi #btc #eth
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metaversenox · 2 years
【Amazon Splits AMZN Stock 20-for-1, This Is How It Affects DeFi Tokens Representing AMZN】
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The AMZN stock underwent a 20 for 1 stock split which essentially split each existing AMZN share into 20 individual units. This stock split is barely going to have any impact on the business fundamentals and will instead encourage new investors to purchase AMZN stocks due to a relatively lower price. 在加密行业,有一系列项目提供分散的代币或代表现实世界股票的合成代币,在20比1股拆分之前,亚马逊股票远远超出了大多数小投资者的能力范围,分割是吸引新投资者的体面方法。因此铸造的代币旨在模仿实际资产的价格行为。在某种程度上,这些代币为个人提供了投资和提取他们最喜欢的股票的机会。 #defi #amzn
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metaversenox · 2 years
【Orderly Network Raises $20M for DeFi Infrastructure on Near 】
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Orderly Network is a permissionless protocol and modular ecosystem built on top of Near Protocol. It relies on smart contracts to conduct peer-to-peer trading and offers risk management and shared asset pools for users. completed a $20 million strategic round of financing from several crypto funds Orderly利用这笔资金扩大其团队,与其他加密公司建立伙伴关系,并构建新的(DeFi)产品。还将启动社区贷款池,以提高其平台上的流动性。代币持有人将能够将资产借给此类池的做市商,同时获得收益率。有序网络是一个基于近距离协议构建的无权限协议和模块化生态系统。 #defi #orderly
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metaversenox · 2 years
【Zen Capital Leads Seed Round of Avalanche-Based DeFi AvaxFi】
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Zen Capital supported the said DeFi startup as it showed promise in disrupting the world of finance. Zen Capital, affiliated with crypto investment giant Pantera Capital, has announced its support in the seed funding round of AvaxFi, a (DeFi) platform based on Avalanche network. AvaxFi除了利用雪崩的速度和可扩展性外,其团队还将向DeFi客户显示完全自动化的贷款协议。DeFi平台还将推出自己的原生令牌Avfi,以降低交易成本。Pantera Capital投资组合中的一些成功公司包括NFT游戏,除此之外,Zen Capital还投资了分散式交易所(DEX)Soldex也正计划进行一轮私人融资。 #defi #avax
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metaversenox · 2 years
【Connect your MetaMask to your bank account, Fluid Finance is now live!】
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Fluid’s technology streamlines your everyday use of crypto, allow users to mint from their fiat bank balance in seconds without high fees, long wait times, or creating multiple accounts. Fluid Finance SA, the first Swiss company to be capitalised in ETH, has brought something revolutionary to the world of mobile banking. 用户可以使用Fluid革命性的单点流动性池将大量DUSD兑换为价格零影响的ETH。Fluid远离我们所知道的基于AMM的流动性池,是依靠基于Chainlink的外部价格提要来获得ETH-美元价格。Fluid确实是每个人的银行选择,它是与相信其有能力采用传统银行模式的社交平台一起设计的。 #defi #metamask
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metaversenox · 2 years
【Where Is Terra's Market Share Going? Ethereum, BNB Chain, or Tron】
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The $40 billion network collapses and investors head for the hills, where do they run to? 以太坊、雪崩、Solana、Fantom、Tron和Binance的BS……..以太坊佔所有DeFi活動的55%,BNB Chain佔6%,雪崩佔4%,Solana佔3%,Fantom佔2%,Tron佔2%。Fantom和雪崩實際上失去了一小部分市場,而Solana保持在3%的穩定狀態。乍一看,這些收益率可能很誘人,但用戶顯然應該格外謹慎。Tron八個項目生態系統中僅有的兩個DeFi平台,緊隨這些巨額收益率的背後是USDD不斷膨脹的市值。 #defi #terra
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metaversenox · 2 years
【Gitcoin Grants Earn Massive Institutional Backing】
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Gitcoin kickstarts its Grant Round 14 (GR14), to seek deserving projects building on Web3 to validate and fund with the support of some of the leading names in the crypto space. GR14的项目结果对贡献者,筹集了300多万美元的资金来奖励来自许多优秀公司的受赠方。为公共产品提供资金是最重要的事情之一,以在未来培养开放的互联网,以帮助构建者为Web3做出有影响力的贡献。Gitcoin使用二次融资作为分配机制,该机制基于社区参加 #defi #web3
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metaversenox · 2 years
【How is DeFi Fairing in the Midst of NFTs and Metaverse Buzz?】
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(DeFi) remains a concept lost in the excitement of a digital world and digital property. DeFi plays a role in bringing all the concepts together in a space where users can own and exchange value over blockchain ecosystems. NFT和元verse对DeFi由于缺乏教育和基于加密波动的市场不情愿而保持沉默,加速实现NFT项目是独一无二的,这意味着今天投资者的恐惧减少了。更多投资者知道,代币化的NFT是非波动性的,代表着值得他们投资的有形价值。附加到NFT的数字证书使值得信赖的交易成为能够帮助DeFi摆脱过去目睹的欺诈案件。为使元宇宙成为主流想法而不是创新想法而采取的步骤将有助于扩大DeFi市场。 #defi #nft
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metaversenox · 2 years
【Celsisus, Staked Ethereum (stETH) Are Pummeling DeFi Valuations】
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A mix of factors are influencing FUD in the DeFi space. Celsius’ recent suspension of withdrawals stemmed from the de-pegging of stETH from Ethereum (ETH) in secondary markets. The DeFi space is facing a sharp drop in valuation amid concerns over the Celsius suspension and the Lido-staked Ethereum (stETH) de-pegging. 以太坊是最大的区块链,代币的暴跌正在造成空间的广泛损失。但其中大部分仍然Celsisus、stETH和Lido为中心。Lido曾经是有史以来最大的DeFi协议, 虽然Lido正试图减轻潜在stETH的影响,但美元的TVL中有99%来自平台上的以太坊赌注。TVL最大的DeFi平台Maker DAO的保险库倾销了65,000 ETH,以减少该平台的风险敞口,标志着DeFi的进一步逆风。 #defi #eth
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metaversenox · 2 years
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Nansen strikes deal with Google Cloud to provide real-time market data Nansen has struck a multi-year collaboration deal with Google Cloud to provide crypto investors
Nansen旨在使用谷歌云与第1层协议连接,为投资者提供跨不同钱包投资组合在谷歌云的开放和可扩展的基础设施上运行其平台将有助于Nansen加快新产品的推出。随着更多用户,并将个人或机构所需的所有市场情报集中区块链和链外数据源集成,生成报告、指标,并在公司的技术系统中进行尽职调查。 #blockchain #區塊鏈 #metaverse
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metaversenox · 2 years
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University of Hong Kong develops blockchain-based system to monitor construction quality
新冠疫情期间的边境封锁了质量检查员进入工厂,促使采用区块链系统进行远程质量检查。 该技术在中国大陆广东省的一家工厂组装,并运往香港的建筑工地,香港大学基于区块链的系统还用于记录传感器的温度、湿度、振动和位置数据,跟踪建筑模块的运输情况,并确定它们是否受到水分或其他环境因素的破坏。 #blockchain #區塊鏈 #metaverse
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metaversenox · 2 years
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Blockchain Firm Edge Launches Confidential Crypto Mastercard
The digital currency firm Edge has announced the launch of the Edge Mastercard and protect privacy while complying with all requirements for issuers, card associations, regulations, local, federal and international laws.
Edge Mastercard不收取使用费,在任何支持万事达卡的地方都可以接受该卡,提供以隐私为中心的加密万事达卡,激活或使用不需要个人信息。除了新的机密万事达卡外,Edge最近还采用了Bitpay支付协议,该协议确保了准确的加密货币支付。 #blockchain #區塊鏈 #metaverse
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metaversenox · 2 years
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report on blockchain in the energy sector
The Digital Green Shift, is based on deregulation, decarbonization, decentralization, digitization and democratization. The EU report shows how blockchain can be used to fuel the energy sector’s transition process to a more sustainable world 数字化和权力下放是数字绿色转变的两个重要组成部分,为未来的能源系统和市场提供了几个新的机会。能源部门是如此广泛、技术性和深度,以至于它列出了不能用几行来概括的数量,包括直接来自行业参与者分析。它明确表明,这项技术的关键和真正创新因素是权力下放,以及真正区块链的不可信和无许可的性质。 #blockchain #區塊鏈 #metaverse
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metaversenox · 2 years
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Here’s how blockchains are helping to advance the global energy grid
The negative environmental impacts of Bitcoin (BTC) mining, the drive to maximize earnings from mining and integrate blockchain technology with the energy grid has also introduced new developments that have the potential to be beneficial in the long term. Historical Bitcoin network power demand from “CCAF”.
无论是利用水力发电厂产生的过剩电力,还是增加风能和太阳能的使用,加密采矿都提供了经济激励,以帮助进一步优化能源效率和发电。区块链行业对能源行业的影响一直是争议的主要来源,但对保持比特币网络安全所需的能源量表示关切。最大化加密采矿利润的第二个附带好处是改善能源基础设施,并更加关注开发可持续的能源生产形式。 #blockchain #區塊鏈 #metaverse
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metaversenox · 2 years
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How the Blockchain Optimizes Real-Time Liquidity of Nostro Accounts to Reduce Operational Costs To know how Blockchain and DLT can help optimize the real-time liquidity of Nostro accounts, you must understand the problems faced in the process. Nostro帐户过度使用信用额度或超额资金账户,数据不足主要导致资金过多和流动性被困,导致一天内流入和流出的不可预测性。 如果交易可以更快地解决,并立即解决问题,实现实时流动性更新将很容易。持久性和可扩展性的区块链属性也有助于改善与相关的流动性状况,区块链中的每笔交易都是永久存储的 #blockchain #區塊鏈 #metaverse
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