metamarie · 10 years
App Sketchbook on hold, Mega Scout Finished, Whitelines A4 squared wire started
App Sketchbook on hold
I'm not on an iPad project anymore which renders this notebook somewhat unuseful. I may return to this but I think I like the flexbility of a template-less page of paper.
Mega Scout completed
Great for lists from meetings and idea thumbnails.  I like this as a secondary notebook. 
Whitelines wire
I like the paper but I'm not a big fan of the soft book - I much prefer the hard wire, with the cardboard backer. I don't like floppy notebooks
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metamarie · 11 years
Aw, sadness
I bought a Render K last week and have been carrying it around. But...I lost it somewhere.  Darn it. That's the problem with jean pockets - I really ought to shop for a nice bandolier for my notebook.  Right?
Now, do I replace it, or find a different aluminum pen? I wasn't keen on the cap not being able to be place on the pen while writing.  Hmm.
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metamarie · 11 years
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Nice glow, 38th and Guadalupe
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metamarie · 11 years
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Sheer clouds
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metamarie · 11 years
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I couldn't capture it, but there were patches where it looked like the clouds were pink and green.
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metamarie · 11 years
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Clouds, Village parking lot
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metamarie · 11 years
Finished: Moleskine Folio Pad, A4 squared
I love the squared paper.  I'm not so much a fan of the pad format - bits of paper would get stuck, or parts of the spine would come off with the paper.  If I used this paper again, it'd be in notebook form, preferably spiral bound - I don't think they have spiral bound books, though!
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metamarie · 11 years
App Sketchbook started, Mega Scout started
I'm using the App Sketchbook for sketching ideas on the iPad project I'm working on.  I was intending on using the Scout book for notes and to-do lists, but I've found myself using one side of the App Sketchbook as a notes/list page, especially since my markers bleed through a bit.
I'm also still carrying around my Circa notebook, for meeting notes. What this means, really, is that I should be carrying fewer notebooks. Perhaps the Scout should be put away for a bit...I don't seem to do well with the smaller notebooks, at least not for work-related things.
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metamarie · 11 years
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This was yummy as a drip (CCC) but even yummier when I made a batch of cold brew with it!
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metamarie · 11 years
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Looking down the street
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metamarie · 11 years
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I really enjoyed the Kochere Yirgacheffe from 1000 faces.  The Bell's Blend is tasty too, but I'd get another bag of the Kochere beans next.  Unless I try something completely different...
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metamarie · 11 years
Starting: Moleskine Folio Pad, A4 squared
I just started using this.  The paper is alright, but I dislike the pad...there's nowhere for to put my sheets as they come off the binding - I don't have a binder, although I did get some pockets for my Circa binder to store the pages.  
So, lesson learned - pads are not for me, at least not for working on sketches.  I'll take wirebound for sketching.
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metamarie · 11 years
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On the access road near 10th and I-75.
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metamarie · 11 years
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This was alright. I did wish it were a tad 'heavier'.
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metamarie · 11 years
All Done: Maruman Mnemosyne 180 (Squared)
All done.  I ended up enjoying this notebook, although it was really easy for the pages to start ripping out if I put it in my bag wrong.  I suppose that is one of the downsides to not properly closing up a notebook with perforated pages before putting it in a backpack. 
I'm not sure what's up next, I'll have to look through my pile and see what I want to go with.  I'll also have to admit that I'm going through notebooks slower now that I'm taking all my meeting notes with a Circa...
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metamarie · 11 years
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La Frontera from Counter Culture. Yes, there were notes of sweet chocolate and the body was smooth.  I only regret that I was suffering from allergies when using this coffee and didn't get to experience the full taste of it.  Darn you allergies!  I picked this up from the local Whole Foods.
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metamarie · 11 years
Four Barrel Espresso Friendo Blendo
Yummy with a crisp finish.  I think I'd prefer a slightly darker roast on this bean.
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