messsystemblog · 1 year
HELLO!!! Here's my presentation post 💥💥
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Names Dimitri, but u can call me Dimi or Snail! Gay, agender and AROACE 🌈 He/They pronouns pls
I am a rad inclusionist so if you don't like any queer identities and is a boring ass exclusionist, with all kindness, fuck off.
AMREV (mostly Hamilton)
Iron Leaguer
Avatar (James Cameron)
League of Legends
Steven Universe
This blog is nothing more than a personal main blog, check out for my other ones: @queer-arcee
🅓︎🅝︎🅘︎ °•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•
Basic dni criteria (pedos/MAPS, racists, transphobes etc...)
Xenogender antis
Neopronouns antis
Labrys users
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messsystemblog · 1 year
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(Image ID: an image with text that says “You’re valid”, with a drawing of a white floppy eared puppy at the bottom, pawing at the screen.) (tell me if you need any more id, im new to id stuff and trying my best) Dear endogenic systems, traumagenic systems, mixed origin systems, tulpagenic systems, systems with no origin, literally any system origin, you’re valid. This also goes for any trans people with no dysphoria, people who use neopronouns, any good faith lgbtq+ identities, etc etc!!!
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messsystemblog · 1 year
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Artist Alley
Crimes Sticker by @skiddykid 🔵 What is a Man? by @lekrow 🔵 Sparkling Pride Heart Enamel Pins by @irisidium 🔵 Crochet Kitties by @obsob
This month, Tumblr's Artist Alley highlights some of the community's amazing LGBTQIA+ artists for #june on tumblr.
Enrich your dashboards and find more of their art right over here.
Are you an artist with a store or open commissions? Want more eyes on your work? Submit your art to Artist Alley for the chance to be featured across Tumblr.
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messsystemblog · 1 year
More system labels, that I made myself
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1: glotasystem
A system that the members communicate with each other in 2 or more languages
2: Glotamate
a headmate that can communicate or Speak more than 2 languages
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messsystemblog · 1 year
system positivity flag!!
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a flag that represents systems in general and support for all systems!!
feel free to use! just be sure to credit me! <3
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messsystemblog · 1 year
Here’s some positivity for created systems!
While many systems formed spontaneously or as a result of trauma, there are many systems out there who were created as a conscious decision from the host, or someone inside! This is an incredibly important and valid plural experience, and this post is for those systems!
🔆 Shoutout to created systems who formed as a means to cope with loneliness, isolation, trauma, neurodivergence, disability, stress, or anything else!
💕 Shoutout to systems who had to devote lots of time, energy, and hard work into making your system what it is today!
✨ Shoutout to systems who were created through spiritual or metaphysical means!
🏵 Shoutout to those whose systems were created easily, whether on purpose or by accident!
🌿 Shoutout to tulpas, willomates, thoughtforms, soulbonds, and other headmates in systems who were created, whether consciously or unconsciously!
🌺 Shoutout to systems and headmates who use their own terminology or choose not to use labels to describe their creation!
💙 Shoutout to created systems who often doubt themselves, worry about being fakeclaimed, and sometimes struggle with their existence!
🌈 Shoutout to created systems who advocate for themselves and other created systems, and to those who have to mask for their own safety!
Listen - just because there is not much research into the existence of created systems does not mean that you are inherently wrong about yourself, your system, and what y’all experience. You know yourselves more than anyone else! If you truly believe you are plural, a system, or otherwise not alone in your own mind, please know that you are a welcome and integral part of the plural community just the way you are!
As always, we love y’all! We’re rooting for you! We believe in you! And we wish the very best for you! We may not be a created system ourself, but we want to stand up for and support y’all however we can. :)
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(Image ID:) A pale orange userbox with a cluster of multicolored flowers for the userbox image. The border and text are both dark orange, and the text reads “all plurals can interact with this post!” (End ID.)
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messsystemblog · 1 year
got any good resources on endogenic systems? our ex-host was very against them and I'm trying to get him to change his mind. anything at all would be helpful!! thank you in advance 🫶
Endogenic systems are... a pretty broad category. There are some who believe they're born multiple. There are some who say their plurality is spiritual. There are soulbonders and daemonists, and people with parts that became more distinct through IFS therapy.
To hopefully make things simpler, I'd like to focus on tulpamancy for now if you don't mind.
Here are two great articles that feature a mix of both personal experiences of tulpamancers, and some commentary on psychologists and psychiatrists.
On the personal experience side, one article that I found especially informative on the relationship between tulpamancy and DID was this one written by a DID system who was also a tulpamancer:
For a denser and more clinical paper, there's also always this paper by Samuel Veissiere, a psychiatry professor at Stanford University:
These are good starting places for this one specific type of plurality. But tulpas are only a small piece of the endogenic community, and most endogenic systems aren't intentionally created like tulpas are.
Still, hope these help!
If anyone wants to add their own resources here, please do!
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messsystemblog · 1 year
Howdy, Sophie! Do you know any resources that can help with switching or not being so dang frontstuck all the time?
Here's our own method!
But if you really want to go in-depth, there's Felights Fronting Fundamentals, a massive guide of different switching methods!
Obviously, tulpa-centric so may not not work for everyone, but there's a ton of different method you can try out, so chances are high that you'll find something that can help! Good luck! 😁
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messsystemblog · 1 year
Introject/source flag! 💭
Just a flag to alter who has a source/introjects/autojects (Represents any alter that has a source)
for ALL type off system (yeap endo included)
Any system can use this, even if you don't have the same opinions as us/me
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Source flag
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messsystemblog · 1 year
Not sure if you could do this but errrmmm,,, could u pls make an 44M (Scared to use the A's bc tumblr might bitch abt it) flag redesign? Fi've honestly seen no design for it and Fi'm dying for a flag 😭
there are some 44m flags i ' ve seen around !! here are some i ' ve found !!
& if none of them are to your liking , i will definitely make one myself !! :D
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these two ( link )
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this one ( link , no direct link , sadly )
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these two ( link )
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also , this ficto - 44m flag !! ( link )
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messsystemblog · 1 year
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◈ HAVOCQUEER — havocqueer is a identity/movement that is sort of pseudo-related to a handful of other -queer movements & identities. read more about this under the cut!
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havocqueer is a term for any and all radqueer, profic/proship, & raninclus entities that wish to identify with it! similarly to warqueer, dangerqueer, sagequeer, & worthqueer, this term is focused on; uplifting the (angry/"aggressive") voices within the community, a willingness to teach others who wish to learn, loving all those who have "weird" or "bad" identities (regardless of their past mistakes), having pride in one's own identities, wanting to create community (& safety) despite the hatred, & an unwillingness to take harassment from those outside the community.
unlike other -queer terms; havocqueer is for the radqueers, proshippers & radinclus who are tired of being harassed & having to just take it instead of doing something to protect one's self (& their communities), the ones who are angry & aggressive in place of the peaceful nature of other -queer movements. it is a term for those who are simply tired of having to be bullied over their identities, ships, thoughts, & feelings; the ones who aren't afraid to be aggressive/mean towards bullies & abusers when they need to be. as it should be known, this term does not support harassment, doxxing, or suicide baiting!
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this term is safe for;
fictional freedom (i.e; proship ideology, anti-censorship, etc.)
transx identities (trace, transabled, etc.)
pro-paraphiles & paraphilic disorders (whether or not you are pro/anti, or have complex thoughts on the contact stance)
pro consang
pro bodily autonomy & pro consent
radinclus, "cringe/contradictory" labels, & good-faith identification (lesboys, mspec/straight lesbians, turiagirls, mspec/straight gays, mogai, neopronouns, etc.)
all types of systems & system origins
pro-kink, sex work & fetishes (including "problematic" ones)
all alterhuman labels (even ones that make alterhumans "look bad")
pro religious freedom
anti harassment, anti bullying, anti doxxing & similar ideologies
anti bigotry (racism, queermisia, classism, ableism, etc.)
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messsystemblog · 1 year
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✧───── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ──────✧
Neuroxenic (and it's analogues) is a term that describes the state when one's neurological or mental functioning can be described, explained or understood in non-normative or non-human ways.
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Being neuroxenic can be connected to or influenced by being kin, spiritual, plural and more. It can also be connected to and described using aesthetics, animals, colors and more.
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Being neuroxenic can be considered as its own form of neurodivergence. However, neuroxenic as a term isn't inherently neurodivergent, nor is it neurotypical; there are no restrictions for using this term; anyone can use neuroxenic labels, whether they are ND, NT, neither, both, in-between, or other.
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Neuroxenic can be used as an umbrella term that includes xenautism and xenADHD as well as other xenoabled and xenomalady identities that describe mental or neurological functioning ways that are xenic in nature. (however, no one has to be included into neuroxenic umbrella if they don't want to).
For example: someone might identify as xenoneuro due to being xenADHD and/or xenautistic.
Neuroxenic identities can be standalone terms as well.
Examples: someone might identify as neuroxenic due to feeling like the right way to explain their ways of neurological functioning is through neuroxenic labels (regardless of whether they have or don't have any specific NDs)
New neuroxenic identities can also be coined by adding any prefix to -neuro.
For example: kinneuro (link). Someone might identify as kinneuro due to being kinautistic and/or kinADHD or due to believing that the kinneuro label is the right way to explain their neurological functioning.
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Neuroxenic identities aren't inherently transidentities, although they can be.
The coiner believes that anyone can identify as cisneuroxenic as well as transneuroxenic.
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Some examples of using the term:
"I use neuroxenic labels such as xenautistic, xenADHD and others"
"I am xenneuro, specifically - kinneuro, because i believe my neurodivegrence is influenced by my otherkinity"
"I am xenoneuro, i believe the way i think can only be described in non-normative ways"
And many, many more. The coiner believes there is no wrong way to identity as neuroxenic.
✧───── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ──────✧
Thank you for reading this post. The coiner would appreciate any feedback. You can ask any questions about this term. You are very welcome to coin neuroxenic flags, identities, and other things.
Everything in this post is free to use, credit is not necessary (though is appreciated)
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messsystemblog · 1 year
Hiii! I'm here to show you the meanings of the Traumanogender flag!
Brown - Support for all people who suffer/suffered a traumatic experience/situation
This stripe refers to all people who passed/pass through it. I give all support for this people, we will get over it together!
Black - Can't identify with a gender
This stripe refers to Traumanogender people who can't identify with a gender because your trauma, regardless of anything.
Grey - Don't want identify with a gender
Grey refers to all Traumanogender people who try at all costs not to identify with any gender because of trauma.
White - Try don't identify with a gender
Refers to a person who tries in any way not to identify with any gender because of a trauma, even if in the end, she identifies with him somehow.
Gray brown - Don't identify with a gender because a trauma
Literally the meaning of Traumanogender, this track will usually change according to the genre we are talking about.
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The Traumanomasc and the Traumanofem flags have the center's stripe changed, for represent the gender masc and fem.
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messsystemblog · 1 year
Hiii! I'm here to show you a gaybian flag that I made! The name is Lacinth Gaybian!
This flag wasn't really meant to replace other gaybian Flags, the only flags I don't like are the ones that use Listerine and/or Lipstick (it's Listerine and Lipstick after all), but otherwise, there is no flag that.
I'll make a post with all about this flag (like the Coloring Pan post that I made), with the meanings and the variations of the flag.
The Lacinth Gaybian flag is for represents all gaybian people! If you identify was gay and lesbian, or just gaybian, or whatever! My flag represents you too!
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Some variations of the 9 color flag!
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messsystemblog · 1 year
Coloring Pan Flag
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Hii! I'm here to do an informative post with all about the Coloring Pan flag!
What's Coloring Pan flag?
The Coloring Pan flag is a pan flag that I made with the intention of being a alternative pan flag, free for use!
First, I have to make it clear that the Coloring Pan flag is a redesing of other alternative pan flag.
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This pan flag was made by a discord user and posted on the MOGAI Wiki, however, it has no meaning. As I really like their, I decided to make a redesing of the flag, now with meaning.
The name of the flag is Coloring Pan, making reference to the fact that we build our own community together, as if we were all "coloring" their!
My flag is inspired by some other queer flag! The middle symbol is inspired by the androgynous flag, to also represent gender expressions.
My flag is here to represent all pan people, both pan trans people and pan aroace people, pan non-white people, pan people who use xenogenders, pan neurodivergent people, pan polyamorous people, etc.
My goal with the flag is not to force anyone to use it, or to stop using the old flag, but to bring more representation to the pan community.
What's happend with the old flag?
So there are some polemics surrounding the creator and his flag. Some are false, like them being racist and trans exclusionist, but some are true, like them supporting lesbian and gay mspec and including them in the flag. I particularly support mspec lesbians and gays too, so, this doesn't matter to me.
Although, I simply hate the meaning of the flag. Like, girls, enbys, and boys? That's a sexist and binaristic meaning, it doesn't represent the pan community at all, enby people are too diverse, you can't treat us as a "third gender". Not to mention that the pan movement is linked to the trans movement, what does this flag represent?
Making it clear that there is nothing problematic about the old flag, I just really don't like the meaning, that's why I'm making this flag.
Actually, the Coloring Pan flag has more than one meaning: the Attraction Meaning and the Community Meaning.
◃ Attraction Meaning
Orange - To represent attraction to all genders, and the pan people who use the label because of it!
Yellow - To represent m-spec attraction in general, which to be clear, is not attraction to all genders necessarily, but attraction to more than one gender.
Black - Attraction. Attraction in general, regardless of how many genders you are or are not attracted to, what kind of attraction are we talking about, be it romantic, sexual, aesthetic, alterous, queerplatonic, sensual, platonic, etc. Feel attraction whether or not you have a preference, whether or not you are SAM. All of you are valid, we make a label and not the label that makes us!
Green - Attraction to more than one gender, but not all. This includes pan lesbian, pan poly, pan gay, pan neptunic, pan uranic, etc. Anyone who is not attracted to all genders.
Lilac - Attraction to a single gender. For pan people who are attracted to only one gender, and yes, they are as valid as any pan person!
◃ Community Meaning
Orange - Union, to remind us that alone we wouldn't get where we are. We are a community after all, we need each other.
Yellow - Trans Rights, to represent the connection between the trans and pan community. And of course, also to give visibility to trans people, especially in these times that our lives are being threatened. Trans Rights are Human Rights!
Black - Community is very important in my view. It's representing the entire pan community, and the entire union around it. Black is being used to represent the "coming together of all colors" when it comes to paint pigments, exactly as if after "coloring" the pan community, we would all end up mixing our paints and thus forming black.
Green - Pan History and Movement, to represent our history and movement, our belong and respect for them. Without our past, we would be nothing.
Lilac - Individuality, because although we are united, each of us is unique, and it is these differences that make us such a diverse community.
◃ Symbol Meaning
I changed the symbol, now is dyed roses instead of the circle.
Dyed roses are a very old queer symbol, they are usually dyed in the colors of Gilbert Baker's Rainbow flags, however, on my flag I put them in the colors of the original symbol.
Another reference is that roses are also a trans symbol, that is, it also makes reference to the connection between the pan community and the trans community.
The inkblots also make reference to the name of the flag, the roses are "coloring".
Blue - Here to represent masculine gender expressions, regardless of the person's gender identity. A person can identify with the feminine gender but still have masculine gender expression, that doesn't make it any less valid!
Purple - To represent all people who are androgynous! This color was taken from the androgynous flag!
White - To represent any other type of gender expression, as if it were a "blank canvas" that the person will "coloring"!
Pink - To represent people with feminine gender expression, and to show that gender expression is not the same thing as gender identity. A person can identify with the masculine gender and still express themselves in a feminine way!
Other Ver.
First, I want to say that the first version of Coloring Pan did not have the dyed roses as a symbol, but rather a circle divided into four parts, as you can see below.
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This version can still be used as a variant, although it is no longer the main version.
There are other versions of the Coloring Pan flag, some for simple aesthetic, others to bring more representation to other groups.
These are other ways that symbols can be. You'll find the post with the flags here.
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Here we have variations to represent intersex, enby, trans, neurodivergent and polyamorous people!
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Here are some to represent bipoc people, and there are also other variations! 1 and 2.
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This part will be to answer questions about the Coloring Pan flag. If you don't find the answer to your question, put it in the comments and I will answer it.
"I am pan-lesbian/pan-gay, can I use this flag?"
Of course, as I said, I support mspec lesbian and mspec gay, so I won't invalidate or exclude you.
“Can aro/ace pan people use this flag?”
Sure! Even, I'm aroace!
“I don’t like the flag. I don’t want to use it.”
Ok, if you don't like it, don't use it, I'm not forcing anyone to use my flag.
"I see you being anti mspec lesbian and gay in another post"
Yes, I was once an exclusionist person, and I regret it a lot. I'm currently a rad inclusionist, including labeling myself pan omni gaybian. Although my flag was once made with exclusionist ideals, this no longer reflects anything on the current meaning of the flag in any way. I will not exclude anyone from using my flag anymore.
(I really don't know what to place here, please send me asks)
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messsystemblog · 1 year
NOOOO - 🎤💙
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Hatsune Miku visits her dying grandfather (IBM 704) in the hospital (2023 colorized)
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messsystemblog · 1 year
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NEWEST UPDATE: I need help buying the meds day by day currently, as I am often stuck with empty packages. Please share this and my newer posts that are pinned. We need to prepare for February’s meds because I have no idea how we are going to get through for the next couple of months, I still can't believe and express the amount of gratitude you all have helped in getting her the meds for last month. We are at 23% of the goal for this month (February), it has been life saving to my family as my mom is the glue that holds everything together.
This February, we will need 500$ after coupons have already been applied- I have developed a friendship with the pharmacist and am working directly with them, they let me buy a few pills at a time for her and we have already applied coupons but it still results to this amount monthly. If anyone can help, share this or donate, it all helps with giving me hope that things will be fine in the end. I just can't wait until she won't need these pills come this summer, as she only needs them for one year.
My p*yp*I is: saysam @ live. ca (no spaces)
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For those of you who weren't aware of my situation, this is a screenshot from one of my previous posts where I was melting down, shortly after her heart attack had happened:
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And proof of the notice I received earlier last month in regards to a court hearing and possible eviction I could be facing, despite facing discrimination from my landlord for being a GNC woman and a butch lesbian. (I say this because he refers to me as male despite knowing I am biologically and legally female, along with the fact that I never requested the department to refer to me as male at any point.) The case is currently ongoing.
🖤 Please don’t tag this post with anything and please boost it and thank you for reading and support so so much 🖤
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