merkyury-168-blog · 7 years
Kurotsuno and a child
Kurotsuno and a child She looked at the child. The child looked back at her before giggling and poking her face. Kurotsuno turned to face Met and pointed at the young child, with not even fully formed spiral horns on her head in extremely large clothes, sitting on the couch. "You're telling me this is Hanten." Met nervously smiled and nodded as the now transformed into the equivalent of a five year old version of herself demon started to tug at her own tail with her black hands and started chewing it. "Yeah..." "And," She gently pushed away the child who had wanted to climb on her outstretched hand, "you're telling me you found her like this after she tripped at Chlomaki's house into a cauldron." She nodded enthusiastically. "Yep!" It was much easier to say that instead of the whole process where she had spiked one of the bottles of beer with one of those weird potions that were supposed to momentarily turn the drinker into a male, but as the results had shown, whoever labelled the potion really needed to label them properly. Kurotsuno sighed deeply. "Alright. So you brought her here without thinking of asking Chlomaki for a cure?" "Ah... she wasn't at home? But nevermind that! I'm going to try to find a cure!" Before Kurotsuno could even say anything else, Met had already ran out of the door, hoping she could find a cure, because there was just no way she could take it if her crush remained a kid forever. For the Lord's sake, she was a masochist, not a pedophile. The other girl sighed, and turned towards the couch. "Well, I guess I'll have to-eh?" Her eyes widened when she realized that Hanten wasn't on the couch anymore. As the realization kicked in, she heard something falling and a faint giggle in the kitchen, causing her to run over to see the child demon climbing up the closets, knocking over random things trying to get to the knives. She could literally see the knives piercing through Hanten's back which she would probably, usually shrug off, but she wasn't taking any chances since she had absolutely no idea what were the capabilities of a demon child. She rushed over just as the child knocked the knives down and pushed her to safety as the knives fell. "Heehee!" Hanten giggled as she watched Kurotsuno sigh in relief and pick up all the items she had dropped. It was so fun to her, knocking down everything and watching her caretaker friend pick up after her. She grinned before running off again when Kurotsuno wasn't looking. After picking up and storing all the knives, she stood up. "Alright, you're in my house, so you follow my rules. Clear?" Kurotsuno turned to face the child, only to realize she had disappeared. Again. "Kuso is funny!" She looked up to see Hanten pointing at her, her little wing flapping and her hand unscrewing the light bulb. "I'm the only one allowed to insult myself! Get back down here!" "No! Stupid dummy!" She stuck out her tongue before dropping the finally unscrewed light bulb. Kurotsuno caught the light bulb and ran after Hanten who giggled and flew out of the kitchen. She summoned her trident, hoping to pin her oversized clothes to the wall. She turned to face the currently older girl. "Hey! Kuwo salmon-ed a giant fork! I wanna salmon a knife!" Kurotsuno's eyes widened as child Hanten managed to summon her katana but due to her strength and weight of the weapon, plummeted down to ground as she clinged onto it. She ran over and kicked the weapon out of her hands before finally catching her firmly. Growling, she glared at the child. "You're a lot more trouble when you're a kid, you know that." "Heehee! You're funny, dummy." She clawed at her face before grabbing onto her horns. She sighed, lifting the child to her neck so that she could play with her horns. At least those shitty horns were good at attracting the attention of children. She started to enjoy the momenrary silence that was immediately broken. "Say, Kuwotsuno?" "What?" "Can I have a beer?" If this was the normal Hanten, she would have agreed, but she had no idea of the effects of the same drink on the younger version of her, and there was no way (unless Pitch Black World suddenly became Eternal Sunshine World) that she was risking it. "No." "Why?" "You're underage." She felt the kid attempting to slide off her shoulders and carried her. "And there is no way I'm letting go of you, no matter how troublesome you are, Hanten." "Hey! But I wanna drink!" She started pounding her tiny fists on Kurotsuno's chest, causing her to feel a tad uncomfortable but she stood her ground. She decided to try convincing her to sleep. "Would you just have a nap or something? That's what you always do, right?" "Naps are bor-ing. And I don't wanna sleep. Cause sleep is boring. And I'm not tired..." Well, there went her chance of having a peaceful night. She started questioning how did Gyakuten and Chishibuki survive bringing her up. Then again, she wouldn't know since this wasn't exactly the same girl they brought up for several years. "Is there anything else then?" "Murder? Murder! I wanna go murdering!" She yawned. Her hopes were raised by that timely and tiny sound. "Sounds like you're tired. Why don't you have a nice slumber before we go murdering?" "Slumber? Slumber... I'm not tired... maybe?" She wrapped her hands around Kurotsuno's neck and let her head rest on her shoulder, feeling exhausted after all her antics. Kurotsuno cheered innately before trying to place the girl on the sofa to sleep, only for the demon to pull her closer and refuse to let go. As she was also tired after all the action, she decided not to test her luck and soon carried her to her room, hoping that the two of them could just sleep, at least until Met returned with a cure. Smiling faintly at the already sleeping girl, she lied down on her bed and went to sleep. When Met returned, she was surprised to see Kurotsuno hugging Hanten as if she were a soft toy despite the effects of the potion having worn off while they slept.
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merkyury-168-blog · 7 years
Tales of Selkcore- Arc 1
Arc 1- Dragons and kidnappings "Idiot!" She flicked him on the head. He groaned, rubbing the area where he got hit. "I said sorry, alright? I'm sorry for using up all the money to buy food and drinks and then eating them all up. Now will you please forgive me?" She huffed. "Emmanuel, for an elemental warrior, you are an idiot. A huge, stupid idiot who has a bottomless appetite." She slapped his arm, and continued to nag. "This is all your fault that we have to do a job just to get some cash!" "At least it's six million gems! And all we have to do is save a princess! Come on now, please forgive me Kuni?" Emmanuel begged, and walked on forward. "Do you really think it's that easy to save a princess? If it was, everyone would be saving her to get the money!" The mage yelled, screaming at him, before silencing herself as she heard someone yell out. "Get your meat here! Get your meat here!" A merchant, 185 cm tall and short haired from what she could tell, was in the deserted land, looking lost but he held out a leg of chicken, and sighed as he realized he was just lost and a goner. Not all who wander are lost, but he sure was. Kuni sat down and sighed too, but for a totally different reason. Because of a huge stupid idiotic buffoon, she had no money to soothe her stomach's pangs, and she couldn't go up to the hot merchant and talk to him. "See, you dolt! I can't even- eh? Where did he go?" She looked around for the elemental warrior, before she noticed a familiar lock of hair behind the merchant. Emmanuel stood behind the merchant, eyes slightly glowing as he locked on another leg inside the bag, and pulled it out, alerting the merchant to his presence. "What the- thief!" He yelled, as Emmanuel bolted off, running towards Kuni. "Quick! Run!" He shouted to her. Kuni sighed louder, lifting her hand before her magic formed a gigantic version of her hand that copied her every move, and flicked him two metres back, making him land at the merchant's feet. "Really Emmanuel? Really? You have to do this?" She grabbed the leg and passed it back to the merchant. "I'm sorry about my friend. He's rather..." She couldn't find a word to describe him. "Why? Are you hungry?" The merchant asked, looking at the shorter male on the floor, who's stomach growled loudly as if answering his question. "He's always hungry." Kuni tried to explain, and the merchant laughed. "Well, how about I make a deal with you two? You see, I'm lost in these lands, and you two are hungry. So if you show me the way out, I'll provide you some food." Kuni was about to politely tell him that they didn't need the food, but Emmanuel interrupted her before she could speak. "Dammit Kuni, you know that I'm at limit break, and you just destroy that energy... and now I'm going to die..." He grumbled, still lying on the floor, severely weakened as he started to bleed heavily from his wounds. She sighed. "What's wrong with him? And I'm Samuel." The merchant asked, slightly concerned for the thief. "He's an elemental warrior. The warriors generally need something to sustain them, and while it usually is blood, he doesn't take it until absolutely necessary, and replaces it with food and beer. The problem with that, is that while they need small amounts, he has to eat huge amounts of it to sustain himself." She explained, looking at her friend. "Oh. That is a bit tragic. Here." Samuel took out the leg that Emmanuel had ran off with earlier and pushed it into his mouth. Within seconds, his wounds started to recover and he slowly sat up, rubbing his head. "Gah... my power hasn't returned." He mumbled. "Serves you right. Lucky for you, Samuel is nice." She huffed, and kicked him, knocking him down again. Emmanuel grunted. "All right all right, I'm sorry." Emmanuel apologized, chewing on the leg. "And we accept that deal, but going out will have to wait." "Huh? Why?" Samuel asked. Emmanuel answered him."Because we need to save a princess." "Woah, that's so noble." The merchant said out loud, before Kuni corrected him. "Actually, it's because Emmanuel here used up all the money, and we need money." Samuel widened his eyes in shock before resuming his calm demeanor. "I'll be glad to join you, so long as you can get me out of here." "Great! More meat please!" Emmanuel grinned shamelessly, and Samuel smiled back as he inserted another leg into his mouth. Kuni sighed, but said nothing as the two guys walked forward and chatted with each other. What did she do to deserve such an idiotic partner, she wondered. The first sign that told them that they had reached their destination was the roaring geysers that spewed out boiling hot water. "Gah! It burns!" The warrior roared in pain, rivaling the noise made by the geysers as some water splashed onto him, scalding him. "You don't say. Idiot." Kuni hollered over all the chaos, as Samuel followed them closely behind. They had decided to let Emmanuel be their human shield since his wounds would recover more quickly. "It still hurts!" He yelled, quickly passing through the geysers to avoid getting burnt. "Hey guys, is that the castle?" Samuel asked, pointing at a tower that stood menacingly in front of them. Or for entertainment's sake, the tower towered over them like the tower was a big bully. Emmanuel went silent, something unusual for the warrior, before nodding. "Yep! And now we kill the dragon!" He looked around for any sign of the beast. "Hmm... in the mean time, how about you head up while we slay the monster?" "Wha? Umm... okay!" Samuel walked into the terrifying tower of terror as Kuni watched Emmanuel sit on the floor. "You know, all the job said was to save the princess. Not kill the dragon..." She trailed off as her face went white as a sheet. "Yeah, I know but it's more fun that way. And why do you look so scared? Am I really that terrifying?" Emmanuel asked, puzzled as she started to look up. "Beca-Because- because it's right behind you..." She stuttered before trailing off, leaving Emmanuel more confused before realizing that the ground was rumbling. He looked behind to see a huge scaly dragon, red like the devil's flames, incredibly large. Its scales seemed to sparkle a bit, a contrast to the soot and ashes that surrounded them. "Oh, I see. The dragon's behind me. So?" He turned back to Kuni who was looking shocked before the gears in his mind clicked together. Dragon. Princess. He blasted a bolt of electricity at the dragon as he hollered in surprise. "Dragon!" "Idiot! How did you not see that?" She yelled, slamming her staff against the floor, summoning an icicle from the ground which pricked the dragon. "RAAAAAAAAAWRRRRRRR!" The dragon roared, and its tail knocked down the icicle with a smack. Kuni wiped the sweat of her brow. "Storm of lightning!" Emmanuel swung his khopesh and used one of the easier spells he knew, and sliced a cut as the heat on the blade aided him, and some blood splattered out. The dragon swiped at him, causing him to fall to the ground at high speeds, causing a crater on the ground. "Emmanuel you idiot! Catch!" Kuni threw a bottle of potion which landed in a dust pile metres away from Emmanuel. "I tried." She lit the top of her staff on fire and flung it at the dragon, which burned the supposedly heat resistant dragon as Emmanuel crawled out of the hole towards the potion and downed it. He stood up against his khopesh just as the dragon looked ready to squash Kuni, who was running away at top speed. "A mage is not suited for close combat!" She screamed, throwing various energy balls at the beast. With the lack of food, Emmanuel felt his limit break activate once more, and slammed his khopesh to the ground, causing the ground to rumble as he sent a bolt underground and threw the dragon off its foot and caused it and Kuni to fall. "Fire tornado!" Kuni yelled, and burnt the legs of the dragon, who roared in pain before it saw Emmanuel fly at it and breathed it's last as the khopesh dug into its neck. And that was the end of the poor dragon. "Hah... hah... good... fight... eh?" Emmanuel stretched out his hand and helped Kuni up, panting as he leaned on his weapon. "Yeah... we should climb the tower." Kuni nodded in agreement, and they headed to the top of the castle. Meanwhile, Samuel was having difficulties opening the door. You see, while there are doors he can open, those are usually unlocked, and the door that seperated him and the princess was very unfortunately not unlocked. He decided to kick it, a not very wise decision for the merchant, as he hopped about on one foot, cursing strings of words. "So I can't destroy the door," he sighed, "so what can I do? Hey wait a minute," He opened his satchel and pulled out a key. "Maybe this legendary key can help." He inserted the key into the hole, and the door unlocked. Samuel sweated. "I should have done that before-omph!" A girl jumped on him before he could finish his thoughts. "I knew you would save me! I knew you- eh? You're not him." The girl looked at him in surprise. Both of them jumped, however, as they heard footsteps running up. "Hey! You did it!" Emmanuel cheered. "Now we can get some food!" "What? What's going on?" The girl asked, confused. Kuni panted before she conjured a metaphysical hand and slammed Emmanuel to the wall. "Idiot! We still need to bring her home!" She yelled at him before turning to the girl. "Are you princess Livia?" "Wah- yes I am. You may call me Livia since I am indebted to all of you, I suppose." She looked at the warrior who had fallen to the ground after making an imprint on the wall of the tower. "Alright, Livia. Well, you need to go home, but it's a town over." Kuni explained. "If we hurry, we can quite possibly make it. After we climb the stairs-" "What? The stairs again? But it's so tiring..." Emmanuel sighed, before a light bulb went off. "Well, see ya all downstairs!" "Emmanuel! No!" Kuni yelled, but it was too late as he slammed himself into his imprint, breaking a hole and falling 50 metres to the ground. The three of them on top of the castle could only watch as he plummeted to what could possibly be his doom. A small mushroom cloud formed as he crashed onto the ground, causing Livia and Samuel to scream while Kuni face palmed. "I'm all right!" He hollered, dusting himself and waving. "I may have fractured my ankle though." "Idiot!" She hissed before walking down the stairs, the other two following her, still in shock. "Will- does he always do that?" Princess Livia asked, concerned for the warrior. "Yep. That's Emmanuel for you." Kuni sighed, her footsteps echoing down the tower. They saw Emmanuel sitting on the ground. "You guys are slow... so slow-ow! What was that for?!" He yelped, holding his shoulder where she had whacked him. "You pompous idiot! You don't just jump off a fifty floor tower!" Kuni yelled, before calming down. "And besides, it was a light tap." "I think I accidentally broke my arm." Samuel and Livia looked stunned as they watched the mage sigh before shakily passing him another potion, almost dropping it. "Drink." Samuel and Livia looked at him as it was his turn to sigh and obediantly drunk the health potion. "Are-are you two a couple or something?" Samuel asked, curious about the duo's relationship. Kuni's face turned red while Emmanuel shook his head. "No no, we're just really good friends." "Yeah... besides! Who would ever want to be his girlfriend or something?" Kuni stuttered from embarassment. "I would feel pity for his spouse eternally, anyway." "Ouch. You hurt me right there, you know that." He pointed at his heart with a hurt expression before grinning and roaring in laughter. "But, really we aren't together. Why does everyone keep saying that?" "Oh... no reason." Samuel nodded, and smiled. "So... which way back?" "Ah... since you guys took such a long time, we might as well stop at a small town." Emmanuel suggested. "Oh? How far is it?" Livia smiled. "Hmm? About twenty kilometres." He answered nonchalantly, and Kuni had to turn away to stop herself from laughing at the faces of Livia and Samuel. "Ah... I see. Would you heroes mind introducing yourselves to me?" Livia asked, forcing a smile on her face to cover her horrified expression. "He's Emmanuel, that's Samuel, and I'm Kuni." Kuni waved her hand to signal them to follow her. "As you have seen, Emmanuel is an idiot." Emmanuel raised a finger to argue with her before putting it back down. He wasn't stupid enough to argue with her. Besides, he knew she was usually right on most occasions. "Ah. I see. So we should go, eh?" Livia smiled, walking out of the deserted land. "Yep. Let's go." The group walked pretty much in silence, so because I, the great narrator, am lazy, I shall spare you the pain of walking in silence for the whole time. Ow! What was that for? I am the alpha supreme-ow! Alright alright! Compromise, an hour, alright? Yeah? Cool. After an hour, Kuni and Livia were getting extremely tired, while Samuel was barely holding on. The only one who was still skipping about was the warrior, Emmanuel. "Come on people! Keep up! We have another 8 kilometres to go!" He yelled, trying to keep the momentum going. Kuni sighed. "You pompous dumb ass. Not everyone has as much strength as you do. If I had my stamina I would be whacking you right now." Seeing his dumbfounded face, she sighed even louder. "Lift me, idiot." "Oh! Okay." And the shorter male easily lifted her to his left shoulder to the shock of the other two. Samuel looked enviously at Emmanuel who was carrying a bigger bag than his with a sword sticking out while painlessly lifting Kuni as if it was nothing. On the other hand, Livia saw Samuel's shocked face and realized he probably wasn't as strong as Emmanuel. Her face turned red as she tapped Emmanuel's other arm. "Uh... may I get a lift too?" She asked, embarassed as she was tired and knew that she shouldn't, but to her surprise and Samuel's dismay, he nodded and kneeled for her to sit on his shoulder before continuing the journey. "Wah... how..." Samuel was faced with a huge blow to his pride. He realized that he was exhausted, and considered jumping on but decided not to. They walked in mostly silence, the only thing they could hear was Emmanuel's whistling, which somehow comforted them, until a light in the distance called them. "There it is! The town!" As if he hadn't been walking for hours, he sprinted and made a dash for the town with the two girls barely clinging onto him, leaving Samuel in his dust. "Well, that's something new..." He sighed before trying to catch up with the warrior. The town was rather quiet, and after a bit of asking around, the group found themselves with both a problem and a solution. The innkeeper grunted at the sight of the very little amount of money that Samuel produced. "That's only enough for two beds." "Wha-what? But there's almost twenty gold pieces!" Kuni protested, knowing that most inns charged only five gold pieces for a bed. "Too bad. It's a quiet town, and I need to maintain my business. If you can't pay, boo hoo. Get out of my inn." The girls looked at each other before Livia piped up. "I suppose we can sleep together-" "No need. I'll just leave you guys here. There should be a couch inside, so it would fit three people inside." Emmanuel interrupted her and went out without any protests. Kuni sighed. "Well, knowing him, he'll find a way to solve his problem. We'll take the room." She grabbed the keys and marched to the allocated room. The room, to its own merit, was clean, and after much convincing (or arguing), the mage finally got the two of them to take the beds while she took the couch. "But won't-" "Don't worry about me-" "You deserve the bed-" "It's fine, you two-" "BOOM!" The three of them looked out of the window to see white and blue streaks falling from the sky as the smell of rain hit them. "The storm seems rather heavy." He commented as he turned away to lie down on his bed. "Will... will Emmanuel be alright?" Livia asked, concerned as she looked at the storm and closed the windows. She shrugged. "He'll be just fine. He likes the storms. Now let's just go to sleep." The two of them nodded silently as they got to their beds and went to sleep as the storm passed. Ow! I'm getting there! Geez stop dude! Anyway, so what became of our warrior, you say? Emmanuel walked along the streets, his stomach growling as he watched the skies darken. He would have slept on a tree, but it was never wise to do so when it rained, even if you were immune to lightning. A little girl, no older than eight, pulled his shirt, and he turned to face her. "Hey mister, what's with the grumpy face?" "Grumpy face? I'm not grumpy." "Yes you are! See mister, you're face is down!" She tiptoed to reach his head, so he kneeled to let her pull his face into various funny faces. She giggled, and he himself smiled at the memory of a girl who used to do that with him. "Haha mister! You're really funny! I need to go home now though, so see you!" She giggled and waved at him before running back to her house. He kept the smile on until he turned around and went to look for shelter as the rain pelted down on him. The next morning, the three of them were ready to go to the kingdom. "Where is he? He should know that he is late!" Kuni tapped her feet against the floor, annoyed. Livia smiled. "Maybe he doesn't know? Besides, it's nice being with all of you." "I think I see him." A little further away, a grinning warrior jogged towards them, straw sticking out of his clothes. "Where were you, idiot!" She grumbled, before using her wind magic to get all the hay off him. He chuckled. "Funny story really, I found a barn and slept with all the donkeys." "Slept with all the asses?" "We-well, when you put it that way..." "Just joking. At least now we can go." Well, I suppose I should spare you the pain of listening to a few hours worth of conversation on food, so let's cut to the chase, shall we? After they reached the kingdom and returned the princess, the three of them were hailed as heroes, and were awarded six million gems by the king who was eternally grateful. The kingdom prepared to host a party in a month to celebrate such a joyous event that their princess had been returned after less than a week. His majesty, the king of Selkcore, even gave them houses, so that they would forever feel welcomed by the kingdom when they came over. As for the four of them, they continued being friends. But however, their story was far from finished, and it had only just begun. After all, what could possibly happen with a mage, a princess, a merchant and an elemental warrior? ------------------------------------------- This took weeks to finish, but hopefully 1.1 won't take so long. Hopefully.
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merkyury-168-blog · 7 years
Tales of Selkcore- Prologue
Prologue Once, in a kingdom long ago, a dragon kidnapped a princess. This princess was Princess Livia, and as cliche as it sounded, was beloved by all. She was sweet, and kind, 155 cm, had pink underwear- Wait. Forget I said that. Anyway, the dragon was terribly fiery and fiesty, frying anyone who tried to save her. So Princess Livia was stuck there for a week, with no food, and her father, the king, placed a huge reward for anyone who rescued her. A grand sum of sixty hundred thousand, I mean, six million gems and jewels. Naturally, for the next two days, idiots tried to rescue her but failed, and got eaten by the dragon. So the princess stayed there, at least until some hero would come and save her. ------------------------------------------- This one is an original story I'm working on with my friend using a different style of writing (obvious). It's going to be written in Arcs with some in between stuff. Hope you guys will enjoy this. P.s. That title will be changed. Eventually.
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