I met Genji today, in person. Seeing him face to face was refreshing, it gave me hope. For what, I do not know, but I know now that everything will work out. Speaking facelessly behind a screen will suffice, but he was there, right in front of me, my brother. I knew I'd found him long ago, but to stand by his side again, without a war raging around us, was everything I'd hoped for. If you saw us from wherever you are, I know you're proud. I know I can find you again, and I won't stop trying. I love you, Father, and I miss you.
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August 21, 2017
Father, I'm struggling without you. I have no father here in this life, I haven't had one since I lost you. I wish I could just tell you how much you meant to me.. I have no one to tell me I'm doing an okay job, no one to ask for advice. I don't know what I'm doing anymore, father. I'm so lost.. I need you more than I can say. But that's not how it works. I have to learn to live without you, like I did in the old life. But it's so hard, I don't have the composure to hold in my grief for you like I used to. I just want to know that wherever you are, you're satisfied with who I've become. Maybe if you are, then I can finally be satisfied with myself. I'm not a good person, to think so is conceited of me to believe. I just want to be better. I miss you so much.. I truly do. It hurts so badly, though I'm pushing through it. I know that's what you would have wanted. I hope I can see you again someday. -Hanzo
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I'm sorry I was such a disappointment. I should have taken over the clan in your place. I should have been good and obedient. I could have stopped it all from happening if I had thought through my decisions. I'm not sure how.. If only you could be here to guide me again. I miss you. I still don't have a father, not since you've been gone. Losing you was brutal. Genji and I have found each other again, I'm sure you'd be happy to know. I care for him deeply. It saddens me to say that I haven't inherited any of the good qualities I used to have. I've inherited crippling mental illness, alcoholism and rage, but nothing that made me redeemable as a person. I'm sorry to have failed you. Unlike Genji, I'm not writing these letters in an attempt to find you again. I do not wish to bother anyone with my foolish words, so I'm putting them here instead. I will put these letters in the tags, just in case. But, they are only really to speak what's been on my mind. Father, I miss drinking. I know I will go back to it. I wonder if you watched the rest of my life. It must have been shocking to you. I apologize. Maybe one day I will find you. I can only hope that you're not ashamed of me. I wish you the best. -Hanzo
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