melangox · 1 month
"The Rocky Planets" but i reanimated it my way :]
help im supposed to be doing something important rn but these guys WONT LEAVE MY HEAD 🗣️‼️‼️
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melangox · 2 months
I’ve finally drawn my wbcs (poorly) for my cells at work au
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melangox · 2 months
• Civilian cell mitosis guide •
Step 1: Input Genome data into the replicator. If you have done it correctly it will create a "Ding" noise
Step 2: Provide at least one sample of your physical self to the chute in the replicator, this can be anything from your hair, fingernails, spit, cytoplasm, cell membrane or anything of the sorts.
Step 3: Ensure the sentriols are in the right placements (Opposite to each other in the tank) before providing the replicator its spindle fiber. The spindle fiber should go in through the small hole next to the genome input.
Step 4: Closely examine the replicator while in it's metaphase and anaphase. If one or more chromosomes do not split properly to their designated location, call the T cells immediately
Step 5: Once metaphase and anaphase go through successfully, wait 20-22 hours for the replicator to complete mitosis.
Why cancer cells are bad for the body and how to spot them before they complete the mitosis cycle
Why cancer cells are bad for the body:
Cancer cells have the possibility to go rogue and cause chaos by replicating outside of the mitosis program, multiplying quicker than other cells in the body.
Cancer cells also hoard nutrients and starve other places in the body, causing malnutrition and slowing metabolism in other areas of the body while ensuring their own kind can replicate as much as possible
Cancer cells also do not heed the programmed cell death, ensuring their numbers always increase.
Worst of all, cancer cells are not limited to one area of the body, if they successfully go through metastasis, they can and will inflict the whole body with cancer, almost guaranteeing the body's end.
How to spot a cancer cell:
Does the cell inside your replicator look exactly like you? If not, that is a cancer cell.
Does the cell have extra features that a normal cell like you doesn't have (e.g. 3 eyes, 4 arms, 2 heads, ect.)? If yes, that is a cancer cell
Does the cell have any deformities on their physical features (e.g. odd colored eye(s), discolored cell membrane, unusually proportioned limbs, ect.)? If yes, that is a cancer cell
Does the cell struggle to do basic things you can do (e.g. walk, respond to outside stimulus, talk, ect.)? If yes, that is a cancer cell
Does the cell oxidize and consume nutrients unusually quicker than you do, and request more nutrients be delivered? If yes, that is a cancer cell
If one or more of these apply to your newly replicated/currently replicating daughter cell, call the T cells immediately. Do not hesitate, do not panic, do not worry. If you are unable to contact the T cells, quickly let any immunocyte in your area know of your situation and they will help you. Do not risk the body's safety because of your mistake.
T cell contact: 247-Helper-T-82
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melangox · 2 months
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Healthy lymphocytes be like… ✨
(I am a helper t x killer t truther <3)
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melangox · 2 months
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Yk what fuck you
*dullizes your color squad”
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melangox · 3 months
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I love making these
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melangox · 3 months
Y’all have to be some of the few ppl keeping me alive whilst I try to get through school 😭
Love is in the air? Correct: Friends cast sexuality headcanons
KT Squad Leader: Type of guy to get stressed thinking about this, is he gay? Is he straight? Takes a stupid ass am I gay quiz. Demisexual because he would be too socially awkward to even think about romance with someone he just met, and also homosexual leaning because of course he's gay /j
2145: He's gay. Need I say more?
IM1235: Bisexual, have you seen the way she looks at NK after killing a ton of infected cells? She loves when immune cells who kill other cells.
Eosinophil: Aroace? She's just a beautiful girl living her best life, if she even tried leaning on anyone for emotional support she'd get too anxious about it and explode before the first date.
NK: You ask her and she's got no clue what you're talking about, "Is that a dangerous virus I need to get? Are you manipulating me into-" or something, but I like to imagine she leans lesbian more than anything. IM1235 could explain all the letters in the LGBTQIA+ and she would still have no clue what she's saying, "isn't that just romance?? It's the same all the way around right??(or is she lying to me!!!???)"
B cell: B stands for Bisexual, he would totally hit squad leader if he was offered the chance. Clearly he leans more on liking women but I know what you are B cell 🫵👁️👁️
Memory cell: It would actually be so funny if he was the only straight one in the cast and he is just so supportive of whoever B cell chooses as his partner, no matter what B cell will be his grandson. He has read up on the history and culture of queer people just for B cell (B cell has never mentioned anything of this to him)
Dendritic cell: Pansexual? I don't think he'd really care about gender in the whole dating thing, as long as you cultivate his love for lactic acid bacteria he will cling to you forever (see Squad Leader)
M cell: He also barely knows what you're talking about, "What I'm attracted to? I don't know, I guess whatever my bad luck brings me to next." He's asexual with a preference for guys for romantic interest, he thinks that it's normal and that everyone's just like him.
Mast cell: 2D girls only ❗❗But I think he would be into some femboys (of course, only in anime)
Reg T: She doesn't date, both in thymus school and out of it, but if you were to make her choose (after seeing the mess that is HT and KT) she'd definitely choose women
Helper T: Aroace, valentine's day is an extra sweets day for him. He takes advantage of what allo people do for his own benefit, says Reg T is his partner just for discounts (Reg T is fine with it as long as there aren't any weird rumours) But just because he's Aroace doesn't mean he doesn't require attention 24/7 from his friends
3033: Gay. It's not obvious to people because if he's not getting work done he's going home to do his own thing, doesn't talk about it because it's never part of the conversation. Even when people are like "what type of girls are you into?" He says "ones that don't bother me off work if it's something about work." And then leaves.
Cross: He could never make dating work, he would only Yap about his squad leader because he's so cringe like that. You gotta do whatever 3033's got going on with him to even touch romantic ground with him, aka be so annoying to him anytime he sees you he NEEDS to say something or he will explode in a fit of rage
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melangox · 3 months
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melangox · 4 months
omg yes
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fat miku and hijabi miku being friends!
a gift for a good friend on twitter
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melangox · 4 months
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melangox · 4 months
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B and mem but i cursed them and turned them into cats and now all they do is purr and meow all day
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melangox · 4 months
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The gay uncles at the wedding
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melangox · 4 months
And a string of saliva
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I love their dynamic so much oh my godd i can go on for hours about them
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melangox · 4 months
B cell would unironically shove his hand into mem's back pocket saying he "Put something in there as a joke"
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P o c k e t s s p o t t e d
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melangox · 4 months
They should kiss alr
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I love their dynamic so much oh my godd i can go on for hours about them
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melangox · 4 months
im editing this once i get my ipad back
I asked my friend to bald dendritic cell so i can edit him with a low taper fade
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melangox · 4 months
give me the pin 🫴
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I turned him into a pin wwaaaaaaahhhhh
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