New Research May Make You Wonder If Blue Light May Be Good For Sleep After All
These days, it is customary for people to take mobile devices into the bedroom when turning in. They may check their social media, chat to friends or even watch a movie or tv show on their phone. The consensus is artificial light stops you getting to sleep at night. It is felt the blue glare keeps you awake. However, a study has reportedly cast doubt on this assumption, suggesting the issue may not lie with the shade of the light, but the type.
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According to researchers at Manchester University, it might not be the blue of the light disrupting your rest, but its warmth and brightness. In the course of their experiments, they showed a variety of light settings to laboratory mice, to see how they reacted.
Although the study, which published its results in the Current Biology journal, has not been without criticism. It was designed to explore the long-held belief artificial blue light can affect a person’s sleeping pattern.
So, researchers decided to expose their mice/ guinea pigs to different colours, switching from blue to yellow. They also altered the brightness from a high to low register. Scientists noticed that, when both the blue and yellow were bright, the subjects were stimulated, instead of feeling restful. Just as they had anticipated.
However, when researchers turned the brightness down, the mice were more restful under blue light, compared to yellow, which they claim truly reflects what happens in nature.
During the day, the light is comparatively white or yellow coloured, which is better for staying awake. However, when the sun goes down, it becomes increasingly blue, going on dark, which, going by the findings, is more conducive for sleep.
But, ironically enough, devices like laptops and mobile phones are fitted with night-mode settings to diminish blue light, to negate sleep disruption. Although, the researchers conducting the survey claim this may have the opposite effect than intended.
The findings of the research may be debatable in some circles, but they do pose an interesting question, which may make people look at the notion of mobile screens affecting sleep patterns in a different light.
Source: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-50807011
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Hope You Had A Happy Festival Of Sleep Day
We all know the festive season can be a crazy time of year. It can all feel like a blur. So, it’s hardly surprising that, just after New Year’s, one day is set aside for you to rest and recharge your batteries. Allowing you to catch your breath after the madness of Christmas and take some time out before the New Year begins.
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You know December 25th is Christmas Day and January 1st is New Year’s Day. But are you aware two days after, January 3rd, has been designated the Festival Of Sleep Day? A special, unofficial holiday, celebrating both the joy and therapeutic benefits of having a nice kip.
It is a holiday which, on the face of it, is a zany, tongue in cheek event, extolling the virtues of getting some sleep. However, by handling a subject in a fun, light-hearted manner on the surface, you can address the more serious aspects underneath.
Nobody seems to know who exactly thought of the holiday or how it started, but people celebrate the Festival Of Sleep Day in different ways. Depending on the day of the week it falls on, or whether you have a prior commitment, you could mark the occasion with a long lie in or treating yourself to Breakfast In Bed.
Many people also celebrate the Festival of Sleep by buying themselves a new bed or a mattress. There is nothing like marking an unofficial holiday by buying a brand-new bed product, ideal for to lounging around on when January the 3rd comes around.
You can get a jump on next year already or find the perfect adornment for the bedroom throughout 2020, by visiting our superstore outside Glasgow city centre. Celebrate Festival Of Sleep Day every day, by choosing the right bed or mattress from Beds Glasgow.
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Get Ahead With A Headboard From Beds Glasgow
Beds Glasgow offers customers the unique opportunity to create and design the bed they always wanted, at a price that won’t break the bank. You will be able to compile and construct your bed set to your specific needs and specifications, covering the various components. These include finding the perfect style and size of bed and mattress, as well as the right headboard, to prop up your bedroom.
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This versatile item is the perfect adornment to put the finishing touch on your bed product. It can be both attractive and functional at the same time. Offering the best support while laying down, sitting up in bed reading, working on your laptop or checking social media on your phone. A headboard is also ideal for keeping your bedroom warm in the wintertime and cool in the summer.
As a matter of fact, it is often felt headboards were originally designed back in Ancient Egyptian times for that very purpose, to hold off draughts and keep people warm at night.
During the medieval period, extending from the 5th to the 15th century, headboards went through various evolutions, with the advent of canopied and four-poster beds. Later, during Victorian times, people began using headboards fashioned from iron, instead of padding. However, the outbreak of World War One inevitably led to an iron shortage, grinding the production of iron headboards to a halt.
These days, it is becoming increasingly popular to finish your bedroom set with a beautifully upholstered headboard, amongst other styles. Headboards often come in a wide-open panel design and provide ample storage. They are also utilised to keep your pillows secure, and are often fitted with shelves, where you can keep various items like books, lamps and special knick-knacks.
You can be certain that, when it comes to stocking the finest headboards, you won’t catch us resting on our laurels. Why not peruse the extraordinary selection Beds Glasgow has on offer? Ranging from the greatest Regent, Plymouth or Lincoln headboards, to the leading Croydon, Boston, Dundee or Dartford headboards.
If you are on the lookout for a picture-perfect headboard, to brighten your bedroom, then head for Beds Glasgow. See for yourself why we are considered ahead of the competition when it comes to selling bed products. You won’t be disappointed.
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What Is Sleepwalking?
Have you ever found yourself traipsing through the house in the middle of the night, with no memory of what you were doing or how you got there? It is possible you may have been one of the millions of people around the world partial to sleepwalking. A very common condition, but how much do we know about it?
Sleepwalking, often otherwise referred to as noctambulism or somnambulism is a type of sleep disorder from the parasomnia family. A state where a person carries out tasks while being asleep and not completely awake at the same time.
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If you are among the scores of people in the UK who sleepwalk, it usually takes place during deep sleep, while experiencing low consciousness. Generally, you will sleepwalk through the slow-wave sleep stage of non-rapid eye movement sleep, also known as NREM.
You will reach your peak at the beginning of the night, where you may start sleepwalking in the first few hours after falling asleep. This is when you can perform everyday activities when asleep which you would usually do when awake. Ranging from talking out loud, to sitting up in bed or walking around the house, from going to the bathroom to wandering about in the dark.
Furthermore, you could reportedly carry out more complex tasks when sleepwalking, from cooking to reaching for imaginary items and even getting in the car and trying to drive, amongst other instances. However, in many cases, you will only sleepwalk once a night, where it may last from 30 seconds to less than ten minutes or occasionally longer, and you may not remember what you did.
Your eyes may be open, and you could have a glazed, blank look, which can be disconcerting. Sleepwalking can impact your special awareness and knowledge of your environment, as well as your judgement and problem-solving capability, which could have potentially harmful consequences. It is not uncommon for people to suffer falls, or cuts and bruises when they have been waking in their sleep, so you should watch out.
People of all ages can experience sleepwalking, but the majority of cases are found in children, where 20% of youngsters in the UK will sleepwalk on at least one occasion in their life. The majority will stop sleepwalking when they get to puberty, but it can often continue when they grow up.
However, it is not known what exactly causes sleepwalking, although some suggest it runs in families. Many believe you may have a greater chance of sleepwalking if you have an irregular sleep pattern or are woken abruptly from a deep sleep, often by a loud noise. Children may be prone to sleepwalking if they are suffering from a fever, or if they are afflicted with another sleep disorder such as restless leg syndrome. There have also been instances of people living with anxiety and depression, as well as grown-ups abusing drugs, alcohol or prescription medication like sedatives, to sleepwalk.
It is a state which affects all age groups across the UK. Many do not fully appreciate how much of an inconvenience it can be, but if you tend to sleepwalk, you can avoid mishap or injury with the help of family and friends. They can keep a close eye on you while you sleepwalk to prevent any accidents, which could see you through your night-time excursions in safety.
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Marvellous Mattresses Exclusively Available Online From Beds Glasgow
Most businesses these days are embracing the vast possibilities of trading online and Beds Glasgow is no different. We are on the cutting edge of this exciting resource, with a wide range of bed products only available exclusively online. These include an incredible selection of eye-catching luxury mattresses, providing the perfect space to lounge around on and have a great night’s sleep.
When on the lookout for a mattress over the long haul, pick yourself up a beautiful Marathon Memory Mattress. The double-sided mattress comes with a 13.5-gauge open coil spring unit, with a layer of comfortable memory foam. The mattress boasts ample layers of fillings and an attractive stretch fabric knitted covering for an aesthetically beautiful bed product.
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Beds Glasgow also offers a glorious jubilee mattress, made up of a 1000 pocket springs and layers of lavish fillings. The double-sided mattress is adorned with 3-row hand stitched bordering and a demask fabric covering and comes in various metric or imperial sizes. Ranging from a single or double to a king size or super king size bed, which will be the perfect addiction to any bedroom. The mattress will be delivered directly to your home between 10 to 14 days.
If you are looking for a solid gold mattress at a bargain price, you cannot touch the amazing Midas Mattress, or purchase a stunning Titan Mattress, amongst other items you can order.
For more information on the magnificent mattresses exclusively available online from Beds Glasgow, click on the website. We don’t rest on our laurels when it comes to offering the finest bed products at competitive prices. So, if you are searching for the most marvellous mattresses on the market, why not take a look? They are always a big hit.
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Does Napping During The Day Decrease Your Chances Of Heart Attacks Or Stroke?
How many times have you taken time out during the day for siesta? Have you ever stolen a few moments and caught some zees, only to feel bad about it as if you were breaking the rules? Well, it turns out not only have you done nothing wrong, but it may actually be good for you. This comes after an international study states if you have one or two naps in the daytime a week, it can reduce your possibility of having a heart attack or stroke or suffering heart failure, in comparison with those who do not nap.
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People have debated for years the association between cardiovascular health and napping during the day. Some research in the past seems to have noted a decreased possibility of coronary heart disease for people who nap in the daytime, while, on the other hand, different studies have concluded daytime nappers have a greater possibility of suffering a cardiovascular or cardiac event. Therefore, a study in Switzerland set out to investigate this apparent discrepancy and settle the argument once and for all.
Researchers, led by Nadine Häusler, PhD, of the department of internal medicine at Lausanne University Hospital, looked to investigate how napping may be connected to heart attacks or strokes, with a cohort study. A piece of research identifying a specific group of people, observing them over some time. All the while noting how certain conditions affect their results, such as how smoking can bring on lung cancer.
In this case, Dr Häusler and the research team observed in the area of three and a half thousand adult subjects, with no history of cardiovascular issues, between the ages of 35 and 75.
The researchers explored the link between how long the napped and napping frequency while, at the same time, observing the rate of cardiovascular events. The team also examined the subjects sleeping habits, where more than 50% said they hadn’t napped in the past week, while one in five had taken one or two naps in the last seven days.
In the course of their five-year research, Dr Häusler’s team concluded people who took one or two naps a week had almost a 50% less chance of suffering a heart attack, stroke or heart failure, in comparison to those who did not take a nap. It should also be noted researchers could find no connection between cardiovascular events and how long people napped and napping frequency.
Some feel it may be too early to state the effect napping can have on the heart. Many also believe the link between daytime napping and cardiovascular disease is still unclear. However, the findings of the Swiss research study are undeniably interesting.
Source: Medicalnewstoday
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New Research Links Dementia With Poor Sleep
For many years scientists have wondered if there is a connection between sleep and dementia, and now researchers at the University of East Anglia have set up a special sleep unit to explore the possibility.
There are over three quarter of a million people living with dementia in the United Kingdom and that figure is set to rise by over a million in six years. It is not uncommon for people suffering from dementia to experience disturbed sleep. However, scientists at UAE’s School of Health Sciences are working to discover if Alzheimer’s may bring on restless sleep or, on the other hand, if insomnia is an early sign of the condition.
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Initially, the sleep unit will explore if healthy individuals with a greater risk of Alzheimer’s may be more prone to disrupted sleep and how it impacts their body clock.
Experts believe poor sleeping habits may be an indicator of Alzheimer’s as well as other brain disorders. All in all, you need a restful sleep for good overall brain health, affecting such areas as cognition, memory and concentration. The aim of the study is to determine if the disease affects how much you sleep or is lack of sleep contributing to the illness.
In the course of the trial, subjects volunteering for the study will spend the night in a sleep unit fashioned like a hotel room with its own bathroom. They will be supervised by sleep experts, where sensors will monitor their brain activity. Scientists will also test their cognition, balance, attention and co-ordination during their stay at the unit.
Subjects will have undergone screening, encompassing psychological and genetic tests. Volunteers will be asked to keep a sleep diary and wear a device on their wrist, monitoring how much sleep activity they get at home.
They will then engage in ongoing lab sessions over three nights which may include taking various short naps or staying awake for the whole night once, to assess how they respond to sleep deprivation.
According to researchers, the lab sessions will help scientists get a better understanding of how sleep and the body clock may be connected to the genetic possibility of Alzheimer’s.
They feel their findings may be useful in developing other studies which could be used in the fight against the disease, affecting thousands of people across the country.
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Millions Live With Restless Leg Syndrome Every Year
It is a condition affecting millions of people around the world, causing an almost uncontrollable desire to move one’s legs, usually at night-time. The condition of the nervous system is sometimes referred to as Willis-Ekbom disease, but it is more commonly known as Restless legs syndrome.
Those living with the ailment experience a disagreeable creeping or crawling feeling in their thighs, calves and feet, as well as the arms sometimes. It can be felt during the day, but it is especially intense in the evening and at night-time.
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The condition is linked to the spontaneous, involuntary jolting of the arms and legs, referred to as PLMS or periodic limb movements in sleep. Many show the signs of restless legs syndrome at regular intervals, every now and again, while others feel the symptoms daily, ranging from the minor to the severe.
However, when it comes to finding the cause of restless legs syndrome, it may not be obviously apparent. In most cases, the condition referred to as primary or idiopathic restless legs syndrome can be hereditary.
Many specialists in the field of neurology attribute the symptoms to how the body manages the chemical called dopamine, which controls the movement of muscles and may bring on involuntary leg movements synonymous with the condition.
Some instances referred to as secondary restless legs syndrome may be linked to an ongoing, underlying health issue like kidney failure or iron deficiency anaemia. There is also often a coalition between restless legs syndrome and pregnancy, where around 20% of pregnant women will exhibit the signs in the final three months of their term, although the symptoms normally recede when the baby arrives. Women, in general, are invariably more prone to restless leg syndrome than men. Most cases affect people in middle-age, but it can affect any age group.
If your case of restless leg syndrome is linked to an underlying health illness, you could eradicate the symptoms by treating the condition. However, if your symptoms are not connected to any underlying problem then, you could alleviate the signs of restless leg syndrome by changing your lifestyle somewhat. Ranging from improving your sleep habits to giving up smoking and getting more exercise.
However, if your symptoms are more intense, they may require treatment, to control your dopamine and iron levels, to counteract the effects of iron deficiency anaemia. Be assured restless legs syndrome is not a life-threatening condition. However, in certain cases, it can cause great pain and discomfort in a person’s everyday life, leading to physical or psychological issues such as restlessness, insomnia, depression and anxiety.
These are just a few of the hardships people living with restless leg syndrome may face on a day to day basis. However, there are steps you can take to try and countermand the symptoms, from making lifestyle changes to seeing a doctor and receiving treatment. It may feel as if you may be afflicted with the condition forever sometimes, but It is possible to defeat restless leg syndrome. So, do not give up hope.
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The Best Deals Are Available From Beds Glasgow
If you are looking for the best deals on bed products in Scotland, then come to Bed Glasgow. We pride ourselves on offering the finest promotions, where you can purchase quality items at a knockdown price. You can depend on us to bring you the most exciting bargains, you will not find anywhere else.
This was highlighted by the fact Beds Glasgow recently ran a promotion where every item in our store was available at a 20% discount. Yes, that was 20% off everything in the store, for a limited time only.
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So, if you have visited our massive superstore outside Glasgow city centre you will have seen the marvellous selection on offer. We have a huge range of beds products, of various sizes and designs, to choose from. These cover everything from metal, wooden and fabric bed frames to leather, Ottoman, storage, children and bunk beds, as well as an incredible line of full divan frames and headboards.
Furthermore, Beds Glasgow has an excellent choice of luxury, mattresses, which can be sold separately. From perfect pocket sprung, memory or memory sprung mattresses to the ideal rolled or Orthopaedic mattresses, providing optimum comfort.
If you stop by our fully stocked superstore off the M8, you could purchase the most beautiful modern, contemporary and traditional items to compliment any home. We are open seven days a week, with ample parking space for 300 vehicles, provided free of charge.
You can benefit from our exceptional customer service and over thirty years’ experience, to bring you the best bed products on the market. If you are looking for a good deal, you can depend on Beds Glasgow. We won’t let you down.
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Is Social Media Keeping Your Kids Awake?
It has always been a struggle for parents to try and get their kids to go to bed at night. They always want to stay up for “just another five minutes” and it my seem like a constant battle to get them to turn in. Especially in this day and age, where every teenager has got a mobile phone, iPhone or iPad, where they can listen to music or watch a movie or a tv show, keeping them awake at night, which seems to be an ever-growing problem.
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As a matter of fact, according to new research, more and more children in this country are afflicted with sleeping disorders. Many are putting the blame on using social media and watching digital devices at night-time.
The UK has seen a significant rise in the percentage of young people being admitted to hospital, suffering from sleep disorders, since 2013. Cases of children under 16 being diagnosed increased from around six and a half thousand six years ago to almost nine and a half thousand in 2018.
Many experts accept gazing at a blue screen in the dark can disrupt a child’s sleeping pattern. Some feel if young people are staying awake at night chatting with friends over social media or streaming a film when they have to get up early the next morning, it could lead to an ongoing problem, which may result in a long-term sleep disorder.
However, some experts wonder if the answer may lie in enforcing strict rules at bedtime, highlighting the importance of establishing a good sleep routine.
One of the first steps is to give children some time to unwind before going to bed. Some recommend young people cutting down how much they use their mobile prior to turning in, which could help them get a good night’s rest. Many say it is just a little change in their day to day habits, which may be the secret to a better sleep.
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How To Get A Good Nights Sleep While Suffering From Hay Fever?
We are now in the middle of summer (apparently), the time of year when the temperature rises (reportedly) and people are enjoying the sunshine (hopefully). However, for millions across the country, the rise in the mercury is nothing to laugh about. Especially if you suffer from hay fever, where the warmer temperature can be a source of great discomfort, instead of all fun and games.
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The fact is hay fever, the most widespread allergy affecting grown-ups in the UK, can impact your life in various ways, morning, noon and night; especially considering how the condition can upset your sleeping habits. Sources say more than 50% of adult males and females struggling with an allergy like hay fever find it hard to get to sleep at night. This can affect your energy levels during the day, bring on exhaustion and diminish your cognitive abilities. Lack of sleep can also lead to stress and anxiety and contribute to depression.
However, there are steps you can take to get better sleep during hay fever season. These can involve subtle alterations in your bedtime routine which could make all the difference. For instance, it may seem fundamental, but it is recommended you try changing and washing your sheets more often. Most people only wash their bed sheets once a fortnight, but experts believe this may not be enough to eradicate the signs of allergens. If you wish to keep your sheets clear of dust or pollen, you should try cleaning them every week at a high temperature, just to be sure.
Many also feel the mattress you sleep in can play a pivotal role in alleviating the symptoms of hay fever. A conventional mattress can house literally thousands of dust mites which could aggravate allergies. However, by purchasing a high-quality mattress, you can decrease the chances of being plagued by the mites and particles, which could bring on your hay fever.
Beds Glasgow stocks the finest quality mattresses at a knockdown price. If you are looking for the perfect night sleep, we offer the widest selection of bed products, all the year round. Whichever the season, you can find the most comfortable mattress online, or in store, from Beds Glasgow.
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Feel Like A Champion Check Out The Word Of Bed Frames Available
Last summer football fans were caught up in the excitement of the FIFA World Cup in Russia. The final in Moscow saw France beating Croatia 4-2 and now, following on from the men’s tournament, the world champions are now hosting the 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup.
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24 nations from 6 confederations are competing, with the final taking place at the Parc Olympique Lyonnais, in Lyon on the 7th of July.
The 2019 Women’s World Cup brings the world together in a celebration of skill. We at Beds Glasgow have an array of beautiful bed frames and mattresses, bearing the names of cities from across the globe. If you wish to sample the finest bed products in an international style, then you have come to the right place.
These include the magnificent Madrid Bed Frame, a stunningly upholstered item, handcrafted in the UK. Produced using tried and tested methods and coming in a wide range of colours and fabrics. It contains contemporary chrome feet, a low foot end and has ample under mattress storage.
Customers could choose the stunningly upholstered Milan Bed Frame, the perfect adornment to any bedroom. We offer the beautifully designed Vienna Bed Frame and the London Bed Frame, appropriately fashioned in the UK, with glorious upholstery, a low foot end and the latest chrome feet.
Beds Glasgow stocks the amazing Athens Bed Frames, known for their simple, unique style, created using conventional methods. The frame is lauded for its exceptional storage properties, accessed by raising the base top, where you can place belongings under the mattress.
You could also purchase other items with a global feel, from the attractive Oslo, Hamburg and Vienna Bed Frames, to the Venice and Manhattan, amongst others. If you are scouting for the most beautiful bed frames with an international theme, then come to Beds Glasgow. Visit our superstore near Glasgow city centre or check out our selection online, Looking for champion bed frames at a world class price? We can help you achieve your goal.
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Experience The Best In Customer Service From Beds Glasgow
If you are on the lookout for the greatest selection of the leading bed products at unbeatable prices, then head for Beds Glasgow. We have been located on the East End of the city for more than three years, you could visit our huge superstore where we have an excess of 50 beautiful beds on display, alongside our magnificent choice of mattresses.
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If you pay a call (0141 554 0792) on Beds Glasgow, just outside the City Centre, you will be made to feel right at home. Why not come in and have a look around, where you can give our beds and mattresses a try at your leisure. You will not be bombarded with any pushy sales talk or be under any pressure to buy. Instead, you will benefit from the best in customer service, from a family business with more than three decades of experience of the bed trade.
We have a vast range of beautiful beds and bed frames, for sale at a bargain price. They cover a broad spectrum of styles and designs, being fashioned from different materials. We have strong, sturdy wooden and metal bed frames, as well as the most comfortable fabric bed frames. Beds Glasgow has a vast selection of divan bed frames, leather or Ottoman beds, alongside having the finest bunk beds, children’s beds for the kids and attractive and practical storage beds, for additional space.
Why not take a look at the marvellous selection of mattresses we have on offer? These take in the most attractive and comfortable pocket sprung mattresses. We also stock the best memory and memory sprung, rolled and orthopaedic mattresses, which will look perfect in any bedroom. You may purchase the mattresses separately and Beds Glasgow also has a huge choice of headboards to suit any bed set.
When you are looking for the perfect centrepiece for your bedroom, put your trust in Beds Glasgow. You can come and collect your beautiful bed product in store, or we can deliver free of charge across Central Scotland. This is the exceptional service you have come to expect from Bed Glasgow.
The Original article Published at Beds Glasgow Blog :-
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Former Snooker Champ Facing New Battle Over Insomnia
How many times have you had trouble sleeping and had to go to work the next day? Did you feel like it affected your performance? Were you walking around in a daze and couldn’t keep your mind on your job? If you are experiencing sleeping problems, it can impact how you function, whichever the activity. It can also affect people from all walks of life, be they businessmen, workers or celebrities.
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One person in the public eye who has spoken about their issues with insomnia is the Snooker player Graeme Dott. The former world champion from Larkhall in Lanarkshire has disclosed how he sought professional help. Mr Dott, 41 years old, has attended a sleep clinic to try and conquer his long-term sleep problems. It is a chronic, crippling condition which the ex-champ feels has disrupted his career. This comes after Dott was surprisingly knocked out in the first round of the World Championships at the Crucible in Sheffield. A shock defeat which many put down to lack of sleep. However, Dott has vowed not to let his affliction get the best of him and is resolved to make a comeback.
The 2006 champion, now ranked No 21 in the world, has revealed he has been living with his disorder for eight years. Dott has stated that, while in the throes of his condition, he has been known to wake up 20 times and may only manage two hours of sleep a night. He even struggles to take a nap and never achieves deep sleep, waking up just before he reaches that point. This leaves him feeling exhausted the next day, which can affect his concentration. An important part of any snooker players game, which can be sorely affected if you do not have a good night’s rest.
Graeme Dott is dedicated to bouncing back from his defeat at the Crucible and battling his sleep disorder head-on. If you are also living with insomnia, you too can fight like a champion and turn your life around. The first step can be buying the right bed and mattress set. We have a varied selection of comfortable, luxury bed products to help you overcome your sleep problems. Why don’t you come and see?
The Original article Published at Beds Glasgow Blog :-
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Do You Live In The Most Sleep-Deprived City In Britain?
Are you having trouble sleeping, and considered it could have something to do with where you live? It may not be such a crazy idea, especially after a recent survey has named the most sleep-deprived cities in the UK. Could your neck of the woods be one of the worst places for catching some zees?
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According to the research, if you live in Glasgow, you are Number One with a bullet, where residents can only manage an average of three hours and 49 minutes a night. This is despite the fact the NHS recommends you should have around eight hours sleep every evening for a full, healthy life.
However, many cities achieve nowhere near. As a matter of fact, those mentioned amongst the most sleep deprived in the country only achieve half as much.
Studies say the people of Manchester sleep an average of four hours and five minutes a night. Birmingham is one of the most restless cities in the UK, where folk manage four hours and ten minutes. The populace of Nottingham sleeps around four and a quarter hour while Southampton residents rest four hours and twenty minutes.
However, even some parts of the country said to be at the other end of the sleep spectrum do not achieve the full eight hours. For instance, the people of Bristol have been called the soundest sleepers in the UK, but they only sleep five and a quarter hours.
There are other busting major cities which have surprisingly low rates of sleep deprivation. Who could have predicted cities that never sleep like London, Newcastle, and Liverpool, as well as the Scottish capital Edinburgh, could have healthy sleep patterns? However, on the other hand, it only stands to reason a fast-moving city like Glasgow would have an issue with sleep deprivation.
If you are living in and around the city and experiencing sleepless nights, we could offer the ideal solution. Beds Glasgow provides the perfect choice of bed products to rest your head. It could be just the thing to reverse the trend for your poor sleep habits.
The Original article Published at Beds Glasgow Blog :-
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Purchase A Glitz Fabric Divan Set. On Sale From Beds Glasgow
If you are looking for the bestselling beds and mattress sets from Beds Glasgow, then check out the most popular products we have available. You can pick up a beautiful bed product at a bargain price, if you check out the amazing items we have on offer at our incredible bed sale. These include the glorious Glitz Fabric divan set, the perfect adornment for your bedroom.
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Boasting a luxurious memory sprung mattress, which may be upgraded to an orthopaedic version if required. The divan set is available in five beautiful colours, offering a wide range of storage facilities to meet your requirements. It is complete with a matching diamante headboard, measuring 30 inches in height, along with the opportunity to include two or four built in drawers for additional storage. This stunning bed set comes with an attractive bedding set in white, cream or grey, including a 10.5 duvet, duvet cover, pillows and pillow cases.
You should be aware that, in most instances, divan bed bases larger than a single size, approximately 3ft, are generally split, providing you easier access to its storage facilities. Furthermore, the bases are placed on castors, permitting better, more streamlined movement. What’s more the Glitz Fabric divan set divan base and mattress fit together seamlessly with no overhang, ideal for conserving space in your bedroom.
When searching for the perfect example of a top-quality luxury item, then choose the glamourous Glitz Fabric divan set. Visit our massive superstore outside Glasgow city centre or view the item online. Why not pick yourself up this breath-taking bed product on sale from Beds Glasgow? It can be yours for an unbeatable price, to brighten any home.
The Original article Published at Beds Glasgow Blog :-
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Researchers Can Silence Snoring With AI Smart Pillow
There are very few things to cause as much domestic upheaval or to drive your other half crazy, that to have a partner that snores. It can keep you awake at night, leaving you irritable, restless and exhausted in the daytime. It can often be the cause of arguments and leave you feeling like a bear with a sore head. It is a problem which has troubled mankind for centuries, but, thanks to modern technology and the wonders of science, we may have found an answer, in the realms of artificial intelligence.
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It is the breakthrough which could change the world, as well as save millions of marriages. Where a team of American researchers, from Northern Illinois University, have invented a one of a kind smart pillow, utilising the latest noise-cancelling technology and adaptive algorithms. Designed to adapt itself to the individual breathing patterns of the person snoring and quiet them down. It sounds like an amazing concept, but unfortunately, for the moment, that’s as far as it goes. However, the ground-breaking idea has been outlined in a thorough study, appearing in the IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica.
This is not the first-time experts have tried to harness noise-cancelling equipment to silence someone’s’ snoring. The equipment was formerly placed in blankets and headboards, but never into an actual pillow itself.
Basically, the noise cancelling system operates by identifying the sounds of snoring, then creating sound waves of equivalent amplitude to cancel them out. The snoring sounds are detected by a reference microphone, as a pair of error microphones detect any ambient noise. The noises then go through an adaptive filter and construct an appropriate anti-noise signal, played through a pair of speakers in the pillow.
Right now, the AI smart pillow is merely at the prototype stage. However, should it become readily available, think of how many people could have a silent sleep, and how many other halves could be spared having to listen to their snoring?
Source: Dailymail.co.uk
The Original article Published at Beds Glasgow Blog :-
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