meektweek · 4 years
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i hate minecraft
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meektweek · 4 years
You know what
Are we even sure Booker was a Trash Dad? Like, I know you’re gonna come at me with the obvious “um, he literally sold his entire baby” thing, but. Do we even know his reasons for that were as Trashy as we believe? What if we kept in mind that, when Booker sold Anna he was:
- 19 years old
- Dealing with PTSD from the war he fought on when he was 16
- Lost his wife in childbirth and became depressed
- All of which contributed to him developing several addictions, such as cigars, alcoholism and worst of all, gambling, which took all of his money away
In this kind of situation, all while being so young, it’s no surprise he’d be unstable and prone to make some nasty mistakes. Like, he was on the brink of becoming homeless, and he had a baby to take care of. A baby who he noticeably loved, considering how he screamed her name, his desperation in getting her back in that flashback scene.
What I think happened is, Booker wasn’t just being selfish when he sold his daughter. I believe he was also thinking about her future. Thinking that maybe she would be better off without him for a father. I don’t know what the Lutece told him when the offer was made, but I doubt they revealed their true intentions for the girl. Maybe Booker believed she was gonna be adopted by a rich family and live a comfortable life, while he himself would get a second chance to fix his mistakes.
And he still changed his mind in the end. Whatever he believed, or be it because he found out the truth, in the end he still wasn’t willing to give up his daughter. In the end, being with her was what really mattered to him.
But oh well, that’s JUST MY OPINION.
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meektweek · 4 years
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Cottagecore Dedue stimboard bc I think it’s a nice aesthetic for him
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meektweek · 4 years
what timeline am i in where people are mad at hetalia for the dubbed (westernized) version that americans made into shit instead of looking at the source material.. its all satirical.. what the fuck guys . what the fuck its literally making fun of stereotypes. it doesnt condone nazism or racism???? what the fuck and shit is going on 
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meektweek · 4 years
Why Hetalia is Not Supporting the Axis or Nazism
So, let me start with it’s okay to dislike Hetalia. People are allowed to have opinions, and people are allowed to like or dislike things. If you dislike Hetalia because you aren’t a fan of offensive comedy? Then that’s okay. If you dislike Hetalia because you believe that is supports Nazism or is trying to trick the viewer into supporting the Axis? Then that’s just false.
This show is not made for historical accuracy, or to show all of the terrible things every country has done. There’s a reason why we don’t see things such as concentration camps. Because this show isn’t about that. Honestly, I would think it’d be way worse if they did.
The show is about comedy and showing all of the funny things that have happened (for example, America trying to paint Mt. Fuji red). They do not show serious things like slavery, Japanese concentration camps in America in WW11, racism, how terrible the Japanese treated the Chinese, or how Nazis treated the Jews. If the show was meant to be educational, then they would. But it is not. It is a comedy series about stereotypes of countries.
The Axis are not shown to be the good guys in any way, nor are they made for you to feel sympathy for them. The show shows us plenty of clips from the Axis and the Allies. After watching the show, I do not sit and think “aw :( the poor bby axis should have won :((((”. And if someone (which most people don’t) does actually think that, then that is the viewers fault, not the show or creator. An example of this is The Catcher in The Rye, where it was banned because someone shot a celebrity claiming the book told him to. The book was unbanned recently, because people realized that it was the one viewers fault, not the actual book. Nobody else decided to shoot anyone, it was just one clearly not sane person.
Now, I shall move on to the specific characters.
People often see the character of Japan only there to make the country look better, because the materials source. This, however, is far from the truth.
Japan’s character is based on Japanese sterotypes, just like every other character. He is written as incredibly awkward and pretty gullible due to his long isolation period from the rest of the world. He is overly polite (especially in the sub, every word he speaks is in the most polite and formal way possible) which is a Japanese stereotype. He isn’t shown to be superior to any other character at all. If he was shown this strong, powerful, confident character that everyone loved, then I would understand this misconception. However, he isn’t.
Another thing I would like to mention is that many people claim they gloss over how terribly the Japanese treated the Chinese in World War Two, which is pretty false as well. There is a literal strip where Japan stabs China in the back, and he is written clearly as the one in the wrong and the bad guy. Is this as bad as what happened? Absolutely not. However once again, this show is not made to show those kinds of things.
A lot of people claim that his character is the personification of Nazi Germany, which is also just incorrect. He is a personification of Germany, the country throughout all of its history. The show jumps around years frequently, and while most of it is taken place in World War Two, that is not the only time period it does.
People claim that Germany being a main character is spreading Nazism, which I do not understand. They do not mention it in any way in the original text (I say in the original text because Funimation, the company that patrols the dub, decided to make some jokes about Nazism which I do not condone in the slightest).
Saying that having Germany as a main character promotes Nazism is essentially saying that every German is a Nazi. Whether that was a person’s intent or not, that is generally what they are saying. Germany is not Nazi Germany, Germany is the country throughout different time periods, and one of them happening to be a horrendous act. Him being a main character does not automatically mean they are supporting Nazism.
It’s okay to dislike things, but make sure you are disliking something for true reasons, not false claims.
Hetalia is not made for historical accuracy, it is made to make fun of all the stupid things various countries have done, and the stereotypes of each country.
The show does not portray the Axis as the good guys, and most people watching do not suddenly wish that they won the war. And if someone did, that is completely the viewers fault, not the source.
Japan is not used to make the country seem better, he is an awkward and gullible old man that gets made fun of just as much as the rest.
Germany is a representation of Germany as a country, not Nazi Germany
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meektweek · 4 years
Dear people who don't like Hetalia and Hetalia fans,
In a way, I'm quite sympathetic. The first season of the anime covers the second world war, and due to the nature of the show, it's done in a light-hearted fashion. The axis powers countries aren't seen as bad guys. In the dub, there's an anti-Semitic joke. If you're a Jewish person, you might feel like they've erased history.
And if that's your position, because you watched the first season of the dub and didn't like how they covered world war 2, I mostly agree with you. However, I think it's important to note that that's not all of Hetalia. The dubbed version of the Hetalia anime is obviously very different to the Japanese manga. It's loosely translated from the sub, adding in more jokes to make it accessible to Western audiences, including that one joke. Ultimately, many people within the fandom don't like the dub for some of the same reasons that you don't like Hetalia, and those fans feel like the manga is a better representation of their fandom. The manga doesn't focus on the two world wars for long, but I couldn't find anything that offended me. The writer decided to leave out any references to Nazism. This might be seen as erasing Jewish history, and I think that's certainly a downside of that decision. However, I think overall, this was a good decision to make. All of the nations in Hetalia are viewed in a mostly positive light. This is good, because the nations represent the people and culture of their homeland, and their 'bosses' represent the ruling powers. If they were depicted as villains, this would be racist, because even in Nazi Germany, it would be untrue to say that the entire German population was evil. There is still a stigma around German people in places like Russia, and this makes sense, because all throughout primary/elementary school, we're taught that the Germans are the bad guys. This is something that Hetalia works to correct, and sure, it's not as important as teaching against anti-Semitism, but it's still something positive. Additionally, if Germany was depicted as a villain, most countries have committed some type of atrocity. But I'm pretty sure that Americans and Brits would be pretty annoyed to see that they're thought of as evil.
So it's good that Germany's depicted as a good guy. And because of that, there aren't any references to Nazism in the manga. Because that would be putting Nazism in a good light, because Germany's a well-liked, fairly central character. It would also mean that more people became Nazis, because Nazi views would be explained from the perspective of a Nazi. And even if there were nations who openly opposed his views, my points still apply, and the manga simply isn't the platform to deal with high-level political discussion. 
The concept of the manga is to make jokes about history to teach people about history. It's an idea which is constantly used in many different ways. Its light-hearted nature means that if it was to cover topics such as anti-Semitism, it would probably be critiqued for making light of those issues. Because it would be encased in a joke. And that's what we saw in the dub, when Italy (I think - this is from memory) has a present for Germany, and Germany responds "What? Another Jew?". This is obviously an offensive joke, and I take issue with it especially because Hetalia viewers are often younger and more impressionable. But that's the only time, to my knowledge, that the show referenced Jewish history. I don't think any of us would like it if there were more jokes of that nature.
I think that deals with anti-Semitism. Another controversial part of Hetalia is how each of the nations are represented. Entire populations are reduced down to amusing stereotypes. And I understand why people find this offensive. In my opinion, as it's the same for every single nation, I don't. Because we're all poking fun at ourselves. Most nations have positive and negative stereotypes attached to them. For example, America is viewed as incredibly strong, but also a bit of a pig. I think it goes without saying that not all American people are gluttons. The manga just turns statistics into funny character traits. And they're a little offensive, but because each nation is made fun of, it isn't so bad. Plus, they're all eccentrics. If you can understand that an eccentric manga/anime character who eats tons of food and is fairly self-absorbed doesn't wholly represent people from your population, you can understand that it's the same for other countries. They're meant to be huge walking stereotypes. That's obvious to anyone that watches it. If you take offense to that, that's okay. However, in my opinion, I don't think they're harmful. The stereotypes are often accurate in some way, and aspects of personalities are sometimes based on historical events (e.g. Italy's a coward because of how often the Italian military retreated rather than because Italians are cowards). I don't think they're the best way to teach people about a country's culture, but they're certainly a way. So I don't think this is harmful, overall.
Finally, I don't think there's anything wrong with disliking Hetalia. I think that there's a lot wrong by saying that this fandom is racist or anti-Semitic or apologetic to Nazis. There's going to be the odd person, like in any fandom, but overall, it's really not the case. And I know that it's incredibly unlikely that anyone reading this is sending death threats or homophobic abuse to fans, or general hate in asks, but if you are one of those people, I probably can't get you to stop, because if you are, you're probably very fixed in your opinion. But I'd urge you to see that it's a complicated issue, and if you actually had a discussion with a Hetalia fan, your ideology would probably overlap a lot more than it would converge. And if you're not one of those people, I'd ask you not to post anti-Hetalia content right now, because you are, in a way, enabling them. Your opinion is valid and interesting, and needs to be discussed. But right now, it's just fueling the fire, and making those who are suicide-baiting feel more affirmed. Neither Hetalia haters nor Hetalia fans are awful people. It's a complicated issue, but I don't believe that both sides, especially those from your side, are creating a climate for a healthy debate and critical analysis. Thank you for reading. I've left some citations down below.
Dear Hetalia fans,
If you read the first part, you'll probably have sussed out that I'm on your side of the argument. Therefore, I hope you don't mind that what I'm about to say is largely a criticism of the responses some blogs have had, and that most of what I'm about to say won't apply to the majority of you.
Stop calling Hetalia haters SJWs. Stop saying that they're special snowflakes. Stop saying that they're overly sensitive. If they're calling you a racist or a Nazi, saying that they're too left-leaning is literally supporting their viewpoint. It's not a way to gain their sympathy and ultimately is just fueling the fire. 
Don't justify yourself by giving the context a work was created in. If an artistic work is offensive, then the time in which it was created or the demographics of whom it was created for does not stop it from being offensive.
There isn't a word for anti-nationality, and the non-white characters from Hetalia are made fun of, so just saying that it isn't racist because it's about nationalities, not races, isn't really a strong argument.
The fandom isn't a shining beacon of light. The fandom has been toxic in the past. It has been toxic, and there are some really awful people in the fandom. Not many, but some. So I think saying that this is a friendly, pure, wholesome fandom is erasing the experiences that people within the fandom have had. 
However, like I said, I'm on your side. I think the people who are attacking strangers, some of which are minors, are immature, and if they take issue with Hetalia, that's completely understandable, but there's better ways of expressing it than telling someone to hang themselves, as some of them are doing. So turn off your ask box, and don't let people message you who you don't follow until this all blows over. Feel free to message me if you're struggling.
Here's some relevant posts, some of which I saw whilst writing this, and some of which I saw after. I've tied them together with common themes, but many of them cover a broad spectrum of ideas.
Example of hate: https://allthehetalia.tumblr.com/post/187039112036/this-has-gone-on-far-enough-i-have-been-passivel
Hetalia inspires fans:
Hetalia is problematic:
The fandom is problematic:
216 notes · View notes
meektweek · 4 years
i may not like vriska but i like vriska sometimes
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them majyyk balls
1K notes · View notes
meektweek · 4 years
i hate yall
its 2020 please fucking stop shipping incest just shut the fuck up please
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meektweek · 4 years
peak selfshipping is making it so that your f/os have the biggest, most all-consuming crush on you
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meektweek · 4 years
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T r o l l s o n a
I  m i g h t  f u c k  u p  a t  s o m e  p o i n t  i d k -
o f c o u r s e  i t ‘ s  b a s e d  o f f  m y  t r u e  s e l f
64 notes · View notes
meektweek · 4 years
11 notes · View notes
meektweek · 4 years
aardwolves be like
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tiny paws
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wee babes
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chasing you off their lawn (when their territory is infringed upon they will chase the intruder up to 400 m – that’s 1,300 ft)
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punk rock hairstyle
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and then they lick termites off the ground.
472 notes · View notes
meektweek · 4 years
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7K notes · View notes
meektweek · 4 years
I don't know if u want to know these things but one time I showed a guy an episode of sqfk and then took his virginity an hour later
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91 notes · View notes
meektweek · 4 years
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54 notes · View notes
meektweek · 4 years
time to be CoNtRoVeRsIaL
shut the fuck up about the stupid goddamn truscum/tucute debate. neopronouns have been around since the 1800s. dysphoria isn’t needed but euphoria is. want sources? ill give them to u. but here’s the deal: this debate helps NOBODY. NOBODY. it makes our community look like a joke, like we’re so fractured that we can’t even agree on shit. sorry if this is hostile, but it’s so fucking stupid. shut up and focus on the real problems, not stupid shit that goes in an endless circle. i can’t believe we have to fight over someone’s identity when people are fuckin dying and shit. who cares if someone wants to be called something u think is dumb? someone else will think the same damn thing for your binary pronouns, if u use them. we need to step up and fight for what actually matters. christ almighty 
before y’all start talkin shit, i have dysphoria. i go by binary pronouns. im honestly truscum leaning, but respecting people is free. you don’t have to UNDERSTAND to RESPECT someone. god
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meektweek · 4 years
call me a trender, but even people with “weird” identities deserve respect, even if you don’t understand them
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