meapi · 4 months
Tatort has no business being this gay. I'm not talking about the newer teams like Saarbrücken because I get that the ARD finally realised a huge group of people are watching Tatort for the gay feels.
I'm talking about the older teams, just some random examples
München 1991: First ep shows one of their girlfriends, only to show her thirdwheeling against Franz and Ivo's unbreakable bond and insane chemistry from day one
Stuttgart 2008/2009: In one of the first episodes Sebastian and Thorsten get mistaken for gay, and don't even deny it
Münster 2002: Boerne is written like the manic pixie dream girl who is going to brighten up Thiel's life, they even have a meet-cute straight out of a rom com
Like why is a famous German cop show watched every Sunday so gay? I'm not complaining, but it doesn't make sense. It's not even subtext is just text
Do you know how many times I have tried to convince my friends who want a show with gay couples to watch Tatort, the show their parents watch, and they think I've gone crazy...That's how much this doesn't make any sense!
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meapi · 4 months
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Tatort Münster "Unter Gärtnern". Alle Fotos: Thomas Kost
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meapi · 4 months
Also shout-out to the Swedes for just borrowing the French "adieu" into their vocabulary and just spelling it "adjö"
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meapi · 4 months
"For many trans people, medical transition is lifesaving and extremely necessary" and "There are trans people who don't feel as though they need to transition medically, but they want to, and they deserve access to gender affirming care" and "There are trans people who can't or choose not to transition medically due to a variety of factors, and they are still trans" are all statements that can and should coexist
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meapi · 4 months
“if you can’t brush your teeth that’s fine uwu one step at a time” posts are supportive and that’s great but I’m about to have a 4.4k$ dental bill because I wasn’t taking care of my teeth when I was super depressed so uhh brush your fuckin teeth
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meapi · 4 months
German parents be like "I cannot believe you turned to be transgender" meanwhile their sons grew up with this icon:
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Edit: TERFs fuck off, you're so lame
I love you trans people, I love you gender fluid people, I love you gnc people, I love you bisexual princes with bowl cuts who love their queer Cinderella, and I hope you all have a great holiday season!
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meapi · 4 months
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So, when it rained a lot the other day the front pasture got pretty flooded and when I called the babes up for breakfast Houdini was walking around the “pond” and went to go stand on his board that he loves to stand on and it started to move and that’s the story of probably the first horse who ever surfed. 
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meapi · 4 months
best prank my nan ever pulled was getting my granddad a pack of 100 cigarettes (if you've never smoked, you can buy 100 packs which is 5 packets of 20 encased in a plastic wrap, or a box)
she very carefully unstuck the outer covering and slid out all the packets
then she equally carefully undid the individual plastic wraps on the packets from the bottom (again, if you've never smoked, there is one of those little pull tabs at the top to take the top part off, but the bottom is folded over and stuck)
doing this without ripping the plastic is very difficult
she slid out all of the packets from their plastic gowns
she very carefully opened each box so as to not rip or damage it
she carefully folded back the inner paper
she removed every single cigarette
in one box, she replaced the contents with candy cigarettes
and then, painstakingly, she slid each box back into its plastic wrap
re-folded and stuck the plastic at the bottom
put them back in the outer plastic, with the candy cigarette one at the bottom (so as to be last) and restuck that
and gave the cigrarettes to my granddad
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meapi · 4 months
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meapi · 4 months
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Crunchyroll buying out and shutting down Funimaton, deleting everyone’s purchased copies, and then hiking up their prices by 200% is just another example of why you should buy physical media. If you want to buy things you actually own, don’t look to streaming.
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meapi · 4 months
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they were so funny for this
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meapi · 4 months
If you ever thought german was an aggressive language: we literally call chickpeas 'Kichererbsen' which verbally translates to 'giggle peas'
That's why Kichererbse is also used to describe someone who giggles a lot, mainly chlidren.
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meapi · 4 months
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Look buddy, i’m just trying to make it to Friday.
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meapi · 4 months
you gotta be as gay as possible on the computer otherwise alan turing died for nothing
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meapi · 4 months
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She deserves every ounce of adoration the world has to offer.
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meapi · 4 months
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Starting a new post!
First two weeks
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meapi · 4 months
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