mdmoffitt · 5 years
They may talk about the Paradox of Life. We learn, until we forget how.
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mdmoffitt · 5 years
HEY! Are you going to want ARC readers for your book someday? 🙋 I would love to be one
I have sent it out to Beta readers already, but I would be all up for ARC readers when I get to that point!
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mdmoffitt · 5 years
I want my writing to be smart.
Here’s what I mean: I want to write something you can understand on the first go, no problem. But then, the more you think about it, the more little things you realize. Are those little things essential to grasping the plot? No, but they enhance it. Most importantly, you feel smart for pointing them out, and I feel smart for writing them.
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mdmoffitt · 5 years
She wavers,
rocking and weeping.
But he loves every inch of her and his arms weigh heavy and still on her shoulders.
She is messy,
a thunderstorm with amber-onyx eyes.
She’s more mortal than holy but she is adored by something more than human,
something that’s built galaxies in its hands
and breathes hymns like the wind.
Her knees ache.
Her body quivers with exhaustion,
but he is there with his chest to her back and her head tucked under his chin.
Reminding her to breathe.
The chaos rages in her mind and the panic tastes like ashes on her tongue,
but his voice is there in her ears
and his breath is there on her cheek.
His fingers circle around her arms, reminding her of the stardust used to create them,
not the fear that now encases them.
He is the sun,
wild and burning against her skin.
His hands scorch fingerprints into her wrists
as he tells her who she is,
who he loves.
She is an ocean’s battered shore,
the mountains crumbled sides.
She is mottled with scars and eaten away by a raging fire.
He pulls her further into his embrace and tells her she is home there.
He grows flowers between her ribs and fills her loneliness with moss.
She drowns in the smoke that bellows from her lungs,
but he tells her that all of the best things grow from ashes.
And through him, she is eternal.
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mdmoffitt · 6 years
Me writing the fun plot points of my story: I Love Writing.
Me writing the less fun but very important transitions, expositions, and technical points that make the plot possible: *inarticulate grumbling*
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mdmoffitt · 6 years
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Did some more technical work on the novel yesterday than writing, but I still made my word goal and I’m proud of the outlining I did! Not every scene/file is in there yet, but I managed to get a lot of the big ones in, so yay me! Also, I’m loving all this green.
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mdmoffitt · 6 years
(usr/GYPSY): I do wish you’d listen to me. It is a waste of your time to attempt hacking my systems. (usr/Nines): well it’d be a lot less fun if I didn’t at least try.
GYPSY_Files by MD Moffitt
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mdmoffitt · 6 years
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mdmoffitt · 6 years
i think writers forget sometimes that stories can be written without any plot. stories without characters. or stories without structure. without meaning. dialogue. setting. genre.  screw writing advice. be the most avant-garde you that you can be. publish blank pages
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mdmoffitt · 6 years
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(Some) Of Fantasy’s Many Subgenres
(science fiction version)
“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, It’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, And that enables you to laugh at life’s realities.” -Dr. Seuss
Shows & Films depicted (from top to bottom): Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part One, Pan’s Labyrinth, Lord Of The Rings: Fellowship Of The Ring, Beauty & The Beast, Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, Game Of Thrones, American Gods, Supernatural, Wings Of Desire, Guardians Of The Galaxy.
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mdmoffitt · 6 years
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Writer’s dilemma
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mdmoffitt · 6 years
Fantasy Guide to Palaces, Castles, Houses and Homes
We to live in a great fantasy land? A hidden hollow in a tree? An underground city? Perhaps, if real estate is good. So lets go top to bottom.
This is where the royals usually live. This style is less medieval and more Enlightenment chic. Royals can live in castles of course but if they are fashionable they have a palace.
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Castles are not exactly the most cosy place to live. They are built for defense rather than comfort. Castles can be inhabited by royals and nobles.
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Manors, mansions and manses
These are great houses seen more often around modern times. These houses are usually surrounded by great parkland for hunting. Nobles usually inhabit them.
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A house in a fantasy setting usually refers to a double storey home. Owned by the well to do common folk.
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A small one storey home in the county.
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The real bottom of the property market. Made from sticks, shit or peat, this home is usually a single room and usually shared by the livestock on a bad winter.
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mdmoffitt · 6 years
Think of why you’re passionate about this project and put it all on the page. Sometimes in order to say something well, you need to say it crappily first. Do your best. Fix it later.
Helen Hoang (via the960writers)
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mdmoffitt · 6 years
Reminder: that book you’re writing, that book you have read and revised a billion and one times is predictable to you because you wrote it. Because you thought of the ideas, because you thought of every shred of foreshadowing you have written. Those who are reading it have not been inside your brain, they are not the ones you spent hours talking with about your story. They will be surprised, they will be blown away by each and every turn in your story because they are not the one writing it.
And you know what,
even if they are not surprised,
they will still love it. They will still love your characters, they will still love your world, your story, your everything.
Don’t give up ❤
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mdmoffitt · 6 years
So I’ve gotten back the first few reviews from my Beta readers.
Let the panicking begin.
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mdmoffitt · 6 years
types of writers
The Lore-ist 
has detailed if not meticulous notes on the universe they’ve created, down to the food eaten and language quirks, they use mythos and setting to bring it all together
most of the character’s backstories are already loving laid out, though may not be all connected yet. 
Has yet to write a full chapter. (But they’re getting there!)
The Bae
Story is centered around a complex and engaging OC that they’ve spent years developing
said OC has been through A Lot, the love is real, so is the pain
OC may sort of be a loser? ie the story is a character-driven piece where the plot is moved ahead by said character’s bad decisions and questionable habits
The Researcher
akin to the lore-ist but spends more of their time on wikipedia articles jotting down notes and things like how much a watermelon weighs 
Everything from knowing Too Much about child-care to how a body decomposes or flapper chest-binding is on the table, their breadth is large and Should Be Feared
takes a long time to start but make the most of their words, from spot-on sci-fi to history to murder, readers will learn something on the way
The Lemon Flavored Factory
alright take it back now y’all, this writer has written enough smut to make a tom cat blush, they can write other things too, and often well, but there will inevitably be bed-rattling at some point (or car or shower)
either unusually creative or just sticks to classics like Aliens Made Them Do It, neither is necessarily bad but there is oddly little in between
their author’s notes tend to be hilarious or at least very self-aware
The Word Vomit Canoe
action oriented writer who spews out the words before they know what is happening, no plans, no outlines, 10k of the first thing that comes to mind, sometimes things like ‘maybe dragons?’ & they go with it
their strengths are productivity, weaknesses are not knowing what the hell is going on
style is marked by fast-paced tone and downright impressive word count
The Muse
their inspiration doesn’t come as often, but they are always listening for her & redy 2 go
update schedule is…sporadic at best, but makes up for it with long chapters and clean editing
Will write 30 pages in a day and then take a few months off, enjoys one-shots but can do longer works
doesn’t have the best sense of time and when they are in The Zone may forget to eat or shower
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mdmoffitt · 6 years
writing problems: writing
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