Different Types of Air Tools for Air Compressors
An air compressor is not a tool. It is actually a device that primarily has piston and cylinder. It produces air pressure that helps people in many works. There is an extensive number of tools available that uses air compressors. You guys should read about them so that you guys can use them for your needs.
Air Tools Powered by Air Compressors
There are many types of air tools available, which are powered by air compressors. Now, let’s get a look at the below tools provided by AIR COMPRESSOR AGENCY.
An air powered drill is an effective tool for woodworking and construction tasks. In addition to that, there some tasks that require more precision than hole drilling. Now, with a single slip of the arm, a hole could wind up crooked, and the whole project becomes compromised. However, with the help of the air-powered drill, you guys can make a hole in a fraction of the time. It allows people to make deep holes in boards of varying thickness, each within a split second. One of the best things about air drill is that you can blow holes through metal, and it rarely overheats. Its average CFM is 3-6, and PSI is 90.
Orbital Sander
It is also an excellent air tool that is powered by an air compressor. Now, sanding is one of the most exhausting tasks in woodworking. You will see the grains of a sand block leave steaks along surfaces in one direction or another on every swipe. But, the orbital sander can solve this issue by moving varyingly in random, circular directions, all for effect, which prevents marks from forming in any one or two directions on a given surface.
Moreover, this air compressor sander can smooth out rough surfaces in just a tenth of the time it would take with a plain piece of sandpaper. Its best advantage is that it does all the brisk motions. You guys only need to hold this tool above the surface and power on then it will take are the rest. Its average CFM is 8-12.5, and PSI is 90.
Air Hammer
You guys can use an air compressor to power up many tools, and air hammer is one of them. At the same time, some of those tools could be attached with various extensions. I can tell you that one such tool is pneumatic air hammer that can be used to carve stone and cut up metal. Both of the tasks can be handy if you are a sculpture or craftsperson. However, possibilities don’t stop there. That is because you guys can affix with a shock absorber chisel that can separate shock absorbers as well as the below extension tools:
·         Exhaust–pipe cutter.
·         Rubber–bushing splitter.
·         Ball–joint separator.
The air compressor on this tool requires 3-11 CFM and 90 PSI. So, make sure you are following this measurement.
Brad Nailer
Average nails of the hammer and nail variety have their place with various projects. But, I must tell you guys that there are applications where fat, flat heads of nails would be unbecoming. To get the household features such as basic and decorative trim, you guys need thinner, which is unassuming fasteners that won’t require large holes or potentially crack the delicate materials being applied. Now, you guys would be glad to know that the brads are the things that are perfect for projects.
Brads can go straight into the trimming and leave a trace to the naked eye barely. At the time a brad nailer is powered pneumatically, each brad applies in a split second. The air compressor of this tool requires 0.3 CFM and 90 PSI.
Grease Gun
Grease makes it possible for machinery to move. However, in any given machine, the moving parts consist of metal pieces, none of which would work with grease. That is because everything would be grinding against each other to the point of wear and corrosion. Now, applying the right amount of grease would be a challenging task. But, with the help of the Grease Gun that is powered by an air compressor would do the task.
Guys, I hope the above blog was useful for you all. I must say an air compressor is an excellent tool and the above tools, which are powered by air compressors. You guys can use those tools to make your work easy.
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