mcardiff18ahsgov · 6 years
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Impacts and Solutions.” Earth Day Network, 12 Feb. 2016, www.earthday.org/2014/07/14/fracking-impacts-solutions/.
Bullis, Kevin. “GE Water-Treatment System Could Clean Up Fracking.” MIT Technology Review, MIT Technology Review, 28 Mar. 2016, www.technologyreview.com/s/519416/one-way-to-solve-frackings-dirty-problem/
“Stop Fracking Our Future.” The Cost of Fracking, environmentamerica.org/programs/ame/stop-fracking-our-future  
It recently hit a new milestone in the U.S. Fracking now accounts for more than half of all U.S. oil output. “Fracking Now Fuels Half of U.S. Oil Output.” CNNMoney, Cable News Network, money.cnn.com/2016/03/24/investing/fracking-shale-oil-boom/index.html.
“U.S. Energy Information Administration - EIA - Independent Statistics and Analysis.”Chinese Coal-Fired Electricity Generation Expected to Flatten as Mix Shifts to Renewables - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), www.eia.gov/petroleum/drilling/.
“Fracking by the Numbers.” Earthjustice, 4 Nov. 2015, earthjustice.org/blog/2015-november/fracking-by-the-numbers.
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mcardiff18ahsgov · 6 years
Civic Action Assessment of Issue
I think that my role would be to learn more about what our country/community needs and then take action in whatever needs to be done, because being educated is not enough.I have learned that my civic responsibility goes further than being educated on issues, because like I said that just is not enough, you have to take action.I feel like yes it is my civic obligation to help address the problem of oil fracking, but at the same time I think that it would also be helpful if people in Trump’s administration addressed this problem too, because it is not an issue or that big of an issue in California.I volunteered my time by expanding my knowledge on my topic of oil fracking. I interviewed my dad who is a petroleum engineer/geologist on oil fracking. I asked him questions on why his company has used oil fracking in the past and to explain why some companies still use it.
Interview https://drive.google.com/open?id=1g_cyabSi67MfImKxGrODbkpjvR1C9JDE 
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mcardiff18ahsgov · 6 years
The 3 P Assessment: Parties, Political Interest Groups, and PACs
A brief statement assessing the position of EACH party.  If you cannot find the party’s position on your issue please state so and provide a few general inferences as to why the party may not include this issue in their platform.
Do you agree with their position? Why or why not?
Which party position do you identify with most?  Is that surprising? Would you vote for the Presidential candidate?
Democrats, Republicans, and Libertarians are for oil fracking. Peace and Freedom is not for oil fracking.
I agree with Peace and Freedoms position because I want to end oil fracking.
I identify most with Peace and Freedom on this certain issue of oil fracking. I find this surprising because I have never heard of this platform until now. I would not vote for the Presidential candidate because I don’t know much else about their platform.
Interest group name- Independent Petroleum Association of America
A brief statement assessing the position/perspective of the interest group.-The Independent Petroleum Association of America is dedicated to ensuring a strong, viable domestic oil and natural gas industry, recognizing that an adequate and secure supply of energy is essential to the national economy
Visit the interest group’s website.  Spend a few minutes exploring and reading about what this group believes, what it wants to happen in Washington, and how it seeks to influence politicians. List five important pieces of information which gives a picture of what this interest group believes. This group believes that oil fracking helps the oil and gas industry and is for it, they are committed to help preserve species, They believe that oil has enhanced our lifestyles and future for the better, they want to protect the current laws that help oil industries, they believe it has improved our air quality
From your research, describe one (preferably current) piece of legislation, specific policy action, or candidate this group desires or endorses. They are working to preserve wildlife.
Where is this interest group located? Are there any local meetings you could attend? When? Washington D.C. and there are no local meetings I could attend.
Are there volunteer opportunities? If so, what are they? No volunteer opportunities.
Identify additional developments you find interesting from the website/group. I think it’s very interesting that they think oil can help better air quality or that fracking as well can also help better air quality.
Return to http://votesmart.org/interest-groups . Under the state tab, choose California.  
Interest group name There are no oil and gas interest groups in California.
A brief statement assessing the position/perspective of the interest group. None
Visit the interest group’s website.  Spend a few minutes exploring and reading about what this group believes, what it wants to happen in Washington, and how it seeks to influence politicians. List five important pieces of information which gives a picture of what this interest group believes. None
From your research, describe one (preferably current) piece of legislation, specific policy action, or candidate this group desires or endorses. None
Where is this interest group located? Are there any local meetings you could attend? When?None
Are there volunteer opportunities? If so, what are they? None
Identify additional developments you find interesting from the website/group. None
Finally, compare the two interest groups.  Which one seems more organized? More successful?  Who is their target audience? Supporters?  Additional thoughts, concerns, observations welcome. Be sure to follow them on twitter.  None
Please go to: www.opensecrets.org/pacs. On the left side, choose Industry Breakdown and pick the industry that best matches your issue.  Be sure to also check single issue and other.
PAC name-Arch Coal
A brief statement assessing the position/perspective of the PAC.
How much money have they raised/total receipt? How much have they spent? How much cash do they have on hand? They have raised $180,512, they’ve spent $141,000, and they have started with $73,894 on hand and ended with $113,406.
How much of their budget is spent on: Republicans? Democrats?
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mcardiff18ahsgov · 6 years
Executive Action
6.      Based on your review of the President’s website and Cabinet programs, assess the executive action taken on your issue.  Explain your level of satisfaction and provide examples.  Is this department one which President Trump wants to cut funding?  If so, do agree that this is a viable approach to resolving your issue?  How would decrease funding to this department affect your civic action issue? I am not satisfied with what President Trump is doing regarding my civil action issue. He does not seem to care at all about the negative effects of oil fracking. He wants the oil and gas industry to thrive, and will do whatever it takes even putting our own environment at stake. It would not surprise me if President Trump eventually cut spending for the environment protection agency.
1.      Briefly summarize (four-to-five sentences) President Trump's stance on your issue. President Trump is for oil fracking. He recently took the final step to repeal the Obama Administration’s rule setting standards for hydraulic fracking on federal land. He wants to improve the oil industry and they applauded him for making this decision. This step he made is endangering our environment even more.
2.      Do you agree or disagree with his position? Explain. I don’t agree with President Trump’s position. By repealing the Obama Administration's it allows to for fracking to be basically anywhere. Fracking is toxic for our environment and that is why many countries have banned it.
·      Next, choose the Administration tab; on the left side under People, select The Cabinet.  Please visit the Cabinet website which manages your issue to answer the following questions.
3.      Which Executive Cabinet manages your issue? Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency Scott Pruitt
4.      What is the Cabinet’s mission statement (usually on the homepage)? Explain if it relates to your issue. The mission of EPA is to protect human health and the environment.
5.      Explore the Cabinet’s Programs and Services.  Which would be suitable for responding to your issue? Briefly identify and explain them. The National Environmental Policy Act. This act established the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) within the Executive Office of the President to ensure that Federal agencies meet their obligations under NEPA
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mcardiff18ahsgov · 6 years
Legislative Action
Finally, check your twitter account.  I have been tweeting lots of articles that pertain to student issues.  Scroll through my list of tweets and review an article that is specific to your issue, or find a current event on another site. Analysis should be completed on Tumblr.  SACAPS—what is the subject of the article? Trump’s EPA administration is Moving to Undo Fracking Wastewater Protections.  Who is the author? Sharon Kelly What is the context? It is talking about how Trump’s admin wants to study the oil industries waste water again to see if the previous studies that were conducted in 2008 were inaccurate-these studies said that wastewater from oil and gas drilling and coal mines. This included fracking wastewater that state officials had allowed to be dumped at local sewer plants — facilities incapable of removing the complex mix of chemicals, corrosive salts, and radioactive materials from that kind of industrial waste before they piped the “treated” water back into Pennsylvania's rivers. Who is the intended audience? The public, it is intended to educate the public. What is the bias and perspective of the author? There is no bias from the author, she is just stating the facts of the situation. What is the significance of the article? Do you agree with it? Why or why not? The significance of the article is to educate the public on this issue of oil fracking. I like that the author is educating the public on this current issue. However, I don’t agree with what Trump’s EPA is doing. It simply doesn’t make any sense to relook at the evidence that they had. It proves that oil fracking clearly has a negative effect on the environment and water.
What is their perspective on your issue? Mark DeSaulnier hasn’t released a comment directly on oil fracking, but he is very pro to bettering our environment so it is easy to assume that he would be pro for an oil fracking ban. Dianne Feinstein is pro for banning oil fracking.
Have they sponsored any bills that relate to your issue? Mark DeSaulnier hasn’t responded to any bills. Dianne Feinstein supported a bill that set regulations for oil fracking and acidization of underground oil and gas formations.
Please go to www.countable.us.  Go to the issues tab and choose the issue that best represents your civic action issue.  Answer the following:
Are there any bills that pertain to your issue?  How many? Yes, there are 20 bills.
Choose one to analyze and click on the title. What is the bill #? H.R. 1951
Briefly describe the bill in your own words. Offshore Fracking Transparency and Review Act of 2015 This bill prohibits both hydraulic fracturing and acid well stimulation treatment in the Pacific Outer Continental Shelf Region until the Secretary of the Interior has reported to Congress on the conduct and impacts of hydraulic fracturing and acid well stimulation treatments in the Region, and issued, in coordination with the Environmental Protection Agency, a final environmental impact statement regarding the impacts upon the marine environment and public health of offshore hydraulic fracturing and acid well stimulation treatments conducted in such Region.
What impact will it have? It will have a good impact on our environment because it creates regulations for fracking and offshore drilling. Companies have to be on the publicized list in order to frack and are not allowed to use certain chemicals.
Would you vote yea or nay? Why? I’d vote yay because it is a step in the right directions towards to oil fracking ban.
Review the bill progression.  Did it originate in the House or the Senate?  What committees have reviewed it?  Where it is currently? It was introduced in the house and the House Committee on Natural Resources Energy and Mineral Resources. Currently, it is has yet to be voted on.
How satisfied are you with the current Federal legislation on your issue? Explain. I am fine with the current Federal legislation on my issue. I think that there are definitely more ways and things to do to get an oil fracking ban. However, there are currently a lot of bills in the federal legislation that give me hope that my dream of an oil fracking ban will come a reality.
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mcardiff18ahsgov · 6 years
State Action
The Honorable Catharine Baker,
The issue I am concerned about is oil fracking.  I am concerned about this issue because I care for the Earth we live on and know that if we continue like this we will face serious consequences. I am currently a senior at Acalanes High School and I am researching this issue for my senior Government class.  Please clarify your stance on this issue.  Thank you so much for your time.
Megan Cardiff
851 McEllen Way Lafayette, CA
  The Honorable Steve Glazer,
The issue I am concerned about is oil fracking.  I am concerned about this issue because I care for the Earth we live on and know that if we continue like this we will face serious consequences. I am currently a senior at Acalanes High School and I am researching this issue for my senior Government class.  Please clarify your stance on this issue.  Thank you so much for your time.
Megan Cardiff
851 McEllen Way Lafayette, CA
 What is the bill number (if it starts with AB it is in the Assembly, if it starts with SB it is in the Senate)SB-1370
When was the bill introduced? February 16, 2018 by Senator Stern
What was the last major action of the bill? It is in its third reading and has yet to be voted on.
How do you feel about the bill?  Is this something you would encourage your representatives to support?  Explain. I feel hopeful because of this bill. I would favor a fracking ban, but I am somewhat satisfied that this bill is proposing extensive rules and regulations for a well to be fracked. For this reason, I would encourage my representatives to support this bill.
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mcardiff18ahsgov · 6 years
Constitutional Issues
1.      What is the name of the case? Michigan v EPA
2.      The term it was decided?  June 29, 2015
3.      Briefly summarize the facts of the case.  In 2012, the EPA confirmed that EGU regulation was necessary and promulgated emission standards. State, industry, and labor groups petitioned the appellate court for review of the EPA's interpretation of the "appropriate and necessary" requirement with respect to these regulations.
4.      What is the constitutional question the justices were deciding? Did the Environmental Protection Agency unreasonably refuse to consider costs in determining whether it was appropriate to regulate electric utility steam generating units.
5.      Which constitutional provisions or amendments are in question? The Clean Air Act
6.      What was the decision? There was a 5-4 decision that said that the Environmental Protection Agency unreasonably the Clean Air Acts Amendment when it considered cost irrelevant to regulation of power plants.
7.      What precedent does this decision establish?  This sets precedent that there does not need to be “appropriate and necessary” to regulate coal and oil fired EGUs. This means that companies are able to do oil fracking.
8.      Do you agree or disagree with the court’s decision? Explain.  I don’t agree with the Supreme Court's decision on this case. I think that there needs to be some sort of regulation on using oil. I feel this way because of how our Earth's current state is. If we keep on allowing companies to frack without regulation because it can contaminate under water drinking supplies. Fracking will pollute the aquifers that sustain the life of our communities in a way that can’t be fixed. And since the companies that frack our land aren’t required to disclose the chemical mixes they inject these wells with, we have no way of knowing the impact until our people begin to get sick.
·      Finally, check your twitter account.  I have been tweeting lots of articles that pertain to student issues.  Scroll through my list of tweets and review an article that is specific to your issue. If there are none that pertain to your issue, you may find one from a reputable on-line source.
·         SACAPS—what is the subject of the article? Who is the author? What is the context? Who is the intended audience? What is the bias and perspective of the author? What is the significance of the article? Do you agree with it? Why or why not?
S- The subject of the article is how parents didn’t want fracking to occur near their kids school, so the company moved the project to a poorer school.
A-The author is Megan Jula
C-The context is that a fight is underway between environmental justice advocates and the Colorado commission that oversees oil and gas development. Four environmental and civil rights groups are suing the commission for allowing a company to build 24 oil and gas wells by a public school in a low-income area after the same company tossed its original plans to build near a charter school serving mostly white, middle-class families.
A- The authors perspective on this topic is not completely transparent, however she seems to be writing in a way that shows she is not for this idea of putting it next to the second school, or any school in general.
P-The significance of this article shows how oil companies and the industry are able to have the right to put a plan into place that is near a school ground. This is not safe for the kids attending these school for multiple reasons. I also think that the article is bringing awareness to the topic of fracking in all and educating the public.
S-I think this article is bringing awareness to the topic of oil fracking. I also think that it is good that it is talking about fracking and this current issue of it being able to be by school grounds because there are multiple reasons as to why fracking is not safe by school grounds. If there is a mistake in fracking it can lead to a leak which can pollute the air, putting the kids at risk for being sick, along with the rest of the community. Overall, it is not worth it, and it should not be possible for companies to do this in the first place.
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mcardiff18ahsgov · 6 years
Economic Assessment of Issue
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S-The subject of this graph is the estimated global oil supply disruptions through fracking. 
A-The author of this graph is Patrick C. Miller of North American Shale Magazine.
C-The context is how oil fracking affects the gas and oil economy. 
A-The audience for this graph is oil and gas companies, or the individual trying to learn more about the oil and gas economy. 
Fracking affects individuals and businesses. It affects businesses because fracking currently boosts the rate that oil and gas can be extracted from the wells making the prices of oil cheaper. It affects the individual because it harms our environment. The resolution for fracking is a want as of now. It will become a need in the long run. This is because fracking has a direct impact on our environment. It increases air and water pollution, along with increasing the potential for oil spills. Fracking can also lead to earthquakes because of the high pressure used to extract oil and gas from the rock and storage of excess wastewater on cite. The only services needed would be to make fracking illegal. To stop oil fracking, there would need to be either a federal or state ban on fracking or the prices would need to be low enough that oil companies do not make any money from fracking. If there were incentives or requirements for lower car pollution emissions then gasoline burning cars would not be in favor, and less oil would be needed, so oil prices would be lower, and oil companies would not be incentive to spend a lot of money fracking. The incentives to end fracking are that it will atop the risk of toxic fluids that could rise up from underground through accidents of the well heads that damage our environment. This is all because there about 650 products containing cancer causing properties used to frack that would leak into near by water streams. 
Two opportunity costs of ending fracking would be cheaper oil and gas prices along with extracting oil faster. Yes, these opportunity costs are worth the social, political, and economic challenges that they’d bring. 
A lot of oil and gas companies benefit from fracking because it lowers the cost of oil and gas. Fracking creates better access to more oil and gas. These companies would also no longer have to rely on foreign countries for their oil and gas. Along with all of these, fracking also increases employment opportunities. 
Businesses would not benefit from banning fracking, but the environment and peoples health would. 
One externality of fracking is polluting the environment. The externality that lead to oil fracking is the price of oil. Oil companies started fracking as a way to make more money when oil prices were high. With time, there have been technological advancements, horizontal drilling for example, that have reduced the cost to drill and frac wells so companies can now make money fracking at lower oil prices. 
Oil fracking could possibly be reduced through government subsidies but not by transfer payments. 
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mcardiff18ahsgov · 6 years
Blog Post #1 Getting Started
-SACAPS—what is the subject of the blog?The subject of this blog is Hydraulic Fracking.  Who are the authors? There is one person who runs the blog, who posts articles written by different people. What is the context? The context is articles that show how oil fracking affects society and the environment. Who is the intended audience? The intended audience is people trying to learn more about fracking and how it affects the environment. There are posts explaining what is it. What is the bias and perspective of the author? It is hard to tell what the authors bias is because he has posts that show how fracking can help the work force by preventing more jobs and then he has articles about how it can affect water and the environment. What is the significance of the blog? I think the blogs significance is to educate people who do not know that much about fracking in general. Do you agree with it? I think that this is a good blog to educate people on fracking and it a good starting point for people to educate themselves on fracking. However, I don’t think that the jobs provided from oil fracking out weight the negative impacts it has on our environment. 
The twitter accounts I am following are
I am following these accounts because all of them provide good information about fracking. They are also interesting and brought up points that I didn’t know too, so they’re educational as well.
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