mayonation 2 days
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girls be like I want that fat boy!!!!
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mayonation 2 days
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i totally forgot i have a commission im supposed to be doing because i was drawing these two while i watched s15 w friends...... le sighhh
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mayonation 2 days
Update: Red vs Blue Survey
In honor of pride month, we have decided to extend the deadline of this rainbow colored survey until the end of june
jk (kinda) we are mainly just trying to give people more time to watch restoration before filling it out/try to wait until we can get a better sample size As of writing this, we have 122 responses, which is a bit lower than my target goal of 164, which was the amount of responses received the first go around with the older, less organized, version of this survey The new deadline will be june 30th, at 11:59pm EST! Thank you to everyone who has filled it out thus far, and for sharing it around!
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mayonation 3 days
Things I will be taking as Canon from RVB Restoration:
Sarge cares enough for Caboose that he would go back and save him for no reason other than he cares for him.
Tucker cares about Caboose enough that it was able to snap him out of mind control for just a few seconds, something we don't see with the Meta.
There was still a part of Epsilon in Wash (if I saw that last scene correctly)
If given the power to do so, the first thing Simmons would do was give the love of his life that ability to get out of the army, the thing he assumes he would want more than anything. (Though in my version they leave /together/
479er is still out there and doing great.
If Washes recovery beacon goes off, Carolina WILL stop EVERYTHING she's doing to track him down.
If Sarge were to die, he'd leave Simmons his shotgun.
Things I will not be taking as Canon from RVB Restoration:
The rest of it.
The fact that everything past S13 is reconed except Wash Angst
Please add your own!
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mayonation 4 days
follow me on cara guys.... i'm @/driftagemixer......
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mayonation 4 days
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What if he was there the whole time everyone just ignored him
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mayonation 4 days
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this one's gonna do numbers on tumblr
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mayonation 4 days
Doodles again. Gordon in stasis and Frenrey having a Chuck e cheese wedding
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mayonation 4 days
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mayonation 4 days
grimmons animatic to the song small car with big wheels. to recover from rvb restoration
[originally posted december 2022]
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mayonation 4 days
AITA for not leaving the military with my friend of 20+ years?
I (39m) have been serving in the military alongside someone I've grown very close to (40m) for over 20 years now, and don't give me any of that "thank you for your service" bullshit because it all sucked and we kept getting tangled up with the repercussions of this top secret failed military project or whatever that almost got us killed MULTIPLE times. The details aren't important, all that matters is that it eventually led to our Sergeant getting killed recently and leaving me as the team leader.
Anyways, throughout these 20+ years, the guy I mentioned earlier has expressed the entire time how much he hates it and wants out. He complains a lot but he actually has accomplished a lot, although neither of us would ever admit that to each other. But he's clearly pretty miserable here, so as the new leader, the very first thing I did was discharge him. It's what he's been begging for since basic and I figure after all the shit we've been through, he's earned it. I expected him to pack his things and leave right then and there, but no, he immediately asks me to come with him. This threw me off completely; I figured he'd want out with no reminders of any of the past 20 years, but no, he wanted me to come with him.
I didn't know what to tell him. Our sergeant had just died, and I felt like abandoning the position he'd left me would be a dishonor to his memory. I owed it to him to stay after everything he'd done for me personally, and besides, I felt like I was finally doing something with my life, like after all these years I'd finally found success. So I said no, and I stayed. He's long since home by now spending time with his sister, and I can't help but start to feel like I made the wrong choice. I mean, I'm literally the only member of our team left now aside from the robot that our sergeant made who only speaks Spanish (long story) but I'm pretty sure he hates me and wants me to leave. So AITA for not leaving?
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mayonation 5 days
Fuck whatever happens to grimmons in rvb19, all I gotta say is: I love you, Geoff Ramsey Interview From A Million Years Ago Where He Said Grif Likes Simmons. You鈥檙e canonical To Me.
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mayonation 5 days
i might make another rvb discord server just to get a smaller group of people to talk with especially about restoration.. anyone have any interest in that馃
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mayonation 5 days
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simmons if he was boyloser
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mayonation 5 days
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mayonation 5 days
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mayonation 5 days
congratulations to rooster teeth for creating a queerbait old enough to legally drink. something i sorely wish i could do after watching restoration.
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