maybethisisagoodurl · 10 hours
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The computer is a machine built for looking at pictures of fish you wouldn't otherwise see. Anything else you can do with a computer was an accident and unintended
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maybethisisagoodurl · 12 days
last night i had a dream that i was playing minecraft and i noticed i had 77 blocks of cobblestone in one slot instead of it being capped at 64 and it was so jarring to me that it literally booted me out of the dream. like sure you can fly now and your childhood home is a pharmacy but 77 pieces of cobblestone? unthinkable. wake the fuck up.
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maybethisisagoodurl · 12 days
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maybethisisagoodurl · 12 days
Sorry mrlovenstein but you’re not old. You’re just not black.
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Secret Panel HERE 🆒 tapas.io/episode/3016236
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maybethisisagoodurl · 15 days
no but actually if i see anyone say “omg haha Kendrick and Drake writing poetry for each other they should just kiss already” re: Kendrick using his platform to call out Drake for his history of antiblackness, s*x crimes (particularly against children), abuse, and misogyny (particularly against black women) im going to lose it like. yall can’t take ANY part of black culture seriously and it shows, it REALLY shows
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maybethisisagoodurl · 20 days
like okay im just going to be real right now. do some of you not understand that children grow into adults? like seriously. because the way some of yall talk about them makes me feel like you think of children as an entirely different species and not people who in 10 years will be expected to function and understand society. were you cloned? do you come from a tube? did you jump out of the artificial womb as a fully formed 25 year old
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maybethisisagoodurl · 24 days
but if I don't get weird and horny about this then who will
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maybethisisagoodurl · 28 days
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centrist guy in 1970 seeing university anti-vietnam war protests in the news
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maybethisisagoodurl · 28 days
really wish "abolish the police" was trending with all the news, it feels like a lot of ppl have forgotten since the height of blm
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maybethisisagoodurl · 1 month
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maybethisisagoodurl · 1 month
I'm in awe of how we ran historical revisionism on the civil rights movement so bad that people truly believe it was quiet self-sacrifcial non-disruptive christ-like activism that forced progress and not — like — the incredible economic pressure of boycotts and outbreaks of illegal civil disobedience
Yapping to the choir but eughhh it burns me up girl effective protests have to be loud and inconvenient for change to happen because silent cries die in the dark that's the entire pointtt
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maybethisisagoodurl · 1 month
i think the way tiktok and tumblr (yes i am unifying these two sites together for this, for shame!) talk about autism and adhd (n honestly ocd too) as this quirky party trick has really damaged The Youths, at least in america (n they enact that damage on the rest of us, per usual)
like you guys will CONTINUE as usual to mock n harass anyone who is slightly "weird" or "offputting" bc well YOURE autistic and YOU dont do that, so it must be a them problem. well, YOU live on your own and YOU have a job and YOU have tons of friends and YOU go to uni and YOU go to the club and YOU arent weird. its not an "autism thing", this persons just weird. weird for being a picky eater, for using scripts in conversations, for avoiding crowded places n having meltdowns while in them, for living w their parents or in assisted living, for going on about their special interests, for missing social ques, for speaking "weird", for stimming, for having little or no friends, for being unemployed, for having motor issues, for being nonverbal, for not being able to handle the school/academy system, for being autistic.
THEYRE clearly just weird, THEYRE wrong for exhibiting signs and symptoms of autism. their autism is WRONG and WEIRD and OFFPUTTING. YOURE autistic and YOU dont do that, so its clearly "not about autism".
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maybethisisagoodurl · 1 month
why is religious Christmas imagery all so joyful and pleasant? where is the inherent horror of the birth of Christ? A mother is handed her newborn child, wailing and innocent. Her hands come away sticky. Red. Simply by giving her son life she has already killed him. He is doomed from the beginning. Her love will not save him from suffering. Because the thing cradled in her arms is not a baby, it is a sacrifice: born amongst the other bleating animals whose blood will one day be spilled in the name of what demands it. the night is silent with anticipation. Mary, did you know? That your womb was also a grave?
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maybethisisagoodurl · 1 month
yall do realize just because something has been a target of misogynistic criticism, that doesn't make stanning it completely uncritically in response some kind of revolutionary feminist praxis. right.
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maybethisisagoodurl · 1 month
can people please shut up about the love languages?? they were cooked up as a gimic to sell self published books by a conservative homophobic evangelical priest who hated his wife and lied about being a qualified psych!!! nothing about the love languages is a legitimate analytical tool. your otp makes sense because they're written well by people who are good at their craft, not because person a likes gift giving and person b likes affirmation. your partner doesn't understand your needs because you both need to be better at communicating or you're actually not good together, not because their love language is acts of service or some shit. everyone likes being given things and told nice things and kind gestures! It comes with being a person and youse need to find a better way of expressing that because using the self-published ramblings (of a man who hated women) to catagorise people is, dare I say, a habit that will endear you to bigots more than anyone if you aren't careful.
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maybethisisagoodurl · 1 month
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haunted house uquiz by streetlighthalo
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