It happens with disturbing regularity. Right wingers will say 'support the troops' then the second the military does something like support trans people they immediately backpedal and roast the military.
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I’m so emotional about dinosaur stuffed animals,,, there are these creatures, extinct long before any of us were alive, but we found their bones and their eggs and their footprints. And we made drawings and models of what they could’ve looked like. And we made them into stuffed animals so we could hold them. We made them soft so we could love them. I’m sobbing
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t&t (trans friendship)
tvst (trans enemies)
t4t (romantic)
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Reblogging would be a great help, but don’t feel pressured to
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The jaded post-ironic mean girl thing is just south park nihilism for acid jazz gays
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The only kind of missionary work I support is the kind where you just help people and like, happen to be part of a religion. wheter or not that matters is up to them
still thinking about "decolonising" missionary work.
the way you decolonise missionary work is by not doing missionary work
the way you decolonise missionaries is like this:
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Why is the sand glossy.
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3 components of worldbuilding:
1. The author’s kinks
2. The author’s power fantasy
3. The author’s political agenda
Plot and logic optional
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I dont normally smell ants, but when I was a kid there was an ant colony that REEKED out back of my house. It was the only one that stunk like that.
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Since so many idiots seem to be unable to grasp why "underage fiction is pedophilia" is insulting to real victims, imagine you're talking to someone who watched a serial killer murder their best friend right in front of them and then tried to kill them too before they narrowly escaped.
If you tried to comfort this crying, deeply-traumatized person by saying, "I know how you feel, I was killed in Call of Duty once." they would be RIGHTFULLY insulted by the fact that you had the fucking nerve to compare their real encounter with a real murderer to your experience of getting t-bagged in a fucking video game.
Most people seem to recognize that real murder is very different from video game kill counts, and yet when child molestation is in the equation, suddenly the rules change. Now even fictional depictions of the crime are the same as committing a real crime, or at the very least, it encourages real crime by not spoon-feeding morals to its audience every second like it's full of babies who need their food mashed up for them because they don't have teeth yet.
If that still seems difficult to wrap your head around, imagine if fiction writers were praised for depicting fictional characters giving vast amounts of money to charity, but don't actually donate to charity at all and don't encourage it outside their fiction. Is writing fiction about doing good acts the same as actually doing those good acts? Are people who don't like charities in real life now going to donate money just because they read it in a book? Should we praise authors for writing inspiration porn just so they can pat themselves on the back and tell everyone what a good person they are without actually doing anything helpful for real people who need help?
Fiction affects reality, but fiction doesn't make us do things. It doesn't have the power to completely change a world view, it only has the power to reinforce existing beliefs.
Trying to dictate the types of fiction that people are allowed to read and write is authoritarian fascism.
It's a tool of oppression, not of justice.
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Is every dash an individual action? or is it just a series of upgrades for one ultradash.
Metroidvania where every upgrade is a dash upgrade. I-frame dash. Air dash. Phasing dash. Aimable dash. Multiple dashes. Various elemental dashes. Bosses only take damage from dashing into them. Every interaction is a dash; at the start of the game you can't press floor buttons because you don't yet have the ability to air-dash downward. Later on you learn the Dash of Comprehension, which lets you translate ancient inscriptions by bonking the inscribed object with a dash.
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thank fucking god I'm not 14 anymore
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Also they DID have computers They just all got destroyed.
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ALSO it depends on the many factors of bouyancy, but I think you would probably sink no matter what. You can still step into liquid mercury after all.
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Depends on how hot it was, too cold and you get stuck like mud, but too hot and your just wading through plasma and even if your heatproof your dying to the radiation.
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