maybeiamreckless · 6 years
I’m going to be really honest here you guys.
Everything in my life right now is overwhelming. I will be okay, but unless I come to you I don’t want to talk about it. And I very likely won’t be rping for the rest of the year.
I’m sorry for disappointing everyone.
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maybeiamreckless · 7 years
Hiatus/Muse loss
Hey guys, sorry to announce that I have unfortunately lost all muse for Tau (and Kili) I will leave the blogs up, mostly because I have to and also just in case I get the muses back. Plus I love some of the things I’ve written with you guys and I don’t want to lose any of it.
You can find me on “ bambisbabies ” or “ thewinterbuckky ” from now on, so feel free to come talk and rp.
Sorry about this guys. Love ya.
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maybeiamreckless · 7 years
"Riley, nice to meet you." He replied, shaking her hand. "I can't even draw a stick figure." Kili joked, his laugh touching his blue eyes and making them sparkle happily. "Can I get you another drink?" He asked, letting her warmth encourage his forwardness a bit.
The Cafe
She smiled at him and nodded. Before she introduced herself, she felt her cheeks turning pink again. “Oh, thank you so much.” she said. “I’m Riley.” she said and held her hand out for him to shake. “I’ve been doodling since I was a kid, but I started taking it more seriously about four years ago.” she explained. Something about him made her feel comfortable, like she was sitting with an old friend, and she liked that feeling.
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maybeiamreckless · 7 years
Kili grinned. "That's a relief, it would have been awkward if you said no." He joked as he sat, looking at her carefully. "My name is Kili, what's yours? And where did you learn to draw like that? I wish I had an ounce of your talent."
The Cafe
Riley had taken a seat back at her table, packing up her pencils and pens. When she saw the man walking over to her, she felt her heart skipping a beat. What if he hated it?
When he spoke, she looked u at him and smiled warmly at him. “Yes.” she said. “Wait, no, I mean, yes you can sit here.” she said, her own cheeks turning a light pink. “Sorry.” she smiled softly.
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maybeiamreckless · 7 years
Kili looked down at the sketch, taking it into his hands gentle. A smile tugged at his lips as his eyes scoured every marking that made up, well, him. By the time he had finished studying her handiwork, a goofy grin has broke out across his face. Kili felt much warmer indeed.
His eyes flashed up to her, and back down at the sketch. He wanted to be cute back, but instead he carefully placed the paper safely into his bag and got up. Kili approached her table slowly, running a hand through his dark hair nervously. "Thank you. D-do ya mind if a have a seat here with ya?" His words fell over each other, his accent think and cheeks pink.
The Cafe
Riley sat at the table and finished her sketch, a small smile on her face. He was a handsome guy, and that was probably the main reason she was struggling with herself on whether or not to bring the sketch to him. What if he thought she was some weirdo?
When she finished the sketch, she signed the bottom corner and carefully tore the page from her sketchbook. She glanced up at him and then looked at the sketch. Maybe it wasn’t all that great. She took a deep breath and looked at the crumpled napkin she had on her table. Perfect. She took the sketch and the napkin, walking past his table to throw the napkin away. When she turned back to walk past his table, she carefully set the sketch on his table in front of him. “Something to warm you up.” she said softly. 
She began to head to her table, mentally slapping herself. ‘Something to warm you up?’ She definitely blew it.
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maybeiamreckless · 7 years
Kili had noticed the lass looking up at him and scribbling away, only to look back up at him. She was cute, focusing on what he assumed was a drawing, though why she would draw his mug was behind his understanding. He rolled his eyes at himself, 'Don't be full of yerself.' He thought ruefully. It truly was his biggest fault.
He returned the smile as she walked by, about halfway down with his coffee and finally able to feel his toes once again. Kili thought about doing something cute to get her attention, maybe get her to sit with him for a little while, but felt shy suddenly and returned his gaze to his cup.
The Cafe
As the man walked in, she couldn’t help but notice how cold he looked. He was much more wrapped up than anyone else in the shop. She bit her bottom lip and decided that maybe a sketch would cheer him up. 
She began sketching him, glancing up at him from time to time. As she continued to draw, she finished her tea and got up to throw her cup away, giving a smile to the man as she passed his table.
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maybeiamreckless · 7 years
Kili ducked into the small coffee shop, relived to find it warm. The heat in his apartment had gone out that morning, his only day off in weeks, and nobody could even come look at it until tomorrow so he was in quite a state.
He ordered a large black coffee, thanking the girl who gave it to him with as cheery of a smile as he could manage before sitting by the heater. The brunette sat and drank his coffee, peeling off his layers as he warmed up.
The Cafe
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Riley entered the small, corner cafe to escape the chill of the winter air outside. She pulled her hood down and walked up to the counter to order a warm drink. There weren’t many people in today, so she thought it would be a perfect time to draw a bit.
She got her chai tea and headed to a table, sitting down and taking her sketchbook out. She got to work on sketching, sipping her tea as she went about. She looked up when she heard the door opening, observing the man who walked in.
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maybeiamreckless · 7 years
Kili wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. "Hey... sorry I woke you." He whispered, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
Closed ||Modern AU.
Kili snuck into the house as quietly as possible, hoping to avoid disturbing Rae before she needed to be up. He loved his job at the bar, but it was getting to be more of a chore than anything. He hated how his days and nights were off, but it paid the bills so he’d keep at it. After showering and getting some clean clothes on, Kili climbed into bed, doing his best let her sleep.
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maybeiamreckless · 7 years
Closed ||Modern AU.
@raeleneyuri Kili snuck into the house as quietly as possible, hoping to avoid disturbing Rae before she needed to be up. He loved his job at the bar, but it was getting to be more of a chore than anything. He hated how his days and nights were off, but it paid the bills so he'd keep at it. After showering and getting some clean clothes on, Kili climbed into bed, doing his best let her sleep.
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maybeiamreckless · 7 years
"Sorry, Raelene. I had the kinda mum that bopped you ov'a yer head fer not using yer manners." He chucked, scooting so that she had enough room to sit.
"You don't get a lot of sun, do you?"- vampire au
“I uh, no… not really.” Kili grinned sheepishly.
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maybeiamreckless · 7 years
Mun is feeling a lot better, and hoping to get to replies here in a bit. Still need patience from you wonderful humans, as I try to balance myself out a bit. I love you all.
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maybeiamreckless · 7 years
Guys. I’m sorry but I’m taking a small hiatus. I went home to va from Florida to see my mom and even though nobody here knows it a small mental health check. I’m not really in a good place right now and I’m just trying to figure it all out. I love you guys so much, thank you for understanding.
If you want to drop threads, let me know. I will understand. ❤️
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maybeiamreckless · 7 years
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                 if our love is tragedy why are you my remedy?   |    kiliel + clarity
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maybeiamreckless · 7 years
"Mm yes ma'am." He replied, shedding his jacket and placing it on her couch carefully. Kili looked around, taking in the environment. She was still unpacking but he could see little glimmers of her style. He liked it.
"You don't get a lot of sun, do you?"- vampire au
“I uh, no… not really.” Kili grinned sheepishly.
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maybeiamreckless · 7 years
"I would never." Kili replied, reaching over to move the stray hair behind her ear carefully. "Tha's no way to treat a lady."
“I’ve never had a Valentine.”
“Aye? Me neither, lass, me neither.” He gave her a grin, “Be mine?”
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maybeiamreckless · 7 years
"You're a nurse? That's cool." He smiled, looking around the building. "It's a nice looking place."
"You don't get a lot of sun, do you?"- vampire au
“I uh, no… not really.” Kili grinned sheepishly.
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maybeiamreckless · 7 years
We cannot learn without pain.
Aristotle  (via thequotejournals)
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