maxieborowski · 9 days
I want to fatten you like a prized pig.
Transform you from skinny to massive as quickly as possible.
It’ll start with what I feed you.
No more salads and healthy food. Only fast food and high calorie snacks for my piggy.
Our goal is to make you as round as possible remember?
I’ll also have to restrict how active you are. I’ll make sure you stay entertained and plopped on the couch all day long.
The last and most important thing required for growth is me transforming your mind.
Piggies don’t think, the just oink and eat. Any independent thoughts will be met with me stuffing you more. Constant stimulation will be required.
If you follow these steps you will turn into a prized piggy.
You’ll have a big round jiggly belly. Your ass will grow to a massive size, and will ripple whenever it’s touched. Your tits will explode in size. Face will be fattened beyond recognition.
The best part is I’ll make sure to show you off. That is, until you get too fat to leave the house.
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maxieborowski · 13 days
So, guess my new diet is gonna be boosts and gainer shakes lol. Very excited to start tomorrow. Don't have much to say but hopefully I'll reach my milestone goal by the end of the year~
Keep gaining piggies and hit me up~
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maxieborowski · 15 days
Mm think I'm gonna get reaaaaalllyyyyyy intoxicated tonight and just let my feeder fuck up my brain 🤤
Sooooooooo spacey rn can't wait till I'm fatter than a fucking full grown cow for slaughter~~
It'll be heaven once I can't move anything~~
Ready for that inevitable day it all comes to an end~
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maxieborowski · 16 days
CW: Force feeding, extreme feeding and weight gain, bdsm, intox, masochism/sadism
"Dang, she's really going to give it to me this time," you say looking at your calorie tracker app. You forgot to track your lunch today because you went out with a friend. "Oh well, time to face the music" you say as you get out of your car and make your way into the house.
The smell of cooking food fills the house and makes your stomach growl, which wouldn't have been out of place on Thanksgiving. But today was a Friday evening in May. You'd only seen her cook this way once before and that was the most full you had ever been in your life. She must be pissed with you. As you make your way into the kitchen, you see her busy by the stove. At the table are 2 chairs: one with a rope bondage system and one with a packed bong.
"Oh, you're home! Did you have a good day at work?"
"Yeah, at lunch I went to go visit my friend and...."
"And what?" she interrupted. "And...forgot to log your meal?" she walks over to you and lifts up your shirt, revealing the chubby belly that she had been building for the past couple months. "This doesn't look like a belly that ate everything it was supposed to. I'd ask you what you had to say for yourself but I honestly don't care. You know the rules, now it's time for your punishment." Her voice was calm and collected, but you could see in her face how much she had been waiting for this. She was going to enjoy watching you struggle.
"You know what to do. Take off your shirt and go sit down. Dinner is almost ready." She says and goes back to her preparations. You do as you're told and sit in the chair next to the bong. It seems like forever waiting for her to be ready. All the while your stomach will not stop growling for her delicious food.
Finally, she walks over and grabs the rope from the other chair and uses it to tie you down around the ankles, wrist and waist. The loop around your waist is already digging into your newfound soft tummy. Then she picks up the bong and holds it up to your lips. Obediently, you take a hit as she lights it. She then holds it back up to your lips and orders "Another one." You're so screwed.
When she walks over with the food your mouth starts to water. In any other situation you would call yourself spoiled. There was a spread of meatloaf, mashed potatoes, brussels sprouts, buttery corn on the cob, dinner rolls and gravy.
"This is what you get for not holding up your end of our agreement. You told me you wanted me to make you fat and I told you to do everything I say," She says as she starts shoveling the food in your mouth. "And what did I tell you to do?"
"Track my f-umph" you start but she shoves another bite in your mouth before you could finish.
"So if you know what I asked you to do, why didn't you do it? Did you want to make me mad? Or are you just to stupid to follow directions?"
"I didn't mea-umph," it seemed like she was shoveling bigger bites into your mouth and you were struggling to keep up.
"Stupid little pigs like you don't have anything meaningful to say. Just shut up, any time you spend talking could be spent chewing." She cracks open a bottle of beer and sticks it in your mouth. You take a couple gulps then start breathing through your nose to recover for a second. "Nuh-uh, No cheating," she says in a singsong voice and plugs your nose with her fingers.
"She's trying to suffocate me," you think to yourself. You're already getting really full and your not sure how much of the beer you can keep down. You can either choke on it and drink it. She'll probably punish you if you choke.
It seems like forever while you chug the bubble beverage. Eventually, the bottle is empty. You drop it an let it clatter to the floor. You try to catch your breath but are interrupted by burps from the expanding liquid in your belly. When you finally collect yourself enough to comprehend your surroundings through your weed induced haze, you see her smiling, standing over you. There was a crazy look in her eyes you had never seen before. Something awoke in her, something primal, something dangerous. Being strapped to this chair and too high and stuffed to move, you feel like she's fattening up her prey.
She leans forward to gently rub your over stuffed gut, then you kisses your neck and whispers in your ear, "That's my good piggy. I'll give you a second to rest. After all, hehehe, you'll get a stomach ache if you don't pace yourself. And since you decided to break your end of the deal on a Friday I have all weekend to make you suffer." She grabs your face and holds it close hers. Looking into her eyes you can tell how badly she wants to ruin you. It almost seems like she's becoming obsessed with making you fat and losing her grip on reality. "Let's see if your 'friend' that you met for lunch today, who was so important that you would DARE to disobey me, will even recognize you by Monday."
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maxieborowski · 17 days
Normalize wheelchairs.
Normalize being fat and wanting to be even fatter even if you can barely waddle anymore.
Normalize still wishing for more fat whatever your conditions are.
Normalize all health conditions, normalize diabetes.
Normalize doing whatever you want to do, no matter how immense your weight. We will tap uncharted waters if necessary, without any fear.
Normalize being immobile and still worthy of everything, all the love and care.
Normalize me always being by your side and supporting you, no matter how obese you will keep getting 🖤
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maxieborowski · 17 days
Normalize wheelchairs.
Normalize being fat and wanting to be even fatter even if you can barely waddle anymore.
Normalize still wishing for more fat whatever your conditions are.
Normalize all health conditions, normalize diabetes.
Normalize doing whatever you want to do, no matter how immense your weight. We will tap uncharted waters if necessary, without any fear.
Normalize being immobile and still worthy of everything, all the love and care.
Normalize me always being by your side and supporting you, no matter how obese you will keep getting 🖤
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maxieborowski · 17 days
Mm..the dream
The fat I crave
It's the weakness that really gets me. You used to be fit and healthy and strong. Strong willed and strong bodied such a contrast to the grossly overfed pile of fat rolls and swollen folds that you've become; barely with the strength to stand on your own now. I can see clearly the drastic effects that continuous overindulgence is having on your body and it turns me on like nothing else. In fact it's the reason why I will only continue to destroy you. I want to see just how far we can push this experiment. It started with some fun light fetish play when we first started dating and now look at you. I can hear your breaths becoming louder and more labored by the day. Each rasping intake fighting against the massive weight passing down on your straining lungs. The oxygen mask you wear constantly now I is helping for sure... but really it's just another clear sign of your giving into me and my desires for you. Your descent into such a slobish and swollen existence has always been my goal but now even I'm getting shocked by your daily calorie intake and hedonism. I don't hear any protests like you used to give me. No complains about your weight or pain or hunger or really anything much anymore... I guess a few years of relentless and constant routine and constant feeding have really melted your mind away along with your health. I'm okay with that. Your grunts and moans are enough for me dear.
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maxieborowski · 17 days
Reblog if:
You're 100% serious about becoming immobilized by your own fat. You gluttonous pig.
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maxieborowski · 17 days
Mmm..so sleepy after work. It's torture doing all that physical labor. I just want to either work from home or be cared for at home. Not having to worry about working anymore. Losing calories is the worst thing imaginable.
Had to be a good girl today and try to keep my fantasies to a minimum..of course I couldn't help myself. The ideas my brain pumps into me are just too strong. Who cares if I become immobile within the next few years. Who cares if nothing will be left in my brain. Who cares if I become brainwashed into a piggy. Who cares if all these things start to take a toll on my health. Who cares if I'm erased from the world.
It won't matter, my feeder is all I'd ever need anyway. They will make me so so so perfect. Nice a stupid, nice and fat, nice and obedient. A horny degenerate who needs her daily pot and training. Along with her countless amounts of meals. Maybe someday I won't even be able to lift my arms, move my neck, wiggle my fingers, or even be able to move anything.
Wouldn't that be just so....incredible. It's not like I could escape them. I'd meet them and that would be the end of me. All traces of me ever being me would disappear, just being turned into their perfect little piggy. And once I realize just what's happened to me, it'll be too late. The health issues will get me. And that'll be the end. I'll be a dumb, fat, horny, degenerate piggy soon enough. Make it happen sweetie.
Dms open cuties~
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maxieborowski · 18 days
Sorry for being so quiet on my days off cuties! Sometimes a girl has to do some adulting..
Regardless, had a great two days off. Tonight I had some delicious beer cheese loaded fried with extra cheese and two big sides of ranch, and some four cheese bacon mac with honey Chipotle chicken tenders. Mouth was drooling just scarfing it down. Now I'm having a drink to just fill out that tiny bit more~
Also love my little feeder girlfriend. And am so happy she's getting along with my other partners. Maybe they can learn a thing or two from her on...feederism stuff. Can't wait till this body is wreaked. This thing you call a body won't even be recognizable soon enough. All you gotta do is keep me as close as possible.
This mind is breaking more and more by the day. Just keep at it my lovely feeder. Soon there will be nothing left but what you fill the void with~
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maxieborowski · 20 days
Hmm. Don't know what I'm gonna eat tonight. Gotta work late unfortunately and I hate it. Having to work outside my home is horrible. Losing all those calories. What a waste. Rather be at home with my feeder texting me. Ordering me food, making me video call, watching me eat, making me eat on all fours, feeling my belly stretch and hurt, starting to sweat from holding myself up. Why can't I just have that everyday...oh well eventually~
Then they shared my posts with one of my partners..so humiliating. Made my partner tease me this morning and telling me to write more and more. Guess I need to oblige. Those urges I've spoken so much about are starting to take over..and it feels so good. Soon enough, I'll be a mindless fat pig. With no way to escape or leave.
Just need those pushes. Maybe some brainwashing and more corruption. That would just be perfect~
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maxieborowski · 20 days
Omg! 100 followers already??? Thank you all so much!!!
I'll be trying to make more beautiful posts later for all of you cuties~
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maxieborowski · 21 days
Kinda excited tonight piggies and feeders~ My lovely cutie is picking out my domino's meal tonight!~ She's such a good girl, always providing for me and making sure I stay nice and fed and happy~
I can't wait till I really start to pack it on. Then she won't be able to stay away. She wants it as much as I do. Gonna make sure her little feeder brain gets everything it wants. And maybe even corrupt her into doing the things I desire the most~ Making me a brainless, mindless, corrupted, porn addicted, weed addicted, fat, lard ridden, unhealthy, slobby, smelly cow. Just making her want to inch me closer and closer to that expiration date. Those health issues aren't gonna make themselves happen sweetie. Get to it~ Morbid obesity will be the norm for me. Then immobility. Then..the end. Disease and lard ridden beyond recognition. So be a good girl, and be my feeder till the end and everything you'd ever want out of me will come true~
Anyway~ Hit me up in my dms or ask questions to me you cuties!~
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maxieborowski · 22 days
Maaaan why cant I just sit around all day. I want to never have to leave the house ever again. Never have to work, or worry about the things on the outside. Feeder making me a completely dependent shut in. Making sure I have plenty of food, weed, porn, and booze. Maybe a few toys when the touching isn't enough. Eventually never leaving the house becomes never leaving my room. Maybe a couple years later I'm finally let out to the real world for a day with them. The size different between the last time I came outside unimaginable. Barely able to walk a few inches without sweating and panting. Thighs squishing and rubbing against each other as my belly hangs down to my knees. Ass jiggling with every breath and motion. Clothes barely fitting to show off just how fat I am. All the stares and comments starting to sink in, till my feeder finally says. "Let's keep you inside that room..forever my little cow."
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maxieborowski · 22 days
Ough...gods..i..need this
Just wanted to say just..wow. Found your blog while scrolling and I'm in love! Starting to be a feedee honestly and was a little hesitant at first..but after reading some of the stuff you say and post..it's probably for the best I just let my body and mind give into desire and lust and just become a massive mound of lard. The more I read this kind of stuff, the more my brain starts to let it sink in. Can't wait till I can barely walk without taking a breath every five to ten steps~
You're here, you're sending asks to feeders... Come on girl. You *know* what you want. You are just needing an excuse, to say it wasn't your fault, you got corrupted... But you needn't refuse your desires. It's easy to guess just how much you've imagined it, again and again... Haven't you? Your current self, just bloated with useless lard all over. Oh my, I do say useless, but truly it has a use: making you unfit, lazier, and wrecking inside. "Well oiled machine" doesn't apply with cooking oil, but I'm sure you won't mind, when the cogs are all drowned in oil, your body making them nice bags of fat for you to slow down, overheat, and be such an inefficient breather waddling will be enough of an endeavour to motivate your inactivity...
I'm glad you're in love with the words, because I never miss a cutie begging for more until her body matches her dream.
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maxieborowski · 23 days
Wow..uh..got a compliment on my posts??? Uh..ehehe..guess I'll keep doing these. Tonight's mood is this:
Feel like smoking a bunch of pot and drinking a bunch of alcohol. Then turning on some porn for the next few hours. Having some delicious, fatty food around as my brain turns to mush. Feeder just softly speaking to me. Encouraging all these terrible habits, letting her voice sink deep into my mind, and just being a good girl. Who cares if my stomach hurts, just smoke some more pot, keep edging and drinking. Soon you won't feel that fullness. Let yourself bece addicted and dependent on it all. Just a dumb piggy as your brain melts and all your braincells just dissappear. The dumber you are, the better. Just. Keep. Eating.
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maxieborowski · 23 days
I just hit 500 followers!
that's a lot of pathetic pigs and deprivated feeders <3
so I wanna do something like a "special" haha
send me asks with your favourite
feedism scenarios
favourite kink
favourite fat body part
anything really and I'll do like a review or rating or whatever you wanna call it (just say something that you want my opinion on it lol)
my asks are open, anons too so go be degenerated ^^
also I hope I don't need to say this but this is 18+ my whole blog is 18+ of you're younger please leave I'm not comfortable lol
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