mattysin · 4 years
starter for    ※  @xstellan​
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    stellan had become a new addiction to him. not the love or infatuation type, but the hungry, selfish kind. one to burn fast and bright and leave the rest of a life in ashes. always taking and never giving. the two relied on each other to seek a high, one way or another. but matty was certain it was something he could keep under control. as long as he stayed away from his chosen poison. what’s a little bit of smoking and drinking going to do to him ? the alternative outlets were far worse to consider. “ if you drink the rest of this bottle, I’ll let you decide what we get up to for the rest of the evening. ” matty held up the bottle, giving a shake to the remnants of the whiskey which had remained, teasing, daring to be consumed. a smile that could only be recognised as mischief crossed his lips. “ unless you can’t handle it ? ” stellan wouldn’t be the death of him, matty wouldn’t allow it. but he didn’t mind walking that fine line.
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mattysin · 4 years
starter for     ※     @sarabby​​
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     matty knew better than anyone how someone could intertwine themselves in your very soul, and remain there for a lifetime. he had known the feeling his entire existence being a twin. not even when they had been separated had their connection severed. but he hadn’t been expecting sara to have the same impact when he had met her. kids then, making mistakes and pretending to be adults. when they broke up, little pieces of sarah had remained instilled in him. before he felt the necessity to get high just to forget about her. whether it had been her face, or the sound of her voice that haunted him. after nine months of sobriety that started to disappear too. matty didn’t know if forgetting was better or worse.
     now the reminders came to him at the strangest of times. down a street they used to walk, or when coming across her coffee order. in this particular moment, he had been triggered by their song. the radio had intruded his life in the most cruel and unfair way. it made matty reacting immediately, turning the car around to go to a particular spot they used to meet. a small bench in a quiet park, nothing but greenery and air to surround visitors seeking solitude. when their relationship had its downfall they had spent countless days sitting and crying together here. in the past matty would get high in the exact same spot, not being able to deal with the regrets. currently having his longest commitment to sobriety, he couldn’t do that. so instead matty made the decision ( or mistake ) to text sara. as soon as his eyes had set on her, emotions had flooded through and he had to bite them back with all the power he could muster. “ it’s a lovely day for the park, don’t you think ? ” the fake smile that he had forced on his features fell only moments later. chocolate eyes shining with a certain sadness, one akin to grief. “ I’m sorry for texting. but I’m glad you’re here. ”
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mattysin · 4 years
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he  feigns  irritation  ,  a  smile  lining  his  features  for  he  knew  without  a  doubt  that  matty  was  right  .  “  i  don’t  know  matty  ,  it’s  been  twenty  -  three  years  ,  might  be  time  for  us  to  expand  our  horizons  see  other  people  .  ”  he  can’t  even  think  about  the  possibility  of  not  being  friends  with  matty  ,  parts  of  their  personality  so  engrained  in  each  other  that  even  when  they  were  apart  ,  parts  of  each  other  still  shone  through  .  “  so  we’re  in  agreement  ,  one  of  these  days  we’ll  go  streaking  ,  and  i’ll  do  my  best  to  make  sure  you  don’t  turn  into  an  ice  sculpture  ,  a  very  chiseled  ,  very  good  looking  ice  sculpture  .  ”  he  teased  coquettishly  .  part  of  connor’s  everchanging  demeanor  was  that  he  tried  to  be  as  aloof  as  possible  at  all points  ,  ignoring  feelings  only  made  it  easier  for  him  to  pretend  they  didn’t  exist  .  but  matty  brought  out  a  more  sensitive  side  of  connor  ,  one  that  made  it  easier  for  him  to  emote  .  “  nineteen  hours  ,  twenty  three  minutes  ,  and  twenty  four  excruciating  seconds  without  my  best  friend  here  to  stop  me  from  doing  something  stupid  ,  i’m  surprised  i  didn’t  end  up  in  lock  up  by  myself  .  ”  despite  their  brief  time  apart  ,  connor  had  been  glued  to  his  phone  texting  matty  up  until  the  time  they  both  collectively  fell  asleep  ,  and  being  bombarded  with  texts  pestering  him  for  waking  up  late  the  next  day  .  it  was  odd  to  think  that  there  hadn’t  been  a  time  in  his  life  without  matty  ,  through  it  all  ,  all  of  connor’s  screw  -  ups  ,  horrible  plans  ,  and  overall  recklessness  ,  matty  backed  him  through  and  through  .  “  i  do  know  that  ,  i  mean  how  could  you  not  love  me  ?  i’m  sensational  .  ”  he  feels  the  need  to  joke  before  tacking  on  ,  “  i  love  you  too  matty  ,  enough  to  be  your  lock  up  entertainment  despite  your  sobriety  .  ”  it  was  true  ,  connor  was  known  to  act  an  ass  when  he  got  alcohol  in  him  ,  or  as  he  calls  it  clouded  judgement  ,  but  he’d  be  damned  it  wasn’t  entertaining  to  watch  .  “  you  can’t  ,  it’s  all  part  of  my  plan  for  you  to  fall  for  me  .  ”  he  comments  offhandedly  the  flirtation  between  the  two  being  spanning  nearly  the  entirety  of  their  friendship  .  the  other’s  expression  warrants  a  mock  eyeroll  ,  “  quit  your  pouting  ,  i  bought  us  a  cookie  cutter  for  a  reason  .  ”
connor  lets  out  a  laugh  trailing  behind  matty  as  he  makes  his  way  into  the  kitchen  ,  “  why  else  would  i  buy  us  matching  sexy  aprons  ?  ”
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      matty’s eyebrows raise in a mixture of shock and horror. such a statement was incomprehensible. joke or not. he knew he couldn’t survive separation at this point, their souls had been intertwined. “ see other people ? ” a statement that had matty clinging to his best friend, wrapping his arms tightly around connor’s waist, holding onto him as if he were truly leaving him forever. matty pressed a firm kiss to his forehead, for extra measure. “ I’ll tell you what. you expand your horizons, and I’ll be waiting for you right here. ” with a wink, he released his grip, turning his attention toward the aprons, and tossing one in connor’s direction without warning. matty had long ago made peace with the fact that he would always be waiting for connor, one way or another. even when connor was too charming for his own good. matty rolled his eyes as he was showered with shallow compliments. “ I can’t argue with that. it seems like my very chiseled and good looking ice sculpture is something you would enjoy. ” matty had pretended to hate it, but he welcomed any sweet words from his best friend. “ but that’s not how I’ll go. when I do decide to kick the bucket, I’m taking you down with me. fuck the idea of living on and being happy without me. ” it had been a joke, but a part of matty had always hated that the possibility existed. a scenario that helped him get clean on multiple occasions. “ nineteen hours, twenty-three minutes and twenty-four seconds ? I couldn’t have lasted a minute more. ” the accuracy brought a bright smile to his face, one that reached his eyes. “ I don’t understand the science, but I’m pretty much the right side of your brain. you’re not allowed to make poor decisions without me. but just know, I would have bailed you out anyway. ” it was quite unbelievable that they hadn’t grown sick of each other yet. in fact, with time, being apart only grew to be more unbearable. but connor’s love for him and the cloud of sobriety that forever loomed over their heads, was perhaps a more serious conversation for another time. it was a big deal, connor taking on the demons with him. “ sensational, incredible, beautiful. blah, blah, blah. ” it was an attempt to mock him, take his ego down a peg or two. but matty’s next comment failed the task. “ I am well aware of how amazing you are, connor. you don’t have to remind me every five minutes. ” connor’s personality was an acquired taste - rare and rich, if one had the opportunity to delve into it, they should. “ if this has been your masterplan, it has taken far too long. you’ve really needed years to pin me down ? I’ve been ready since day one. ”
      matty placed the apron on, revelling in the arrogant domesticity of it all. posing with his hand on his hip, he made a show of the so-called ‘ sexy apron ’. “ I can’t believe you bought a cookie cutter . you really had such little faith in our combined ability to make pumpkin-shaped cookies ? ” shooting him a glare, matty couldn’t find it within himself to truly be offended. “ why are we celebrating halloween, anyway ? you know I’m still traumatised by that night we decided to get fucked up and walk the streets. ”
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mattysin · 4 years
    alex scoffed at his comment, having finally wiped off the little blood that was dripping down his chin – god knows how much of a mess he looked at the moment; a hot shower to end the night might be in order. “excuse me, my guy – but have you gotten a good look at me? i may be the one picking fights, but scrawny guys can’t always win.” he says with a small chuckle; he has lost more fights than he’d won, but that didn’t matter much to him
 as long as he got a punch or two in. “you might be right about that; possibly how i find myself in the middle of trouble quite often.” alex lets out a laugh at his sarcasm, and shakes his head at him slightly, “definitely not accusing you of caring – however, i am accusing you of being curious enough to see how the little guy who just got beaten up was doing out in the cold.” he teases, throwing his finished cigarette butt to the side. he smiles at his question, and alex realizes that he just found a new stranger to possibly hop to the next bar with – ideally, he’d also end up in his bed by the end of the night, but who knows? “well, what comes next is you buying the guy who just got his ass handed to him a drink – it’s the chivalrous thing to do, anyway.” he grins at him. 
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      all matty could do was watch as the beaten up man standing before him had wiped away the blood, likely in an attempt to better his appearance. although, it was still in need of improvement, no judgement passed as matty had been in worse states. “ I have gotten a good look at you. and you look like trouble. which is something I stay away from these days. ” or at least he attempted to. for nine months he had been successful. “ brave too. for such a ‘scrawny guy’. I’m afraid to find out what else you are capable of. ” but the ignorance was mutual, alex was just as blissfully unaware of what he had been capable of. although never being the confrontational kind, fighting wasn’t a hobby matty had ever partaken in, he was capable of destruction in other ways. “ curious ? maybe. I couldn’t in good conscience leave you out here to die. alone. ” admittedly, matty hadn’t expected to be met with the amount of wit he had received during this little adventure. he was simply going to smoke his cigarette and be on his way, after making a half-assed attempt to help. it was much more than he had bargained for, as he reached out to place his hand under alex’s chin, tilting his head up in order to get a better look at his injuries. or rather, his features. “ but I think you’ll live. ” pulling away, matty turned his attention back to his cigarette, the roll meeting his lips as he took another drag. huffing away the smoke as a laugh left his lips at such boldness from alex. “ hey, I never claimed to be your knight in shining armor. ” he glanced back at the pub, he could easily leave alex here to carry on with his night alone.  “ well, it’s not as if we can go back in there. you’re hardly welcome. ” his eyes lingered on the man for a moment, considering the options. matty let the remainder of his cigarette fall to the ground, stepping on it to cease the smoke. “ I guess we’ll just have to find somewhere else. ”
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mattysin · 4 years
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she was definitely going to take that as a hard ‘no’. she couldn’t just wear a costume that was a-okay, she needed something that made everyone’s head turn around to look at her. she stopped.  ❛wait, w h a t ?❜ she’s confused, how could anyone not get dressed for the ocassion, it was halloween for God’s sake.  ❛okay forget about it, we’re looking for a costume for you now. I’ll eventually find mine but boy you do need to feel what being dressed feels like❜ chocolate eyes look at his choice, she denies.  ❛now I know why you have never dressed in halloween❜ roxanne laughs. 
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      roxanne did not have to voice her surprise for him to know it was present, her emotions giving her away. what he hadn’t been expecting was for her to change plans immediately, which only had matty regretting his former statement, attempting to backtrack. “ no your costume is far more important. bad bitch costume, remember ? ” he frantically started looking through the rails of clothing, trying to find anything with the semblance of the certain bad-assery she had in mind. “ it’s just ... I hate halloween. I would probably just feel ridiculous in a costume. can’t I just go as myself ? ” he had never gone wrong attending any event in the oversized sweater he was well accustomed to. somehow, he knew that wasn’t going to be an option.
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mattysin · 4 years
                    đ™đ™€đ˜Œđ™. 𝙈. đ™Žđ™„đ™‰đ˜Ÿđ™‡đ˜Œđ™„đ™.  (  @mattysin​  )
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          halloween  had  always  been  a  favourite  for  rosie  .  from  eating  her  weight  in  candy  to  dressing  up  to  all  things  pumpkin  flavoured  ,  she  loved  it  all  .  the  highlight  every  year  was  always  picking  a  costume  though  and  this  year  ,  by  some  miracle  ,  she’s  managed  to  convince  matty  to  join  her  in  her  mission  to  find  a  decent  costume  or  outfit   .  as  she  scans  through  some  potential  ideas  ,  she  holds  up  an  interesting  looking  zombie  ensemble  .  “  whatcha  think  ?  do  i  be  the  cady  in  a  room  full  of  reginas  or  do  i  go  for  style  rather  than  spookiness  ?  ”
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      matty turned to her, clearly overwhelmed and feeling lost in the store. only to be met with a costume set to stir fear in children. “ I don’t know what a cady or a regina is. but I would opt for that. I think spookiness is overrated and should be kept for nightmares. ” why everyone was so obsessed with the holiday, he didn’t understand. matty had never been particularly fond of the tradition. but rosie had asked, so of course he had came running. although, it was less to do with their friendship and more to do with the feeling she stirred within him. one that he hadn’t felt in quite some time. “ you don’t have to dress up to look great, anyway. ” his dark hues dared another glance at her, there was nothing in particular to note, but the corner of his lips upturned in a subtle but fond smile anyway.
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mattysin · 4 years
Too lost in trying to right the mistake she had made, she hadn’t even noted the male approach the table until his familiar voice entered the air surrounding her, hazel hues shifted from the stranger to Matthew and it was all she could do to release a breath of laughter at the words spoken on behalf of her sanity - or lack thereof. She hardly even noted the fact that she was being pulled out of the situation until she was on her feet, the simple fact that he held just over a foot of height on her making such a task seem as easy as lifting a book. It felt as if it had taken mere seconds for him to appear, mend the situation and draw her away, a task that surely would have taken her most of her lunch break. “Sorry again-..” The brunette mumbled shamefully one last time, for good measure, as she was pulled away from the stranger. The warmth of her face was enough of a tell to note that she had surely turned red with her embarrassment - yet it was all she could do to laugh in the moment. “Oh my god. I don’t think I’ve been that mortified since I woke up and remembered the fact that I had drunken pool sex with a guy in a mansion that was housing thirty other people.” If possible, cheeks turned even more flushed and she lifted a hand, pointing a finger up at him as if he had been the one to say or do something wrong. “Also, you didn’t hear that.” It was with his own words and concerns that her features softened slightly, though the smile didn’t budge. “Dear, I’m a single mom with a two year old who’s currently going to school and working an internship. Sleep and days off are not exactly a luxury I can afford.”
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      wrapping an arm around tessa’s slender waist, he led her to the safety of their own table. the horror of the situation subsiding, the only thing on matty’s mind now was to get her fed. the adrenaline of having to move so quickly had passed, allowing him to finally glance over and get a good look at her. notably flustered in such a manner that it had turned her cheeks red. he stopped in his tracks then, turning towards her and placing large hands on her slender shoulders. the story arose a feeling of worry in the pit of his stomach, but it left him as quickly as it came. he knew tessa was far better at taking care of herself than he ever would be. the pointing of her finger as if she were disciplining, had only made him chuckle. for someone so tiny, she was all the more mighty. still, he felt the need to comfort her. “ hey, if that’s the most mortifying thing you’ve ever done, I think you’ll survive. ” something told matty that she hadn’t had too many stories that would put her to shame. matty, envied that. being in tessa’s presence had brought back the guilt he felt from his past from time to time. but instead of wanting to rid the feeling with drugs, he only wanted to better himself. “ but if you ever need cheering up for poor decision making, you know I have plenty of stories. ” some more pathetic than others. the scariest part was, the worst of them all he wasn’t capable of remembering, mind too poisoned at the time. “ I see your drunken pool sex story, and raise you, chasing a goat down the street butt-naked because I was high. ” moments matty didn’t like to dwell on. but sometimes he could find the humor in it all. he felt comfortable knowing he could trust tessa, one of his most trusted companions. growing serious once more, he sighed. “ I really don’t know how you do it, tess. if you need help, you know I’m here for you. ” not as much as he wished he could be, but he was working towards that. “ I could always... babysit or something ? uncle matty could survive for a day. ”
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mattysin · 4 years
    alex scoffed at him, giving him a small grin. “what, can’t find it in you to lie to the man who just got his ass kicked in there? i’m still licking my wounds here, mate.” he teased him, taking another drag from his cigarette. “it might have been my fault a little, but what can i say? the guy wouldn’t stop running his mouth. he kind of had it coming 
 — believe it or not.” he shrugged, knowing that his short temper combined with drinks and a dive bar did not always lead him to make smart decisions with his fists. “do you?” he asks with a small grin, approaching him and lighting his cigarette for him. “it’s just a busted lip, it’ll be alright, i reckon.” he shrugged. “so did you come out here to check on poor little me or did i cause too much of a ruckus in there?” he teases.
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      for a man that had just gotten his ass handed to him, alex had certainly seemed to bounce back rather quickly. something to be considered admirable. “ you’re right, I’m sorry. but honestly, I thought you could have put up a bit more of a fight, but you didn’t so. ” a comment that could only be bottled up to poor judgement, fighting a bouncer always ended in a loss. a knowing smile tugged at his lips as alex defended himself. a rendition of a story he had many times, from many different people. “ ah, don’t they always have it coming ? though something tells me you don’t let things go so easily. ” matty gladly welcomed the assistance of alex lighting the end of his cigarette. taking a hit and inhaling the toxins deeply, his eyebrows raised as he offered a smug shrug in response. “ alright, if you say so. but don’t feel the need act tough on my accord. ” it clearly hadn’t been an act, that much was obvious from the fight that had taken place only moments prior. “ it’s sweet you would consider I cared enough to check on you. ” subconsciously, it had been a motive, but alex didn’t have to be privy to all of his inner thoughts. “ I do have to admit, it was the most entertainment I’ve had tonight. ” sobriety had its dull moments. “ I guess the only question I have left is — what’s next ? ”
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mattysin · 4 years
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“  well  your  best  behavior  is  boring  .  ”  connor  remarks  faking  a  disappointed  sigh  .  unadmittely  he  knew  how  cold  it  was  outside  and  that  streaking  wasn’t  the  best  idea  .  connor  goes  nearly  affected  by  the  touch  ,  but  despite  his  best  protests  he  knew  that  matty  was  right  ,  “  fine  so  it’s  a  little  cold  out  there  but  we  would’ve  been  fine  i’m  sure  .  ”  connor  says  with  a  laugh  .  he  goes  quiet  for  a  moment  ,  “  i  couldn’t  do  anything  without  you  man  ,  you’re  my  best  friend  .  ”  he  wasn’t  usually  so  open  with  his  affections  for  others  ,  but  matty  was  an  exception  they  had  been  in  each  other’s  life  for  so  long  that  connor  and  matty  said  these  things  to  each  other  in  passing  .  the  response  warrants  a  laugh  ,  “  but  lock  up  is  where  we  have  our  purest  moments  ,  it’s  where  our  friendship  blossoms  .  ”  that  couldn’t  be  further  from  the  truth  ,  the  friendship  between  the  two  of  them  could  blossom  anywhere  .  “  you’re  damn  right  the  whole  world  deserves  to  see  ,  it’s  all  for  you  matty  boy  .  ”  he  says  with  a  wink  ,  unsurprisingly  this  was  common  discourse  for  them  .  “  if  you  don’t  want  to  make  pumpkin  shaped  cookies  get  out  right  now  .  ”  he  teases  .
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      “ please. don’t pretend as if you are capable of growing bored of me. ” they both knew separation wasn’t possible at this point, connor’s dramatic sigh confirming his very thoughts. sober or not, connor had been there, through it all, and it would always be that way. “ okay, I owe you one streak. but I’m relying on you to make sure I don’t freeze to death. ” he bit his lip to prevent the embarrassing grin that threatened to adorn his features. even after all the time that had passed, connor held the ability to fluster him. though, it wasn’t a statement that caught matty off guard, feelings were so readily expressed between the two. “ you must have really missed me during our time apart. what has it been - a whole nineteen hours ? ” it was easy to tease, but matty had been texting him right up until he had reached his doorstep. time passed so very slowly when the two weren’t together, nineteen hours had felt like a week. “ you know I love you, connor. ” he felt the need to add, seriousness between all the teasing, just simple confirmation that any feeling had been mutual. “ and I know you care about me enough to not make me go through a night in lock up sober. ” admittedly, he would do so for connor anyway. they didn’t require much to have a good time, only each other’s company. “ how lucky am I ? the whole world and you chose me. how could someone ever resist such charm ? ” the boundaries of their friendship were few and far between, such teasing is what they were comfortable with. even when connor had spewed empty threats to kick him out. a pout played on matty’s lips, feigning offence at the ultimatum. “ pumpkin shaped ? I think we can manage that. how hard can it ? ” 
matty lead himself into the kitchen as if he were home. “ can we wear the sexy aprons ? ”
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mattysin · 4 years
“Did you know that there’s actually a word for staring at people who are eating food in hopes that they will share with you? I mean, in retrospect, I get why it’s a clever idea but I can’t understand why anyone would stare when you could just
” Despite her focus being on the phone screen in front of her, Tessa reached out a hand in order to claim an item from their plate, her attention only lifting after she had popped it into her mouth and began chewing. Within seconds, hazel orbs had caught sight of the face and instantly widened, what started as a cocky grin twisting with horror as the brunette nearly choked, coughing in an attempt to clear her airway. “And holy shit, you are not who I thought you were. Please don’t call the cops, I promise I’m
well, I’m like relatively sane. I think people would vouch for that much
I hope. I’m rambling
sorry, that was
fuck, I’m so sorry. Let me buy you a new plate.”
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      matty had been seated for quite some time, just waiting for tessa to join him for her lunch break. an activity that had become routine for them. it wasn’t until he heard the familiar sound of her ramblings, had his attention been drawn. not far from his own table, tessa was sat, desperation apparent. it took him only a split second after the realisation, to have him standing up and making his way over to her in quick strides. the closer he became, the more he understood the awkward situation she had somehow found herself in. a hospital had not been the place to make friends by sitting at a random table. even through his darkest times, matty hadn’t stolen food from someone dealing with a sick loved one, accidental or not. although, the stress and lack of sleep students were forced to grow accustomed to in a hospital was a fair excuse for such behavior. “ I am so sorry. ” placing a large hand on her arm, he pulled her out of the seat with ease. “ I can vouch for her sanity. it’s there, I promise. ” he reached into his pocket and pulled out a fair amount of cash, placing it onto the table in a way to ease any tension. then, matty was leading her away with fast pace. “ are you not sleeping ? I can talk to my mom, ask her to give you a few days off, if you need it. ”
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mattysin · 4 years
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mattysin · 4 years
“alright, alright –” alex raised his hands up and shook himself out of the grasp of the bouncer. “i can walk on my own again, thank you.” he gave him a sarcastic smile. the bouncer said nothing to him, and turned to go back into the pub. “jesus fucking christ..–” alex wiped off the blood on his chin from his busted lip, shook his head and reached for his cigarettes. just as he was lighting one, he noticed someone coming out from inside the pub, and he made eye contact with them. “hey, you were just in there,” he stated, pulling the cigarette away from his lips. “alright, i’ll take brutal honesty right now – did i deserve that?” he asked with a small smile as well as a shrug of his shoulders.
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   matty stepped out into the cool night air the street had provided, only to be met with the sorry sight of the man who had just been kicked out of the very pub he had been exiting. not so graciously, he had noted. matty had left the pub in an effort to escape for a cigarette himself, the roll of tobacco pressed between his lips as he searched for something to light it with. “ you definitely deserved it, but we’ve all been there. ” his voice muffled as the cigarette hanged loosely from his lips. alex had made a scene that was difficult to ignore, and matty wasn’t about to lie to him. “ looks like he gave you a real beating for it. ” his eyes narrowed in the dimly lit street, an attempt to get a better look at the damage to his features. superficial injuries at best, but the blood was making quite the mess. “ do you want help cleaning up ? I’m not a doctor but I know enough, I am quite experienced with impulsive pub injuries. ” patting his pockets, disappointment showed when it was apparent he could not locate his lighter. “ can I borrow that ? ” 
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mattysin · 4 years
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❛yes, I do deserve to have a bad bitch halloween costume this year❜ she says looking around the store while someone else followed. roxanne was usually excited about halloween but this meant she could also feel anxious to have the best costume without disappointing herself.  ❛i was sailor moon last year, no one topped that ❜ it was no secret she was a big fan of anime, without a shame.  ❛what do you think?❜ the redhead pulls out a big dress. nah, it was too much. roxanne wasn’t heidi klum but she did her best to shine.     
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    “ it looks... fine ? ” eyebrows furrowed, matty couldn’t hide the confusion crossing his features. he doubted it was the answer she had been looking for. “ honestly, I wouldn’t know what constitutes a ‘bad bitch costume’. I have never dressed up for halloween before. ” he admitted, with the slightest hint of shame. this was outside of his comfort zone. but he was attempting to do new things, find himself, an activity that his aa group was fond of. so instead of voicing his hesitation toward the spooky holiday, matty picked up the first item of clothing his hand could find. “ what about this ? ” a clothing piece of great complications, straps and twists that matty himself could not comprehend. how the wearer would even put it on, he didn’t know.
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mattysin · 4 years
* đ‘Șđ‘łđ‘¶đ‘șđ‘Źđ‘« 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐎𝐑 @mattysin​
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“  you  know  every  single  time  you  come  over  ,  you  prohibit  me  from  doing  something  stupid  ,  i’m  starting  to  think  that  you  don’t  want  to  see  me  reach  my  full  potential  .  ”  he  comments  finally  moving  out  of  the  door  frame  to  welcome  matty  into  his  home  .  “  i  say  that  we  go  streaking  ,  you  say  no  connor  i  don’t  want  to  get  arrested  again  and  it’s  too  cold  .  ”  he  sighs  ,  a  smile  finally  surfacing  on  his  lips  .  “  so  in  honor  of  not  doing  anything  crazy  tonight  we’re  going  to  stay  in  and  bake  halloween  cookies  ,  that  warm  and  safe  enough  for  you  matt  ?  ”  he  teases  .
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     “ well, I apologise for trying to keep us alive. I’m trying to be on my best behavior, and therefore you have to suffer with me. ” finally being granted permission to step inside, he does. but not without making his displeasure known, by reaching out and placing the palm of his hand to connor’s face. demonstrating just how cold he had become whilst being denied access to the warm safety of his house. all over a crazy plan to streak and incessant teasing. “ I would love nothing more than to see you reach your full potential, which you can’t do without me, by the way. ” it’s not that he couldn’t, but that matty didn’t want to see him do so. being glued to his side was something matty had grown accustomed to. relied on, even. “ but I don’t feel like spending another night in lock up, just because you wanted to get naked outside of the comfort of your own home. ” a smile tugged at his lips, one that had been reserved for connor alone for quite some time. “ even if the world deserves to see your ass. ” they would have to settle for the bland domesticity of cookie baking.
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mattysin · 4 years
heyyy it’s me, lisa ( 21, she/her, est ). this took me a hot minute ! I was going to take a nap but I’m writing this intro instead ( points for being productive ? ). pls like this or hit me up for plots, it is my fav thing ever gnfjd. anyway, get ready for sad boi hours I am truly so sorry.
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new york’s very own matthew “matty” sinclair was spotted on broadway street , with a striking semblance to jacob elordi ! you may know them as @mattysin or hitting the front page of tmz as matty remerges after spending another year in rehab . according to tmz , you just had your twenty-second birthday bash . while living in nyc , you’ve been labeled as being destructive , but also caring . things that would paint a better picture of you would be a cigarette tucked behind an ear, sketches in a journal, and oversized sweaters . ( cismale + he/him  )
full name: matthew alexander sinclair 
nicknames: matty 
hometown: new york 
occupation: artist but mega trust fund baby
family: father & mother ( divorced ), step-father, older sister, older brother, twin sister ( deceased ) 
zodiac sign: pisces 
personality type: introvert, isfp 
moral alignment: chaotic neutral 
sexuality: bisexual 
aesthetics: worn out converse, shadows lurking in the past, cigarette tucked behind an ear, sketches in a journal, large glasses, I owe you’s, a bloodied lip, unsent letters, dishevelled hair, cold hands warm heart, oversized sweaters.
+ imaginative, gentle, caring, receptive, trusting
– destructive, self-centred, sensitive, withdrawn, quiet, submissive
trigger warnings;; drug addiction, overdose, familial death
born to two new york doctors, who finished their perfect family with the addition of twins, matty being the youngest ( by two minutes! ). the siblings had been as close as you would expect. silly disagreements between the elders and constant coddling to the youngest. it wasn’t surprising to find that the twins had been the closest of them all. early on their siblings had tested their twin connection thoroughly, working out what powers they may have come to possess in the womb. their personalities differed, his twin sister mila had been exuberant where matty had been shy. wild, where matty was gentle. they by no means had twin telepathy either, usually on different thought processes. but it didn’t take long to discover it; their twin thing. they were akin to feeling the same emotions. it grew obvious that in the ways they hadn’t shared the same mind, they had shared the same heart.
at sixteen years old he lost half of him. a cliche car accident on a rainy day had left his life in shambles. matty could tell you the exact moment he knew she was gone, for he had felt it too. that day had claimed both of their lives. matty hadn’t been mentally present for the months following her death. not for funeral, not as they closed her bedroom door never to be reopened. he grew angry with the world and his family, for asking him to do the unthinkable - live without his twin. the family never recovered after the tragedy, his parents divorced and his siblings tried to keep their world together as the rest of them watched it fall apart. it was two days shy of their seventeenth birthday when matty had taken drugs for the first time, in an attempt to regain some of his former self. it hadn’t worked, but it had eased some of the pain.
that’s when the addiction began. hitting hard before anybody could stop it. matty had grown unrecognisable, stealing and lying were things that his siblings had come to expect from their brother. his parents were in strong denial, both being experienced doctors, they tried to cure the incurable. ultimately, having to make the difficult decision to cut him off. forcing matty set out on his own, one whole year he lasted, before he had his first overdose. an experience that should have scared him, but he had never felt so relieved. it had earned him a one way ticket to rehab, one that was short-lived. parts of his former self had remained though, a light peaking out of the darkness. a gentleness and care that had always been present. 
most don’t know the reasoning behind his sudden change in lifestyle. maybe his sketchbook would give a hint. but speculation would suggest that his twin sister had something to do with it, as it always had. either way, matty had checked himself into rehab, wanting to gain some control over his life. something he had succeeded in, having recently reached nine months of being clean. but the more days that pass by and he remains sober, the more he is forced to learn who he is without his better half. but, a city rivalry might just be enough to distract him...
matty really hasn’t changed all too much from childhood, except for the changes in personality due to addiction and the crippling depression. really, a good person who does bad things. but ! he is gentle and caring, very attuned to people’s feelings. he can be quite shy and withdrawn, and really relies on others to force him out of his shell. submissive and overly trusting, he is usually taken advantage of or left disappointed. so very destructive and loves to self-sabotage !
talks in his sleep
always hard to reach, never uses his phone 
loves his family more than anything but keeps them at arms length probably out of guilt
keeps a necklace his mother gifted him that he believes keeps him safe
is always cold therefore wears oversized sweaters only
definitely needs glasses but only wears them like 30% of the time
some wanted connections
a good influence, someone who keeps him sober
but also give me a bad influence !
someone that reminds him of his twin sister pls
someone he used to get high with
his dealer ? messy
any flings during or after his addiction give me
friends but they’re not really just friends, you know ?
an almost lover
anyone he met at rehab or aa or any support group
alllll the enemies, good reason or not
friends that don’t know about his past ?
friends that know too much about his past ?
literally anything
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