masqueofgold · 2 years
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🥼 — An interesting question, and one he had not been asked before. From one mask to another, he supposed. His eyes are drawn to hers. “Garner trust. I’m in the business of trading mercy for favors.” Before asking, he guessed her answer would differ from his own. “And you?” 
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🎭— “To remind them that I am beautiful…” Whitney was not in the business of beating around the bush, or maybe not in the mood, it was hard to tell which end of the constantly swinging pendulum was her real personality anymore. “And so if he wants to stop me, he has to look me in the eyes as he does it.”
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masqueofgold · 2 years
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🥼 — Jackal did not know the reason for her mask, but he did know his. The sea of many, in fact, and all the more complex as the first day he wore the helmet. “A face gives away, a mask tells.” He paused. “What does mine tell you?” 
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🎭— Paranoia, dedication to an aesthetic, and a powerful authority over one’s own identity. “Exactly what you want it to…not enough.” Whitney’s gaze roamed the curved edges of the helmet, her busy fingers moving to slide down her own cheek, imagining the feeling of it through the mask “Why leave your eyes unmasked?” Madames Masques own reasons were simple, vanity, but curiosity had gnawed her tongue into asking anyway.
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masqueofgold · 2 years
@scarletjackal aka Jackal
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🎭- Whitney’s fingers drummed against the table, golden shining mask as expressionless as ever as her eyes bore into the man across from her. “It’s not very often I come across someone else who has such a respect for masquerade”
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masqueofgold · 2 years
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( A LACEWORK GOLDEN MASK , OBSESSION TO THE POINT OF DIVINITY, GUN POWDER AND COCO EAU DE PARFUM CHANEL )▸ welcome to latverion, GIULETTA KRISTINA NEFARIA/WHITNEY FROST (MADAME MASQUE). it’s time to be gracious, for in this vast multiverse, you have been saved by emperor doom. according to records you are 36 and use SHE/HER pronouns. emperor doom expects you’ll enjoy your career as SECRETARY/MAGICAL ARTIFICER , or else. excellent. we look forward to your contribution. ( sonoya mizuno )
FULL NAME: Giuletta Kristina Nefaria Whitney Frost
ALIAS: Madame Masque
AGE: 36
AFFILIATIONS: Emperor Doom, Self
FACE CLAIM: Sonoya Mizuno
POINT OF ORIGIN: all comics, nothing to do with the agent carter’s whitney frost, i’m focusing mostly on her more recent appearances in comics while still keeping a lot of her 1970’s run
ABILITIES/SKILLS: Whitney has no super abilities, what she does have is access to high grade weaponry, a mask that blocks psychic energy and infrared tracking, and her skills as an expert marksman and hand to hand combat. she has access to dreadnoughts and used to be able to create bio duplicates of herself but shut the entire program down after one of her duplicates joined the avengers
Whitney is mentally ill but not in a way that excuses her actions, as she’s has all the access in the world to help and change. Most of this manifests as obsession and delusions of grandeur.
Every single one of Whitney’s precious items are either gold or gold plated, including all of her guns.
Whitney wants to be loved more than she wants anything else and if she can’t be loved she’ll be feared.
HOW DOES YOUR CHARACTER FEEL ABOUT EMPEROR DOOM?: This is not the first time Whitney has worked for Doom and it will not be the last, history has taught her that biding her time and playing her hand will always lead her back to the leading side.
HOW DOES YOUR CHARACTER FEEL ABOUT THE BATTLES? ARE THEY TRYING TO AVOID THEM? OR ARE THEY EAGER TO JUMP IN? Whitney thinks they’re great fun, while her participation is largely hindered by her very mortal body, Whitney finds live target practice ti be a very helpful training.
WHY HAS YOUR CHARACTER ACCEPTED THEIR JOB POSITION? WILL THEY USE IT TO GET CLOSER TO DOOM? OR WILL THEY USE IT EXPLOIT HIM? OR DO THEY SIMPLY LIKE THEIR JOB? While Whitney has played secretary before at first the idea displeased her, when she realized how much freedom it gave her, she was instantly mollified. Running the “underground” magic market has also put her back in much better spirits.
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