maskedyoel ยท 6 days
"This a pity hug now?," Yoel grumbled, but even so brought his now free arm down around her waist to turn her to face him. Bringing up his other arm to wrap around her shoulders and pull her close to him. "Make it seem like I need to find excuses to hug you," he said leaning the side of his face against her head. Chuckling he shrugged, "Your sister is a nurse and I think I'm more scared of her than the cop older brother," pausing before another laughed slipped out, "Sorry now I'm imagining a mini version of you taking down Fox. It's adorable."
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"Consider this me taking pity on you," Chandler quickly countered. "You're the one who said you wanted to hug me earlier. Now you got your excuse." She'd let go of his arm, though opted not to move yet. "Of course I could take you down. I have two older siblings, and one of them is a cop. I knew how to stand my ground and take down people bigger or heavier than me since I was like six."
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maskedyoel ยท 6 days
Yoel hadn't bothered with the mask, mostly cause he wasn't looking to make anyone feel weird. It was easier when he was working in solo houses or had Beto to run interference. He winced in sympathy, "Yeah that water was everywhere, more than a few people lost power completely. Least you're not upcharging," he said. Moving the dryer out from the wall so he could sit and still talk with her as he looked it over. "See that was your first mistake, it's like that arthur meme. 'That sign can't stop me cause I can't read.' Could leave you a wrench if you want though, toss it at em if they complain."
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"Oh you're who's fixing it," Beryl flashed Yoel a smile. "I know everything needs fixing up lately, but I was getting pretty sick of people being mad at me that there's one less dyer but too many people who need to dry stuff. At least most of the houses seem to have working washers and dryers." She shook her head. "Just once so far, but I explained that there's a sign on the door when you come in that there's a couple machines that are often on the fritz. I made it myself specifically to say I told you so."
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maskedyoel ยท 6 days
Yoel was keeping an eye on JJ after releasing his hold even if he seemed focused on following along with what Ana Maria was saying. Trusting him not to take off for now let him focus back in, brow furrowing at her latter remark. "How long have you been here?" it was still early for them, barely a few months. Though Chandler had been here over a year and her siblings even longer. "Sometimes it feels like the town kind of gave up with getting out of here," he admitted.
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Ana Maria smiled as JJ hopped forward and then was tugged back by his . . . father? "I suppose the powers that be decided that being in an apocalypse was no excuse to not get a good education." She shrugged. "We do our best. I think it's good to learn things, especially in times like these when we risk losing everything. The more we know, the more we can perhaps find our way out of here."
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maskedyoel ยท 13 days
"I make no promises," Yoel replied an amused smirk on his face, grunting when she pulled him forward. Settling his chin on her shoulder he gave a small shrug, letting his arm still hang over and in her grip. "Might not be able to flip me over you, but still pretty sure you could take me down," he mumbled. It was slowly registering how close he was to her now, "You know there's easier ways to get a hug out of me than this."
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"What the fuck else was I supposed to do here? I did get to catch up with Trixie and Fox though. That was nice."
She hadn't expected him to actually agree. - and the shocked look on her face proved it. "You can't laugh at me when it doesn't work." She hopped off the countertop, trying to visually size up Yoel - but they both knew this wasn't going to end with him on the floor at all. She grabbed his arm, putting it over her shoulder and only putting in minimal effort attempting to tug his body over hers. "Guess I talk a bigger game than I can throw down."
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maskedyoel ยท 14 days
Yoel probably should have been freaked out, even years later, at the idea of someone tossing him around. But this was Chandler, Chandler was safe and honest, he trusted her. "Yeah cause you totally did play any video games during that year," he said shaking his head. Tilting his head he did wonder how serious she was about it before opting to keep the bit going, willing to get flipped or end up on the ground if it got a laugh out of her.
Taking his phone out of his pocket he scrolled before finding the right theme song, clicking play and setting it on the counter, before setting his glasses down next to it. Glancing back at her, he gave her a small smirk, "All yours, Vos. Give me your best shot," he said.
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Nothing was ever easy with - or for - Chandler Vos. She was used to prickly girlfriends barging into her streams, but when Yoel got a girlfriend, it was different. It was the first time she actually felt like someone was going to take something away that mattered. She had never even thought of herself as a threat - but that's how it always went, wasn't it?
She had expected him to follow her - he usually did. Yoel was like a confused puppy, rarely ever on his own, and Chandler briefly wondered if part of that was because of the way his ex made him feel unsafe; but if he stuck with her, or Essie, he'd be okay. "You got a whole year on me." Chandler pointed. "So if anything, I'm in the clear on this one." Swinging her legs a little, she laughed. "Yeah, okay. Queue it up, and I"ll see if I can't throw you over my shoulder. But if you get hurt, you asked me to."
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maskedyoel ยท 14 days
Yoel's...ex?...hell he didn't even know what to call her half the time. Usually better just not to think about her, but he still remembered the fights over being friends with Chandler and Essie. All three were just friends, at least back then. Seeing Chandler again had felt different though, hell it felt different now and he wasn't sure how to feel about it. He had missed her in a way he knew wouldn't have been the same if it had been Essie. Still remembered how she'd cracked a joke the first time she'd seen the scars on the side of his face, how it been the first time he'd laughed since the whole thing had gone down.
Turning towards her, he followed after her, because what else was he going to do. Stand in the middle of the shelves like some weirdo? This time a full laugh slipped out as he shook his head before adjusting his glasses. The vague thought that she was still the main reason he could laugh. "I play too many video games? Look who's talking," he said, moving closer to fully stand in front of her, "See now I almost wish you would do it, see what counts as a very cool Chandler fatality move. Think I have the theme song on my phone if you want the full effect."
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"Movie marathons are different than a gaming tournament. Not everyone likes watching gaming." She pointed out. "But I guess it couldn't hurt to ask."
Chandler wasn't really sure what was in the air between them - she just knew it scared her. She had let Essie and Yoel see her at some of her most vulnerable moments - they were there for her when both her siblings seemingly disappeared, and being without them for a year hurt a lot. She missed them both terribly. However, if there was one thing the baby Vos knew, it was heartache and pain. She never, ever expected anyone to want her around - she often overstayed her welcome, anyway. All the same, she had wished that maybe they'd miss her a little. But now that she was faced with it, she didn't know what to do about it. "You play too many video games - if I was going to throw you into shelves, I'd have to guarantee I could do it in a very cool Mortal Kombat kind of way." She finally answered, breezing past him to sit up on the front counter. "And you're right, you'd be responsible for cleaning that up."
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maskedyoel ยท 14 days
"They had a whole Fast and the Furious marathon cause some guys were bummed one of the actors died. Think the guy who runs it is bored enough to set up whatever for us," Yoel said. As much as he hated talking to other people he'd at least go talk to the guy.
When she turned away he glanced up at the ceiling, wondering if it be too much to ask for the ground to just make a tiny enough whole to pull him under. Rolling his eyes he huffed out a laugh when she called him lame, "Guess I'm a masochist then." He watched her for a second, some days he wondered if she actually knew how much better he'd been from having her around after everything. How much he needed someone who didn't treat him like he was fragile. "You know some people would hug now, but I'm half afraid you're gonna chuck me into the shelf. And I'm not signing up for clean up duty."
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"Yeah, I'm aware of the drive in. It might be an okay idea, but I feel like we'd have to grab someone who knows more about drive ins than I do to set that up. Plus, I don't even know if people here would want to watch."
Chandler was very aware at how awkward Yoel was being with her, but opted to say nothing about it - this time. Already, she could tell that her doom and gloom attitude, no matter how chipper she made it sound, upset him. She hadn't ever been so candid about how she felt, what her role in life seemed to be, least of all to her streamer friends, who she turned to for fun and entertainment. "You are lame, but missing me isn't why you're lame." She quickly busied herself with the shelves again, her skin crawling from the possibility of being known. "I missed you too. Life is way less fun when I'm not hassling you for seemingly no reason every two minutes."
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maskedyoel ยท 14 days
Yoel had taken out his phone starting to write down a few of her suggestions to check on later. "You know they have a drive in with a huge projector, get enough people could actually do a full on tournament," he said. Tucking his phone away his brow furrowed as he met gaze. "Yeah sure ton of people, Essie, her brother and his boyfriend, and JJ. Just full on Mr.Popular over here," he said dryly. He wasn't sure what he was going for when he reached for her, settling for just poking her in the shoulder.
"Like come on dude...you just went poof, I thought something happened to you...which I mean I guess technically that was true," he said. Bringing up a hand to rub the side of his head, "How direct you want me to be with this, I missed you. Hell call me lame or whatever, but I missed your voice even when you're just giving me shit. You're a lot more than just a blip on my radar."
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"I know; it's really too bad we didn't have more gaming setups when we wound up here, but who would have predicted this?" Chandler let out a sigh. "I think I heard one guy here has stuff like that. I think maybe it's mostly movies and tv shows, but who knows, it wouldn't hurt to ask if he has any games or something. Essie's friend also has a switch, so maybe we can bribe him to let us use it for a small tournament or something to keep us entertained." She paused, turning her attention fully back to Yoel. "You do not have a whole year to make up for. I'm sure you had a bunch of other people to keep you occupied. I'm just a blip on the radar; I wasn't even the biggest streamer you played with. The Vos' are not made to be missed."
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maskedyoel ยท 14 days
Yoel had been fiddling with the dryer before glancing up, "Shit that's on me, I didn't see you and went into work mode," he explained before holding up the tool box. "Sorry it took so long to swing around, had us all over town," he said, "No one's gone all full Karen on you for it being busted?"
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status: open starter location: coin laundry
"Sorry - that one's broken." Beryl offered the other an apologetic smile. "I've been fighting with it all day. Someone is supposed to come and look at it later. But the dryer behind you is still working."
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maskedyoel ยท 16 days
๐Ÿงก ORANGE HEART โ€” our muses' friendship (chandler / yoel / essie)
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maskedyoel ยท 16 days
Yoel had a slight pout at being waved off but was quick to bounce back, already use to it. He nodded again giving her a sympathetic look, "Yeah I've been poking around to see what people had or brought in. Essie's brother, the librarian, had a couple of things, but yeah there's goes any chance of playing any sequels." It was a bit of an exaggeration still only really speaking to new people he met through people he already knew. Pausing in thought before shrugging, "Could try the arcade, see if we can take over the leaderboards." It wasn't much but it was something to at least do. Glancing back at her he gave another shrug, "Not my fault I have a hard time saying no to you. Sides I need my regular Chandler time, got a whole year to make up for."
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"A smidge." She waved his attempt at humor away. "I hate to sound like a millennial, but God life fucking sucks without internet. At least I can still play some of my games that I downloaded but Jesus Christ." She moaned. "It's so fucking boring. I need something to do." Chandler quirked an eyebrow. "Probably, yeah. I mean, it's clearly working. Look - here you are. With me. Being a person."
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maskedyoel ยท 19 days
Yoel bent his knees until he more at eye level with her, "Better?" He had a small smirk on his face that softened as he slowly nodded. "Yeah I get what you mean, half the reason I took the construction gig with Essie's brother, gives me something to do when JJ or you guys aren't around." Chuckling he adjusted back to his regular height, "Is that what you do with me? Give me a reason to actually go into town and be a person?"
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"Oh, I'll keep them, but you're a little tall for a hobbit, aren't you?" Chandler moved her attention back to Yoel, another smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "Honestly? It gives me something to do. I prefer to stay busy, and the fact that I can't stream still kind of fucks with me. Well, that, and I have to give Trix and Fox the opportunity to miss me a little before I come barreling into the house."
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maskedyoel ยท 20 days
Yoel sighed leaning against one of the shelves as he looked at her, "Keep your secrets then," he said doing his best imitation of Frodo. Chuckling he shook his head, "You know, you make me grateful I'm an only child. I already have to deal with being bullied by you and Essie, anyone else and I'd spend my life in a locker forever." Glancing around at the empty store before back at her, "Town blows up and you're still working full shifts, retail is hell everywhere."
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"That's one secret I'll never tell," Chandler deadpanned, but there was a touch of a smile on her face. "I've given up on my bingo card long ago. I just rely on the betting pool I have with my sister about our brother. Sometimes I have a betting pool with him about her, but, you know, it all depends on the day."
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maskedyoel ยท 20 days
JJ stood up straighter almost on his tip toes, "Yup, thank you," as he reached for the packet.
Rolling his eyes, Yoel tugged him back by his belt loop, "Very funny, not for you bud," he said. He was grateful she didn't seem upset and even was up for teasing JJ. Glancing back up at her and ignoring the pout JJ gave him. "They actually take finals here? Only really got the rundown for the elementary school, you guys managed to keep things pretty normal around here," he said, more than a bit impressed with the town.
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(continued from here with @maskedyoel)
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"It's okay, no harm done," Ana Maria said with a small smile, straightening the papers in her arms so they were no longer all askew. "Oh, these are study guides for the students at the high school. Since school's been closed and finals are coming up." She held one of the stapled packets out to JJ. "Do you go to the high school? You might find this useful if you do."
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maskedyoel ยท 21 days
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Yoel's streaming again, with a VTuber avatar, but he's back online and he's spending time with not just Essie but Chandler again. The trio collabing like they use to. It's a little nerve wracking having them both backseat him, but he has some level of confidence. He can do a deathless Pokemon nuzlocke, even naming two Pokemon after them for the content of it all.
"If you let me die after all this time I'm banning you from my channel," Essie said.
"Same, and unadding you," Chandler quips.
"You know I invited you guys cause I was proud of this run not so you could shit on me," he grumbles as he checks the math on the chances he is going to fumble this next battle.
"More like proud of being a nerd, you've done more math with this than I did in high school," Chandler deadpans.
Rolling his eyes, he still can't help the grin as the banter between the three keeps going. It really wasn't exactly what he was going for, but it feels good to be able to just be normal with them again.
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maskedyoel ยท 23 days
Yoel had grabbed a random movie to skim the back as she stocked, though he was still listening, more than anything it was to fiddle with something. "See I can't tell if I was just complimented or insulted, for the sake of my self esteem I'm taking them as compliments that you consider me a triple threat," he said setting the movie back on the shelf. Tilting his head in thought he slowly nodded, "Mean it works, she's close with her brother and is a nerd, a hot nerd, but still a huge nerd. Essie getting a crush was not on my bingo card but neither was getting stuck in town, still not sure which one is more unbelievable."
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"Exactly - so just count your blessings that he still wants to run around and be a kid." She turned back to the shelf, though was still fully intending on carrying on the conversation. "Well of course - what else did you think this relationship was about, Yoel? Your charming personality? Rugged good looks?" Chandler turned to flash him a playful smile since her sarcasm tended to hit too aggressively if you didn't see the smirk on her face. "He's just like, this nerdy kid who's super close with his sister. Likes video games. So kinda sounds like someone she'd get along with."
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maskedyoel ยท 23 days
"Do you think Uncle Grayson would agree to come for show and tell? I want everyone to see Harold and they're a package deal," JJ asked as he walked backwards in front of Yoel.
"He might, can always ask," Yoel said shrugging, he had a cloth mask covering the lower half of his face. His agoraphobia had gotten better over the years, but the mask made it easier to deal with. "Bud eyes up front before you-," cutting himself off Yoel barely moved his son in time. Glancing at Ana, "That was on us, still got everything?"
Giving a small nudge to JJ who gave her a sheepish smile, "Sorry, what are all the papers for?"
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where: main street who: open
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With school being shut down for two weeks due to the flooding, Ana Maria needed to get study guides to the students somehow due to finals coming up later in the month. Unfortunately she had to hand deliver them to each house, so she set out from the school to do so with an armful.
Her thoughts were preoccupied as she walked, and she had to swerve hard to the right to avoid a last-second collision.
โ€œOh! Sorry, I didnโ€™t see you,โ€ she said sheepishly.
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