maryannorganics · 3 years
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maryannorganics · 3 years
Overseen neck and decollete
When it comes to skincare, people often forget about the neck! This area on the body is composed of thin, sensitive skin that's prone to aging and wrinkling! So just as you apply cleansers, serums, and moisturizers, make sure to have the best neck cream that suits you. 
Let's take a look at how neck skin becomes saggy and full of wrinkles.
Sun exposure. The neck is often overlooked.. While many people are meticulous about applying SPF to their face, they often forget to do the same to the neck, which may cause premature wrinkles.
Genetics. Genetics play a significant role in how and when your skin will age. However, you can slow down the process by moisturizing, not smoking, and wearing sunscreen.
Repeated motions. Doing one motion over and over will result in wrinkles. Be mindful of how often you're looking down or to the side.
Now, let's talk about how you can reduce and prevent neck lines.
Try neck firming cream with vitamins C and E. According to PubMed Central, vitamins can reverse some of the damage caused by UV rays and other environmental factors by inactivating free radicals.
Apply retinoid creams. You may consider getting retinol cream up to 2% concentration to reduce wrinkles and dark spots. Talk to your doctor before making any significant changes to your skin care routine. 
It's easy to forget to moisturize your neck. Look for a moisturizer that contains hyaluronic acid. This hydrating hyaluronic acid will help make wrinkles less visible and prevent future creases from forming.
Another piece of advice- don't smoke, and regularly wear sunscreen. 
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maryannorganics · 3 years
What makes Hyaluronic Acid good for your skin?
Hyaluronic Acid is used in many faces and skin care products. You must add it to your face skin care if you want to keep your skin healthy and protected from all the toxins. It has several benefits, so people do not keep it when it comes to skincare faces. You will find it in almost every quality skin care product. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/hyaluronic-acid-benefits#healing-wounds
What are the benefits of Hyaluronic Acid?
There are many benefits of hyaluronic acid which is why it is used in facial skin care routine. You should have it in your face skin care because of the several benefits it can provide you with.
1.      Wound healing
If you have a bruise or pimple on your face, Hyaluronic Acid is the best ingredient to use. It will speed up the healing process of the pimple, which is an inflammation of your skin. It will also heal the dark spots present on your face by lowering the melanin present in the area, making it appear dark.
2.      Prevent aging effect
It is one of the most important ingredients used in aging creams and serums. It provides elasticity to your skin which eliminates the wrinkles and loose skin on your face. It can be used on the neck as well as the face. If you are of an elderly age, you should have it in your face skin care routine.
Final Remarks:
Some of the important benefits of hyaluronic Acid are described; however, you can get several significant results after using it for your face. You should add it to your skin care face for astonishing results. https://shopmaryann.com/
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