marudeinu · 3 years
I guess I’ll just erratically pinball between blogs because I don’t know what I want to do with my extra depression time, fml.
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marudeinu · 4 years
Can be used for RP and non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
tagged by: no one, i snagged it from @fearfcrged​ tagging: be gay. do crime  
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1. FIRST NAME: I still need to get it legally changed, but Jae-Seung 2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: I have a natural resistance to certain anesthetics? I always wake up WAY too early and they keep having to add more until they get scared I’m gonna OD. When they tried putting me in a ‘Twilight’ state during extraction of my wisdom teeth, they could only get halfway through the procedure before they had to stop. The oral surgeon I was referred to just knocked me out entirely and it went fine. This understandably makes me really nervous about needing any major surgery in the future... 3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON: Uhh... Usually stuff like their eyes? I also LOVE toned and/or veiny forearms, idek why. Muscular AND veiny? HUBBA HUBBA. But soft is also great, I do love a person that actually like, looks like they enjoy food like I do. 4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF: Soon dubu jiggae... omg. I eat that shit no matter what time of year it is, always boiling lava hot. And Boba Tea. And like, breakfast sandwiches. 5. A FOOD YOU HATE: Jellyfish and sea cucumber, the texture bothers me greatly 6. GUILTY PLEASURE: Buying stuff for my main on FFXIV...  7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: pajama or sweat pants and a tank top 8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS: Serious, but I’m definitely not in any hurry atm. Monchichi is my girlfriend, all I need is my cat to spoil and lavish affection on. 9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE: I think I might have reached out to my birth family sooner, re-learned my native language sooner, just... been more interested in reclaiming my heritage and identity a LOT sooner than now. I mean, there are other things I kinda wish I had done, but I also don’t believe they would have changed the outcome? But maybe how I felt about trying wouldn’t have been so... regrettable.  10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON: I am affectionate in that I’ll verbally support you and genuinely talk about what I love about you and will go out of my way to help and buy/make you thoughtful things. Physical affection seems to be an area I’m still very awkward at and my own discomfort with being touched doesn’t help that I don’t especially think about it mattering so much to other people. 11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN: I’m going to agree with Ray and say The Hunchback of Notre Dame! I also SUPER loved Into the Spider-Verse? And The Last Unicorn, OMG- AMAZING ANIMATED MOVIE. 12. FAVORITE BOOK: The First Law Trilogy by Joe Abercrombie 13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE: Maybe a tiger or snow leopard? Cheetahs are VERY nice, as well. I guess they also wouldn’t be so much like PETS and more “a wild animal who is also my friend” since I would hate to keep them in captivity. So whenever I go out into their territory, they remember me as a human they can trust and want to spend time playing or relaxing with me. 14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS: Booster Gold/Bruce Banner (only the RP portrayals that Turk and I wrote tho), Soriku, Todoiideku, Pullo/Vorenus, Taiga Saejima/Majima Goro 15. PIE OR CAKE: Cake. 16. FAVORITE SCENT: “Wasabi”, it’s a soap I use that smells like mint, lime, eucalyptus, and ginger. Also, Sugar Lychee is an AMAZING scent. Burberry Brit Sheer is nice sweet, but SPICAY. Also Candy by Prada. 17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: Robert Downey Jr., Salma Hayek, Bryce Dallas Howard, Choi Min Soo, Mads Mikkelsen 18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO: ALSO, EVERYWHERE. But my big ones would have to be Italy, China (again), Japan, Thailand, and back home to Korea.  19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT: Introvert 20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: No, I was raised on horror movies and am not easily spooked, so I kind of am ATTRACTED to the possibility of actually being scared. But I also am a wuss when I truly believe there is a hostile supernatural presence around me, like I will be the first one to admit I’d run and pee myself. 21. IPHONE OR ANDROID: Android, I just... don’t like Apple anymore as a company.  22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: So many... 24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: Help my parents finally retire, get all my dental work done, TRAVEL, buy a huge house where all of my friends can come visit me and have a smaller manse for each cat I own (priorities). 25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: DC movie Joker iterations, Griffith from Berserk, Tyler Durden from Fight Club, canon Bkg from BNHA, The Comedian from Watchmen. 26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: ATLA/TLOK, Joss Whedon’s Firefly, Harry Potter, uh... I’m sure there are others but I can’t think of them right now.
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marudeinu · 4 years
That night was a bit cloyingly humid even with the sun well below the horizon, the open air feeling much like a warm embrace against Kalmia’s exposed skin. A bit pallid in complexion, towering in nearly 5-inch tall heels, the pink-haired woman effortlessly jumped and ran across various rooftops to examine the ongoing nightlife below.
Even for a week day, there were groups of salary men and office ladies chugging down alcohol at various bars and restaurants- Their laughter echoing off of the steel and glass surfaces of the buildings surrounding them. Late night shoppers hurried home with bags filled with groceries and apartment dwellers jogged down paved sidewalks with their dogs out for their daily walk.
Unsure as to what mischief there was to partake in, she began to check certain hotspots- Clubs and luxurious bars where foolish and inebriated men gathered, tossing yen around like confetti. The tightness of her black clothing, beautiful appearance, and easy confidence became her ticket beyond the velvet ropes blocking off the entrances to these private parties, giving her access to fine wines, liqueurs, and hors d'oeuvres that only large amounts of money and arrogance could afford.
It didn’t take long before she had several interested parties offering drinks and open seats to their tables or VIP lounges, her predatory gaze sizing up each potential mark for their net value. After some deliberation, she made her choice- A young heir to an established Fortune 500 enterprise. Plying him with drinks (enhanced by a little concoction she’d slipped into his highball glass) and enough flirtatious banter, they’d left the dimly-lit party arm in arm.
Her shoes clicked against the asphalt and she pretended to stumble against some phantom crack in the pavement, allowing herself to be caught and held close against the man’s chest. It only took one inviting bat of her lashes before he’d leaned in for a kiss, but instead found himself shoved against the nearest brick wall with the edge of a long knife against the hollow of his throat. 
Smiling sweetly as she trailed the razor-fine edge of the slender blade down to the dip between his clavicles, it ghosted over his necktie and dress shirt until she used the flat of the weapon to push open one side of his finely tailored jacket. 
Fishing her hand inside for a wallet, she also came across a two-toned gold lighter- Flicking the top open and playing with the flame a little before tucking it away down the front collar of her dress.
“Oh, do stop whining...” Kalmia chided as her prey began rattling off bribes and threats of all kinds. He seemed a bit high profile to just gut right then and there, as tempting as it was.
“If I ever see you again, they’ll find your intestines strung up across the street lamps like Christmas garlands... And this-” she punctuated by angling the knife below the man’s belt buckle. “-will be fed to the nearest dog that crosses my path. Now go on. Run back home, little boy.”
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He nearly tripped over his polished Italian leather brogues in the dead sprint he took to the mouth of the darkened alleyway.
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marudeinu · 4 years
‘  let me just make one thing clear… i have no clue what’s going on, ever, at any moment, at any point in time. who knows what’s going on? not me. not ever.  ’ ‘  i would just like to publicly announce that i have no idea what i am doing  ’ ‘  we came from the same star and we will come together again in the end  ’ ‘  i have a ‘why am i like this’ moment at least five times a day  ’ ‘  did i need it? no. did i buy it? yes.  ’ ‘  the most dangerous game is resting your eyes after you turned off the alarm clock in the morning  ’ ‘  petition for stars in the day time please???  ’ ‘  i love it when i wake up and stretch and something cracks. makes me feel like a glo-stick  ’ ‘  drop whatever you’re doing right now and climb a tree  ’ ‘  the most fucked up part of adult life is how you can just decide to do things  ’ ‘  i’m a person who wants to do lots of things trapped inside a body that wants to SLEEP at all times  ’ ‘  i’m so tired but i’ll probably be awake until 3 am for no reason  ’ ‘  time to kick my own ass. bitch had it coming for too long  ’ ‘  honestly ‘thanks i hate it’ is one of the funniest phrases in the english language  ’ ‘  do you ever wonder how many people have loved you and never told you?  ’ ‘  the internets one true talent is making me sick of things i’ve never seen or read or heard  ’ ‘  i’m permanently emotionally damaged but it’s chill, i’m chill  ’ ‘  all cracker barrels are dimensionally linked. you could walk into a cracker barrel in georgia and walk out of one in arkansas and feel nothing  ’ ‘  ‘you look different with makeup’????? you think i’m buying shit for hundreds of dollars to just keep looking like my ugly self … ok  ’ ‘  why did the fray go off so hard in ‘how to save a life’?  ’ ‘  anyone else bummed they have 2 sleep alone tonight and uh not in some1s arms  ’ ‘  not to be too controversial but i like it when people are nice   ’ ‘  the sun has no business tapping out at the tender hour of 5pm bitch i have depression  ’ ‘  i forgot how fucking weird november is theres no afternoon its just night after 2pm  ’ ‘  what time do you need me? i am unavailable whenever that time is  ’ ‘  look i may have made a few typos and committed a few murders but nobody’s perfect okay  ’ ‘  i guess at this point i should just consider dating myself  ’ ‘  i’m aiming for the “she’s a badass and cute as hell but i wouldn’t touch her without asking” look  ’ ‘  haha if you’re bored you could kiss me idk just sayin  ’ ‘  i see you’re paying attention to someone who is not me. why is that.  ’ ‘  80s music wont solve all my life’s problems but it certainly distracts me from them  ’ ‘  i cant believe what walkie talkies are called  ’ ‘  some people think life is like a rollercoaster but my life is more like one of those rides that spin really fast so you’re pinned to the wall and can’t do anything about it  ’ ‘  hey girl do you want to make a fragile human connection in the vast and unfeeling infinity of a chaotic universe  ’ ‘  all these fuckboys but who is the fuckfather  ’ ‘  i love drunk me but i don’t trust her  ’ ‘  do you have those people that you’d go anywhere with unconditionally, like they could say “lets go check out that dumpster” and you’d be like “im in”  ’ ‘  nah sorry i cant go out tonight, i have plans to spiral into uncontrollable anxiety starting in the early evening and ending at roughly 3 am  ’ ‘  me: queen of having had enough  ’ ‘  she needs a hug (i’m she)  ’ ‘  is it acceptable to start an essay with “listen here you little shit”?  ’ ‘  90% of my day is me being nervous  ’ ‘  cons: i’m an asshole. pros: i’m your asshole.  ’ ‘  give me 10 reasons why i shouldn’t just turn into a slug right now  ’ ‘  are we gonna fuckn hold hands tonight or what bitch  ’ ‘  dear soulmate, where the fuck are you  ’ ‘  i’m so easily revitalized by small, loving gestures  ’ ‘  i dont know what im feeling but there is a lot of it  ’ ‘  let’s be friends with benefits. the benefits? you get to be friends with me  ’ ‘  you ever just sit back and think like… yo… i really don’t care  ’ ‘  im surprised no one has ever punched me in the face  ’ ‘  what if mike was short for micycle  ’ ‘  hey fellow regular kids what’s up  ’ ‘  if u ever called me pretty i love you. ur pretty too  ’ ‘  do you ever just ‘there’s probably something medically wrong with me but i’m just gonna ignore it and hope i don’t die’?  ’ ‘  why did we stop building castles? i feel like humanity might live to regret that  ’ ‘  i’ll never be as lazy as whoever named the fireplace  ’ ‘  i am so glad you exist, even if you exist so far away from me  ’ ‘  i can hold a wet bar of soap better than a conversation  ’ ‘  she is beauty, she is grace, she got her feelings hurt 42 times today  ’ ‘  13 years of school and im still not sure if its ‘grey’ or ‘gray’  ’ ‘  hope u like bad girls because i’m bad at everything  ’ ‘  got a problem with me? kiss me on the lips dude  ’ ‘  too many songs about love. not enough songs about sword fights  ’ ‘  don’t talk to me or my 78 insecurities ever again  ’ ‘  i just did a tarot reading… it said ur a bitch  ’ ‘  a good substitute for love and fulfillment? a crunchwrap supreme from taco bell  ’ ‘  i fucked up? idk what you’re referring to but probably  ’ ‘  *in a high-pitched mocking voice* “are you okay?” what the fuck.  ’ ‘  how do u just….. not believe in aliens  ’ ‘  a coffee pot can be a coffee mug if you just don’t fucking care  ’ ‘  “you’re up early!” jokes on you i didn’t sleep at all and am in between energized and dying  ’ ‘  dont wanna sound like a slut but i really need a hug right now  ’ ‘  casual fan? no sorry i only know how to invest my whole livelihood into something and spend every waking moment thinking about said thing  ’ ‘  i have a dozen hearts swirling around my head irl like that isnt a filter its permanent  ’ ‘  i worry about you even when you say you’re fine  ’ ‘  i will never hurt you. i will always stick by your side. i will always try to make you smile  ’ ‘  true love: having to hold back your adorable, violent girlfriend to keep her from straight up murdering a dude  ’ ‘  cute date idea: be nice to me  ’ ‘  im so jealous of people who know what they want to do with their future i dont even know what t.v show to watch next  ’ ‘  me? clingy? yes please don’t leave me  ’ ‘  hey….,.,.. no offense but,,. i want someone to love and cherish me  ’ ‘  i need someone to lay in bed with me for hours  ’ ‘  dark hannah montana….. show me the worst of both worlds  ’ ‘  someone has to say it: come on eileen is a fucking banger like that shit snaps,, a bop for the century  ’ ‘  roses are red, i’m going to bed  ’ ‘  bless netflix for creating the skip intro button honestly  ’ ‘  they call me… 7 Knives. because that’s how many knives it takes me to cook things because i keep puttin em in the fuckin sink without thinking about it  ’ ‘  i wanna burry my face in someone’s chest right now til i fall asleep and wake up 4 hours later just to find i’m still in their arms  ’ ‘  the internet has ruined me honestly i’m numb to everything. it could be the end of the world and i’d be like “tag urself i’m the acid rain”  ’ ‘  lately i have been…….dying to be in love…,..and that’s the mood sadly  ’ ‘  not to be ns fw but i’d cry if someone kissed me on the cheek  ’ ‘  sexting? nah. i’m into spexting. spooky texting. ever seen a ghost? hmu.  ’ ‘  not to sound cocky as shit but i’m a fucking good person with a big heart and i deserve a lot more than the shitty hand life has dealt me this far  ’ ‘  i say i love you a lot because i do  ’ ‘  i’m sorry. i can’t come to the phone right now? why? oh. cause i hate talking on the phone please text me instead.  ’ ‘  low on self esteem, so u run on mac & cheese  ’ ‘  who’s gonna come lay with me in bed and let me wrap my legs and arms around u like a small bear  ’ ‘  youre a coward if youre not on the way to my house right now to give me a kiss  ’ ‘  my personality is like 90% the song i’m currently listening to  ’ ‘  the first step to any murder is to have fun and be yourself  ’ ‘  no offense @ life but can i have a breath.. a break… some slack…  ’ ‘  the best kind of alcohol is a lot  ’ ‘  911 i hate to be “that guy” but i glued myself to the ceiling again  ’ ‘  having “feelings” is ruining my reputation of being a heartless bitch  ’
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marudeinu · 4 years
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A little bruised, but not broken. I was stupid for awhile, but content to play the fool. Always out of reach and in the end, I couldn’t see- Was I ever loved by you...?
Make your muse’s heart
tagged by:  Nobody, ah TOOK IT like a thief in the night tagging:  anyone who wants to do it.
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marudeinu · 4 years
The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed. “It is indeed a precious gift to understand the forces that guides oneself…“
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The Hierophant is a symbol of education, authority, conservatism, obedience to rules and relationship with the divine. You are a person who interprets sacred mysteries or esoteric principles.
You are matured enough, quite wise and logical. However, you are somehow associated and obsessed with the past.
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marudeinu · 4 years
noo dont pretend to fall in love with me so you can escape from prison your so sexy aha
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marudeinu · 4 years
“Hey, did you hear? About Prisoner no. 09-”
“She killed the leader of Alacran and his entire squad by herself.”
“Come on, there’s no way that happened...”
As if on cue, the pink-haired woman cast a sharp look over her right shoulder- Striped jacket billowing behind her like a cape, each long stride across the general population area garnering whispers and lingering glances in her wake. Her narrow feet still clad in expensive stiletto heels, Kalmia hardly looked the part of a prisoner. Her demeanor was more like that of some prideful rebel queen who’d selflessly allowed her own capture in exchange for political favor.
Tate’s grip weighed heavily on Clay’s arm, the trio of guards having stopped dead in their tracks due to that piercing gaze. She’d nearly knocked Aaron over when he suddenly stopped walking- Clumsily bumping into his elbow before she, too, paused to stare at the femme fatale.
Their collective awe seemed to please Kalmia, though her mismatched eyes fell heavily onto Clay’s (more than likely) silently concerned expression for a noticeable moment. She pivoted on those tall heels and turned her back to them dismissively, releasing her spell upon them.
Tate exhaled a breath he had been holding, leaning his forehead against Clay’s shoulder as if he’d just survived been stared down by a pacing tiger. 
“She was totally staring at you, Clay- Are you not telling us something?”
“No! Why would I hide that?” she responded, perhaps overly defensive in the process. “She... just tried messing with me earlier, that’s all.”
Liar. Coward. Weak. Lustful. 
She counted each word, each descriptor of her flawed character, swinging the end of the heavy leather whip down harder against her bloodied shoulderblades and back.
The jacket and shirt of her uniform were neatly laid out on the duvet of her spartan bed as she continued to beg the Holy Mother for her divine forgiveness, eventually putting the sjambok down on the surface of the altar to pray. 
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marudeinu · 4 years
Test Post
Test Test Test
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